Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

So, the Christian CPA should be required to take on makers of porn as clients? After all, CPAs are licensed by the state and the porn industry in not illegal as long as it is not child porn.


I'm not sure if that is a legal form of discrimination or not but I doubt a porn company would put themselves in that situation.

How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?

Is a pharmacy in California required to carry MJ now since "medical" marijuana is now legalized in the state?

Next question:

Should a California pharmacy be required to carry marijuana?


It's not an emergency medication and you can get 420 in Cally much faster by sticking your hand out the window.

Forgive me... I'm not a user. :)


Nevermind: googled it.

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I'm not sure if that is a legal form of discrimination or not but I doubt a porn company would put themselves in that situation.

How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?

No, as we have already agreed in this country that racial discrimination is wrong and is a crime.

I have, however, been refused service at a restaurant in Mississippi because of the lightness of my skin.

How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?

No, as we have already agreed in this country that racial discrimination is wrong and is a crime.

I have, however, been refused service at a restaurant in Mississippi because of the lightness of my skin.


That contradicts your claim that:

"....pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business."

So which is it? You seem to support the right to force some business owners to serve certain members of the public but then cry theft of "freedom" when they are forced in areas you personally disapprove of. What's the difference between skin color and occupation?
I'm not sure if that is a legal form of discrimination or not but I doubt a porn company would put themselves in that situation.

How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?
Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?
I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

You are obviously untrained in the ways of progressive groupthink. Expecting someone to anticipate, and prepare for, the consequences of their actions smacks of personal responsibility. Shame on you.
How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?
Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?

It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.
Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?

No, as we have already agreed in this country that racial discrimination is wrong and is a crime.

I have, however, been refused service at a restaurant in Mississippi because of the lightness of my skin.


That contradicts your claim that:

"....pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business."

So which is it? You seem to support the right to force some business owners to serve certain members of the public but then cry theft of "freedom" when they are forced in areas you personally disapprove of. What's the difference between skin color and occupation?

There are some "freedoms" that we have agreed to give up.

I never said we should have complete and unrestricted freedom.

Complete and unrestricted freedom would mean that I could hunt down a member here who has pissed me off, say TDM and walk up to her front door and rearrange the nose on her face or do worse to her all in the same time as I am trying to keep you from doing the same to me.

I sure as hell do not want to live in a society that allows that, but neither do I have any desire to live in the society that you seem to espouse.

I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.
.....Yet, they ALWAYS manage to avoid that HUGE elephant-in-the-room!!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else[/ame]

It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

Sure, but that does not make this regulation correct or proper. For the regulation to stand there should be good reason and purpose for it and as I see it, there is none. No business including a pharmacy should be forced to carry a product. I will ask again, why has no one taken up my challenge on chemotherapy drugs that are not dispensed at a pharmacy but somehow plan b is required?

It's an emergency medication. When was the last time you bitched about stores being forced to have operable fire extinguishers on hand?

Yes, because if the building is on fire you can go elsewhere to put the fire out :rolleyes:

I'm trying to determine whether that was a sign of total dishonesty or just sheer stupidity.
This PARTICULAR state government, has chosen this as a rule....not being from this particular state, I HAVE NO SAY in the matter....

I call bullshit on that cop put.

Do I have no say in California forcefully sterilizing children or Georgia keeping people in slavery?

IF Washington State, is anything like Maine with lots of rural areas, with pharmacies and hospitals, few and far between, then I think that the State legislature and the circuit court, did the right thing....the people's need outweighs the single pharmacist's personal choice....

The 'people's need' can be met by the Health Department and the hospitals. Should the owner of the local fast food joint be forced to sell carrots, since the people need fruits and vegetables? Or should the people go to the damned grocery store?

But IF the State of Washington is anything like Massachusetts, where Pharmacies are a dime a dozen, then I would think that this measure is just some far left wing liberals pushing their agenda down our throats...

Which you continue to support.
I'm not sure if that is a legal form of discrimination or not but I doubt a porn company would put themselves in that situation.

How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?

A trick question:

Would I have a business that served only whites? Of course not, what kind of way would that be to make money?

But I DO think this part of the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional. If I own a business I should be able to serve anyone and restrict service to anyone I see fit. The government should NOT be telling me who I can and can't do business with , nor should they be able to tell me what products I must stock, regardless of emergency or any other nonsense you can come up with.
No, as we have already agreed in this country that racial discrimination is wrong and is a crime.

I have, however, been refused service at a restaurant in Mississippi because of the lightness of my skin.


That contradicts your claim that:

"....pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business."

So which is it? You seem to support the right to force some business owners to serve certain members of the public but then cry theft of "freedom" when they are forced in areas you personally disapprove of. What's the difference between skin color and occupation?

There are some "freedoms" that we have agreed to give up.

I never said we should have complete and unrestricted freedom.

Complete and unrestricted freedom would mean that I could hunt down a member here who has pissed me off, say TDM and walk up to her front door and rearrange the nose on her face or do worse to her all in the same time as I am trying to keep you from doing the same to me.

I sure as hell do not want to live in a society that allows that, but neither do I have any desire to live in the society that you seem to espouse.


You sure as hell are not consistent nor comprehend my position or the reasons behind it. Your physical violence example is concrete evidence.
Do you support "Whites Only" restaurants?
Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?

It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You obviously weren't around in the 60's if you think this is discrimination! Jeez!!!

There are one or two private, one-store pharmacies in my area that have been here since my family would vacation here when I was a child. There are also several of the Rite-Aid, Walgreen, CVS type which have sprung up. And I'm in a small resort town. If the one store pharmacist doesn't want to carry something in his store, I can't imagine trying to force him to do so. To pretend that there are no other options is disingenuous. And for what purpose?
That contradicts your claim that:

"....pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business."

So which is it? You seem to support the right to force some business owners to serve certain members of the public but then cry theft of "freedom" when they are forced in areas you personally disapprove of. What's the difference between skin color and occupation?

There are some "freedoms" that we have agreed to give up.

I never said we should have complete and unrestricted freedom.

Complete and unrestricted freedom would mean that I could hunt down a member here who has pissed me off, say TDM and walk up to her front door and rearrange the nose on her face or do worse to her all in the same time as I am trying to keep you from doing the same to me.

I sure as hell do not want to live in a society that allows that, but neither do I have any desire to live in the society that you seem to espouse.


You sure as hell are not consistent nor comprehend my position or the reasons behind it. Your physical violence example is concrete evidence.

No one ever understand you CircleJerk, cuz you argue in circles and never really make a point. Amazing to that on EVERY issue , and I mean EVERY time, you are wrong.
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

So any government control of business can be justified by 'they should expect this kind of authoritarianism and stop bitching'?
"The courts have held, time and time again, that a person or corporation acting in a for-profit capacity as a marketplace actor must accept the general marketplace rules by which a secular world operates—including nondiscrimination in the provision of goods and services. As the United States Supreme Court held in United States v. Lee, 455 U.S. 252, 261 (1982), “When followers of a particular sect enter into commercial activity as a matter of choice, the limits they accept on their own conduct as a matter of conscience and faith, are not to be superimposed on the statutory schemes which are binding on others in that activity.”
Your own private, little laws can't trump the secular world's laws.​

Since when do 'the general marketplace rules by which the secular world operates' translate to 'the government effectively taking over your business and forcing you to sell any given product'?

They're not discriminating against anyone. They're simply not selling a given product.

Are they no longer allowed to close on Sundays or Christmas? Can a business owner no longer not carry liquor?

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