Personally I think we’ll have low voter turnout this year because of COVID

What do think? And what is your rationale?
Every Trump voter is showing up regardless of the weather.

I partially agree. I think people who love Trump will cast their vote no matter what, but there are also a lot of people that don’t like neither Trump nor Biden. And then of course there’s the Trump haters
Why? Twice this year i went out to vote at our polling station. No Kung Flu for me...
There you have it

We have definitive proof we have nothing to fear from COVID
Low turnout - Trump wins. Democrats depend on the casual, low-information voters to carry the day.

Pray for terrible weather, too. We Trumpers will vote regardless.

Low turnout certainly does favor Trump: The enthusiasm gap is in his favor as well. I was think Biden will win, but I’m not sure because a lot of the Trump haters are too lazy to vote.

The hate for Trump I bet isn't nearly as strong as some suggest. The reason? People look at what he did and how much the MEDIA hates Trump, and many will say to themselves, "wait,THEY hate him for confronting China, building a wall and dealing with illegal immigration, what the hell for?" All of the effort the last 3.5 years to remove him has convinced people, HE, and American voters, are the victim.

Many who don't feel comfortable voting for him, such as Bernie Bros, will just stay home. Others will vote for him in protest (again). I don't think media is going to determine this any more than it did in 2016, Trump won Obamas old Rustbelt voters. A poll after the DNC convention but BEFORE the RNC, showed Trump up by 10% with Independents.

How much higher is it now after 4 days of the RNC? They are already panicking, which is why they push marches and protests, many of them paid. If Trump doesn't take the bait, their narrative will be moot.

If Trump wins again almost certainly the great awakening is going to be big, it's going to be more global. China will be confronted as strongly as Russia was in the 1980s. The Communist patsies and their tap dancers know it.

One term they can argue was an outlier, but twice for an outsider, it is going to force politics to change to America First, and Western Values will be front and centre again. If Trump loses I'm putting all of my money on Shanghai Composite, it will outperform all markets until another Trump-like leader comes along to confront the Communists.

Western loyalty from citizens was already declining, if China is allowed to rise as it was before Trump, Western loyalty will disappear (it's already weak in so many corners) and Communist China will recruit more spies, rats and politicians than anyone though imaginable. Exactly who will stop them? They could hardly stop them for the last 30 years...
Maybe last year

But Trumps reaction to COVID has received poor grades with the public as have the increasing number of deaths which show no end in sight.
His once vaunted economy is the worst in 80 years
His indifference and intolerance to protest is not helping him.

He provided the states with all they needed. Individual states are to blame for outcomes, what is the federal government going to do differently?

In Canada every province is responsible for outcomes, they all do daily updates, as provinces. Ontario and Quebec did the worth, comparable to NY until recently.

Nobody is going to be perfect. Let's consider what Biden called Trump when he shut down the border, "Xenophobic", or Pelosi telling everyone to "enjoy Chinese NY in NY", or Emperor Fauci telling MSNBC that it wasn't going to be a major pandemic (I paraphrase).

Nobody could predict this and Obama couldn't have done as well, he almost certainly wouldn't have banned flights from China very early. That's one of the biggest criticism in Canada, we kept allowing flights from China, and it hurt us.
One reason we are failing miserably compared to other countries. 50 individual states deciding the degree of protection vs a unified national policy and allocation of resources.

Trump has been a failure of leadership and the direction he has given has done our nation harm. He has turned social distancing and masks into a political statement and made it clear that those who follow him do not engage in those practices
Low turnout - Trump wins. Democrats depend on the casual, low-information voters to carry the day.

Pray for terrible weather, too. We Trumpers will vote regardless.

Low turnout certainly does favor Trump: The enthusiasm gap is in his favor as well. I was think Biden will win, but I’m not sure because a lot of the Trump haters are too lazy to vote.

The hate for Trump I bet isn't nearly as strong as some suggest. The reason? People look at what he did and how much the MEDIA hates Trump, and many will say to themselves, "wait,THEY hate him for confronting China, building a wall and dealing with illegal immigration, what the hell for?" All of the effort the last 3.5 years to remove him has convinced people, HE, and American voters, are the victim.

Many who don't feel comfortable voting for him, such as Bernie Bros, will just stay home. Others will vote for him in protest (again). I don't think media is going to determine this any more than it did in 2016, Trump won Obamas old Rustbelt voters. A poll after the DNC convention but BEFORE the RNC, showed Trump up by 10% with Independents.

How much higher is it now after 4 days of the RNC? They are already panicking, which is why they push marches and protests, many of them paid. If Trump doesn't take the bait, their narrative will be moot.

If Trump wins again almost certainly the great awakening is going to be big, it's going to be more global. China will be confronted as strongly as Russia was in the 1980s. The Communist patsies and their tap dancers know it.

One term they can argue was an outlier, but twice for an outsider, it is going to force politics to change to America First, and Western Values will be front and centre again. If Trump loses I'm putting all of my money on Shanghai Composite, it will outperform all markets until another Trump-like leader comes along to confront the Communists.

Western loyalty from citizens was already declining, if China is allowed to rise as it was before Trump, Western loyalty will disappear (it's already weak in so many corners) and Communist China will recruit more spies, rats and politicians than anyone though imaginable. Exactly who will stop them? They could hardly stop them for the last 30 years...
Maybe last year

But Trumps reaction to COVID has received poor grades with the public as have the increasing number of deaths which show no end in sight.
His once vaunted economy is the worst in 80 years
His indifference and intolerance to protest is not helping him.

He provided the states with all they needed. Individual states are to blame for outcomes, what is the federal government going to do differently?

In Canada every province is responsible for outcomes, they all do daily updates, as provinces. Ontario and Quebec did the worth, comparable to NY until recently.

Nobody is going to be perfect. Let's consider what Biden called Trump when he shut down the border, "Xenophobic", or Pelosi telling everyone to "enjoy Chinese NY in NY", or Emperor Fauci telling MSNBC that it wasn't going to be a major pandemic (I paraphrase).

Nobody could predict this and Obama couldn't have done as well, he almost certainly wouldn't have banned flights from China very early. That's one of the biggest criticism in Canada, we kept allowing flights from China, and it hurt us.

Actually, I think that Obama would have had people coming into the USA from ANY foreign country screened. The pandemics main place that it hit was NYC, and that was because flights from Europe were still being allowed.

As far as Pelosi telling people to go to Chinatown? Yeah, she did do that, but that was BEFORE we found out how fast this thing could spread. Fauci was being optimistic at the beginning before anyone knew how bad this thing was, and he adjusted his view of this thing accordingly, as new information was learned. Trump never adjusted, he just kept saying that it was gonna go away "like a miracle", and that the summer heat would kill it and make it go away. Sadly, neither of those things has happened.

As far as staying safe? Ever since they have shown that this thing is airborne, I'm one of those mask wearing types. Yeah, it can be uncomfortable when it's hot out, but hey, I'd rather sweat and live than get the virus and die.
As I see it.....the only real chance of low voter turnout is if Trump supporters stay home thinking Biden doesn't have a chance because they think nobody would vote for him.

Just remember.......NEVER underestimate the left's idiocy when it comes to TDS. They'd vote for a dog turd as long as it was on the ballot and not Trump
What do think? And what is your rationale?
A new Pew Research Center survey released this week provides the most compelling evidence yet that turnout this November will be massive and that states will be challenged to complete timely counts of a record number of mail-in ballots. Indicators that gauge voters’ interest and intensity are high as they have been in previous elections with high turnout.
Low turnout - Trump wins. Democrats depend on the casual, low-information voters to carry the day.

Pray for terrible weather, too. We Trumpers will vote regardless.

Low turnout certainly does favor Trump: The enthusiasm gap is in his favor as well. I was think Biden will win, but I’m not sure because a lot of the Trump haters are too lazy to vote.

The hate for Trump I bet isn't nearly as strong as some suggest. The reason? People look at what he did and how much the MEDIA hates Trump, and many will say to themselves, "wait,THEY hate him for confronting China, building a wall and dealing with illegal immigration, what the hell for?" All of the effort the last 3.5 years to remove him has convinced people, HE, and American voters, are the victim.

Many who don't feel comfortable voting for him, such as Bernie Bros, will just stay home. Others will vote for him in protest (again). I don't think media is going to determine this any more than it did in 2016, Trump won Obamas old Rustbelt voters. A poll after the DNC convention but BEFORE the RNC, showed Trump up by 10% with Independents.

How much higher is it now after 4 days of the RNC? They are already panicking, which is why they push marches and protests, many of them paid. If Trump doesn't take the bait, their narrative will be moot.

If Trump wins again almost certainly the great awakening is going to be big, it's going to be more global. China will be confronted as strongly as Russia was in the 1980s. The Communist patsies and their tap dancers know it.

One term they can argue was an outlier, but twice for an outsider, it is going to force politics to change to America First, and Western Values will be front and centre again. If Trump loses I'm putting all of my money on Shanghai Composite, it will outperform all markets until another Trump-like leader comes along to confront the Communists.

Western loyalty from citizens was already declining, if China is allowed to rise as it was before Trump, Western loyalty will disappear (it's already weak in so many corners) and Communist China will recruit more spies, rats and politicians than anyone though imaginable. Exactly who will stop them? They could hardly stop them for the last 30 years...
Maybe last year

But Trumps reaction to COVID has received poor grades with the public as have the increasing number of deaths which show no end in sight.
His once vaunted economy is the worst in 80 years
His indifference and intolerance to protest is not helping him.

He provided the states with all they needed. Individual states are to blame for outcomes, what is the federal government going to do differently?

In Canada every province is responsible for outcomes, they all do daily updates, as provinces. Ontario and Quebec did the worth, comparable to NY until recently.

Nobody is going to be perfect. Let's consider what Biden called Trump when he shut down the border, "Xenophobic", or Pelosi telling everyone to "enjoy Chinese NY in NY", or Emperor Fauci telling MSNBC that it wasn't going to be a major pandemic (I paraphrase).

Nobody could predict this and Obama couldn't have done as well, he almost certainly wouldn't have banned flights from China very early. That's one of the biggest criticism in Canada, we kept allowing flights from China, and it hurt us.
One reason we are failing miserably compared to other countries. 50 individual states deciding the degree of protection vs a unified national policy and allocation of resources.

Trump has been a failure of leadership and the direction he has given has done our nation harm. He has turned social distancing and masks into a political statement and made it clear that those who follow him do not engage in those practices
Trump administration people admit now that they been pressured by Trump to change covid commendations. Everything he says and does now, is about winning votes. He knows he lost the battle against Covid months ago so he's just going to ignore it. Covid deaths are expected to reach about quarter of million by election day.
Low turnout - Trump wins. Democrats depend on the casual, low-information voters to carry the day.

Pray for terrible weather, too. We Trumpers will vote regardless.

Low turnout certainly does favor Trump: The enthusiasm gap is in his favor as well. I was think Biden will win, but I’m not sure because a lot of the Trump haters are too lazy to vote.

The hate for Trump I bet isn't nearly as strong as some suggest. The reason? People look at what he did and how much the MEDIA hates Trump, and many will say to themselves, "wait,THEY hate him for confronting China, building a wall and dealing with illegal immigration, what the hell for?" All of the effort the last 3.5 years to remove him has convinced people, HE, and American voters, are the victim.

Many who don't feel comfortable voting for him, such as Bernie Bros, will just stay home. Others will vote for him in protest (again). I don't think media is going to determine this any more than it did in 2016, Trump won Obamas old Rustbelt voters. A poll after the DNC convention but BEFORE the RNC, showed Trump up by 10% with Independents.

How much higher is it now after 4 days of the RNC? They are already panicking, which is why they push marches and protests, many of them paid. If Trump doesn't take the bait, their narrative will be moot.

If Trump wins again almost certainly the great awakening is going to be big, it's going to be more global. China will be confronted as strongly as Russia was in the 1980s. The Communist patsies and their tap dancers know it.

One term they can argue was an outlier, but twice for an outsider, it is going to force politics to change to America First, and Western Values will be front and centre again. If Trump loses I'm putting all of my money on Shanghai Composite, it will outperform all markets until another Trump-like leader comes along to confront the Communists.

Western loyalty from citizens was already declining, if China is allowed to rise as it was before Trump, Western loyalty will disappear (it's already weak in so many corners) and Communist China will recruit more spies, rats and politicians than anyone though imaginable. Exactly who will stop them? They could hardly stop them for the last 30 years...
Maybe last year

But Trumps reaction to COVID has received poor grades with the public as have the increasing number of deaths which show no end in sight.
His once vaunted economy is the worst in 80 years
His indifference and intolerance to protest is not helping him.

He provided the states with all they needed. Individual states are to blame for outcomes, what is the federal government going to do differently?

In Canada every province is responsible for outcomes, they all do daily updates, as provinces. Ontario and Quebec did the worth, comparable to NY until recently.

Nobody is going to be perfect. Let's consider what Biden called Trump when he shut down the border, "Xenophobic", or Pelosi telling everyone to "enjoy Chinese NY in NY", or Emperor Fauci telling MSNBC that it wasn't going to be a major pandemic (I paraphrase).

Nobody could predict this and Obama couldn't have done as well, he almost certainly wouldn't have banned flights from China very early. That's one of the biggest criticism in Canada, we kept allowing flights from China, and it hurt us.
One reason we are failing miserably compared to other countries. 50 individual states deciding the degree of protection vs a unified national policy and allocation of resources.

Trump has been a failure of leadership and the direction he has given has done our nation harm. He has turned social distancing and masks into a political statement and made it clear that those who follow him do not engage in those practices
Trump administration people admit now that they been pressured by Trump to change covid commendations. Everything he says and does now, is about winning votes. He knows he lost the battle against Covid months ago so he's just going to ignore it. Covid deaths are expected to reach about quarter of million by election day.

Then maybe people should be suggesting starting a war with Beijing. It's not the worlds fault, it's clearly the communist Chinese government, clearly designed to hurt Trump.

If Trump loses, I wouldn't want to be a foreign intelligence agent. The rise of China will be so rapid, vast and unrelenting, that it will be a sport to pick up Western politicians and spies. Hell, they might as well just announce it publicly, consequences to them would be ziltch. A war of attrition like no other.

"Oh you caught another one of our spies? Cool, hey, give him the chair for all we care, we have another 200M interacting and scheming this very moment. We KNOW you aren't going to hit us with tariffs or confront us in any meaningful way. If you do, we will ban your businesses and you will fold".

I'm actually surprised that Western intelligence hasn't had a press conference in front of the U.N to announce what is going on. Weakest leadership in the history of the Western world. Possibly worse than in the 1930's, and all that was gained in terms of human rights after that war, will be quickly lost.
Last edited:
Low Democrat turnout. Democrats get creamed. Lose House. People see they have nothing to offer.
Low turnout - Trump wins. Democrats depend on the casual, low-information voters to carry the day.

Pray for terrible weather, too. We Trumpers will vote regardless.

Low turnout certainly does favor Trump: The enthusiasm gap is in his favor as well. I was think Biden will win, but I’m not sure because a lot of the Trump haters are too lazy to vote.

The hate for Trump I bet isn't nearly as strong as some suggest. The reason? People look at what he did and how much the MEDIA hates Trump, and many will say to themselves, "wait,THEY hate him for confronting China, building a wall and dealing with illegal immigration, what the hell for?" All of the effort the last 3.5 years to remove him has convinced people, HE, and American voters, are the victim.

Many who don't feel comfortable voting for him, such as Bernie Bros, will just stay home. Others will vote for him in protest (again). I don't think media is going to determine this any more than it did in 2016, Trump won Obamas old Rustbelt voters. A poll after the DNC convention but BEFORE the RNC, showed Trump up by 10% with Independents.

How much higher is it now after 4 days of the RNC? They are already panicking, which is why they push marches and protests, many of them paid. If Trump doesn't take the bait, their narrative will be moot.

If Trump wins again almost certainly the great awakening is going to be big, it's going to be more global. China will be confronted as strongly as Russia was in the 1980s. The Communist patsies and their tap dancers know it.

One term they can argue was an outlier, but twice for an outsider, it is going to force politics to change to America First, and Western Values will be front and centre again. If Trump loses I'm putting all of my money on Shanghai Composite, it will outperform all markets until another Trump-like leader comes along to confront the Communists.

Western loyalty from citizens was already declining, if China is allowed to rise as it was before Trump, Western loyalty will disappear (it's already weak in so many corners) and Communist China will recruit more spies, rats and politicians than anyone though imaginable. Exactly who will stop them? They could hardly stop them for the last 30 years...
Maybe last year

But Trumps reaction to COVID has received poor grades with the public as have the increasing number of deaths which show no end in sight.
His once vaunted economy is the worst in 80 years
His indifference and intolerance to protest is not helping him.

He provided the states with all they needed. Individual states are to blame for outcomes, what is the federal government going to do differently?

In Canada every province is responsible for outcomes, they all do daily updates, as provinces. Ontario and Quebec did the worth, comparable to NY until recently.

Nobody is going to be perfect. Let's consider what Biden called Trump when he shut down the border, "Xenophobic", or Pelosi telling everyone to "enjoy Chinese NY in NY", or Emperor Fauci telling MSNBC that it wasn't going to be a major pandemic (I paraphrase).

Nobody could predict this and Obama couldn't have done as well, he almost certainly wouldn't have banned flights from China very early. That's one of the biggest criticism in Canada, we kept allowing flights from China, and it hurt us.
One reason we are failing miserably compared to other countries. 50 individual states deciding the degree of protection vs a unified national policy and allocation of resources.

Trump has been a failure of leadership and the direction he has given has done our nation harm. He has turned social distancing and masks into a political statement and made it clear that those who follow him do not engage in those practices
Trump administration people admit now that they been pressured by Trump to change covid commendations. Everything he says and does now, is about winning votes. He knows he lost the battle against Covid months ago so he's just going to ignore it. Covid deaths are expected to reach about quarter of million by election day.

Then maybe people should be suggesting starting a war with Beijing. It's not the worlds fault, it's clearly the communist Chinese government, clearly designed to hurt Trump.

If Trump loses, I wouldn't want to be a foreign intelligence agent. The rise of China will be so rapid, vast and unrelenting, that it will be a sport to pick up Western politicians and spies. Hell, they might as well just announce it publicly, consequences to them would be ziltch. A war of attrition like no other.

"Oh you caught another one of our spies? Cool, hey, give him the chair for all we care, we have another 200M interacting and scheming this very moment. We KNOW you aren't going to hit us with tariffs or confront us in any meaningful way. If you do, we will ban your businesses and you will fold".

I'm actually surprised that Western intelligence hasn't had a press conference in front of the U.N to announce what is going on. Weakest leadership in the history of the Western world. Possibly worse than in the 1930's, and all that was gained in terms of human rights after that war, will be quickly lost.
A war with China?:cuckoo: Not a good idea, they have a nuclear arsenal of between 300 and 500 nuclear warheads, ICBM's capable of hitting the US, 2.8 million ground troops, and a surprising large navy. The US would prevail of course but then we would end up facing Russia, definitely not a good plan. Just because the virus came out of the wet the markets in Chins as do a number of viruses it does not mean China had any intent on destruction of the US, their biggest customer. China's economy has plummeted 6.8% with trillions of dollars in lost exports resulting in sharply lower employment, reduction in revenues that has effected not only Chinese businesses but leaders in Communistic party that have prospered from China's economic growth.

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