Perhaps The Country Isn't Worth Saving

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

What do you really know about this country? Have you ever even lived in it?

Why don't you worry about your own dictator Putin and quit worrying about this country, and trying to manipulate an election that will benefit your country with another 4 years of Trump?

What a brilliant post!!

Good news! You’ve won an all-expense-paid vacation to Lubyanka!!!

Start packin’!!!
The *concept* is worth saving whether the County ceases to exist or not. If not "saved" it will be lost to bias Historians that would likely boil it doen to a D and/or R system that failed- and, in reality it has since all of our famous quotes and sayings have been relegated to bumper sticker status- Liberty and Justice FOR ALL is not practiced and respecting others, "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights", has been relegated to "whachu talkin bout willis?" By BOTH D and R Empty Suits in the District(s) of Criminals with home offices inside the Beltway-

1. Time to put your Dinero where you put your dinner.
As you are one of those moral equivalency types, here's a test you will fail:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....and reparations.

Let's see you produce a similar indictment against the other side.

2. And while you're failing already.....what are the possible steps to retrieve the schools, the media, the entertainment industry and the legal profession from the hands of the communist-Progressive-Liberal-Democrats?????

Perhaps you'd best simply sit back and have a nap.
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

What an imbecile.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

Trump is going to be re elected and things will continue as they are now in the new normal of social distancing. Once a vaccine happens people will be able to return to the old way before this virus. Until then this is where things are at. A little division is good.
I coulda been a vice-presidential pick if I were a leeeeetle darker!

Only if you were a lot less crazy.

Let's use the proper tense.

They HAVE conquered.

I don't see a possible way back.

And whose fault is that? The problem is, the only thing your side really offers is fear. Their side offers hope. People are basically hopeful.
In order to make certain that the black vote goes to the Democrat Party, the party stokes up anger and resentment, reviewing historic grievances......which they were responsible for......and a hatred of the white race.

Essentially encouraging this.....

And the toothpaste ain't going back in the tube.

To be honest, these creatures dont vote. But our greatest threat is white liberals and feral blacks. They will always be among us.
What an imbecile.

Naw, what was idiotic was that for years, people asked VERY NICELY to please do something about these thug cops who shoot black people in the street with little or no provocation, and you all claimed there wasn't a problem.

Colin Kapernaeck took a knee, and you guys ruined his career.

Then finally after the 100th outrage, people who were already at high levels of anxiety due to TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION blew up.
Trump is going to be re elected and things will continue as they are now in the new normal of social distancing. Once a vaccine happens people will be able to return to the old way before this virus. Until then this is where things are at. A little division is good.

If things continue as they are now, there's no fucking way Trump is getting re-elected. (Of course, he wasn't "elected" to start with, the people said no.)
Trump is going to be re elected and things will continue as they are now in the new normal of social distancing. Once a vaccine happens people will be able to return to the old way before this virus. Until then this is where things are at. A little division is good.

Gee....I thought Karnac was dead!

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Jumbo complaining about a lack of civility? It's like Ronald McDonald complaining about cholesterol.
Alot of my friends are white liberals. They pose zero threat to anyone or anything.

Many of the rioters in Portland and elsewhere are white liberals. So are the white liberals who are running those big cities and states where the riots are on-going and doing nothing about it. People are being killed or almost beaten to death and businesses and property is being destroyed, so I think white liberals are indeed a threat.
Alot of my friends are white liberals. They pose zero threat to anyone or anything.

I hate to keep point out that you aren't particularly smart, but it's become a cottage industry.

Jot this down: no matter how harmless you imagine your friends, by them voting Democrat they are empowering the the most deadly, vicious, America-hating thugs.

This is what they support:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
...and reparations.

There is no line-item veto in your ballot.

Jot this down: politics is an either-or.

Wise up.
I coulda been a vice-presidential pick if I were a leeeeetle darker!

Only if you were a lot less crazy.

Let's use the proper tense.

They HAVE conquered.

I don't see a possible way back.

And whose fault is that? The problem is, the only thing your side really offers is fear. Their side offers hope. People are basically hopeful.
Funny, it seems you are the ones creating fear. You have no respect for the aged and the children.
Let's see you produce a similar indictment against the other side.
A lesser evil is still evil- and, moving the goal posts doesn't change anything.
True, but that doesn't change the belief that one candidate could be better for the country than the other one. Both may be poor choices, but IMHO we still should vote for the one who will do the least harm to the country. It is IMHO an abdication of responsibility to do otherwise.
Let's see you produce a similar indictment against the other side.
A lesser evil is still evil- and, moving the goal posts doesn't change anything.

Gee......the challenge was so simple one would imagine that even you could understand it.

Either produce an equivalent, or wear the dunce cap....

1. Time to put your Dinero where you put your dinner.
As you are one of those moral equivalency types, here's a test you will fail:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....and reparations.

Let's see you produce a similar indictment against the other side.

You can't, can you.

I've got it ready for you....


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