Peter Schiff weighs in on the state of Detroit

He's dead wrong about hyperinflation, interest rates, overall macro, labor markets and just about everything else that exits his mouth.
Yup, I can't believe anyone still posts Peter Schiff "wisdom" with a straight face. Dude has the most easily verifiable history of being a complete dumbass, yet people keep riding that "he was right that one time!" horse.
Look, a real economist who can explain why policies work and why certain policies don't work. The haters will hate as they would rather defend a city of uneducated people over someone who has an actual education.

Peter Schiff isn't an economist. He's a stock broker. An extraordinarily shitty one if you look at his track record for his clients.

His track record is ripe with correct predictions. That's why he has such high credibility and it's why he's a regular face on NBC and Fox business networks.

This guy is not someone who can be ignored, whether he's an economist or a stock broker doesn't matter. He knows his shit.

I'll hold his opinion in much higher regard over yours any day of the week.

His funds were down 60% in 2008. I'm guessing he's been hammered over the past few years also.

He's a gold bug. Gold is an ideology and/or a religion to the bugs. Ultimately, they will wipe you out.
Peter Schiff isn't an economist. He's a stock broker. An extraordinarily shitty one if you look at his track record for his clients.

His track record is ripe with correct predictions. That's why he has such high credibility and it's why he's a regular face on NBC and Fox business networks.

This guy is not someone who can be ignored, whether he's an economist or a stock broker doesn't matter. He knows his shit.

I'll hold his opinion in much higher regard over yours any day of the week.

His funds were down 60% in 2008. I'm guessing he's been hammered over the past few years also.

He's a gold bug. Gold is an ideology and/or a religion to the bugs. Ultimately, they will wipe you out.
I disagree tactically. With more than 400 open short contracts awaiting delivery I went back into gold after the running of the stops. 6-12 month, out of the money calls look quite attractive. But considering that the real value of gold hasn't changed much, if any, in terms of food and clothing costs in 3,000 years calling it an investment is a bit of a stretch.
He's dead wrong about hyperinflation, interest rates, overall macro, labor markets and just about everything else that exits his mouth.
Yup, I can't believe anyone still posts Peter Schiff "wisdom" with a straight face. Dude has the most easily verifiable history of being a complete dumbass, yet people keep riding that "he was right that one time!" horse.

I predict he will be right again when daddy Irwin gets out of prison at age 93. You see, good advice runs in the family.
To piggback off your thread, I read this one this morning:

Krugman on Detroit: Move Along, Folks; Nothing to See Here! - Hit & Run :

Krugman on Detroit: Move Along, Folks; Nothing to See Here!Scott Shackford|Jul. 22, 2013 11:53 am

Credit: dreaming_of_rivers / Foter / CC BY-NCWe know economist Paul Krugman has taken to avoiding reading competing economic and political theories, but has he given up all reading altogether in order to perhaps avoid accidental exposure? In Sunday’s New York Times, Krugman tackles the Detroit bankruptcy and determines that the important thing is that we stop comparing America’s various fiscal problems with Greece’s:

As you may recall, a few years ago Greece plunged into fiscal crisis. This was a bad thing but should have had limited effects on the rest of the world; the Greek economy is, after all, quite small (actually, about one and a half times as big as the economy of metropolitan Detroit). Unfortunately, many politicians and policy makers used the Greek crisis to hijack the debate, changing the subject from job creation to fiscal rectitude.

Now, the truth was that Greece was a very special case, holding few if any lessons for wider economic policy — and even in Greece, budget deficits were only one piece of the problem. Nonetheless, for a while policy discourse across the Western world was completely “Hellenized” — everyone was Greece, or was about to turn into Greece. And this intellectual wrong turn did huge damage to prospects for economic recovery.

What made Greece such a very special case? Why is it so different from, say, Spain’s economic situation? Or even Detroit’s? Why is an economist saying there’s little to learn about economic policy from a failing state? All of this is simply asserted.

Krugman, amazingly, pivots to argue that Detroit’s budgets and pension obligations are not part of the problem:

Never mind the repeated failure of the predicted U.S. fiscal crisis to materialize, the sharp fall in predicted U.S. debt levels and the way much of the research the scolds used to justify their scolding has been discredited; let’s obsess about municipal budgets and public pension obligations!

Or, actually, let’s not.

Are Detroit’s woes the leading edge of a national public pensions crisis? No. State and local pensions are indeed underfunded, with experts at Boston College putting the total shortfall at $1 trillion. But many governments are taking steps to address the shortfall. These steps aren’t yet sufficient; the Boston College estimates suggest that overall pension contributions this year will be about $25 billion less than they should be. But in a $16 trillion economy, that’s just not a big deal — and even if you make more pessimistic assumptions, as some but not all accountants say you should, it still isn’t a big deal.


the rest, plus links to cite source at teh above link.
Nice, step. An article from a far right wing nut case web site. By a far right wing nut case writer. Nice. Because you could not, I am sure, find an article by an impartial site and an impartial author.
And the beat goes on.

'Reason' isn't a right wing site asshat....:rolleyes:
To piggback off your thread, I read this one this morning:

Krugman on Detroit: Move Along, Folks; Nothing to See Here! - Hit & Run :

Krugman on Detroit: Move Along, Folks; Nothing to See Here!Scott Shackford|Jul. 22, 2013 11:53 am

Credit: dreaming_of_rivers / Foter / CC BY-NCWe know economist Paul Krugman has taken to avoiding reading competing economic and political theories, but has he given up all reading altogether in order to perhaps avoid accidental exposure? In Sunday’s New York Times, Krugman tackles the Detroit bankruptcy and determines that the important thing is that we stop comparing America’s various fiscal problems with Greece’s:

As you may recall, a few years ago Greece plunged into fiscal crisis. This was a bad thing but should have had limited effects on the rest of the world; the Greek economy is, after all, quite small (actually, about one and a half times as big as the economy of metropolitan Detroit). Unfortunately, many politicians and policy makers used the Greek crisis to hijack the debate, changing the subject from job creation to fiscal rectitude.

Now, the truth was that Greece was a very special case, holding few if any lessons for wider economic policy — and even in Greece, budget deficits were only one piece of the problem. Nonetheless, for a while policy discourse across the Western world was completely “Hellenized” — everyone was Greece, or was about to turn into Greece. And this intellectual wrong turn did huge damage to prospects for economic recovery.

What made Greece such a very special case? Why is it so different from, say, Spain’s economic situation? Or even Detroit’s? Why is an economist saying there’s little to learn about economic policy from a failing state? All of this is simply asserted.

Krugman, amazingly, pivots to argue that Detroit’s budgets and pension obligations are not part of the problem:

Never mind the repeated failure of the predicted U.S. fiscal crisis to materialize, the sharp fall in predicted U.S. debt levels and the way much of the research the scolds used to justify their scolding has been discredited; let’s obsess about municipal budgets and public pension obligations!

Or, actually, let’s not.

Are Detroit’s woes the leading edge of a national public pensions crisis? No. State and local pensions are indeed underfunded, with experts at Boston College putting the total shortfall at $1 trillion. But many governments are taking steps to address the shortfall. These steps aren’t yet sufficient; the Boston College estimates suggest that overall pension contributions this year will be about $25 billion less than they should be. But in a $16 trillion economy, that’s just not a big deal — and even if you make more pessimistic assumptions, as some but not all accountants say you should, it still isn’t a big deal.


the rest, plus links to cite source at teh above link.
80-90% of states are nowhere near being in trouble, the percentage of local governments in serious trouble are lower still. that translates into catastrophic failure for upto 5 states and another 5 that might go technically insolvent in the crisis but are not likely to go bankrupt. So the shortfall is not the problem but the distribution of the shortfall most certainly is.

That's not really the point. It's addressed later in the piece. The point is that these public pensions are in fact, participating, and heavily, in the bankruptcy of Detroit. Perhaps more so, the corruption of the Detroit govt.

Just like Greece bailout was done under the contingency of reducing the public sector workforce. So apparently, it wasn't small, but out sized for the ability to be funded. At all. Considering they too had pension issue, a catalyst or at player in Greece's financial woes.

you're bth right and what Krugman doesn't seem to address is; $25 Billion for a CITY is a catastrophic hole....period.
OMG... mind blowing.... incase you didn't watch it, here is what it is about:

The city of Detroit has 25000 USD debt per capita including the children, the unemployed and the illiterate... this debt could have never been paid...

Only 27,000 working in Detroit are working in manufacturing now... after 300,000 in 1950, the city is a war zone with 78000 abandoned house... you can even buy a house for 500 dollars
OMG... mind blowing.... incase you didn't watch it, here is what it is about:

The city of Detroit has 25000 USD debt per capita including the children, the unemployed and the illiterate... this debt could have never been paid...

Only 27,000 working in Detroit are working in manufacturing now... after 300,000 in 1950, the city is a war zone with 78000 abandoned house... you can even buy a house for 500 dollars

got that beat I think; latest 2011 figures, Detroit has/had the highest per capita public employee to occupant rate...
OMG... mind blowing.... incase you didn't watch it, here is what it is about:

The city of Detroit has 25000 USD debt per capita including the children, the unemployed and the illiterate... this debt could have never been paid...

Only 27,000 working in Detroit are working in manufacturing now... after 300,000 in 1950, the city is a war zone with 78000 abandoned house... you can even buy a house for 500 dollars

Yep, those sure are depressing numbers.
OMG... mind blowing.... incase you didn't watch it, here is what it is about:

The city of Detroit has 25000 USD debt per capita including the children, the unemployed and the illiterate... this debt could have never been paid...

Only 27,000 working in Detroit are working in manufacturing now... after 300,000 in 1950, the city is a war zone with 78000 abandoned house... you can even buy a house for 500 dollars

got that beat I think; latest 2011 figures, Detroit has/had the highest per capita public employee to occupant rate...

City employee numbers have reduced quite dramatically over the last 3 years or so. Still too many? IDK.
Detroit Destroyed by Democracy - YouTube

Pretty depressing to think the whole rest of the country is headed in the same direction Detroit is headed in.

This simple fact is the reason why I don't plan on having children because I feel bringing new life into such a degenerated and failing society would be cruel to that child.

Sad. But I suppose America is no different than empires of the past. Empires rise and fall and America is no exception to this rule.

The Imperialist in Washington have sold us down the river.

Yeah, it's an interesting piece. Pity he couldn't stick to the facts rather than extrapolating or paraphrasing on certain points.
He's dead wrong about hyperinflation, interest rates, overall macro, labor markets and just about everything else that exits his mouth.


Schiff called impending doom forever and when he finally got it right people latched onto him as some wise prognosticator. He's been wrong about just about everything and the clients who have subscribed to his financial "wisdom" have taken it bent over.

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