Perhaps the rightwing wouldn’t be so extreme if Ayn Rand never existed

Ayn Rand, someone from a communist country talking about the dehumanization of collectivism, the horror. She seems to be uniquely qualified to talk on the subject. Atlas Shrugged was a pretty good read. Take a look at the democrat debates where the millionaires are in a contest to see who can say they hate millionaires the most, and tell me she is not correct. Was it Bernie who said billionaires should not exist? It is like Rand had a crystal ball.
Where's all this socialism we keep hearing about? Jeez people wake up. The us is a capitalistic country and that will never change. Capitalist elites (wealthy folk) have neverit so good. Socialism has no following in any numbers that I even consider to think about. Your riches that you worship above all else are safe.

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