Perhaps the rightwing wouldn’t be so extreme if Ayn Rand never existed

I think it's more about daily submersion in talk radio, with its pseudo - psycho - bizarro libertarian preaching mixed with a comical defense of big spending.

You can't blame them for being so mal-informed, really.
None of Randian anarchist philosophy is anywhere to be found on the radio.

Are you in a contest with C Foghorn Leghorn to be the most mal-informed blowhard on the forum?
Could be. I think we all know that only Trumpsters have The Truth on their side.
The closest person I recall on the radio who even referenced Rand was Jason Lewis, and he has surrendered the microphone to run for Senate in MN.

Most of the Trumpsters wouldn't know an objectivist from a Pop Tart.
You clearly didn't understand the "pseudo - psycho - bizarro libertarian" part of my post. I thought it was clear that meant that it is not actual Randian libertarianism.

But I'm sure you're right.
I don't know how most of them could even be "pseudo - psycho - bizarro libertarian", since they would run screaming from the libertarian label...The only pseudo-psychos who come to mind would be Neal Boortz (pseudo-retired) and Beck (definitely psycho-bizarro)....And then there's Larry Elder, but nobody listens to him.

But you point is taken, nonetheless.
The American right wouldn't seem so extreme if you, yourself weren't an extremist.


I believe in gay rights, a secular government with laws based on logic and reason, legal pot, a social security system for retired workers, socialist roads, socialist police, fire and military, and AFFORDABLE education and healthcare.


The thing is, my extremist lunatic not-friend, it is NOT about ideology.


the truth is SOME PEOPLE are just dangerously and violently deranged.

The MURDEROUS leftwinger from communist russia could easily be a MURDEROUS rightwinger in nazi germany or nazi America.

Until we can identify these dangerous subhumans PRE-BIRTH and dispose of them for the good of the world we will always have a large subset of the population hardwired for hate, anger and violence.
The American right wouldn't seem so extreme if you, yourself weren't an extremist.


I believe in gay rights, a secular government with laws based on logic and reason, legal pot, a social security system for retired workers, socialist roads, socialist police, fire and military, and AFFORDABLE education and healthcare.


The thing is, my extremist lunatic not-friend, it is NOT about ideology.


the truth is SOME PEOPLE are just dangerously and violently deranged.

The MURDEROUS leftwinger from communist russia could easily be a MURDEROUS rightwinger in nazi germany or nazi America.

Until we can identify these dangerous subhumans PRE-BIRTH and dispose of them for the good of the world we will always have a large subset of the population hardwired for hate, anger and violence.
Circular reasoning is circular.

The American right wouldn't seem so extreme if you, yourself weren't an extremist.


I believe in gay rights, a secular government with laws based on logic and reason, legal pot, a social security system for retired workers, socialist roads, socialist police, fire and military, and AFFORDABLE education and healthcare.


The thing is, my extremist lunatic not-friend, it is NOT about ideology.


the truth is SOME PEOPLE are just dangerously and violently deranged.

The MURDEROUS leftwinger from communist russia could easily be a MURDEROUS rightwinger in nazi germany or nazi America.

Until we can identify these dangerous subhumans PRE-BIRTH and dispose of them for the good of the world we will always have a large subset of the population hardwired for hate, anger and violence.
Circular reasoning is circular.

View attachment 286541

you are a conservative

you don't understand LOGIC, circular or otherwise.

you are hardwired for hate and you can't do a thing about it.
Did you notice how I didn’t talk about free shit for myself in my OP? Try to pay attention cupcake.

You claim to be a Socialist Democrat. That's just the far-lefts feeble effort to soften the word SOCIALIST. You are offended by what you see as a wealth gap, although you cannot demonstrate to us how Bill Gates' wealth of $105 BILLION has taken a dime out of your pocket. You believe that government should dictate wages, profits, who gets what. How is that not Socialism?

Why do you find it necessary to call people names? Does that make you feel better?
You can call my labels whatever you want, but what actually matters is what I wrote in my OP. How dense are you? I don’t mind that Bill Gates lives a life of luxury and I don’t, but the only reason he became someone worth 105 billion is because he and others like him kept the workers under him at wages they could barley live off. Doesn’t it bother you that he is worth that much money while 78% of American workers report living paycheck to paycheck? My solution isn’t to strip him of his billions. My solution is support policies that keep anyone working 40 hours a week out of poverty. That’s it:

How does this basic nuance of thought escape you?
That's a commendable thought- but, two things.
1) Define Poverty
2) How do you propose to make it happen?

Supporting policies that restrict Liberty are not conducive to Liberty- taking what isn't rightfully earned (regardless of the intent) is theft- period. The excercising of Liberty is what brings people out of "policy" imposed poverty- giving a man a hand up allows the retention of dignity which is vitally important to the exercising of Liberty- giving a man something he hasn't earned instills the idea that he is entitled to what he hasn't earned- entitled is earned, BTW- weak spined congress critters buying votes with " I'm gonna give you free stuff" because "we have to do something" - the "something" is why we are we are getting Liberty restricted- labels are just tool used by talking heads and politicians to justify (excuse) their behavior while conquering and dividing- it isn't a rich man's duty to, (morally or legally), make sure others are better off than they used to be and it certainly isn't a granted authority in the enumerated powers granted to congress critters-
The American right wouldn't seem so extreme if you, yourself weren't an extremist.


I believe in gay rights, a secular government with laws based on logic and reason, legal pot, a social security system for retired workers, socialist roads, socialist police, fire and military, and AFFORDABLE education and healthcare.


The thing is, my extremist lunatic not-friend, it is NOT about ideology.


the truth is SOME PEOPLE are just dangerously and violently deranged.

The MURDEROUS leftwinger from communist russia could easily be a MURDEROUS rightwinger in nazi germany or nazi America.

Until we can identify these dangerous subhumans PRE-BIRTH and dispose of them for the good of the world we will always have a large subset of the population hardwired for hate, anger and violence.
Circular reasoning is circular.

View attachment 286541

you are a conservative

you don't understand LOGIC, circular or otherwise.

you are hardwired for hate and you can't do a thing about it.
I'm an anarcho-capitalist/agorist.

You're one of the aforementioned who wouldn't know an objectivist from a Pop Tart, nor your ass from a hot rock.....Logic and you aren't even in the same galaxy.
Name some of those other cultures.
In Europe it’s socially acceptable for straight men to share a bed while they sleep. You might think that’s “gay” but because nothing sexual ever occurs it is by definition not gay.

I was thinking more along the lines of a society where little girls grow up playing with toy swords and roughhousing while little boys pretend to cook and take care of babies.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

Well except for make Billions of dollars of course.
The American right wouldn't seem so extreme if you, yourself weren't an extremist.


I believe in gay rights, a secular government with laws based on logic and reason, legal pot, a social security system for retired workers, socialist roads, socialist police, fire and military, and AFFORDABLE education and healthcare.


The thing is, my extremist lunatic not-friend, it is NOT about ideology.


the truth is SOME PEOPLE are just dangerously and violently deranged.

The MURDEROUS leftwinger from communist russia could easily be a MURDEROUS rightwinger in nazi germany or nazi America.

Until we can identify these dangerous subhumans PRE-BIRTH and dispose of them for the good of the world we will always have a large subset of the population hardwired for hate, anger and violence.
Circular reasoning is circular.

View attachment 286541

you are a conservative

you don't understand LOGIC, circular or otherwise.

you are hardwired for hate and you can't do a thing about it.

The projection is strong in this one.
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Imagine fitting all of that BULLSHIT into one short post!
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Imagine fitting all of that BULLSHIT into one short post!

I see conservatives do it all the time.

As far as I can remember you have never posted anything BUT BS.
I think it's more about daily submersion in talk radio, with its pseudo - psycho - bizarro libertarian preaching mixed with a comical defense of big spending.

You can't blame them for being so mal-informed, really.

Unlike liberals who watch CNN to be TOLD what to think, conservative talk radio is popular because it REFLECTS what we think. Liberals do not understand that, because they believe that no one can know anything unless someone teaches the information to them.

Example: Pedophilia -
Liberals are TOLD that it is natural and normal, so they do not understand why conservatives despise it.

Conservatives instinctively KNOW that it is wrong, and we don't need some college professor from some stinking bastion of Liberalism to tell us otherwise.

Abortion -

Liberals are TOLD that the being growing inside of them is not yet a human being until certain arbitrary criteria are met, so they think nothing of killing the separate human being growing inside of them by the blessings of God, because it is just "convenient" to have irresponsible sex and then kill off any child that results from that irresponsible behavior.

Conservatives KNOW that the tiny human being that is developing inside of the womb is a blessing from God, and all human life is precious. We also know that pregnancy can easily be avoided, except in rare cases of rape, etc., and even with that, today's medical advances can prevent a pregnancy via the "day after pill."

Liberals argue that it is not a human being, but until a human sperm enters a human egg and produces a dolphin, a giraffe, or an ostrich, the being inside of every human female that is created by unprotected sex is a HUMAN BEING.

The list goes on and on. Homosexuality, drug use, alcoholism, crime, incest, infidelity, ....

Liberals easily reject the tenets of conservatism, because they have already rejected God, and without God in your life, Satan will gladly step in to guide your soul straight to Hell.
The American right wouldn't seem so extreme if you, yourself weren't an extremist.


I believe in gay rights, a secular government with laws based on logic and reason, legal pot, a social security system for retired workers, socialist roads, socialist police, fire and military, and AFFORDABLE education and healthcare.


The thing is, my extremist lunatic not-friend, it is NOT about ideology.


the truth is SOME PEOPLE are just dangerously and violently deranged.

The MURDEROUS leftwinger from communist russia could easily be a MURDEROUS rightwinger in nazi germany or nazi America.

Until we can identify these dangerous subhumans PRE-BIRTH and dispose of them for the good of the world we will always have a large subset of the population hardwired for hate, anger and violence.

There's a handful of issues I "lean right" on and am passionate enough about to fruitlessly argue with strangers on the internet. None of them include banning the fire department or any of that other stupid shit you accused me of.
Ayn Rand was a philosopher and fiction writer.

for her, philosophy was the means, and fiction writing the end
I think it's more about daily submersion in talk radio, with its pseudo - psycho - bizarro libertarian preaching mixed with a comical defense of big spending.

You can't blame them for being so mal-informed, really.
Fella, you are promoting the ph ukn of toddlers up the azz!
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Who is Ayn Rand? Can't say I've ever seen any of her pictures.

Oh well. Al I can say is even without seeing any of her movies, I'd still hate you f*ck*rs as much as I do now.
I find it interesting someone calling themselves "JGalt" claims not to know anything about Ayn Rand.
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I'm right of Attila the Hun (yes, I will hang you for treason) and I've never read a word written by Rand.

so there.
I read Atlas Shrugged. It was so unbelievable repetitive, it felt like being hit with a hammer on the head 3,917 times.

That book could be shrunk down to 50 pages without losing any of its message whatsoever.

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