Perhaps The Country Isn't Worth Saving

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions?
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.
Of course you do.
You're a partisan hack whose only concern is perpetuating the well-being of rich white patriarchs.


The Man Who Broke Politics

"But few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise.

"During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction.

"Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence."
It's true that this country has way too many assholes and idiots. But we also got a bunch of kids that deserve a better country than what it is now, and IMHO that's worth fighting for - their future. Don't let the assholes and idiots win, we can argue all day about who is who, but don't stand back and say that it ain't my problem. Ciz it is whether you like it or not.

"Communism Now A Fashion Accessory: Teen Vogue Says Abolish Private Property

Envy used to be one of the deadly sins. But it is no longer a sin, it’s a virtue. And it’s no longer called envy. It’s now called “social justice”.

Last month’s edition of Teen Vogue featured an article entitled: “Abolish Landlords. Housing is a Human Right” by which the editorial team really mean, “Give Us Your Place to Live Rent Free”.

Communist, er, columnist Kandist Mallet wrote: “While we’re working to abolish the police, we must also work to dismantle what the police were put here to protect: property. What is more evident of the legacy of settler colonialism and its violence than the idea of the ownership of land?”

She writes: “We need a housing movement based on a rejection of the construct that any one person should own this earth’s land.”

Her use of the phrase “housing movement” is revealing. She is arguing for a world in which your house moves to her. “Give me your stuff” was always the goal of Marxism.

I’m not sure when Teen Vogue – which is supposed to be a fashion magazine for young people with a cervix – became the Romper Room edition of Pravda, but Kandist Mallet is a typical collectivist, by which I mean, lazy, envious and entitled."

Communism Now A Fashion Accessory: Teen Vogue Says Abolish Private Property · Caldron Pool
Envy used to be one of the deadly sins. But it is no longer a sin, it’s a virtue. And it’s no longer called envy. It’s now called “social justice”.

Still think there's hope????
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.
Of course you do.
You're a partisan hack whose only concern is perpetuating the well-being of rich white patriarchs.


The Man Who Broke Politics

"But few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise.

"During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction.

"Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence."

I'm not white, you moron.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

The country is worth saving. We just need to jettison the garbage, and not collect it anymore.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

The country is worth saving. We just need to jettison the garbage, and not collect it anymore.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions....any that don't include firearms?
It's true that this country has way too many assholes and idiots. But we also got a bunch of kids that deserve a better country than what it is now, and IMHO that's worth fighting for - their future. Don't let the assholes and idiots win, we can argue all day about who is who, but don't stand back and say that it ain't my problem. Ciz it is whether you like it or not.

"Communism Now A Fashion Accessory: Teen Vogue Says Abolish Private Property

Envy used to be one of the deadly sins. But it is no longer a sin, it’s a virtue. And it’s no longer called envy. It’s now called “social justice”.

Last month’s edition of Teen Vogue featured an article entitled: “Abolish Landlords. Housing is a Human Right” by which the editorial team really mean, “Give Us Your Place to Live Rent Free”.

Communist, er, columnist Kandist Mallet wrote: “While we’re working to abolish the police, we must also work to dismantle what the police were put here to protect: property. What is more evident of the legacy of settler colonialism and its violence than the idea of the ownership of land?”

She writes: “We need a housing movement based on a rejection of the construct that any one person should own this earth’s land.”

Her use of the phrase “housing movement” is revealing. She is arguing for a world in which your house moves to her. “Give me your stuff” was always the goal of Marxism.

I’m not sure when Teen Vogue – which is supposed to be a fashion magazine for young people with a cervix – became the Romper Room edition of Pravda, but Kandist Mallet is a typical collectivist, by which I mean, lazy, envious and entitled."

Communism Now A Fashion Accessory: Teen Vogue Says Abolish Private Property · Caldron Pool
Envy used to be one of the deadly sins. But it is no longer a sin, it’s a virtue. And it’s no longer called envy. It’s now called “social justice”.

Still think there's hope????
Sure, go ahead and piss all over my corn flakes. :mad: I kinda think all these young people under 30 are all for this communism stuff, right up until they discover that the gov't is going to take THEIR stuff and give it to somebody else. THEN we'll see what they think of communism then.

As far as hope goes, WTF why not? To be honest, I think in the near term we're headed for a major shitstorm, and it's gonna take awhile to return to some semblance of normality. Years, maybe decades but not months. Maybe we need to be showing future generations how to fuck it all up so they won't make the same mistakes.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
I want to know how someone could request civil rights with no civil intentions?
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions?
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
When the left loses the control of the wheel...they will try and take out the train.....and suspension.....and the brakes....
Do not give them the keys.....
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

The country is worth saving. We just need to jettison the garbage, and not collect it anymore.

Government school is pumping 'em out like a deluge.

What are your suggestions....any that don't include firearms?

"When reason fails, force remains."

They cannot be negotiated with, and they will never stop.
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.
Here we go again, with the civil war talk. Apocalyptic paranoia: Trumpism, 2020
If you think real Americans are going to let your type march us into socialism without a fight you're insane. If Biden were to win,however unlikely that may be,and tries to govern AOC style,expect bloodshed...and lots of it.
Right on cue!
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.
Of course you do.
You're a partisan hack whose only concern is perpetuating the well-being of rich white patriarchs.


The Man Who Broke Politics

"But few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise.

"During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction.

"Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence."

Holy Shit!!!
I never knew I was a rich white patriarch!!!
Thats cool as hell!!
Republicans subscribe to Public Education- just sayin-

You're not disputing that government school is owned and operated by the Left, are you????

1. "Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal A third-grade teacher at a public school in New Jersey is under fire after she encouraged her students to write letters to notorious convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, who recently fell ill in prison.

Marylin Zuniga teaches language arts and social studies at Forest Street School in Orange, N.J."

Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

2. - School's Nation of Islam Handout Paints Founding Fathers as Racists

"School's Nation of Islam Handout Paints Founding Fathers as Racists
The teacher also told Sommer that her son was not supposed to take the Nation of Islam handout home. It was supposed to stay in the classroom. That bit of news caused her great alarm.
“The fact that students were cautioned against allowing their parents to see anything is deeply troubling,” West told me. “The only reasonable explanation is they don’t want parents to know what it is their children are learning.”

3. Under pressure from transgender activists, progressive politicians, teacher unions, and the education establishment, and despite parents’ opposition, America’s public schools are capitulating to ideologues and implementing the radical transgender agenda with full force.
...regardless of biological sex, .... Activists want every child, from kindergarten on, to learn that “sex” is something “assigned at birth” rather than a biological reality. They want children to think that individuals get to choose their own “gender identity” (not limited to male or female), and that everyone else must affirm that “gender identity” as true.

...nothing that parents (or teachers) can do to prevent the schools from imposing policies designed to indoctrinate children with gender ideology.

In public education, the “deep state” describes a coalition of various groups – including teachers’ unions, progressive advocacy groups, major corporations, and philanthropists --that work together to promote the progressive worldview..."
America’s Public Education System: The Ultimate Deep State

4. The National Education Association approved a new "business item" expressing support for abortion access during its annual conference in Houston.

"[T]he NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person's right to control their own body, especially for women, youth, and sexually marginalized people," the resolution states. "The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade."

The NEA is the largest teachers' union in the U.S. with more than 3 million members. It collected nearly $400 million from American educators in 2018, according to federal labor filings. The union is also one of the most politically active in the country, spending $70 million on politics and lobbying in 2017 and 2018. Nearly all of the union's political action committee spending went to Democrats during the midterm cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

NEA's 2019 adopted New Business Items (NBIs) reveal what savvy teachers have known for decades: state and national teachers' unions are essentially the political action committee of the Far-Left,"
Largest U.S. Teachers' Union Endorses Abortion

5. the 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff
; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

6. NYC schools allow kids to go on #ClimateStrike
“TEN YEARS. We have ten years to save the planet,” Mayor Bill de Blasio cautioned in a tweet. “Today’s leaders are making decisions for our environment that our kids will have to live with. New York City stands with our young people. They’re our conscience. We support the 9/20 #ClimateStrike.”

Legions of adolescent activists across the globe are expected to demand immediate action to combat climate change in advance of a major UN conference on the issue next week.

As long as mom and dad sanction their principled truancy, absent kids won’t have attendance records dinged, the DOE said.

The September 20th event will feature Sweden’s “Climate Crisis” sweetheart, 16-year old Greta Thunberg.

Teen activist and Swedish sensation Greta Thunberg, who recently docked her zero-emissions sailboat in New York, will speak at the event which will snake its way through lower Manhattan to Battery Park.

Kids with parental permission to attend will be granted excused absences from school, Education Department officials tweeted Thursday.

The infamous “Green New Deal” will be promoted as well.

The New York City climate strike is backed by more than 100 environmental and political activist groups and other institutions, including New York Communities for Change, The New School and the Sierra Club.

The protesters’ demands include a “Green New Deal” that would end fossil fuel extraction and move the nation onto entirely renewable energy sources by 2030. Green New Deal policies have been backed by the likes of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Personally, if I were one of the kids, I might argue about going to school at all. After all, if the Earth only has 10 more years before we are going to die, wouldn’t it be better to spend the time having fun or spending quality time with family?

On the other hand, if the New York City school officials were really invested in solving the climate crisis, wouldn’t they emphasize science and math? Perhaps keeping the kids in school and having them conduct experiments or perform calculations would inspire an interest in real climate science.

One theory that seems to prove true and is certainly consistent with what is happening with the New York City schools: When global problems are emphasized by locals, serious local matters are being ignored.

Case in point: New York state test results for third- through eighth-grade public school students are out, and the results are underwhelming.

Statewide, more than half the kids flunked yet again: Just 45.4% were deemed proficient in reading and 46.7% in math. In the city, 47.4% passed the reading test, while 45.6% got by in math.

Think the problem’s skimpy funding? Sorry: In 2017, the Empire Center’s E.J. McMahon reported in May, New York shelled out 89% more per kid than the national average. And that gap has been growing fast: In 1997, per-pupil outlays here were just 45% above average.

…In the city Thursday, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza tried to spin the results positively. The pass rate in English, they noted, is up 0.7 percentage points — and three whole points in math.

“Growth counts for something,” Carranza insisted.

Huh? That paltry uptick is what they’re proud of? Even though more than half the kids bombed? Please.

Notably, kids in the one category of public schools de Blasio and Carranza (and their union pals) don’t run — i.e., the charters — beat their counterparts in the regular schools by more than 10 percentage points in both English and math.

At least the kids won’t be flying private jets to attend the event. That makes them substantially less hypocritical than the celebrities who will be indoctrinating them during the Manhattan event.

NYC schools allow kids to go on #ClimateStrike

7. “Fifth-grade teacher defends wearing 'Columbus was a murderer' shirt to school” earing-columbus-was-a/
8. “Seattle Public Schools Say Math Is Racist

The Seattle Public Schools Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee (ESAC) released a rough draft of notes for its Math Ethnic Studies framework in late September, which attempts to connects math to a history of oppression.” Seattle Public Schools Say Math Is Racist

9. “The sex and gender revolutionaries have officially taken over the Austin Independent School District without firing a single shot. In spite of overwhelming opposition from parents and pastors, the district’s trustees voted early Tuesday morning to implement a pornographic sex education policy that includes instruction on anal sex and how to place a condom on an erect penis.

The father of a fifth grader demanded to know who gave the school district the right to teach his child how to have anal and oral sex.” Texas School District Implements Pornographic Sex Education Policy

10.” It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, …. seemed more like a convention of far-left radicals than the image of clean-cut teachers the CTU would like to project. Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest


In the vid, teacher’s union with the Socialist iron fist banner…

11. “Racial Literacy Curriculum,” elementary schools in Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, California, Rhode Island, Missouri, and Illinois have all adopted the mind-blowing, politically-charged brainwash that they tout as education. Topics for Kindergarten to Grade 8 include: implicit bias, white privilege, intersectionality, LGBTQ issues, racism as a “primary institution of the US,” and other such leftist agenda talking points.” EXCLUSIVE: New Leftist ‘Racial Literacy Curriculum’ Brainwashing Elementary School Children

12. The Pollyana Curriculum…nationwide

“Beginning in Grade 3, the Pollyanna "Racial Literacy Curriculum" asks students to become activists in order to achieve leftist goals. The 3rd Grade chapter is entitled "Stories of Activism – How One Voice Can Change a Community." The expected result is for students to understand "how we can be agents of communal, social, political, and environmental change."

…Pollyanna takes leftist activism to new heights, fabricating an image of a racist America that children are taught to rebel against.

By Grade 8,after nine years of acute indoctrination, the children are ready to fight on behalf of leftists in America. "tudents will set commitments for rectifying current social ills, such as learning and planning how to carry out anti-racist activism and/or social advocacy in their communities and/or to improve their everyday lives." The 8th Grade chapter is entitled "Racism as a Primary 'Institution' of the U.S. – How We May Combat Systemic Inequality." EXCLUSIVE: Leftist Activism Is A Requirement Of New Elementary School Curriculum

13. “Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game” Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game | The College Fix

14. "School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds” School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds

15. “Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom” Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom | Todd Starnes

16. “He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher Leftists believe Columbus is evil for discovering the New World in 1492. It makes you wonder what the angry felon was teaching the kids at school.” He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher

17. A Black Lives Matter-supporting teacher took to Twitter to assert that 2+2 only = 4 because of “western imperialism.”
Yes, really.
Brittany Marshall’s tweet went viral after she claimed during the course of a discussion about racism, “Nope the idea of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.”
Marshall, who includes her pronouns in her bio, lists her occupation as “teacher, scholar, social justice change agent” and apparently is studying for a PhD at Rutgers."

BLM Teacher Says 2+2 Only = 4 Because of “Western Imperialism”

Sorry, what?
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.

OK...OK....the act is wearing thin, Jack.

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