Perhaps the rightwing wouldn’t be so extreme if Ayn Rand never existed

Are the Black Lives Matter idiots still peddling their bullshit?

That was cute. Vilifying police and sowing discord and racism.

Welll done,
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.
Perhaps you wouldn't be sch a liar had you been aborted.

There's still hope. I heard that some NY Senator is working on a bill that will allow for retroactive abortions for up to 150 trimesters.

That just might turn NY into a red state.
Big Government Oppresses Free Thinkers!

There was a time when Communist, Fascist and National Socialist were the Right- now they're the left- the terms were perverted by the empty suits in DC following the lead of the presstitutes in the news rooms- I read a few years ago that Stalin and Ike were actually buddies- and the Russians wanted no fight with the US- then Ike appointed one of the Dulles brothers to the head of the newly formed CIA and voila! a communist behind every tree (there were about 2500 in some Country's in South America) threatening the very existence of the US- Ike at least had the foresight to warn us about the MIC in his departing speech- neither Republicans or Democrats heeded his warning. They now both subscribe to the hegemony we're effecting world wide with colonies in 170+ places supporting the MIC because it is so deeply entrenched in our society and pays decent wages (ridiculous wages in some positions) with it's colonies (factories) in many, many states, if not all of them-
Both Party's subscribe to the same monetary policy and pay lip service to real issues (exceptions to the rule excepted) - citizens enslaved to a private bank for generation after generation after generation and have no inclination to change it-
But, hey, go ahead and vote for more of the same- it's what the preachers in the church of godvernment want-
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.
If Marx never existed the world would be a better place... fact
The Problem with socialists/progressives is they can’t tolerate anyone not being part of their collective. Progressivism means progressively worse
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.
If Marx never existed the world would be a better place... fact
I like your picture at the end of your quote
I think it's more about daily submersion in talk radio, with its pseudo - psycho - bizarro libertarian preaching mixed with a comical defense of big spending.

You can't blame them for being so mal-informed, really.

I agree Mac and the talk radio I listen to ( CSpan and POTUS ) has rotten my mind and made me a mindless drone...

( As Mac think for a moment, throws his hands up and screams not you moron! )
The left's misguided belief in their own superiority makes it difficult to take anything they say seriously.
The Problem with socialists/progressives is they can’t tolerate anyone not being part of their collective. Progressivism means progressively worse


“The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism” - Karl Marx.

Leftwingers have always strived to silence their opposition, and they always will. That’s why Marxism and socialism isn’t compatible with free speech, our Constitution, nor do they belong in America.
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

It is completely possible, and beneficial to reject all of your thieving and parasitism.

When a leftist talks about collective, he means free shit for himself.
For J GUALT, She was a 2nd rate (opinion) writer two books I think, only read one so am not sure, she died on the dole, not sure why or when she became a hero to the political right.
Only republicans even bring that guy up. I am not a marxist and never have been. What I wrote here should give you that impression. The lack nuance you people think with is ridiculous.

Of course, Republicans are the only ones to bring up Karl Marx. Adolph Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, North Korea, and of late, Venezuela have given his name a terrible reputation but Progressives simply believe those are an example of Socialism being done wrong.

Saying, as Billy000 feebly attempts that he is NOT a Marxist is hypocritical and a lie. The basis of Marxism theory is that Capitalists, in Marx, that means all those who own and run manufacturing and business exploit workers. From Marx comes the idea that capitalist profits are possible because the value is "stolen" from the workers and transferred to employers. He was, without question, one of the most important and revolutionary thinkers of his time.

That sums up Progressive's beliefs in a nutshell.

Socialism is the first step toward Communism.
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Would the left be as extreme as they are if Karl Marx never existed?
Only republicans even bring that guy up. I am not a marxist and never have been. What I wrote here should give you that impression. The lack nuance you people think with is ridiculous.
Ayn Rand was a woman-
Uh yeah but Marx was a man which is what we were talking about...
Only republicans even bring that guy up. I am not a marxist and never have been. What I wrote here should give you that impression. The lack nuance you people think with is ridiculous.

Of course, Republicans are the only ones to bring up Karl Marx. Adolph Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, North Korea, and of late, Venezuela have given his name a terrible reputation but Progressives simply believe those are an example of Socialism being done wrong.

Saying, as Billy000 feebly attempts that he is NOT a Marxist is hypocritical and a lie. The basis of Marxism theory is that Capitalists, in Marx, that means all those who own and run manufacturing and business exploit workers. From Marx comes the idea that capitalist profits are possible because the value is "stolen" from the workers and transferred to employers. He was, without question, one of the most important and revolutionary thinkers of his time.

That sums up Progressive's beliefs in a nutshell.

Socialism is the first step toward Communism.
Why are we still talking about Marx? Lol perhaps you lack the reading comprehension to realize my political beliefs I said in my OP were very much not Marxist.
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

It is completely possible, and beneficial to reject all of your thieving and parasitism.

When a leftist talks about collective, he means free shit for himself.
Did you notice how I didn’t talk about free shit for myself in my OP? Try to pay attention cupcake.
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

One party wears a pro American slogan on their heads.

The other wears PUSSYS on their heads and masks on their faces.

Who's extreme?
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

One party wears a pro American slogan on their heads.

The other wears PUSSYS on their heads and masks on their faces.

Who's extreme?
God you people lack any objectivity whatsoever. It’s impossible to take you seriously. Okay so women who attended a march wore pussy hats and you somehow think that is what Leftwingers in general wear when in reality we don’t. I guess it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness just pretending that leftwing men wear pussy hats but obviously real life doesn’t fit in with that narrative.

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