Petraeus now under consideration for Secretary of State?

"Not only is Trump considering Petraeus, but don't forget Flynn also committed serious infosec breaches."

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Mother Jones? Are serious? Mother Jones is the MSNBC of print media! Try to find something a bit more credible, for crying-out-loud!

What's inaccurate in the article?
Yes, the married general betrayed our country by deliberately giving our nation's secrets to a writer he was fucking on the side.

But it's cool if Trump says it is.
The writer has the same security clearance he had.

Broadwell didn't have SAP clearance like the he did but regardless, nothing super-sensitive was shown to her.
See? Now Tom Horn is okay with classified secrets being shown to one's mistress!

Tole ya!
Classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings.

This is Tom Horn's idea of "nothing super-sensitive". :lol:

These are all okay to show a hooker now.
Classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings.

This is Tom Horn's idea of "nothing super-sensitive". :lol:

These are all okay to show a hooker now.

Ever had a security clearance or bothered learning what one is, fool? :doubt:
See? Now Tom Horn is okay with classified secrets being shown to one's mistress!

Tole ya!

"classified" isn't a "secret", dumbass....and she had a security many more times? :confused-84:
Classified is Confidential and above. It means you cannot show it to your mistress, retard.

You clearly don't know shit about security. A security clearance does not mean you are entitled to view classified information for which you do not have a "need to know", idiot. Nor are you allowed to pass such information to someone who does not have a need to know. For example, your fuck buddy.

He gave her classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings.

That's why he was CONVICTED. Retard.

Trump's Chumps are okay with secrets being passed to one's mistress.

Tole ya!
Classified is Confidential and above. It means you cannot show it to your mistress, retard.

You clearly don't know shit about security. A security clearance does not mean you are entitled to view classified information for which you do not have a "need to know", idiot. Nor are you allowed to pass such information to someone who does not have a need to know. For example, your fuck buddy.

He gave her classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings.

That's why he was CONVICTED. Retard.

Google this, don't know shit about "classified" material, never have, never will. You mouth off on here like the gutless loser you are, making a fool of yourself day after day without a clue how clueless you are. Nothing Petraeus revealed to his mistress was considered outside her security clearance which is why she was never charged and his indictment shocked the entire intel community (which you know nothing about being a dirtbag zero) for being a political crime from Obama's DOJ.
Have we ever had a convicted felon serve as Secretary of State?
Didn't he commit some crimes of the kind Hillary Clinton was accused of?
Petraeus is a brilliant, innovative thinker and a very capable leader and diplomat, but he unfortunately confided some classified information to the woman he was having an affair with, and that will probably disqualify him. Too bad.
Classified is Confidential and above. It means you cannot show it to your mistress, retard.

You clearly don't know shit about security. A security clearance does not mean you are entitled to view classified information for which you do not have a "need to know", idiot. Nor are you allowed to pass such information to someone who does not have a need to know. For example, your fuck buddy.

He gave her classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings.

That's why he was CONVICTED. Retard.

Google this, don't know shit about "classified" material, never have, never will. You mouth off on here like the gutless loser you are, making a fool of yourself day after day without a clue how clueless you are. Nothing Petraeus revealed to his mistress was considered outside her security clearance which is why she was never charged and his indictment shocked the entire intel community (which you know nothing about being a dirtbag zero) for being a political crime from Obama's DOJ.

I had a Top Secret clearance in the military, retard. It is you who is ignorant.

You can keep blathering on, but the fact is that Petraeus passed classified information of a highly sensitive nature to his mistress and was convicted for it. She did not have a "need to know", and that is why he was convicted.

You are perfectly okay with Trump appointing such a person, a convict, to Secretary of State. You are perfectly okay with a person who cannot keep our nation's secrets to himself being appointed to a job which entails the highest secrets of our country.

Everything is cool if Trump does it. We get it.
I seriously doubt Trump wants his nominee for Secretary of State being grilled about the unauthorized passing of highly sensitive classified information, seeing as he got a lot of mileage and votes out of that very issue.

"Because you'd be in jail."
Oh, here's the best part. Petraeus passed our nation's secrets to his mistress via an unsecure personal email account, without encryption.

The identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings.

Yeah. Let's have that confirmation hearing! :lol:
Patty got a slap on the wrist . Another great example of white people justice system .

Dude still has his rank and $200k a year pension .

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