Pet Peeves

I think that now makes ten different posts of yours to the same single post of mine.

It's like triggered on steroids.

You mean ten posts on topic? Ten posts based on real life experience rather than disingenuous internet hysteria?
Phrases like “summers off” or “short day, short year.”

No matter how teachers try to spin it, teachers work fewer hours than other professionals

180 days a year is still not 230 days a year

Your school day is still six hours, trying to say it is eight hours does not cut it. Other professionals work uncompensated hours after work and weekends too

My contract day is 8 hours long: 7:45-3:45
The list started off with completely reasonable irritations and gradually turned into a defense of power and control.

For instance, #5 -- assumptions about dress and professionalism. You want men who wear giant prosthetic breasts to school to be above reproach?

#6 -- Unsolicited advice from non-professionals -- yes, you do not want any input from parents, the ACTUAL people you are working for.

#7 -- Challenge to our expertise -- this one is a real authoritarian doozy. Teacher supremacy cannot be challenged, especially when they teach little children to be transexuals or show books to 10-year-olds showing boys giving blow jobs.

Teachers do not OWN children. Teachers SHOULD be held accountable. This piece has been engineered to lead to the conclusion that teachers are inviolate.

Teachers are not inviolate and I'm not into authority that cannot be questioned. You have good points there.
In olden times, Teachers wrote curriculums, created their own tests, everything was written and scored by hand.

Now, it is in preplanned lesson plans with homework assignments, tests done on a computer

Does a K-4 Teacher take much work home?
Does a Phys Ed, Art or Music Teacher take work home?

I agree there are times a teacher will have to take work home, but not every day for over ten hours a week

The depth of your ignorance is such that you don't realize how embarrassing this is. You sound like a really out of touch, grumpy old man.
What some conservatives want is public workers to work for free. And then they want them to work hard for free. And they'd still cry like little babies how they aren't working hard enough. But they'll never say boo about a CEO making millions doing while the actual workers who do all the work make peanuts. When the workers demand more those same crybabies will complain how workers somehow drive jobs away. That stance is laughable.
What some conservatives want is public workers to work for free. And then they want them to work hard for free. And they'd still cry like little babies how they aren't working hard enough. But they'll never say boo about a CEO making millions doing while the actual workers who do all the work make peanuts. When the workers demand more those same crybabies will complain how workers somehow drive jobs away. That stance is laughable.

rightwinger how is it that you liked this while ALSO saying we don't work nearly hard enough?

Did you not "cry like a little baby" in this thread about how teachers do not work hard enough?
rightwinger how is it that you liked this while ALSO saying we don't work nearly hard enough?

Did you not "cry like a little baby" in this thread about how teachers do not work hard enough?

I did not say you don’t work hard enough (well maybe Music Teachers)

Just not supporting the claim that teachers work as many hours as other professionals who work 230 days a year and 8 hours a day
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I did not say you don’t work hard enough

Just not supporting the claim that teachers work as many hours as other professionals who work 230 days a year and 8 hours a day

And they are justly compensated for that I hope and have flexibility in their day. For example: they can leave early for appts or say, take bathroom breaks as needed.

Maybe you should explain to your liberal/Leftist travelers why you hate teachers so much and maybe especially teachers of the arts?
I did not say you don’t work hard enough (well maybe Music Teachers)

Just not supporting the claim that teachers work as many hours as other professionals who work 230 days a year and 8 hours a day

Why don't I put to your fellow liberals that you hate arts teachers because you hate paying for it out of your taxes?

Should I?

Very, very, VERY conservative of you
I did not say you don’t work hard enough (well maybe Music Teachers)

Just not supporting the claim that teachers work as many hours as other professionals who work 230 days a year and 8 hours a day
I think it’s obvious teachers work well over the six hours a day the kids spend in school.

As for getting summer vacation, spring break etc. off, well, it’s common knowledge teachers get those weeks off and their compensation is adjusted to stretch their salary out over those chunks of time they’re off. (At least I think that’s how it works)

Plus, they have various in services and meetings all throughout the vacations and I bet they don’t have as much time off as you think. And I bet most get little part time jobs in the summer. I don’t get you think this makes them lazier than other workers.

I know some people have insinuated to me that nurses “work less” than others cause most of us work 3 twelve hour shifts a week. Ignorance.
I think it’s obvious teachers work well over the six hours a day the kids spend in school.

As for getting summer vacation, spring break etc. off, well, it’s common knowledge teachers get those weeks off and their compensation is adjusted to stretch their salary out over those chunks of time they’re off. (At least I think that’s how it works)

Plus, they have various in services and meetings all throughout the vacations and I bet they don’t have as much time off as you think. And I bet most get little part time jobs in the summer. I don’t get you think this makes them lazier than other workers.

I know some people have insinuated to me that nurses “work less” than others cause most of us work 3 twelve hour shifts a week. Ignorance.

rightwinger could not last three days put together in my job. Not three days put together. That would be 18, 45 minute classes for a total of almost 400 children coming through my room--in three days. But right, what a cake job. Oh. That's THREE DAYS, not three weeks. Or three months. Or three years, or the thirty years I've been in this job. Still getting very high evaluations, etc etc. Not burnt out on the bulk of what I do (teaching, working with children) yet. (Very much burnt out on getting crap from people like RW)

You could do it, because you have a job like mine. A public-facing, on your feet job. But not RW. He throws worship at the feet of smarmy, do-nothing politicians that make three times what I do, easily.

This is the world we live in now. And BTW, you were right about summers. We are paid for approx. 180 days, and that is stretched out over the summer.
That would be 18, 45 minute classes for a total of almost 400 children coming through my room--in three days.

You are what is known as “time off” for real teachers.
They send the class out for Music and they get to spend the time grading papers or just chilling.
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, teach.
I’ve heard this said about nursing instructors, and in that particular case, there’s some truth in the saying. Most of them are so out of touch with the realities of bedside nursing that they teach ridiculous pie-in-the-sky fantasy nursing that actually makes a lot of new grads *less* prepared to hit the floor.

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