Person that attacked Trump identified

JUST IN: We Now Know WHO the man is that Attacked Reveals Everything

Typical Bernie Sanders supporter,Anti American scumbag etc etc.

Somebody attacked Trump? For real, or are you embellishing?

Typical RW hysteria.

Trump will file a lawsuit any minute now.
You do know that this the kind of crap "will file a lawsuit" that the corrupt come up with when they are attempting to cover up their own crimes?
OK. So.....there was no attack. Some guy almost made it on stage. Cool story bro. Typical fright-wing hand wringing
If there was no attack, then why is the dude in jail?
If there was no attack.....Uhh there was no attack. Who knows why he was in jail? Disorderly conduct? Idk. But he won't be there for long
Dave Peaslee ‎@DavePeaslee
Secret Service agent cut by knife that Trump attacker was carrying. MSM not reporting it. This was clearly an assassination attempt.
There is a revolution in this country, prepare folks. The Jews won't stop until the last latino, Muslim or black. This will be a long and difficult struggle, but we will take our country back.
There is a revolution in this country, prepare folks. The Jews won't stop until the last latino, Muslim or black. This will be a long and difficult struggle, but we will take our country back.
Really? The JEWS have nothing to do with this liberal/conservative train wreck of American politics. Hell, the Jews get thrown under the bus by libs that would sell out to sharia law Muslims because they don't want (SHHHH) an anti Muslim "backlash".
There is a revolution in this country, prepare folks. The Jews won't stop until the last latino, Muslim or black. This will be a long and difficult struggle, but we will take our country back.
Really? The JEWS have nothing to do with this liberal/conservative train wreck of American politics. Hell, the Jews get thrown under the bus by libs that would sell out to sharia law Muslim because they don't want (SHHHH) an anti Muslim "backlash".

Bull fucking shit, Jews control both parties, Trump is an outlier. He's not controlled by them, this is why they're throwing a fit against him. Jews are keeping a low profile recently, in private however, they're riling up the 'minorities'. They will try their best to retain the throne by staying quiet, and if they do retain it, two terms from now they will resume the anti-white policies. Jews and Muslims fought together against the 'Crusaders'. Jews and Sunni Muslims are allies in the MidEast. Israel supports the Syrian radical groups. You're not fucking fooling anybody.
Trump at rally right now talking about how his attacker was linked to ISIS. The MSM didn't find that worth mentioning—that a member of the Religion of Peace™, egged on by the leftist media, tried to murder Trump today.
OK. So.....there was no attack. Some guy almost made it on stage. Cool story bro. Typical fright-wing hand wringing

You wouldn't be saying that if Obama had been in that stage.
I wouldn't be saying that Obama was attacked. That's right.
Did you freak out about representative Joe Wilson saying "you lie" like the rest of your pathetic party?
First of all, I'm not a Democrat. Second, no, I didn't freak out. It was rude, but not freak out worthy.

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