Perry calls potential Fed action treasonous

The fed was a mistake in 1913...

The Fed was a calculated and willful fraud in 1913.

It still is.

Seems like not very many people understand what 'treason' is.

It is weakening your nation or helping the enemy of your nation. Treason is weakening the United states economy through weakening the dollar, which is helping our enemies grow powerful(china,)

That's the new definition of treason? Is that in Webster's? :lol::lol::lol:
The Fed was a calculated and willful fraud in 1913.

It still is.

Seems like not very many people understand what 'treason' is.

It is weakening your nation or helping the enemy of your nation. Treason is weakening the United states economy through weakening the dollar, which is helping our enemies grow powerful(china,)

That's the new definition of treason? Is that in Webster's? :lol::lol::lol:

Well if you're in power and you work to weaken "your" nation to help a enemy or a enemy nation. Than you would think that is treason, right? Or in this case you sell out the population of your country by giving trillions of there wealth to other nation that strengthen your enemy and to weaken you...

If this is not treason, what the hell is treason. Is it even enforceable anymore? Or does anyone give a flying rats ass about it. This country is finished.
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List of people convicted of treason
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States

Philip Vigol and John Mitchell, convicted of treason and sentenced to hanging; pardoned by George Washington; see Whiskey Rebellion.
Governor Thomas Dorr 1844, convicted of treason against the state of Rhode Island; see Dorr Rebellion; released in 1845; civil rights restored in 1851; verdict annulled in 1854.
John Brown, convicted of treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1859 and executed for attempting to organize armed resistance to slavery.
Aaron Dwight Stevens, took part in John Brown's raid and was executed in 1860 for treason against Virginia.
William Bruce Mumford, convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.
Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt, all hanged on July 7, 1865 for treason and conspiracy for the Lincoln assassination and conspiracy - by military tribunal.
Iva Toguri D'Aquino, who is frequently identified with "Tokyo Rose" convicted 1949. Subsequently pardoned by President Gerald Ford.
Herbert Hans Haupt, German-born naturalized U.S. citizen, was convicted of treason in 1942 and executed after being named as a German spy by fellow German spies defecting to the United States.
Martin James Monti, United States Army Air Force pilot, convicted of treason for defecting to the Waffen SS in 1944.
Robert Henry Best, convicted of treason on April 16, 1948 and served a life sentence.
Mildred Gillars, also known as "Axis Sally", convicted of treason on March 8, 1949; served 12 years of a 10- to 30-year prison sentence.
Tomoya Kawakita, sentenced to death for treason in 1952, but eventually released by President John F. Kennedy to be deported to Japan.

List of people convicted of treason - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just a thought. We do not often charge people here with Treason. Not even when they are enemy combatants. The charge itself is a very dangerous power which can easily be abused.
How about your side puts up candidates that aren't insanely irresponsible with their words?

You are kidding, right? Ha! Ha! You had me going there for a minute. ;) Good One.

You forget what you guys were like during the Bush years. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's talking about candidates, not the base. Dems don't put up candidates who advocate secession and call the fed treasonous.

No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.
You are kidding, right? Ha! Ha! You had me going there for a minute. ;) Good One.

You forget what you guys were like during the Bush years. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's talking about candidates, not the base. Dems don't put up candidates who advocate secession and call the fed treasonous.

No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.

I'd rather not have anything to do with Castro or Chavez. Thank you very much. People like this are following in the foot steps of Che, Po pot, Mao, Stalin.:evil:
You are kidding, right? Ha! Ha! You had me going there for a minute. ;) Good One.

You forget what you guys were like during the Bush years. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's talking about candidates, not the base. Dems don't put up candidates who advocate secession and call the fed treasonous.

No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.

Sorry to disagree, not only do es the DNC put up fringe Candidates, you set them up to run Committees. You put the most extreme in charge, rather than the most qualified. :(
You are kidding, right? Ha! Ha! You had me going there for a minute. ;) Good One.

You forget what you guys were like during the Bush years. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's talking about candidates, not the base. Dems don't put up candidates who advocate secession and call the fed treasonous.

No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.

Sorry, I didn't realize Michael Moore is a Dem politician. I guess you learn something new everyday :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo:
Perry: Bernanke would be 'treasonous' to use stimulus again - Aug. 16, 2011

"If this guy [Ben Bernanke] prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.
I mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history, is almost treacherous, or treasonous, in my opinion."

I don't want to debate monetary policy, except to say that it seems entirely plausible that the Fed will indeed increase the money supply sometime in the fifteen months. I do want to debate Perry's rhetoric.

Perry's words are clearly part of his populist, anti-Washington appeal, which has served him well in Texas. I think it will continue to help him with the politically active conservative Republicans that he's currently wooing. I think it will be awful for him in the general election.

Perry has many obvious strengths. I think his biggest weakness is that he will scare some voters. Quotes like these will do just that. To me, "treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," conjures up images of some violent action. Similar (indeed, more explicit) quotes got Palin in trouble following the Loughner shootings, and I think Perry's words risk being construed in a very negative light, however he intended them.

Perry's choice of target is a little odd as well. Certainly, Bernanke is not popular. However, he is a pro-business Republican originally appointed to his *independent* agency by a Republican President. It's not particularly plausible that he would damage the economy over which he has accepted stewardship in order to help a Democratic President against a pro-business Republican challenger.

If I were Perry, I would cool it on the angry words and run on my record. Perry has a record of job creation and solid conservativism nearly perfectly in line with the average Republican primary voter. He can capture the nomination as a jobs candidate rather than as a flamethrower and be better positioned to get to the White House.

The Democrats should thank Perry because he just proved that he doesn't know the US Constitution.
He's talking about candidates, not the base. Dems don't put up candidates who advocate secession and call the fed treasonous.

No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.

Sorry, I didn't realize Michael Moore is a Dem politician. I guess you learn something new everyday :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo:

I guess Jimmy Carter sitting next to a 9/11 Truther means nothing. Did I say Moore was a politician? The answer is no. Is Carter? :cuckoo:
Perry: Bernanke would be 'treasonous' to use stimulus again - Aug. 16, 2011

"If this guy [Ben Bernanke] prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.
I mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history, is almost treacherous, or treasonous, in my opinion."

I don't want to debate monetary policy, except to say that it seems entirely plausible that the Fed will indeed increase the money supply sometime in the fifteen months. I do want to debate Perry's rhetoric.

Perry's words are clearly part of his populist, anti-Washington appeal, which has served him well in Texas. I think it will continue to help him with the politically active conservative Republicans that he's currently wooing. I think it will be awful for him in the general election.

Perry has many obvious strengths. I think his biggest weakness is that he will scare some voters. Quotes like these will do just that. To me, "treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," conjures up images of some violent action. Similar (indeed, more explicit) quotes got Palin in trouble following the Loughner shootings, and I think Perry's words risk being construed in a very negative light, however he intended them.

Perry's choice of target is a little odd as well. Certainly, Bernanke is not popular. However, he is a pro-business Republican originally appointed to his *independent* agency by a Republican President. It's not particularly plausible that he would damage the economy over which he has accepted stewardship in order to help a Democratic President against a pro-business Republican challenger.

If I were Perry, I would cool it on the angry words and run on my record. Perry has a record of job creation and solid conservativism nearly perfectly in line with the average Republican primary voter. He can capture the nomination as a jobs candidate rather than as a flamethrower and be better positioned to get to the White House.

The Democrats should thank Perry because he just proved that he doesn't know the US Constitution.

Enlighten me as to what part of the Constitution that is? I'm sure you, with your Lennin picture, are a regular Constitutional scholar. Do tell :confused:
He's talking about candidates, not the base. Dems don't put up candidates who advocate secession and call the fed treasonous.

No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.

Sorry to disagree, not only do es the DNC put up fringe Candidates, you set them up to run Committees. You put the most extreme in charge, rather than the most qualified. :(

Can you name a Dem presidential or vice presidential candidate who said such extreme things as Perry or Palin? You know, like, "The fed is treasonous", "Ask Obama if he loves America", "Pals around with terrorists", "We are the real America". Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.
Perry: Bernanke would be 'treasonous' to use stimulus again - Aug. 16, 2011

"If this guy [Ben Bernanke] prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.
I mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history, is almost treacherous, or treasonous, in my opinion."

I don't want to debate monetary policy, except to say that it seems entirely plausible that the Fed will indeed increase the money supply sometime in the fifteen months. I do want to debate Perry's rhetoric.

Perry's words are clearly part of his populist, anti-Washington appeal, which has served him well in Texas. I think it will continue to help him with the politically active conservative Republicans that he's currently wooing. I think it will be awful for him in the general election.

Perry has many obvious strengths. I think his biggest weakness is that he will scare some voters. Quotes like these will do just that. To me, "treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," conjures up images of some violent action. Similar (indeed, more explicit) quotes got Palin in trouble following the Loughner shootings, and I think Perry's words risk being construed in a very negative light, however he intended them.

Perry's choice of target is a little odd as well. Certainly, Bernanke is not popular. However, he is a pro-business Republican originally appointed to his *independent* agency by a Republican President. It's not particularly plausible that he would damage the economy over which he has accepted stewardship in order to help a Democratic President against a pro-business Republican challenger.

If I were Perry, I would cool it on the angry words and run on my record. Perry has a record of job creation and solid conservativism nearly perfectly in line with the average Republican primary voter. He can capture the nomination as a jobs candidate rather than as a flamethrower and be better positioned to get to the White House.

The Democrats should thank Perry because he just proved that he doesn't know the US Constitution.

One can only wonder about the shenanigans going on behind the closed doors of the Federal Reserve. Time for an Audit. Let the chips fall where that may. Let us examine what is going on behind our backs and what exactly is being manipulated, and to what degree before we make determinations on what is Constitutional and what is not. How can anyone blind to what is going on, make an honest claim either way?
Perry: Bernanke would be 'treasonous' to use stimulus again - Aug. 16, 2011

"If this guy [Ben Bernanke] prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.
I mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history, is almost treacherous, or treasonous, in my opinion."

I don't want to debate monetary policy, except to say that it seems entirely plausible that the Fed will indeed increase the money supply sometime in the fifteen months. I do want to debate Perry's rhetoric.

Perry's words are clearly part of his populist, anti-Washington appeal, which has served him well in Texas. I think it will continue to help him with the politically active conservative Republicans that he's currently wooing. I think it will be awful for him in the general election.

Perry has many obvious strengths. I think his biggest weakness is that he will scare some voters. Quotes like these will do just that. To me, "treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," conjures up images of some violent action. Similar (indeed, more explicit) quotes got Palin in trouble following the Loughner shootings, and I think Perry's words risk being construed in a very negative light, however he intended them.

Perry's choice of target is a little odd as well. Certainly, Bernanke is not popular. However, he is a pro-business Republican originally appointed to his *independent* agency by a Republican President. It's not particularly plausible that he would damage the economy over which he has accepted stewardship in order to help a Democratic President against a pro-business Republican challenger.

If I were Perry, I would cool it on the angry words and run on my record. Perry has a record of job creation and solid conservativism nearly perfectly in line with the average Republican primary voter. He can capture the nomination as a jobs candidate rather than as a flamethrower and be better positioned to get to the White House.

The Democrats should thank Perry because he just proved that he doesn't know the US Constitution.

I'd rather die then bring Anymore Marxism to America. It is a evil that is against human nature. Perry is not wrong about the worthless fucking fed...It does weaken our currency and does hurt people through making it worthless...
No, they just accuse a sitting president of stealing elections and war crimes. Michael Moore, a 9/11 Truther, gets to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the 2008 DNC convention. No, the Democrats are much more civil.

It's as if all leftists simply erased from their memories the things they said and did under Bush.

Sorry, I didn't realize Michael Moore is a Dem politician. I guess you learn something new everyday :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo:

I guess Jimmy Carter sitting next to a 9/11 Truther means nothing. Did I say Moore was a politician? The answer is no. Is Carter? :cuckoo:

No you didn't. But the accusation was that Dems put up extreme CANDIDATES. Then Moore was offered up as an example. As I said, Moore is not a politician. Get it?
Sorry, I didn't realize Michael Moore is a Dem politician. I guess you learn something new everyday :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo:

I guess Jimmy Carter sitting next to a 9/11 Truther means nothing. Did I say Moore was a politician? The answer is no. Is Carter? :cuckoo:

No you didn't. But the accusation was that Dems put up extreme CANDIDATES. Then Moore was offered up as an example. As I said, Moore is not a politician. Get it?

You are splitting hairs here, grasping at straws. You simply gloss over the "they accuse the president of stealing elections and war crimes", and try to prove some point that I was saying Moore was a politician. Very insightful.
Perry: Bernanke would be 'treasonous' to use stimulus again - Aug. 16, 2011

"If this guy [Ben Bernanke] prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.
I mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history, is almost treacherous, or treasonous, in my opinion."

I don't want to debate monetary policy, except to say that it seems entirely plausible that the Fed will indeed increase the money supply sometime in the fifteen months. I do want to debate Perry's rhetoric.

Perry's words are clearly part of his populist, anti-Washington appeal, which has served him well in Texas. I think it will continue to help him with the politically active conservative Republicans that he's currently wooing. I think it will be awful for him in the general election.

Perry has many obvious strengths. I think his biggest weakness is that he will scare some voters. Quotes like these will do just that. To me, "treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," conjures up images of some violent action. Similar (indeed, more explicit) quotes got Palin in trouble following the Loughner shootings, and I think Perry's words risk being construed in a very negative light, however he intended them.

Perry's choice of target is a little odd as well. Certainly, Bernanke is not popular. However, he is a pro-business Republican originally appointed to his *independent* agency by a Republican President. It's not particularly plausible that he would damage the economy over which he has accepted stewardship in order to help a Democratic President against a pro-business Republican challenger.

If I were Perry, I would cool it on the angry words and run on my record. Perry has a record of job creation and solid conservativism nearly perfectly in line with the average Republican primary voter. He can capture the nomination as a jobs candidate rather than as a flamethrower and be better positioned to get to the White House.

The Democrats should thank Perry because he just proved that he doesn't know the US Constitution.

Enlighten me as to what part of the Constitution that is? I'm sure you, with your Lennin picture, are a regular Constitutional scholar. Do tell :confused:

Article 3, Section 3 of the US Constitution deals with treason. It defines it. I'll highlight the relevant part for you.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Anything Bernanke has done in his official capacity as Fed Chairman doesn't rise to the level of treason.
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obie doodle's friend didn't threaten, he did, he blew up bombs at the capital building he launched his career from a terrorist living room and stated in his books he sought out anarchists.. and you voted for him so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Obama was like 8 yrs old when all of that took place. The scare tactics didn't sway voters from electing Obama in 08, and they won't work now. Try again.

there's a hellava lot of difference in scare tactics and facts, no trying again, the history won't change, he launched his career from a known terrorists living room. and the wife bernadette dorn was a terrorist too.
What gets me is the blatantly obvious "OBAMA MUST FAIL AT ALL COSTS!!!" shit that's going on. He's starting to remind me of the black knight. Cut off all his extremities/options. He'll still be out there fighting.

obie doodle's friend didn't threaten, he did, he blew up bombs at the capital building he launched his career from a terrorist living room and stated in his books he sought out anarchists.. and you voted for him so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Obama was like 8 yrs old when all of that took place. The scare tactics didn't sway voters from electing Obama in 08, and they won't work now. Try again.

there's a hellava lot of difference in scare tactics and facts, no trying again, the history won't change, he launched his career from a known terrorists living room. and the wife bernadette dorn was a terrorist too.

Aires wasn't engaging in terrorist activities when Obama launched his campaign. Obama was 8 yrs old when Aires was part of the Weather Underground. Oh, and BTW, Obama didn't launch his campaign from Aires' living room. He held a fundraising dinner there. Politicians of all shapes and sizes do it everyday. Try again. You're not doing too well so far.

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