Person that attacked Trump identified


An acting major?

Poor widdle washed up child star trying to make a name for himself while living in mommy's basement.


yup no wonder just the idea of a productive trump

threatens his parasitic lifestyle

and yet it's the rightwingnut scum who take more in federal money than dems.

but keep lying, loony toon.

just say you like the donald because he's a disgusting lying bigot like you.

fact is the dude is a lefty

is this why you want to deflect away from the truth of it sister

sad really
Of course it is :)

An acting major?

Poor widdle washed up child star trying to make a name for himself while living in mommy's basement.


yup no wonder just the idea of a productive trump

threatens his parasitic lifestyle

and yet it's the rightwingnut scum who take more in federal money than dems.

but keep lying, loony toon.

just say you like the donald because he's a disgusting lying bigot like you.
Wow, tectonic plate subject shift.

Look, it's obvious the left wingers calling the shots WANT one, hopefully more, of their agitators to get hurt at a Trump rally. They send them in in the hopes of getting some really good campaign footage. The idiots don't matter, it's for the greater good.
I understand that there are lots of political rallies going on lately, and trumps are the only ones to cause violence. His violent remarks about punching a protester in the mouth, and then his audience doing just that has a lot to do with it.
Liar. Trump's people aren't the one's invading Democrat rallies and shutting down their speech. Trying to present it as a Trump supporter problem only works on retards like you.

Protesting is constitutionally protected free speech. I thought you believed in the constitution, or is that just the parts you like?
Another one.

OK, Mr. Constitutional Scholar. Explain why the police are escorting the demonstrators out? Come on, work that pea brain!

He was charged with disorderly conduct, and released almost immediately.
"He"? Only one person was ever escorted out? WTF, you are batshit insane!

Lots of protesters have been escorted out of rallies for both sides. This thread is about the one incident. Try to keep up.
Liar. Trump's people aren't the one's invading Democrat rallies and shutting down their speech. Trying to present it as a Trump supporter problem only works on retards like you.

Protesting is constitutionally protected free speech. I thought you believed in the constitution, or is that just the parts you like?
Another one.

OK, Mr. Constitutional Scholar. Explain why the police are escorting the demonstrators out? Come on, work that pea brain!

He was charged with disorderly conduct, and released almost immediately.
"He"? Only one person was ever escorted out? WTF, you are batshit insane!

Lots of protesters have been escorted out of rallies for both sides. This thread is about the one incident. Try to keep up.
You still don't get it, High Speed. The fact that protesters get thrown out is because they don't have the right to protest anywhere they want. Do you need the coloring book version?
Remember when there was a heckler at a Reagan speech? Secret Service took him out, after Reagan announced, "I paid for this microphone!"

Same thing. Protesters don't have the right to stop free speech from the other side.

Perhaps an attempt to get on the stage. That happens often enough. Any reason to believe otherwise? Are you a mind reader?

He wanted to get onstage, to assault Trump. That's an attack. At best, it was a dry run, to rest the Secret Service's reaction.

You have reason to believe he was going to assault Trump? Did he have a weapon? Had he threatened to attack trump? Are you a psychic?
Do you think he was asking for an autograph,
He tried to get on stage, good job secret service.

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