Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Let's not confuse plan b with a dixie chicks cd.

The sexual activity of females is completely irrelevent. Plan B does not come in Slut Mode, Rape Mode, or Shit the Condom Broke Mode.
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Walmart is a general goods store and is not solely a pharmacy that is highly regulated and licensed by the State for the medical good of the people....

Medical good of the people doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. This medicine is available at Family Planing Clinics correct? Those are pretty much in every county nationwide. So I start a pharmacy in 1990, before the drug. Now I find myself in this position twenty years later. I am suppose to throw my ethics out the window because the state says so or go out of business? Nice play at God there Care.

If you want the ability to force your ethics on to people then start a church.

Selfishness is at the center of the problem here along with ignorance. When you operate a business in the public arena you must realize it is a two way street. When I have to hire people I'm not allowed to discriminate based on several areas. If a racist applies and is qualified I have to hire that person. As a business owner I understand I don't exist in a vacuum. The good part is, as soon as the racist makes racist comments on a job site I can fire the dumbass on the spot and there isn't a fucking thing the whiner can do. I have had a couple threaten to call the AG's office and when they have I've given them the number and offered free use of my phone.

Playing by the rules doesn't mean you can't play.
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

Identify one business - one - which the welfare/warfare does not regulate.

The right of the people to freely associate has been abolished by the fascists.

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini:
What is Fascism, 1932

I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Let's not confuse plan b with a dixie chicks cd.

The sexual activity of females is completely irrelevent. Plan B does not come in Slut Mode, Rape Mode, or Shit the Condom Broke Mode.

I'm not making a judgement there. I am simply pointing out that a woman who is sexually active (which could even mean married, you know) and CANNOT get pregnant under any circumstances, should probably get this drug at her leisure and keep it on hand just in case. A necessary precaution, just like a woman who isn't involved with someone keeps a diaphragm or other device--just in case.
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Walmart is a general goods store and is not solely a pharmacy that is highly regulated and licensed by the State for the medical good of the people....

Doctors are also licensed by the state. They are not all forced to perform procedures they do not want to perform.
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Let's not confuse plan b with a dixie chicks cd.

The sexual activity of females is completely irrelevent. Plan B does not come in Slut Mode, Rape Mode, or Shit the Condom Broke Mode.

I'm not making a judgement there. I am simply pointing out that a woman who is sexually active (which could even mean married, you know) and CANNOT get pregnant under any circumstances, should probably get this drug at her leisure and keep it on hand just in case. A necessary precaution, just like a woman who isn't involved with someone keeps a diaphragm or other device--just in case.

What does that have to do with making pharms carry plan b?
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

Identify one business - one - which the welfare/warfare does not regulate.

The right of the people to freely associate has been abolished by the fascists.

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini:
What is Fascism, 1932


Curve's Law:

Stoopid people believe a creative side-step of Godwin's Law is to cite Mussolini.
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

Identify one business - one - which the welfare/warfare does not regulate.

The right of the people to freely associate has been abolished by the fascists.

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini:
What is Fascism, 1932


Curve's Law:

Stoopid people believe a creative side-step of Godwin's Law is to cite Mussolini.

Hummmm a denialist

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

George Santayana

It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

So, the Christian CPA should be required to take on makers of porn as clients? After all, CPAs are licensed by the state and the porn industry in not illegal as long as it is not child porn.


Is a pharmacy in California required to carry MJ now since "medical" marijuana is now legalized in the state?

Next question:

Should a California pharmacy be required to carry marijuana?

I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Is a pharmacy in California required to carry MJ now since "medical" marijuana is now legalized in the state?

Next question:

Should a California pharmacy be required to carry marijuana?


Not if it's against their religion. Though I don't know a single religion that specifies no use of marijuana.
This PARTICULAR state government, has chosen this as a rule....not being from this particular state, I HAVE NO SAY in the matter....

I call bullshit on that cop put.

Do I have no say in California forcefully sterilizing children or Georgia keeping people in slavery?

IF Washington State, is anything like Maine with lots of rural areas, with pharmacies and hospitals, few and far between, then I think that the State legislature and the circuit court, did the right thing....the people's need outweighs the single pharmacist's personal choice....

But IF the State of Washington is anything like Massachusetts, where Pharmacies are a dime a dozen, then I would think that this measure is just some far left wing liberals pushing their agenda down our throats...

Why should geography be the determining factor? Either it's right or it's wrong, I don't think where you live in the state should determine what your are forced to sell.
I have a feeling many whiners are confusing plan b for the ru486 pill. Anyone bitching about plan b should also be bitching about all forms of birth control.
They do have a tendency to get confused about most the REAL World.


(I think it must be genetic.)


Here's an idea, why don't you explain the difference to us?
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

So, the Christian CPA should be required to take on makers of porn as clients? After all, CPAs are licensed by the state and the porn industry in not illegal as long as it is not child porn.


What is really funny about these ding-a-lings is that they maintain that pharmacists do not have a right to freely associate, that it is alright for the state to dictate.

But , if the state took it upon itself to ignore the womens' right to freely associate and dictate to them who the sexual partners will be they would scream like stuck hogs.

It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

So, the Christian CPA should be required to take on makers of porn as clients? After all, CPAs are licensed by the state and the porn industry in not illegal as long as it is not child porn.


What is really funny about these ding-a-lings is that they maintain that pharmacists do not have a right to freely associate, that it is alright for the state to dictate.

But , if the state took it upon itself to ignore the womens' right to freely associate and dictate to them who the sexual partners will be they would scream like stuck hogs.


Even if I had the patience I'm not sure it would be worth it to try and respond to this canyon of stoopidity.
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

So, the Christian CPA should be required to take on makers of porn as clients? After all, CPAs are licensed by the state and the porn industry in not illegal as long as it is not child porn.


I'm not sure if that is a legal form of discrimination or not but I doubt a porn company would put themselves in that situation.
It's NOT any ole business....

Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed and governed by the State with many rules and regs attached....sort of similar to other businesses such as Liquor Stores or perhaps Gun shops as well.

those who choose to go in to this business are well aware of such government overseers, BEFORE they choose this business as one to go in to.

So, the Christian CPA should be required to take on makers of porn as clients? After all, CPAs are licensed by the state and the porn industry in not illegal as long as it is not child porn.


I'm not sure if that is a legal form of discrimination or not but I doubt a porn company would put themselves in that situation.

How would they know whether or not the CPA they approached was a Christian until the point when he told them, "I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I do not feel comfortable representing your profession." Then maybe he would recommend someone else or not, but he should not be required to do so.

I have to say, that I am extremely opposed to your way of thinking which seems to be that the government can force any business man to do business with every one in the country.

I can live with the fact that you have a differing opinion than my own, but I believe you are wrong and would pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business.


Is a pharmacy in California required to carry MJ now since "medical" marijuana is now legalized in the state?

Next question:

Should a California pharmacy be required to carry marijuana?


It's not an emergency medication and you can get 420 in Cally much faster by sticking your hand out the window.

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