Personal Beliefs vs Morning After Pill

I want to make sure we understand each other.

Are you saying that you think a Mormon waiter that works in a restaurant that serves alcohol should be able to refuse sale on moral grounds and retain their job?

What part of yes did you not understand?

I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

How about if this cashier was a model employee forcefully caught in the dilemma..Her beliefs or her full-time job, income and family insurance in a (Democrat driven) tough economy.
You're job is to ring people up. If you can't do that and keep your pie hole shut quit and find another job.
You're job is to ring people up. If you can't do that and keep your pie hole shut quit and find another job.

What if the cashier was a Democrat, voted for Obama, was African American and mother of 4 children...just wondering
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I want to make sure we understand each other.

Are you saying that you think a Mormon waiter that works in a restaurant that serves alcohol should be able to refuse sale on moral grounds and retain their job?

What part of yes did you not understand?

I had thought you would hold the opposite opinion, to be honest.

Shouldn't a person do the job they are required to do?
If I become a vegetarian, can I refuse to sell a person any product containing meat, and still expect to keep my job?

Can I work in a butchers shop and refuse to sell meat?
What part of yes did you not understand?

I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

How about if this cashier was a model employee forcefully caught in the dilemma..Her beliefs or her full-time job, income and family insurance in a (Democrat driven) tough economy.

Fuck her religious beliefs. If she is able to quit her job, then she can manage on her own.
I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

How about if this cashier was a model employee forcefully caught in the dilemma..Her beliefs or her full-time job, income and family insurance in a (Democrat driven) tough economy.

Fuck her religious beliefs
. If she is able to quit her job, then she can manage on her own.

..a true reflection of liberal tolerance and understanding..:lol:
There are laws that require pharmacies to carry the pill because there are a bunch of idiots that think government telling people what to do is a good thing. There are no laws that require non pharmacists to sell the pill because Obama fought tooth and nail to prevent the day after pill from being sold OTC.

There are no laws that require non pharmacists to sell the pill ...

Personal Beliefs vs Morning After Pill
nor laws allowing personal beliefs to superseded the rights protected by law.

Buying a pill is not a right, and Obama is the one that lost the fight to sell the pill OTC, not the pharmacists.

and Obama is the one that lost the fight to sell the pill OTC, not the pharmacists.

That makes a lot of sense - and who cares if Obama made a clown out of himself ?

Buying the pill OTC is the Law and the Pharmacist is responsible to insure the transaction ... given the hypothetical the Pharmacist has chosen to place / sell the product.
It should be up to the store, but not up to an individual employee.

Re-read lumpy's hypothetical.

You want to fire people that disagree with you, but support Obama who fought the court order to allow these pills to be sold OTC.

In other words, you are the one with the problem here, not a random employee who might object to selling the morning after pill.

I don't support Obama, and never really have. I didn't vote for him either time.

Nor do I own a pharmacy, or "want" to fire anyone.

I don't know what point you're trying to make here.

You have never once complained about the fact that Obama fought against the order to sell Plan B OTC, nor do you object to his insistence on keeping the Pill as a prescription drug, but you have, right here in this thread, insisted that people who refuse to sell them shouldn't be working at a pharmacy, even though they are not pharmacists, and have supported the government in its attempts to make pharmacies carry them. If that is not supporting Obama and wanting people that disagree with you fired I don't know what is.

In other words, you are still the one with the problem.
I want to make sure we understand each other.

Are you saying that you think a Mormon waiter that works in a restaurant that serves alcohol should be able to refuse sale on moral grounds and retain their job?

What part of yes did you not understand?

I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Why on Earth would you be surprised? Have you not been paying attention? I suggest you go back and read the thread again, you might just discover that my position makes more sense than yours.
I want to make sure we understand each other.

Are you saying that you think a Mormon waiter that works in a restaurant that serves alcohol should be able to refuse sale on moral grounds and retain their job?

What part of yes did you not understand?

I had thought you would hold the opposite opinion, to be honest.

Shouldn't a person do the job they are required to do?
If I become a vegetarian, can I refuse to sell a person any product containing meat, and still expect to keep my job?

Can I work in a butchers shop and refuse to sell meat?

My position is really simple, every individual has a right to negotiate with every other individual regarding their mutual benefit. If a bar wants to employ somebody who doesn't serve alcohol, and the bar doesn't have a problem with that, neither do I.

Why would I take the position that a employer should be able to enslave people? I will leave that position to the fucked up progressives who think the government should be able to dictate opinions to intelligent human beings.
I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

How about if this cashier was a model employee forcefully caught in the dilemma..Her beliefs or her full-time job, income and family insurance in a (Democrat driven) tough economy.

Fuck her religious beliefs. If she is able to quit her job, then she can manage on her own.

And you wonder why people react negatively to your insistence on electing people who agree with you. If the employer doesn't have a problem with her religious beliefs, and you do, go shop somewhere else.

Or should I be able to insist that stores don't employ women who don't wear a burkha?
There are no laws that require non pharmacists to sell the pill ...

nor laws allowing personal beliefs to superseded the rights protected by law.

Buying a pill is not a right, and Obama is the one that lost the fight to sell the pill OTC, not the pharmacists.

and Obama is the one that lost the fight to sell the pill OTC, not the pharmacists.

That makes a lot of sense - and who cares if Obama made a clown out of himself ?

Buying the pill OTC is the Law and the Pharmacist is responsible to insure the transaction ... given the hypothetical the Pharmacist has chosen to place / sell the product.

I suggest you look up what over the counter means. In case you are too stupid to figure out all the implications, selling Plan B is no different than selling Bayer, there is no need to have a pharmacist involved in anything, including putting it on the shelves.
What part of yes did you not understand?

I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Why on Earth would you be surprised? Have you not been paying attention? I suggest you go back and read the thread again, you might just discover that my position makes more sense than yours.

My position is that an employer should have the right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Lumpy seems to suggest that employers should be forced to keep employees on staff who refuse to do their job.

You seem to be agreeing with him, which is surprising to me.
You want to fire people that disagree with you, but support Obama who fought the court order to allow these pills to be sold OTC.

In other words, you are the one with the problem here, not a random employee who might object to selling the morning after pill.

I don't support Obama, and never really have. I didn't vote for him either time.

Nor do I own a pharmacy, or "want" to fire anyone.

I don't know what point you're trying to make here.

You have never once complained about the fact that Obama fought against the order to sell Plan B OTC, nor do you object to his insistence on keeping the Pill as a prescription drug, but you have, right here in this thread, insisted that people who refuse to sell them shouldn't be working at a pharmacy, even though they are not pharmacists, and have supported the government in its attempts to make pharmacies carry them. If that is not supporting Obama and wanting people that disagree with you fired I don't know what is.

In other words, you are still the one with the problem.

What in the world gives you the impression that I support Obama's attempt to keep Plan B a prescription drug?
What part of yes did you not understand?

I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Why on Earth would you be surprised? Have you not been paying attention? I suggest you go back and read the thread again, you might just discover that my position makes more sense than yours.

If you owned a restaurant, and one of your waiters refused to sell coffee or booze on religious grounds, what would you do?
I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Why on Earth would you be surprised? Have you not been paying attention? I suggest you go back and read the thread again, you might just discover that my position makes more sense than yours.

My position is that an employer should have the right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Lumpy seems to suggest that employers should be forced to keep employees on staff who refuse to do their job.

You seem to be agreeing with him, which is surprising to me.

I don't recall Lumpy arguing that employers have to keep people on staff who won't do their jobs. Is it possible that you are projecting your positions on him the same way you are me? Because I clearly said earlier that, although I think employers should accommodate employees, I don't think the government should force them to do so. I see it as part of that bargaining thing you seem to think only applies if their is a union.
I don't support Obama, and never really have. I didn't vote for him either time.

Nor do I own a pharmacy, or "want" to fire anyone.

I don't know what point you're trying to make here.

You have never once complained about the fact that Obama fought against the order to sell Plan B OTC, nor do you object to his insistence on keeping the Pill as a prescription drug, but you have, right here in this thread, insisted that people who refuse to sell them shouldn't be working at a pharmacy, even though they are not pharmacists, and have supported the government in its attempts to make pharmacies carry them. If that is not supporting Obama and wanting people that disagree with you fired I don't know what is.

In other words, you are still the one with the problem.

What in the world gives you the impression that I support Obama's attempt to keep Plan B a prescription drug?

If you don't, where is the evidence? Where did you come out and say something against his policy?
I'm pretty surprised at this. I would have suspected that you would support the owner's right to fire an employee who refuses to do their job.

Why on Earth would you be surprised? Have you not been paying attention? I suggest you go back and read the thread again, you might just discover that my position makes more sense than yours.

If you owned a restaurant, and one of your waiters refused to sell coffee or booze on religious grounds, what would you do?

That would depend, is it a waiter that gets good tips and is popular with the customers, or does he refuse to take showers and generally make the place worse?

In other words, it would depend. Unlike you, I don't base my estimate of a man's character on a single thing, I leave that position to the bigots.
You have never once complained about the fact that Obama fought against the order to sell Plan B OTC, nor do you object to his insistence on keeping the Pill as a prescription drug, but you have, right here in this thread, insisted that people who refuse to sell them shouldn't be working at a pharmacy, even though they are not pharmacists, and have supported the government in its attempts to make pharmacies carry them. If that is not supporting Obama and wanting people that disagree with you fired I don't know what is.

In other words, you are still the one with the problem.

What in the world gives you the impression that I support Obama's attempt to keep Plan B a prescription drug?

If you don't, where is the evidence? Where did you come out and say something against his policy?

Where did I come out and say anything supporting his policy?

I've never seen you come out and say anything against Satanic ritual abuse and human sacrifice - does that imply that you support it?
What in the world gives you the impression that I support Obama's attempt to keep Plan B a prescription drug?

If you don't, where is the evidence? Where did you come out and say something against his policy?

Where did I come out and say anything supporting his policy?

You wanted to know why I might think you support it. If you don't like the answer I suggest you deal with the fact that it is based in reality, not the fantasy world you base your interpretation of my beliefs on.

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