Perhaps The Country Isn't Worth Saving

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions?
Free deprogramming/critical thinking night classes at high schools.
Which is EXACTLY the ticket to what pc needs more than any poster at this comedy gold.sometimes I kill myself.hee hee.
The *concept* is worth saving whether the County ceases to exist or not. If not "saved" it will be lost to bias Historians that would likely boil it doen to a D and/or R system that failed- and, in reality it has since all of our famous quotes and sayings have been relegated to bumper sticker status- Liberty and Justice FOR ALL is not practiced and respecting others, "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights", has been relegated to "whachu talkin bout willis?" By BOTH D and R Empty Suits in the District(s) of Criminals with home offices inside the Beltway-
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions?
Free deprogramming/critical thinking night classes at high schools.
Which is EXACTLY the ticket to what pc needs more than any poster at this comedy gold.sometimes I kill myself.hee hee.
I'm going to disagree with that without hitting the disagree button.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions?
Free deprogramming/critical thinking night classes at high schools.
Which is EXACTLY the ticket to what pc needs more than any poster at this comedy gold.sometimes I kill myself.hee hee.
I'm going to disagree with that without hitting the disagree button.
Why,I’ve proven in spades in my posts herewith irrefutable facts that are impossible to refute that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that bush,Clinton and Obama all had the same policys and most importantly another irrefutable fact that EVERYBODY at usmb knows that the op is biased on the republicans and is not objective in the least on THEIR corruption which is why EVERYBODY at this site laughs at her all the

Seriously? You GOT to be joking? That’s living in the same fairytale land she lives in to disagree on that also cannot be refuted.
Last edited:
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.
Yes. But, only temporarily, until the garbage is in nations that better fit their ideology.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Jumbo complaining about a lack of civility? It's like Ronald McDonald complaining about cholesterol.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

@ PC, it's all about Divide & Conquer(elitists). EVERYTHING that is called news(elitists) is designed to enrage folks. Enraged folks temporarily lose self control & common sense. It's part of the PC/P)ower & C)ontrol movement. We need to take out the oligarchy before they end up owning us right down to & including our souls. Divide & Conquer has nullified the American constiuency leaving the constituency easy prey for the vulturous oligarchy.
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.

OK...OK....the act is wearing thin, Jack.
You folks are showing what you really are, and it's obvious.

Too bad.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.
Of course you do.
You're a partisan hack whose only concern is perpetuating the well-being of rich white patriarchs.


The Man Who Broke Politics

"But few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise.

"During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction.

"Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence."

I'm not white, you moron.

And you're certainly not male.

I coulda been a vice-presidential pick if I were a leeeeetle darker!
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

You're correct to blame the Left, it's interesting just how many sheep we have in our country, much less the world...

Divide and Conquer has worked from the beginning, our current MSM and the Left have used it to the fullest meaning and our sheep continue to follow...

We need to fight to save our country though, the sleeping giant is going to awaken, it is the vast majority of this country, we even have family that voted Democrat all of their lives that are going to vote for Trump, hell they are even admitting it, never thought I would see it...

I sure wish I had your optimism.

They've worked for sixty years, three generations, and now they own the schools, the media, the legal profession.....

It is difficult for me to see any path back to reality.

Just for comparison, what are the chances that Americans et al will accept that there is a difficult-to-define force for good, God, and a powerful insidious opposite force that has taken control of the minds of many unsuspecting individuals?

See what I mean?

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation whose time has come.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
The Democrats do not own the schools and I am not surprised that you pass on your propaganda to demoralize Americans considering you are not an American.
All the textbook publishers are communists.

Not the only ones.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
  2. “[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 53
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

What do you really know about this country? Have you ever even lived in it?

Why don't you worry about your own dictator Putin and quit worrying about this country, and trying to manipulate an election that will benefit your country with another 4 years of Trump?
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

What do you really know about this country? Have you ever even lived in it?

Why don't you worry about your own dictator Putin and quit worrying about this country, and trying to manipulate an election that will benefit your country with another 4 years of Trump?
This moment in our history has exposed these people for what they are. They're not about "conservatism" or "conservative values" or "religion" or "limited government".

What they've wanted all along was a bold, aggressive, white nationalist strongman. Like Putin.

They have him now. Now we know what they are.
Which is the more likely of these two events

a. A respect for the America that the Founders envisioned, and for the Founders.

b. Civil War.
Civil civil is that ?
If Biden wins and the democrats try to force the fed to bail out blue states, those blue states might not get what they hope for.

Peripheral to your point, but may I vent on this point.....the 'color of states' thing is like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
We are blue, they are red.

Red is traditionally associated with socialism and communism. The oldest symbol of socialism (and, by extension, communism) is the Red Flag,
which dates back to the revolutions of 1848. The colour red was chosen to represent the blood of the workers who died in the struggle against capitalism. All major socialist and communist alliances and organisations – including the First, Second, and Third Internationals – used red as their official colour. The association between the colour red and communism is particularly strong. Communists use red much more often and more extensively than other ideologies use their respective traditional colours.

In the United States, since the year 2000, the mass media have associated red with the Republican Party, despite the fact that the Republican Party is a conservative-leaning party. Since at least 2010, the party has adopted an all red logo.
Political colour - Wikipedia

"The choice of colors in this divide is counter-intuitive to many international observers, as throughout the world, red is commonly the designated color for parties representing labor, socialist, and/or liberal interests [5] [6], which in the United States would be more closely correlated with the Democratic Party. Similarly, blue is used in these countries to depict conservative parties which in the case of the United States would be a color more suitable for the Republicans. For example, in Canada party colors are deeply ingrained and historic and have been unchanged during the Twentieth Century. Red states and blue states - Wikipedia

The Democrats should be Gray….reminiscent of the outfits they wore when they were the Confederacy, and we’re Blue….the color we wore when we pried their slaves away from them.

Justice will not be on the upswing until the true color scheme is put back in placae.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Jumbo complaining about a lack of civility? It's like Ronald McDonald complaining about cholesterol.

And this dunce is a perfect poster-child for what has happened to our once great nation.

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:


A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.


'He should’ve ducked': NJ officer suspended for comments about 5-yr-old shot dead, Cannon Hinnant
A New Jersey juvenile detention officer was suspended after posting a "hateful" comment about 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant who was killed in North Carolina.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

@ PC, it's all about Divide & Conquer(elitists). EVERYTHING that is called news(elitists) is designed to enrage folks. Enraged folks temporarily lose self control & common sense. It's part of the PC/P)ower & C)ontrol movement. We need to take out the oligarchy before they end up owning us right down to & including our souls. Divide & Conquer has nullified the American constiuency leaving the constituency easy prey for the vulturous oligarchy.

Let's use the proper tense.

They HAVE conquered.

I don't see a possible way back.
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.

OK...OK....the act is wearing thin, Jack.
You folks are showing what you really are, and it's obvious.

Too bad.

You're boring everyone, Jack.

Get a new act.
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.

OK...OK....the act is wearing thin, Jack.
You folks are showing what you really are, and it's obvious.

Too bad.

You're boring everyone, Jack.

Get a new act.
I do love irony.

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