Pete Buttigieg: America Isn’t ‘Much Of A Democracy’ Because Of That Electoral College Thing

Typical dumbass Democrat.
The 2020 Dem race is to see who can outstupid each other.



So you agree with him.

And HE's stupid. Which makes you ------------------ ?

Say, aren't you supposed to be ferreting out stories about how a freshman Congresscritter who lives three million districts away from you didn't signal for a lane change or some shit?
I love you form of stupid. you display it so well. electoral college you and him are afraid of.
Someone should inform BootyJudge that we have never been a democracy. Presidential candidates should know these things.
We have a republic in which the Democratic vote can be beaten by the electoral college.
You are full of crap! The electoral college prevent shitholes like LA, NY, and Chicago from controlling all presidential elections and makes them fair. Fair to liberals is like a cross the vampires!
Someone should inform BootyJudge that we have never been a democracy. Presidential candidates should know these things.
We have a republic in which the Democratic vote can be beaten by the electoral college.
You are full of crap! The electoral college prevent shitholes like LA, NY, and Chicago from controlling all presidential elections and makes them fair. Fair to liberals is like a cross the vampires!
dude, they like getting your feathers up.
And yet a state a president comes from does not hold sway over the government.

Count all the votes. Determine who won the most and inaugurate that person.
Because we want Democratic slums dictating our nation.
I want Americans dictating our nation. Government for, by and of the people. Never one party rule, and never disparaging the majority.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Because we want Democratic slums dictating our nation.
I want Americans dictating our nation.

Great! Me too!

Cast out the Democrats from all positions of power.
You are not American.

Indeed I am. Born in the birthplace of Uncle Sam, and raised in the bosom of American superiority long before you people threw your globalist turds in the punchbowl and screwed up Pax Americana, and divided Americans into small, easily-chewed political identity groups.
No. You're not faithful to America if you advocate one party rule.

If you recall, the Founders in the main wanted no party rule.

I don't advocate one party rule. There are approximately 35 political parties in the United States. The Democratic Party has gone screwball, and is expendable.

Government of the people, for the people and by the people. And that means all the people, not just the mouth breathing trailer park louts with Fox News on their televisions and their hands in a bag of Cheetos.

Sorry, I don't buy into the notion of government by the sexual deviants, welfare careerists, defecating homeless morons, ignorant college pukes and Inner Party media hounds that comprise the base of the Democratic Party.
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Because we want Democratic slums dictating our nation.
I want Americans dictating our nation. Government for, by and of the people. Never one party rule, and never disparaging the majority.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Oo! Race card!
He's implying America is a Democracy, but the Electoral College is holding it back, so it should be abolished. He has as much chance of becoming President as the guy that dresses up like a construction worker in the Village People.
Pete Buttigieg: America Isn’t ‘Much Of A Democracy’ Because Of That Electoral College Thing

It needs to be pointed out to mayor pete that he has no point, our country is not a democracy, it is a constitutional democracy with safe guards preventing the majority from imposing its will on the minority e.g. slavery, even if every single person in the nation vote to re-institute slavery it would be unconstitutional to do so, a majority of californians voted down gay marriage and a court somehow found the constitution forbid that, the same constitution also guarantees that "electors" are awarded to cast their votes for their "majorities" mayor pete either needs a real course in public civics or a refresher course on complete sentences unless of course it is his thought process that is incomplete...btw, he is not a bad guy, just needs to polish his political double speak.
I want Americans dictating our nation.

Great! Me too!

Cast out the Democrats from all positions of power.
You are not American.

Indeed I am. Born in the birthplace of Uncle Sam, and raised in the bosom of American superiority long before you people threw your globalist turds in the punchbowl and screwed up Pax Americana, and divided Americans into small, easily-chewed political identity groups.
No. You're not faithful to America if you advocate one party rule.

If you recall, the Founders in the main wanted no party rule.

I don't advocate one party rule. There are approximately 35 political parties in the United States. The Democratic Party has gone screwball, and is expendable.

Government of the people, for the people and by the people. And that means all the people, not just the mouth breathing trailer park louts with Fox News on their televisions and their hands in a bag of Cheetos.

Sorry, I don't buy into the notion of government by the sexual deviants, welfare careerists, defecating homeless morons, ignorant college pukes and Inner Party media hounds that comprise the base of the Democratic Party.
Would you rather be marginalized, forgotten and repressed by the wealthy, the corporate magnates and the greedy?

Like it or not, the PEOPLE you listed are, indeed citizens of this nation. A nation that calls itself freedom, justice and liberty.

You might claim to love your concept of America, but you surely hate Americans.
I want Americans dictating our nation. Government for, by and of the people. Never one party rule, and never disparaging the majority.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Oo! Race card!
And crybaby commie scum is acceptable discourse?
Great! Me too!

Cast out the Democrats from all positions of power.
You are not American.

Indeed I am. Born in the birthplace of Uncle Sam, and raised in the bosom of American superiority long before you people threw your globalist turds in the punchbowl and screwed up Pax Americana, and divided Americans into small, easily-chewed political identity groups.
No. You're not faithful to America if you advocate one party rule.

If you recall, the Founders in the main wanted no party rule.

I don't advocate one party rule. There are approximately 35 political parties in the United States. The Democratic Party has gone screwball, and is expendable.

Government of the people, for the people and by the people. And that means all the people, not just the mouth breathing trailer park louts with Fox News on their televisions and their hands in a bag of Cheetos.

Sorry, I don't buy into the notion of government by the sexual deviants, welfare careerists, defecating homeless morons, ignorant college pukes and Inner Party media hounds that comprise the base of the Democratic Party.
Would you rather be marginalized, forgotten and repressed by the wealthy, the corporate magnates and the greedy?

Like it or not, the PEOPLE you listed are, indeed citizens of this nation.

Indeed they are, but most of them should not be permitted to vote.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Oo! Race card!
And crybaby commie scum is acceptable discourse?
In what way is calling out a communist racist?
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Oo! Race card!
And crybaby commie scum is acceptable discourse?
When it's true.
Because we want Democratic slums dictating our nation.
I want Americans dictating our nation. Government for, by and of the people. Never one party rule, and never disparaging the majority.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Still lying. Not racist to hate commies you dumbass.
If you recall, the Founders in the main wanted no party rule.

Actually what I recall is that Washington (singular) disdained political parties and he was quickly countered by Hamilton, Adams and John Jay forming the Federalist Party and Jefferson and Madison starting the Democratic-Republicans.

Appropriately enough those latter two specifically disdained the WTA scheme that has short-circuited the Electrical College ever since.
I want Americans dictating our nation. Government for, by and of the people. Never one party rule, and never disparaging the majority.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Still lying. Not racist to hate commies you dumbass.

More irony --- "commies" were long supporters of civil rights and the tag was used in the Red Scare daze to try to discredit Martin Luther King and civil rights leaders in general.

Fast-forward to today and the same clueless element is trying to sell us "MLK was a Republican", oblivious to their own contradictions. History is so elastic for some wags.
I want Americans dictating our nation. Government for, by and of the people. Never one party rule, and never disparaging the majority.
One party rule?
The bottom line is that if you don’t get 100% of what you want, you do what most people do...throw a hissy fit.
Dissent is not a 'hissy fit'. And pique is not a standard for governance.
You libs are crybaby commie scum.
And you are racist totalitarians.
Still lying. Not racist to hate commies you dumbass.
Thus spake the ghost of Joe McCarthy.

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