Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

I find it quite interesting reading ALL of the Buttigieg threads here at USMB.

It is interesting to note the members that make negative & derogatory comments in regard to Mayor Pete, his homosexuality, and the inability to accept someone for who they are.

Many of the USMB members that state they are ANTI Buttigieg & anti gay, are the VERY SAME members that have stated that Trump's infidelities in multiple marriages are acceptable.

So, many USMB members are PRO fornication for a guy that has fucked over EVERY wife he has ever had but at the same time, those same members are anti gay.

Pretty interesting. I bet 99% of these USMB members also identify as "Christian.'

LOFL ......................... Jesus is now officially for (hetero) fornication .............. thanks for the fucking laugh ............

This is good stuff ................

My concern about Pete Butthead is how is this going to make America look to our friends? Will guys like Uncle Pooty, President Xi, Prime Minister Orban, or President Duterte make fun of him? Will America be no longer a serious country? Will Buttigieg want to declare war against other countries just because they follow the traditions of their countries and mock and poke fun at him?

I don't think that America should go to war against a country just because they called the President a "F**"

I am confident Buttigieg doesn't have skin as thin as you (obviously) have.

So you don't think that Pete Butt would throw a hissy fit if world leaders called him a pansy?

I guess you don't know any homos.
Buttiplug is an overeducated slick talking wanker, who at last count, wants 4 separate tax hikes all at the same time.
That's all any sound of mind voter needs to know!

So, you (obviously) prefer a brain dead ass hole draft dodger in The White House; good for you
I find it quite interesting reading ALL of the Buttigieg threads here at USMB.

It is interesting to note the members that make negative & derogatory comments in regard to Mayor Pete, his homosexuality, and the inability to accept someone for who they are.

Many of the USMB members that state they are ANTI Buttigieg & anti gay, are the VERY SAME members that have stated that Trump's infidelities in multiple marriages are acceptable.

So, many USMB members are PRO fornication for a guy that has fucked over EVERY wife he has ever had but at the same time, those same members are anti gay.

Pretty interesting. I bet 99% of these USMB members also identify as "Christian.'

LOFL ......................... Jesus is now officially for (hetero) fornication .............. thanks for the fucking laugh ............

This is good stuff ................

My concern about Pete Butthead is how is this going to make America look to our friends? Will guys like Uncle Pooty, President Xi, Prime Minister Orban, or President Duterte make fun of him? Will America be no longer a serious country? Will Buttigieg want to declare war against other countries just because they follow the traditions of their countries and mock and poke fun at him?

I don't think that America should go to war against a country just because they called the President a "F**"

I am confident Buttigieg doesn't have skin as thin as you (obviously) have.

So you don't think that Pete Butt would throw a hissy fit if world leaders called him a pansy?

I guess you don't know any homos.

Well, you seem like you might know some "homos"

tell US how your gay friends handle being called a fag; did they shoot everyone on Fifth Avenue?
Buttiplug is an overeducated slick talking wanker, who at last count, wants 4 separate tax hikes all at the same time.
That's all any sound of mind voter needs to know!

So, you (obviously) prefer a brain dead ass hole draft dodger in The White House; good for you

President Trump's tremendous record of success in the WH is public knowledge, ck.

At this point in time during the Obama Regime, unemployment was north of nine
Buttiplug is an overeducated slick talking wanker, who at last count, wants 4 separate tax hikes all at the same time.
That's all any sound of mind voter needs to know!

So, you (obviously) prefer a brain dead ass hole draft dodger in The White House; good for you

President Trump's tremendous record of success in the WH is public knowledge, ck.

At this point in time during the Obama Regime, unemployment was north of nine

Having a hard time reading the thread theme today?

Sorry, the thread is about Buttigieg & Trump.

Maybe you could go get your eyes checked by a proctologist.
I find it quite interesting reading ALL of the Buttigieg threads here at USMB.

It is interesting to note the members that make negative & derogatory comments in regard to Mayor Pete, his homosexuality, and the inability to accept someone for who they are.

Many of the USMB members that state they are ANTI Buttigieg & anti gay, are the VERY SAME members that have stated that Trump's infidelities in multiple marriages are acceptable.

So, many USMB members are PRO fornication for a guy that has fucked over EVERY wife he has ever had but at the same time, those same members are anti gay.

Pretty interesting. I bet 99% of these USMB members also identify as "Christian.'

LOFL ......................... Jesus is now officially for (hetero) fornication .............. thanks for the fucking laugh ............

This is good stuff ................

My concern about Pete Butthead is how is this going to make America look to our friends? Will guys like Uncle Pooty, President Xi, Prime Minister Orban, or President Duterte make fun of him? Will America be no longer a serious country? Will Buttigieg want to declare war against other countries just because they follow the traditions of their countries and mock and poke fun at him?

I don't think that America should go to war against a country just because they called the President a "F**"

I am confident Buttigieg doesn't have skin as thin as you (obviously) have.

So you don't think that Pete Butt would throw a hissy fit if world leaders called him a pansy?

I guess you don't know any homos.

Well, you seem like you might know some "homos"

tell US how your gay friends handle being called a fag; did they shoot everyone on Fifth Avenue?

You need to read history about the Stonewall Riots where the homos rioted in the street for days in a hissy fit against the cops.

I grew up in Ohio, and in Ohio, homos had their own bars, taverns and cocktail lounges, where they didn't have to socialize with the Deplorable Straight Arrow population
I find it quite interesting reading ALL of the Buttigieg threads here at USMB.

It is interesting to note the members that make negative & derogatory comments in regard to Mayor Pete, his homosexuality, and the inability to accept someone for who they are.

Many of the USMB members that state they are ANTI Buttigieg & anti gay, are the VERY SAME members that have stated that Trump's infidelities in multiple marriages are acceptable.

So, many USMB members are PRO fornication for a guy that has fucked over EVERY wife he has ever had but at the same time, those same members are anti gay.

Pretty interesting. I bet 99% of these USMB members also identify as "Christian.'

LOFL ......................... Jesus is now officially for (hetero) fornication .............. thanks for the fucking laugh ............

This is good stuff ................

My concern about Pete Butthead is how is this going to make America look to our friends? Will guys like Uncle Pooty, President Xi, Prime Minister Orban, or President Duterte make fun of him? Will America be no longer a serious country? Will Buttigieg want to declare war against other countries just because they follow the traditions of their countries and mock and poke fun at him?

I don't think that America should go to war against a country just because they called the President a "F**"

I am confident Buttigieg doesn't have skin as thin as you (obviously) have.

So you don't think that Pete Butt would throw a hissy fit if world leaders called him a pansy?

I guess you don't know any homos.

Well, you seem like you might know some "homos"

tell US how your gay friends handle being called a fag; did they shoot everyone on Fifth Avenue?

You need to read history about the Stonewall Riots where the homos rioted in the street for days in a hissy fit against the cops.

I grew up in Ohio, and in Ohio, homos had their own bars, taverns and cocktail lounges, where they didn't have to socialize with the Deplorable Straight Arrow population

Buttigieg is extremely well disciplined, former military, with a very even personality.

I don't buy your dumb ass theory that Pete would have a "hissy fit" if some third world shit hole leader threw bigoted names in his direction.

But you are certainly welcome to your fantasies.
Isn’t Buttigieg the guy who spreads his asscheeks for other sick guys?

As long as it's a voluntary relationship and participants are of age, then so what . I object to people like ex republican speaker of the house hastert screwing around with under age boys. Then there was a republican senator name foley......

At least they attempted to keep it quiet and not put it on the front page of the newspaper.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Drumpf would make a crappy soldier, he wouldn't even be able to be a male nurse.
The Time Donald Trump Turned Away in Disgust While a Man Was Bleeding to Death in Front of Him

I've give a lot of thought to the question:
Who would you trust to have your back in the next foxhole:
Trump, Clinton, Obama, Beto, Buttplug, Biden, Bernie,

Maybe if any could pass it would only be due to the training they'd get by real soldiers, like DI Lee Ermey.

Ermey was not a soldier. He was a Marine.
Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

Someone should ask Buttigieg if he voted for Bill Clinton

He wasn't old enough to vote for Clinton! When Clinton ran in 1992, Buttplug was only 10 years old. He was still trying to get his underwear dislodged from his crack after repeated wedgies!
Histy is recording trump as the greatest general America has ever had, what great service to America! I’m glad he waited to serve and for FREE!
It ain't free buddy, but dream on..

So he is taking a pay check??
That check is a fart in the wind compared to how much he's raking in as president A small price to pay,,,and he deducts it on his tax returns so don't let the pos fool you
So you admit he’s doing the job for free?
Jitss get something thru your head Trump never does anything for free There is ALWAYS a payoff for him,,,even when he bankrupted 5 or 6 companies
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!

Danang Dick was not in the National Guard.
Histy is recording trump as the greatest general America has ever had, what great service to America! I’m glad he waited to serve and for FREE!
It ain't free buddy, but dream on..

So he is taking a pay check??
That check is a fart in the wind compared to how much he's raking in as president A small price to pay,,,and he deducts it on his tax returns so don't let the pos fool you
So you admit he’s doing the job for free?
Jitss get something thru your head Trump never does anything for free There is ALWAYS a payoff for him,,,even when he bankrupted 5 or 6 companies
So he’s not taking a check or is he?? Yes or no??
It ain't free buddy, but dream on..

So he is taking a pay check??
That check is a fart in the wind compared to how much he's raking in as president A small price to pay,,,and he deducts it on his tax returns so don't let the pos fool you
So you admit he’s doing the job for free?
Jitss get something thru your head Trump never does anything for free There is ALWAYS a payoff for him,,,even when he bankrupted 5 or 6 companies
So he’s not taking a check or is he?? Yes or no??
No no check he's giving it all to charity the NRA probably and will take a deduction for it
Yep, Mayor Petey was a "naval RESERVES intelligence officer" in Afghanistan.....a landlocked country. So what did Petey do when he wasn't getting pearl necklaces out behind the latrines at Bagram, an AF base? Petey was a bookworm hiding inside a fortress trying to figure out how the Taliban was making money from opium production....something special operators knew 15 years ago. His recollections of being "outside the wire" are hilarious since the Taliban rarely if ever comes anywhere near Bagram. He served 7 months and hightailed it back to the states. Trump has rebuilt the US military from the hollowed-out husk Obama left him to the premiere force it once was, again capable of fighting two major front wars at once.
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So he is taking a pay check??
That check is a fart in the wind compared to how much he's raking in as president A small price to pay,,,and he deducts it on his tax returns so don't let the pos fool you
So you admit he’s doing the job for free?
Jitss get something thru your head Trump never does anything for free There is ALWAYS a payoff for him,,,even when he bankrupted 5 or 6 companies
So he’s not taking a check or is he?? Yes or no??
No no check he's giving it all to charity the NRA probably and will take a deduction for it

He would be accused of taking the deduction anyhow, so he might as well take it.

I remember when Romney got cowed into showing his tax returns. They were pristine in every way- he actually paid MORE than he was required to. The libs actually criticized that, and refused to vote for Mr. Romney. As I remember, they even pointed out that Romney was literally Hitler.
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!

Danang Dick was not in the National Guard.
What WAS he in? Cowards Anonymous?
Maybe boot edge edge needs to take the dick out of his ass long enough to know that Obama and Clinton both spent 0 days in the military too and they each did 8 years as president.

Oh yea, and Clinton is a known draft dodger.

Fucking fag.
How do Republicans feel knowing that the gay guy is way more of a man than the orange pansy?
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Even if so, at least he wasn't protesting his own country abroad like Slick Willy did...

"Mr Clinton 's week-long visit to the Soviet capital, 23 years ago, had been part of a 40-day winter holiday touring Germany and Scandinavia while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. But Mr Clinton 's entire student experience, evading the Vietnam draft, taking part in anti-war demonstrations in Britain...."

"Does anyone even remember that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger who went to the Soviet Union and protested against America on foreign soil?

Draft Dodging Clinton |

Sorry; the thread isn't about Clinton but thanks for the derail.
No derail....just adding relevant factual information.

Of course, speaking of Buttcake, I am sure he can provide as much evidence to back his accusation as the Democrats have been able to provide against President Trump after 3 years in their attempted failed coup attempt.


I'm confident that Mayor Pete served his country via volunteering for military service & did not run away like pussy Trump did.
so everyone who doesn't serve is a pussy?? did YOU??
I find it quite interesting reading ALL of the Buttigieg threads here at USMB.

It is interesting to note the members that make negative & derogatory comments in regard to Mayor Pete, his homosexuality, and the inability to accept someone for who they are.

Many of the USMB members that state they are ANTI Buttigieg & anti gay, are the VERY SAME members that have stated that Trump's infidelities in multiple marriages are acceptable.

So, many USMB members are PRO fornication for a guy that has fucked over EVERY wife he has ever had but at the same time, those same members are anti gay.

Pretty interesting. I bet 99% of these USMB members also identify as "Christian.'

LOFL ......................... Jesus is now officially for (hetero) fornication .............. thanks for the fucking laugh ............

This is good stuff ................

My concern about Pete Butthead is how is this going to make America look to our friends? Will guys like Uncle Pooty, President Xi, Prime Minister Orban, or President Duterte make fun of him? Will America be no longer a serious country? Will Buttigieg want to declare war against other countries just because they follow the traditions of their countries and mock and poke fun at him?

I don't think that America should go to war against a country just because they called the President a "F**"

I am confident Buttigieg doesn't have skin as thin as you (obviously) have.

So you don't think that Pete Butt would throw a hissy fit if world leaders called him a pansy?

I guess you don't know any homos.
Unlike Trump, mayor Pete is a military combat veteran. I can’t see him having a “hissy fit“.

But Donald Trump? Now there is a pansy.


Look at him. Making tiny fists with this tiny hands. Look at His face. This is what a pu$$y looks like.

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