Philistines are NOT Arab Palestinians (as falsely advertised):

Roudy -

I am now posting this for the fifth time:

Most ancient recorded inhabitants of Palestine are named
Canaanites (3rd millennium BC or more ancient). They
became urbanized and lived in city-states, one of which
was Jericho. Palestine’s location at the center of routes
linking three continents made it the meeting place for
religious and cultural influences from Egypt, Syria,
Mesopotamia, and Anatolia. During the second
millennium BC, Egyptian hegemony and Canaanite
autonomy were constantly challenged by such ethnically
diverse invaders as the Amorites, Hittites, and Hurrians
from Anatolia and the East. These invaders, however,
were defeated by the Egyptians and absorbed by the
Canaanites, who at that time may have numbered about

very good saigon----you have described the situaton of population in flux in
the area of the world later renamed "palestine" Interestingly enough---
another place with lots of population flux----was ARABIA until it
was entirely ethnically cleansed and thrown into the cosmic cesspit by
muhummad ibn abdullah

what is your point? the overwhelming majority of PEOPLES who peopled
Canaan are no longer extant----- their cultures are GONE-----lots of other
' peoples FOREIGN to the area moved in and fucked things up----- the romans
fucked things up when they forcibly imposed christianity and later on
the real MASSIVE FUCK up happened when the ass lickers of the rapist pig
moved in on the area. The ONLY extant language that developed in that area and
the only extant religion that deveoped in that area? hebrew and judaism
You made no point all of this stuff is actually freely available by simply
reading the bible
Rosie -

My point is that Philistines are not central to the history of the Palestinian people. If anything, they are a diversion.

I think we can all agree that the Philstines were sea-farers, probably Cypriot or Cretan, and settled largely on the coastal plain for some time. So they have a bit-part in this movie, but not the lead.

As you say - the population was in flux, and it is difficult to draw a straight line with any of these populations, (except for perhaps the Druze and the Maronites et al).

My point remains that if we go back in time as far as it is possible to go back in time, the people living in those first settlements of Jericho and Jerusalem do share some common genetic code with today's Palestinians. This is blurry going back so far, but from the time of the Canaanites becomes much clearer.

Of course there would be Egyptians and Syrians passing to and fro and mixing the gene pool - but so were they Normans and Vikings in England. The English are still the English.
PS ----I forgot to mention-----there are cultures and peoples who were once "ARABIANS'
that are also NOT EXTANT
Rosie -
My point is that Philistines are not central to the history of the Palestinian people. If anything, they are a diversion.

I think we can all agree that the Philstines were sea-farers, probably Cypriot or Cretan, and settled largely on the coastal plain for some time. So they have a bit-part in this movie, but not the lead.

As you say - the population was in flux, and it is difficult to draw a straight line with any of these populations, (except for perhaps the Druze and the Maronites et al).

My point remains that if we go back in time as far as it is possible to go back in time, the people living in those first settlements of Jericho and Jerusalem do share some common genetic code with today's Palestinians. This is blurry going back so far, but from the time of the Canaanites becomes much clearer.

right SAIGON-----your statements are NOW TRUE-----you have successfully disputed
the islamo nazi filth taught in mosques and by shit like sherri I have never made
any statement that is at variance with that which you stated and never heard a
ZIONIST dispute it either. Both jews and the people who now call themselves
"palestinians" have remote roots in Canaan Of the people with roots in canaan--
the only persons who retain a language, culture and religion native to the region are jews.
Other religions that exist NOW in the land once CANAAN were imposed violently and
are foreign in origin as are the OTHER LANGUAGES

If you believe that anyone with DNA MATERIAL that renders his past a sojourn in this
or that area OWNS this or that area------fine with me-----jews have been just about
everywhere -------are you suggesting jews own the world based on an allele from here and
an allele from there?
Rosie -

It's always nice when we can agree on something!!

I do think most people of any political persuasion should be able to agree on the bigger picture. There is no reason for anyone to get too defensive about what happened 3,000 years ago, because both Jews and Palestinians can both trace their history back to far in towns like Jericho.

You know, I actually lived next to an archeological dig in Israel - Tel Dan.
I think we can all agree that the Philstines were sea-farers, probably Cypriot or Cretan, and settled largely on the coastal plain for some time. So they have a bit-part in this movie, but not the lead.

If the Philistines play a minor role, then why did you lie about it and make it look like the Arab Palestinians can trace their roots back to Ashdod and Ashkelon over 3000 years ago? When in reality it was simply the Philistines. What is your motive in making the ancient Philistines related to Arab Palestinians?
Well, I'm not privy to your background, upbringing, religious teachings, environment, nor am I interested... but just based on your posts, you're obviously a Jew hater. And I would add that I'm one among many that has made that observation.
My posts were about Israeli's, not jews.
So tell us, what is the ethnic origins of "Palestinians"? Atta boy.

Sunni's logic.

Only racists and ignorants can understand it.

MJ and Roudy's logic.

Only racists and ignorants can understand it.
According to Saigooon, you easily trace back the Arabs in Palestine to the Stone Age, and even the Jurrasic period where they were training Tyrannosaurus Rex's to be suicide bombers. LOL
Well, I'm not privy to your background, upbringing, religious teachings, environment, nor am I interested... but just based on your posts, you're obviously a Jew hater. And I would add that I'm one among many that has made that observation.
My posts were about Israeli's, not jews.
Yah, okay, I'm sorry I didn't know Israelis weren't Jews. LOL
Yah, okay, I'm sorry I didn't know Israelis weren't Jews. LOL
I will paraphrase... comments were about my objections to Israeli policies, not judaism.
Which comments? Nothing wrong with criticizing Israeli policies. Even Israelis do that.

But do they go around accusing Israel of intentional targeting of civilians, or other blasphemous lies like you do all the time? No.
Sad that it became importand? No, I believe it's a matter of being truthful, and when saying that "Israelis occupied Palestinian lands", how truthful is that when thousands of Israel have the same right of PALESTINIANS on this land.

And since Palestinians are the ONLY ethnic group on EARTH that KEEPS its "fugetivity" no matter the circumstances, and inherites the "refugee" tag to people who've never even BEEN in the MidEast, all while Israelis born and being raised in Israel and still considered "illegal occupiers", then YES, it IS very important.

I agree with your first statement - although as you know, it varies city to city. Some cities (Nablus, Akko, Ramallah) have never had major Jewish populations. Others (Tzfat, Qiryat Shemonah, Eilat) haave never had major Palestinian populations.

Your second statement is not entirely true. I can think of a half dozen cases where more than one million refugees wait to return to a homeland many have never seen - Tibetans (in India), Tutsis (DR Congo), NKH Azeris (Azerbaijan), Chechens (Russia) and Liberians (Ghana) all face not entirely dissimilar fates to the Palestinians.

Don't forget the Kurds.
Rosie -

It's always nice when we can agree on something!!

I do think most people of any political persuasion should be able to agree on the bigger picture. There is no reason for anyone to get too defensive about what happened 3,000 years ago, because both Jews and Palestinians can both trace their history back to far in towns like Jericho.

You know, I actually lived next to an archeological dig in Israel - Tel Dan.
But not Palestinian Arabs. More deception.

Saying Jews and Palestinians can trace their roots 3000 years ago, is like saying Jews and Jews can trace their roots to towns 3000 years ago. You're slippery but half as smart as you think you are.
Yah, okay, I'm sorry I didn't know Israelis weren't Jews. LOL
Just more Juden deceptive smoke and mirrors.

Most Israeli's are secular and don't follow the religion of Judaism.

But they will claim to be Jews if the situation warrants......... :cool:
Is that what they taught you at the mosque?

Whether you are a reform, orthodox, conservative, sephardic, secular, or atheist, you are still a Jew.

Remember that when I quiz you next time.
Roudy -

As soon as you have gotten tired spamming the thread to cover up your mistakes, I'll go back to it and discuss the issue with some of the stronger posters. It's an interesting topic, though it does require some honesty.

Saigon----you have not refuted roudy-----you simply traced the WORD palestine
back to a greek Historian ----who described a land ----that had some greek
inhabitants -----2500 years ago according to THOSE particular inhabitants based
on the INTENSE ETHNOCENTRICITY of greeks ----at that time. Read Plato
to get an idea as to just how INTENSELY ethnocentric were the greeks

Why are you so intent on revealing the fact that you are an idiot and that you
are THAT deficient in the general information that even I (basically a simple biology
major) picked up in high school.

you ---like all islamo nazi propagandaists PLAY WITH SEMANTICS
He traced Palestine to the land the Philistines lived, and then he attributed Arab Palestinian History to Philistine history. He keeps doing it and then he says "well I didn't mean it, I just meant the word Palestine" thinking he's clever and pulled a fast one on us.

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