Phony Scandals R' Us

Perhaps we don't know for a reason. Perhaps it is because the President and his minions insist on calling it a "phony" scandal and squash any serious inquiry. Hmmmmmm?

How did the president squash an inquiry? There was not really much to investigate. It was an attack and people died during the attack. It was not very well guarded, but how was that Obama's fault? He was on watch?
Franco isn't mis-informed or low informed, he knows the truth but just lies about it. Franco, you are a liar!!
McCrazy didn't really lose over the Iraq scandals, but more so because the gop appeared to be a bunch of loons or idiots incapable of grasping the issues, let along governing.

I suspect the dems will not fall into that trap. But, I've yet to see either party have a econ plan that makes much sense.
How many laws did Susan Rice break? Any?

Did she lie to Congress? Last I checked, that's felony perjury.

How many others lied to Congress or gave false statements?

Know what the sad thing is?

All they had to do was the 'right' thing. Order some alerts, put some troops in isolation.

Easy, right? Takes no brains to order a few Military Units to the 'ready' position. It's not like they got a night job they gotta get to or anything.

But no. In the name of "POLITICS" they stand down. They do nothing on the off-chance that nobody gets killed (how'd that work out?) and that they can blame it on the exceedingly small and irrelevant protest against some stupid video.

For what? For political reasons.

This is just another reason to hate them, people.

Our People, our men that are in the Country doing a job on the ORDERS of their superiors, were left to die because democrats were afraid that if word of a dust-up got out, through Military channels, that it might cost them a few votes.

Maybe it would have. Who knows? :dunno:

And maybe, an F-18 doing Mach I at 1,000 feet might have scared the terrorists out of Benghazi and those men wouldn't have died.

We'll never know.

But what we do know?

the executive branch of this country is totally and complete corrupt and dishonest

CIA Officer Confirms White House Told No Protests Before Benghazi Terror Attack Prior To Susan Rice Blaming YouTube Video…

Yes, still a phony scandal.

CIA ignored station chief in Libya when creating talking points on Benghazi - Washington Times

WASHINGTON —Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show.

The attack was “not an escalation of protests,” the station chief wrote to then-Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell in an email dated Sept. 15, 2012 — a full day before the White House sent Susan E. Rice to several Sunday talk shows to disseminate talking points claiming that the Benghazi attack began as a protest over an anti-Islam video.

That the talking points used by Mrs. Rice, who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, were written by a CIA that ignored the assessment by its own station chief inside Libya, has emerged as one of the major bones of contention in the more than two years of political fireworks and congressional investigations into the Benghazi attack.

What has never been made public is whether Mr. Morell and others at the CIA explicitly shared the station chief’s assessment with the White House or State Department.

Two former intelligence officials have told The Washington Times that this question likely will be answered at a Wednesday hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence during which Mr. Morell is scheduled to give his public testimony.

You guys are a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over and over and over you scream "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!!!" and all the time you are praying on the inside, "Please God, give us a fire. Please God, give us a fire. Please God, give us a fire!!"
It isn't going to happen!!!! That should have been clear to you after all of your other phony scandals crashed (and didn't burn).
Short list of your failures:
Birth certificate
Fast and Furious
Executive orders
Attacks on ACA
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Lie, cheat, steal, sell guns to gangs, let ambassadors die..

Let's face it, you hold party members above the law - simple as that.


Then they vote rapists into the White House and try to tell US that we're the misogynists.

Full Dateline NBC: Juanita Broaddrick on Bill Clinton raping her

They'd be funny if they weren't so disgusting

You just don't seem like a black flash, but I'm no expert.

When you run out of crack, you substitute Crystal Drano, doncha?

Then they vote rapists into the White House and try to tell US that we're the misogynists.

Full Dateline NBC: Juanita Broaddrick on Bill Clinton raping her

They'd be funny if they weren't so disgusting

You just don't seem like a black flash, but I'm no expert.

When you run out of crack, you substitute Crystal Drano, doncha?

You have no idea what I am talking about. You shouldn't go where you don't belong or get lost.
Clinton a rapist? I think I'll go with the law rather than the brainwashed hater dupe lynch mob- JUST GOSSIPED ABOUT BY PAID OFF LIARS...not charged, indicted.

Calling people liars when you're ignorant functional morons only solidifies your loser status, 50% racist hater dupes of the greedy idiot rich GOP...
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Ahh yes, the Benghazi-Truthers strikes another blow for impeachment.

Say, how's that impeachment going anyway?

About the same as your campaign to discredit presidential hopeful Christie over a phony lane closing on the bridge. Of course, no one died in bridgegate, but still.......
Perhaps we don't know for a reason. Perhaps it is because the President and his minions insist on calling it a "phony" scandal and squash any serious inquiry. Hmmmmmm?

How did the president squash an inquiry? There was not really much to investigate. It was an attack and people died during the attack. It was not very well guarded, but how was that Obama's fault? He was on watch?

Not much to investigate? Do yourself a big favor and check for polyps while you have your head up your ass. And was on his watch. Everything is his responsibility until the next president takes office.
Ahh yes, the Benghazi-Truthers strikes another blow for impeachment.

Say, how's that impeachment going anyway?

About the same as your campaign to discredit presidential hopeful Christie over a phony lane closing on the bridge. Of course, no one died in bridgegate, but still.......

Christies chances of getting the nomination have fallen significantly since the story of the traffic study was completely shredded and found to actually be phony.

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