Perhaps The Country Isn't Worth Saving

I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.

Let's be very clear: you see nothing wrong with this-

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:


A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.


'He should’ve ducked': NJ officer suspended for comments about 5-yr-old shot dead, Cannon Hinnant
A New Jersey juvenile detention officer was suspended after posting a "hateful" comment about 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant who was killed in North Carolina.
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.
And they're like this, WITH their hero strongman in office. Incredible.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

The country is absolutely savable, but not that asshole.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
As a neutral legal immigrant who became American and love this country I have to say that most of the hate culture started by the conservatives. The democrats are just pushing back that's why they get most of the minorities votes .
I came here to study and make a good living never was interested in politics, I had to get involved after the rise of the hate and racism with trump. You can deflect as much as you want, conservatives chose the path of racism and bigotry. They have no one but themselves to blame.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
As a neutral legal immigrant who became American and love this country I have to say that most of the hate culture started by the conservatives. The democrats are just pushing back that's why they get most of the minorities votes .
I came here to study and make a good living never was interested in politics, I had to get involved after the rise of the hate and racism with trump. You can deflect as much as you want, conservatives chose the path of racism and bigotry. They have no one but themselves to blame.

"As a neutral legal immigrant who became American and love this country I have to say that most of the hate culture started by the conservatives. "

As a legal immigrant who became an American citizen, I must say you are an imbecile.

The best thing you can do for America is emmigrate.

I'll help you pack.
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.
And they're like this, WITH their hero strongman in office. Incredible.

Just imagine the cacophony of tantrums around the country if he gets the boot!
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.
And they're like this, WITH their hero strongman in office. Incredible.

Just imagine the cacophony of tantrums around the country if he gets the boot!

I'm take that punt as you seeing nothing disheartening in the response of what one can assume is a Democrat shrugging at the death of the innocent five year old.

One more example of the sort of knuckle-dragging atavistic sub-humans that the Left turns out.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
That nice black man should get a “Noble prize in literature “
1. Invoke the "Insurrection Act."
2. Suspend the Constitution (temporarily).
3. Send troops to quell the riots.
4. Round up all known Marxists and pro-Marxists. Toss in radical Islamists for good measure.
5. Give the Marxists and pro-Marxists two options:
a. Deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice, with no option for return.
b. Prison for sedition and/or treason, then deportation to the Marxist nation of their choice.
6. Ship the radical Islamists to the Islamic nation of their choice or life in prison.
After all the fuss has calmed down, reinstate the Constitution, while reminding the Marxist nations and strict Islamic nations, that we don't want their garbage.
Sit down, have a good drink and celebrate a job well done.
Wow. Well, you have the authoritarian nationalist strongman you've always wanted in the White House.

Now's your chance.

OK...OK....the act is wearing thin, Jack.
You folks are showing what you really are, and it's obvious.

Too bad.
And the Marxists are any different?! At least I think that such solutions should only be used on a very temporary basis, while under Marxism, it's permanent.
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.
And they're like this, WITH their hero strongman in office. Incredible.

Just imagine the cacophony of tantrums around the country if he gets the boot!
It seems to have started already. The excuses are already in place.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

@ PC, it's all about Divide & Conquer(elitists). EVERYTHING that is called news(elitists) is designed to enrage folks. Enraged folks temporarily lose self control & common sense. It's part of the PC/P)ower & C)ontrol movement. We need to take out the oligarchy before they end up owning us right down to & including our souls. Divide & Conquer has nullified the American constiuency leaving the constituency easy prey for the vulturous oligarchy.

Let's use the proper tense.

They HAVE conquered.

I don't see a possible way back.

@ PC, the global oligarchy has a 1/3rd advantage @ current on us that are rooted in sweet individual Liberty/Truth. It's always darkest just before dawn. Aways up the road we will have an advantage of 2/3rds OVER oligarchy's 1/3 & a powerhouse surprise that oligarchy's little mind could not possibly even begin to comprehend. Folks like you & me are just boots on the ground & hold our ground as best we can as told to do by our High Command. We got plenty+ reinforcments behind us(actually all around us) & once they are activated to engage, oligarchy goes down faster than a lead balloon. Till then all we can do is stand shoulder to shoulder & hold the line to the best of our ability. Just keep the faith as that's the only weapon we currently have @ our dispossal.
I really have to smile when I see these whining threads.
There has never been a better time in history to be an American. And that is even allowing for that prick in the White House.
You should celebrate the greatness of your country rather than denigrate it at every opportunity.

Some of us do. We're not all entitled whiners here.
And they're like this, WITH their hero strongman in office. Incredible.

Just imagine the cacophony of tantrums around the country if he gets the boot!
It seems to have started already. The excuses are already in place.

A couple of months before an American election? That's a guarantee. Some things never change. It's akin to the stages of death. Many are still in the denial stage at the moment. I love this kooky country. :04:
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

You're correct to blame the Left, it's interesting just how many sheep we have in our country, much less the world...

Divide and Conquer has worked from the beginning, our current MSM and the Left have used it to the fullest meaning and our sheep continue to follow...

We need to fight to save our country though, the sleeping giant is going to awaken, it is the vast majority of this country, we even have family that voted Democrat all of their lives that are going to vote for Trump, hell they are even admitting it, never thought I would see it...

I sure wish I had your optimism.

They've worked for sixty years, three generations, and now they own the schools, the media, the legal profession.....

It is difficult for me to see any path back to reality.

Just for comparison, what are the chances that Americans et al will accept that there is a difficult-to-define force for good, God, and a powerful insidious opposite force that has taken control of the minds of many unsuspecting individuals?

See what I mean?

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation whose time has come.

I think it was like this long before I was born, Good and Evil existed long before our great nation began...

We continue the struggle, most Americans are conservative by nature, it's true our education system is broken, but it can be fixed, K thru 12, it's our university's that need to be overhauled, can't control the privates, but we can control the public's...

We need more leadership like we have in the White House today, Washington is beyond corrupt, they need to move most if not all of the infrastructure out of there now, we need term limits now and once they have left office, no lobbying after leaving office, we can make this happen...
As a neutral legal immigrant who became American and love this country I have to say that most of the hate culture started by the conservatives.

Neutral? You don't seem to know what the definition is...

The democrats are just pushing back that's why they get most of the minorities votes .

They "get" most of the minorities? Yes, by keeping them poor, you obviously haven't been here very long or your deaf, dumb and blind...

I had to get involved after the rise of the hate and racism with trump.

List the hate and racism, take your time...

You can deflect as much as you want, conservatives chose the path of racism and bigotry. They have no one but themselves to blame.

I see you are just a sheep they steer around, when you can go beyond the lame, tired talking points, we can have a debate...
As a legal immigrant who became an American citizen, I must say you are an imbecile.

The best thing you can do for America is emmigrate.

I'll help you pack.

You're not an American, you're Russian, and you work for Russia.

The best thing you can do for this country is be poisoned by Putin.

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This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.
I see much too much talk about "getting rid of Marxists" permanently.

Well, you can't. You can't just do that in a free and open society.

The conditions the breed them are lack of opportunity and hope, and a dysfunctional education system.

This is an example of some of the memes on a lefty page;


Honestly? If you study history, look back in time to American culture before they passed the Federal Reserve, or got FDR's programs in place, there was as much chaos as now.

A lot of folks were equally suspicious of socialism, but were too, just as desperate for a fix.

It is like the schools don't have the young read Steinbeck anymore.

Folks just want fairness, and they do not see it in their government policies. The policies seem to favor the corporate elites, and do nothing for the folks that build this nation. . . in that sort of atmosphere. . . in a free nation where anyone can read and view anything? Yeah, socialists and communist rhetoric DOES gain traction, those are just the facts of life.

The fact is, every year, the purchasing power of the dollar is less, so that the government can manage it's debt obligations. This, so that corporations and Wall Street can turn a profit. Who cares about the young and the laborer? Who cares about those who can't afford to invest in the market? Apparently no one.

So what is your plan, end liberal society?

Make it a closed and authoritarian society?

Are you advocating fascism now? :dunno:

If you do not find a way to secure the future of the young and of the folks that work to build society, these erroneous political philosophies will continue to appeal to a large swath of the public, just like they have always done.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
As a neutral legal immigrant who became American and love this country I have to say that most of the hate culture started by the conservatives. The democrats are just pushing back that's why they get most of the minorities votes .
I came here to study and make a good living never was interested in politics, I had to get involved after the rise of the hate and racism with trump. You can deflect as much as you want, conservatives chose the path of racism and bigotry. They have no one but themselves to blame.

What a laughable claim. There are loads and loads and loads of videos proving your statement is a lie.

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