Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill

Not even close to the same thing. The pharmacist is not refusing to serve the customers and will sell them anything else that he CARRIES in his store--he just doesn't want to carry that one product. Maybe there are other drugs that he doesn't carry because he doesn't make any money on them. Should he also be forced to carry them?

It is the same thing: discrimination.

The only reason I support making pharms carrying plan b is because it is an emergency medication. Self righteous pharms should not be a hurdle to citizens in need of immediate medication.

You obviously weren't around in the 60's if you think this is discrimination! Jeez!!!

There are one or two private, one-store pharmacies in my area that have been here since my family would vacation here when I was a child. There are also several of the Rite-Aid, Walgreen, CVS type which have sprung up. And I'm in a small resort town. If the one store pharmacist doesn't want to carry something in his store, I can't imagine trying to force him to do so. To pretend that there are no other options is disingenuous. And for what purpose?

That's what I'm saying. I can't imagine that in 2010 ANYONE lives more than an hour from a Wal Mart, or it's equivalent, you KNOW these people are going to carry this product. Why force Tom the local guy to do so ?

Same thing as the gays wanting in a group which explicitly doesn't want them. It has nothing to do with anything other than forcing their views on other people PERIOD
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything

That is a Liberal position.

, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I haven't purchased a CD from Wal*Mart in ages, but I recall all their music was censored a few years back.
I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

When in doubt, find the Health Department, a hospital, or Planned Parenthood. If they can't give it to you, they're bound to know who can.
I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?
That contradicts your claim that:

"....pray to God that in this country we do still have the freedom to decide with whom we want to do business."

So which is it? You seem to support the right to force some business owners to serve certain members of the public but then cry theft of "freedom" when they are forced in areas you personally disapprove of. What's the difference between skin color and occupation?

There are some "freedoms" that we have agreed to give up.

I never said we should have complete and unrestricted freedom.

Complete and unrestricted freedom would mean that I could hunt down a member here who has pissed me off, say TDM and walk up to her front door and rearrange the nose on her face or do worse to her all in the same time as I am trying to keep you from doing the same to me.

I sure as hell do not want to live in a society that allows that, but neither do I have any desire to live in the society that you seem to espouse.


You sure as hell are not consistent nor comprehend my position or the reasons behind it. Your physical violence example is concrete evidence.

My example is exactly where your argument that my position is contradictory would lead.

We have agreed to certain laws. You want to strengthen those laws to an extreme that removes freedom completely. I say we have come to an agreement that somethings are just plain wrong, but feel that that is the point where government involvement should end. You would push government involvement beyond that point.

Walmart is a general goods store and is not solely a pharmacy that is highly regulated and licensed by the State for the medical good of the people....

Medical good of the people doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. This medicine is available at Family Planing Clinics correct? Those are pretty much in every county nationwide. So I start a pharmacy in 1990, before the drug. Now I find myself in this position twenty years later. I am suppose to throw my ethics out the window because the state says so or go out of business? Nice play at God there Care.

If you want the ability to force your ethics on to people then start a church.

Says the guy who wants to force businesses to carry a certain product because he thinks it's a moral imperative for a woman to not have to go to a different pharmacy, the Health Department, PP...
I'm pretty liberal on a lot of issues, but this one just doesn't seem right. I am not comfortable with a retail establishment being forced to sell anything, especially if they don't feel it is morally right. Even Walmart at times has refused to carry music or DVDs they feel are objectionable.

I also live in a small town and yet there are at least six pharmacies within a seven mile radius. So if one decided they didn't want to carry something, there are several other options.

Also, if I was sexually active and pregnancy would be completely out of the question for me, I would probably take some pre-emptive measures and make sure I had this drug on hand just in case, and not go on a frenzied scavenger hunt at the last minute.

Let's not confuse plan b with a dixie chicks cd.

The sexual activity of females is completely irrelevent. Plan B does not come in Slut Mode, Rape Mode, or Shit the Condom Broke Mode.

I'm not making a judgement there. I am simply pointing out that a woman who is sexually active (which could even mean married, you know) and CANNOT get pregnant under any circumstances, should probably get this drug at her leisure and keep it on hand just in case. A necessary precaution, just like a woman who isn't involved with someone keeps a diaphragm or other device--just in case.

Women still use diaphragms?

I thought they got rid of those when IUDs, the Rods, and BC pills came out?

Is a pharmacy in California required to carry MJ now since "medical" marijuana is now legalized in the state?

Next question:

Should a California pharmacy be required to carry marijuana?


Not if it's against their religion. Though I don't know a single religion that specifies no use of marijuana.

Probably the same sects that don't drink. I imagine those who oppose tobacco and alcohol would also object to marijuana.
I wonder if those pharmacists that are so pissed carry regular birth control pills.

I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

Does it really matter why they don't wish to sell it?
Let's not confuse plan b with a dixie chicks cd.

The sexual activity of females is completely irrelevent. Plan B does not come in Slut Mode, Rape Mode, or Shit the Condom Broke Mode.

I'm not making a judgement there. I am simply pointing out that a woman who is sexually active (which could even mean married, you know) and CANNOT get pregnant under any circumstances, should probably get this drug at her leisure and keep it on hand just in case. A necessary precaution, just like a woman who isn't involved with someone keeps a diaphragm or other device--just in case.

Women still use diaphragms?

I thought they got rid of those when IUDs, the Rods, and BC pills came out?

I'm beyond the years of worrying about getting pregnant--so I'm not up on the latest "barriers". I found the sponge to be effective! :lol:

My only point was that if you really couldn't be pregnant--plan ahead and make sure you have this pill on hand. I know I would have done that. I wouldn't have whined about a pharmacist that wasn't comfortable keeping it in stock for whatever reason.
I think there's a big difference between birth control pills and the other pill. I think the side effects of the other pill warrant a great deal more precaution and unless the person is seeing a doctor, or will see a doctor afterward, it really is a dangerous thing.

Also, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, the other kills a pregnancy. I can see people who don't believe in that and don't believe they should be forced to sell something against their beliefs.

I have a doctor that won't do abortions, nevertheless, he will refer you to someone who will. How about we require the pharmacists to do that?

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?

It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.
Solution: tell the gov to STFU and let business chose whether or not to sell a given product. Allow those who sell BC, including Plan B to add their name a list if they wish and require that is a pharmacy does not sell prophylactics/BC, they provide the address and phone number for the Health Department an/or a list of those pharmacies who requested their name be added to the list. Allow the Health Department (or whatever department thereof) to make BC available to those in need.

Where I live, the Health Department has a Department of Family Planning and Women's Health that makes condoms available. This same department can be set up in the city in question and tasked with also providing BC or, if more feasible, guiding those in need to where they might acquire such resources.

That way, the pharmacists are not forced to sell something to do not wish to sell and those in need still have access to BC, including Plan B.

Can we all live with that?

jesus, people
Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?

It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.

Well I hope every pharmacist that is forced to carry it puts a price tag on it of $200.00. Or do you want to set the price too?
I'm not making a judgement there. I am simply pointing out that a woman who is sexually active (which could even mean married, you know) and CANNOT get pregnant under any circumstances, should probably get this drug at her leisure and keep it on hand just in case. A necessary precaution, just like a woman who isn't involved with someone keeps a diaphragm or other device--just in case.

Women still use diaphragms?

I thought they got rid of those when IUDs, the Rods, and BC pills came out?

I'm beyond the years of worrying about getting pregnant--so I'm not up on the latest "barriers". I found the sponge to be effective! :lol:

My only point was that if you really couldn't be pregnant--plan ahead and make sure you have this pill on hand. I know I would have done that. I wouldn't have whined about a pharmacist that wasn't comfortable keeping it in stock for whatever reason.

Sponge? Never heard of- you know what, I don't want to know. They have rods that go in the forearm and pills now.
Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?

It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.

Who's being arrogant here? YOU are trying to tell others what they MUST sell. As JB said, what does it matter what their reason is? if I don't want to sell something for NO reason, that's my right when it's MY business.
I'm not making a judgement there. I am simply pointing out that a woman who is sexually active (which could even mean married, you know) and CANNOT get pregnant under any circumstances, should probably get this drug at her leisure and keep it on hand just in case. A necessary precaution, just like a woman who isn't involved with someone keeps a diaphragm or other device--just in case.

Women still use diaphragms?

I thought they got rid of those when IUDs, the Rods, and BC pills came out?

I'm beyond the years of worrying about getting pregnant...


Abraham's wife Sarah said pretty much the same thing. :lol:

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?

It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.

Well I hope every pharmacist that is forced to carry it puts a price tag on it of $200.00. Or do you want to set the price too?

Sorry, there are laws against that sort of thing.
It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner.


Main Entry: ex·e·cu·tion·er
Pronunciation: \-sh(ə-)nər\
Function: noun
Date: 1536
: one who executes; especially : one who puts to death

Executioner - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Wait.... so someone not selling a pill that prevents the egg from implanting, thereby ensuring the death of the zygote (that is the earlierest stage of a new human life)

-is putting to death the person who has to go buy it elsewhere?


[ame=]YouTube - Fonzie Jumps the Shark[/ame]

It's arrogant... because you're too stupid...They need to shutup

Have you ever read the side effects on the birth control literature they give you at the pharmacy?

It's quite extensive.

This is religious objection because they don't understand the difference between birth control and abortions.

The problem here is not their misunderstanding, but yours. Plan b prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, which, to a person who believes life begins at conception, is the moral equivalent of an abortion.

There is legal precedent for this in that a person can be charged with being an accessory before the fact of a crime. If the law can recognize that it is possible to aid and abet a criminal by doing something that is perfectly legal, and is not a crime, until another person commits a crime, why do you have a problem with seeing that there is no real difference in preventing a fertilized egg from implanting and aborting that same egg after it implants?

It is not the job of a pharmacist to be judge, jury and executioner. They are there to dispense drugs. Now a rule had to be created to let them know that.

It's arrogant to attempt to tell someone they can't sell you what you want because you're too stupid to know when conception is.

They need to shutup and do their work.

It seems pretty arrogant to tell a business owner what products he/she has to carry or to tell them who they have to do business with.


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