Perspective: How Many Conservatives Would Kill You?

I don't need your useless clarification. Address the point I made why don't you.
Except for the two situations I outlined I see no reason a felon should not be allowed to vote. Just like I don't see a reason their gun rights shouldn't be restored if their crime was non violent.

The only point you have is covered by your hat.

You said ex-felons, dope.....I never did.

My post addressed felons, those serving time.

Now, just because you don't want criminals penalized, what has that to do with what normal folks want for predators?

The issue here is why Democrats....and confused folks like you....stand up for enemies of society, rather than innocent law-abiding citizens.

Perhaps, this is the reason:
"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
....most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

... in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

the following Democrat-to-Republican breakdown in felon party registration patterns:

– New York: 61.5 percent register Democratic, 9 percent register Republican

– New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican

– North Carolina: 54.6 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican" White House threatens to veto House energy bill

Wise up.....
Listen you stupid whore, the things that exist in that bubble head of yours have no baring on reality. You regurgitate the bullshit you READ ON THE INTERNET, almost verbatim at times.
I have NEVER seen you create a thread of your own thoughts, NEVER.
It's always some cut n paste bullshit off the net.

I gave you a reason why I believe what I believe and you offer nothing to rebutt it but your asinine fears that are fueled by your obsession with plagiarizing the entirety of the internet.


Watch your're not speaking to your family.
Fuck off slant eyes

I love it when you reveal how deeply I've wounded you.

With a passion.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned
What is the reason you, Liberals....always take the side of predators and perpetrators over innocent Americans????

Hey asshole, your usual personal attack is NOT A RESPONSE, it is the usual crap posted by poorly educated bigots who lack the knowledge to defend the bullshit they post.

Wow.....look how quickly I've forced you to default to vulgarity!

This post sure put a burr under your saddle, you donkey!
What is the reason you, Liberals....always take the side of predators and perpetrators over innocent Americans????

But, in full disclosure, This is the first time I've seen a pustule postulate.

Asshole is used by me as an acronym:

Self Serving
HOLE (an object which defines something empty of principles, empathy and humility)

Which defines you to a T. The only vulgarity is your use of pustule to describe me, though such nastiness it expected from a cretin like you.

If that is an attempt at an apology it's feeble at best.

Don't do it again.

Now....the question that set you off...

What is the reason you, Liberals....always take the side of predators and perpetrators over innocent Americans????

...perhaps I can answer it for you: you Democrats/Liberals hate America with such a passion that it bleeds over into a hatred of Americans, as well. imbeciles support and champion felons ans well as every other iteration of sociopath you can identify.

Hit the nail on your head???
A smart person would want to empower felons with knowledge and involvement so that when they're released they have a sense of value & drive.

Then there's people like you. The lock em up & throw away the key mentality is why the vast majority of them end up returning after release.
And unlike your belief that EVERYONE in prison is a predator or killer most people realize that isn't reality.

Are you here to admit that I never mentioned ex-felons?


Then get lost, dunce.
The only point you have is covered by your hat.

You said ex-felons, dope.....I never did.

My post addressed felons, those serving time.

Now, just because you don't want criminals penalized, what has that to do with what normal folks want for predators?

The issue here is why Democrats....and confused folks like you....stand up for enemies of society, rather than innocent law-abiding citizens.

Perhaps, this is the reason:
"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
....most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

... in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

the following Democrat-to-Republican breakdown in felon party registration patterns:

– New York: 61.5 percent register Democratic, 9 percent register Republican

– New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican

– North Carolina: 54.6 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican" White House threatens to veto House energy bill

Wise up.....
Listen you stupid whore, the things that exist in that bubble head of yours have no baring on reality. You regurgitate the bullshit you READ ON THE INTERNET, almost verbatim at times.
I have NEVER seen you create a thread of your own thoughts, NEVER.
It's always some cut n paste bullshit off the net.

I gave you a reason why I believe what I believe and you offer nothing to rebutt it but your asinine fears that are fueled by your obsession with plagiarizing the entirety of the internet.


Watch your're not speaking to your family.
Fuck off slant eyes

I love it when you reveal how deeply I've wounded you.

With a passion.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned

Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
Listen you stupid whore, the things that exist in that bubble head of yours have no baring on reality. You regurgitate the bullshit you READ ON THE INTERNET, almost verbatim at times.
I have NEVER seen you create a thread of your own thoughts, NEVER.
It's always some cut n paste bullshit off the net.

I gave you a reason why I believe what I believe and you offer nothing to rebutt it but your asinine fears that are fueled by your obsession with plagiarizing the entirety of the internet.


Watch your're not speaking to your family.
Fuck off slant eyes

I love it when you reveal how deeply I've wounded you.

With a passion.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned

Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
You. You're an uninformed bitch talking out of your ass. I didn't have a family in my youth. I was raised in foster care.

Now don't you have another internet story to plagiarize
Watch your're not speaking to your family.
Fuck off slant eyes

I love it when you reveal how deeply I've wounded you.

With a passion.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned

Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
You. You're an uninformed bitch talking out of your ass. I didn't have a family in my youth. I was raised in foster care.

Now don't you have another internet story to plagiarize

I drew blood, huh?

Street thugs, robbers, meth heads, muggers, rapists, drug dealers, petty thieves, ineligible firearms possessors, prostitutes, crack heads.....all believers in liberal or progressive values.
I doubt you'd find any voters in that bunch..They really don't give a shit about you or politics....

Maybe not, but the Democrat Party has always been intent on pandering to that element of society.
Fuck off slant eyes

I love it when you reveal how deeply I've wounded you.

With a passion.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned

Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
You. You're an uninformed bitch talking out of your ass. I didn't have a family in my youth. I was raised in foster care.

Now don't you have another internet story to plagiarize

I drew blood, huh?

Avoiding your own topic I see. You STILL haven't offered a valid reason felons shouldn't be allowed to vote other than they might not VOTE the way you like.
All that shit you wrote does not legitimize taking away fundamental rights. It doesn't get anymore partisan than that.
As I stated, unless their crimes are related to elections or public service there is no reason to restrict them.

But by all means continue patting yourself on the back and act as if you accomplished something. Your high minded bullshit means nothing.
I love it when you reveal how deeply I've wounded you.

With a passion.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned

Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
You. You're an uninformed bitch talking out of your ass. I didn't have a family in my youth. I was raised in foster care.

Now don't you have another internet story to plagiarize

I drew blood, huh?

Avoiding your own topic I see. You STILL haven't offered a valid reason felons shouldn't be allowed to vote other than they might not VOTE the way you like.
All that shit you wrote does not legitimize taking away fundamental rights. It doesn't get anymore partisan than that.
As I stated, unless their crimes are related to elections or public service there is no reason to restrict them.

But by all means continue patting yourself on the back and act as if you accomplished something. Your high minded bullshit means nothing.

Now, don't hesitate to drop back the next time you feel the need for the same sort of spanking that I was force to administer today.
You insulted my family, I insulted your heritage.

Play with fire get burned

Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
You. You're an uninformed bitch talking out of your ass. I didn't have a family in my youth. I was raised in foster care.

Now don't you have another internet story to plagiarize

I drew blood, huh?

Avoiding your own topic I see. You STILL haven't offered a valid reason felons shouldn't be allowed to vote other than they might not VOTE the way you like.
All that shit you wrote does not legitimize taking away fundamental rights. It doesn't get anymore partisan than that.
As I stated, unless their crimes are related to elections or public service there is no reason to restrict them.

But by all means continue patting yourself on the back and act as if you accomplished something. Your high minded bullshit means nothing.

Now, don't hesitate to drop back the next time you feel the need for the same sort of spanking that I was force to administer today.
You can't answer my question. Lol

Your left defenseless without your internet talking points.

Dumb twit.
violence, up to and including the taking of human life, is justified when a person or grup of person attempts to infringe upon the rightful liberty of another or seeks to deprive that person of life and property
Street thugs, robbers, meth heads, muggers, rapists, drug dealers, petty thieves, ineligible firearms possessors, prostitutes, crack heads.....all believers in liberal or progressive values.
at least one of those groups, illegal firearms possesors, do not fall into that category universally, probably not even majority. I serously doubt that the guy who has converted his saiga to fire on full auto without jumping through the NFA hoops is a hillary supporter. Simalarly, I highly doubt that rural alaskans or arizonans who greww up shooting and hunting, got in trouble, went to prison etc, and then got out and ar elike "fuck the government, gun ownership is my right" are big time mikey moore or cenk and th eyoung turds watchers either.
Street thugs, robbers, meth heads, muggers, rapists, drug dealers, petty thieves, ineligible firearms possessors, prostitutes, crack heads.....all believers in liberal or progressive values.
When I worked in the prison you would not believe how many cons thought Clinton would have made an excellent President.
how did that break down by ethnicity?
Just wondering, because I lived in West Texas for awhile and did some work around the oil fields, and a large amount of those guys had done TDC time and NONE of th eones I talked to were pro hillary(except for one dumb ass who said hillary was pro-second damendment LOL)
You disproved my link? :lol:

"My" link is YOUR link. I looked at the link from your OP, and followed a link within that page to a further explanation of the poll results.

What I am arguing, and have been arguing, is that you attempted to use a particular portion of a poll to make a point, but when taken in context, that poll result actually says something else entirely. ;)

That's right.

I disproved your link, you moron.

"Americans with a high school degree or less education blah blah blah....."

I showed that educational attainment has do with the propensity for violence.

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

Again, it's not my link, it's your own. The link from your OP. Go to that page, and there is a portion labelled "chapter 5," which goes into further detail on the poll results. I simply added a link to that portion of the article, but it comes from the link in your OP. You can feel free to disprove the link from your OP all you like. ;)

It's your quote that I eviscerated.

It is values that determine behavior.

Your inept attempt to score points has been as eggs attacking stones.

And, once again, the quote is from your own link in the OP. So you eviscerated your own source. Good job. :clap2:

And, once again, you chose it as dispositive....and I destroyed it.

Hey, if you want to be proud of supposedly disproving your own source, good on you. It's an odd strategy.... :lol:
Actually, you insulted your family: I didn't bring you up to use the vulgarity you do.

Plus, I revealed you as a dunce, a liar, and an oaf.

Soooo.....who got burned?
You. You're an uninformed bitch talking out of your ass. I didn't have a family in my youth. I was raised in foster care.

Now don't you have another internet story to plagiarize

I drew blood, huh?

Avoiding your own topic I see. You STILL haven't offered a valid reason felons shouldn't be allowed to vote other than they might not VOTE the way you like.
All that shit you wrote does not legitimize taking away fundamental rights. It doesn't get anymore partisan than that.
As I stated, unless their crimes are related to elections or public service there is no reason to restrict them.

But by all means continue patting yourself on the back and act as if you accomplished something. Your high minded bullshit means nothing.

Now, don't hesitate to drop back the next time you feel the need for the same sort of spanking that I was force to administer today.
You can't answer my question. Lol

Your left defenseless without your internet talking points.

Dumb twit.

Are you here to admit that I never mentioned ex-felons?


Then get lost, dunce.
Street thugs, robbers, meth heads, muggers, rapists, drug dealers, petty thieves, ineligible firearms possessors, prostitutes, crack heads.....all believers in liberal or progressive values.

Could be the reason why Democrats want felons to have the right to vote.

What is the reason to deny felons the right to vote?

What is the reason you, Liberals....always take the side of predators and perpetrators over innocent Americans????
well PC, I look at it like this...........if someone has done something so heinous that they cant be allowed to exercise basic rights, they should still be locked up. period.
violence, up to and including the taking of human life, is justified when a person or grup of person attempts to infringe upon the rightful liberty of another or seeks to deprive that person of life and property

Doesn't pertain.

The issue presented in the OP is of a particular religion residing in this country, a fifth of whom would kill any who disagree with their point of view.

And these folks are deemed excellent candidates for our society by Democrats/Liberals.
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Always have been, always will be

How would you react if a poll of conservatives found that over 9 million of 'em were perfectly fine with killing......slaughtering......any who didn't agree with conservative viewpoints????
Have you ever heard such killings voiced or approved by conservatives?

Hmmm, gee, let me think:

Wow. Let him die?

Senate GOP Health Proposal Would Leave 22 Million Uninsured

And they can die to?

I thought the hundreds of young soldiers Reagan sent off to die for no apparent reason and how little it was investigated.
Then the thousands that died in the WTC and the insane invasion of Iraq and then tens of thousand dead and injured.
And the thousands ignored after Katrina.
And Flint.
And the fight to abolish the EPA.


You get the picture.

Republicans don't give a flying f*ck about the American people. Their wicked and dangerous policies tell the story. The entire story.

How many people were forced into buying the unaffordable care act that didn't want it in the first place? 22 million? Sounds about right...

Street thugs, robbers, meth heads, muggers, rapists, drug dealers, petty thieves, ineligible firearms possessors, prostitutes, crack heads.....all believers in liberal or progressive values.
When I worked in the prison you would not believe how many cons thought Clinton would have made an excellent President.
how did that break down by ethnicity?
Just wondering, because I lived in West Texas for awhile and did some work around the oil fields, and a large amount of those guys had done TDC time and NONE of th eones I talked to were pro hillary(except for one dumb ass who said hillary was pro-second damendment LOL)
I Dont know.

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