Picture Of The Day: Trump Love!!!...It's contagious!

Google and youtube are hiding great videos of Trump with his supporters....how childlike are these people?.....no wonder they lost so badly....
Majority of the military, officers and NCOs and enlisted, do not like the President.
I find that hard to believe. The military is SO conservative.

Ditto, I know a lot of military folks and every one of them are hup hup for Trump.

Maybe it's regional, like California military don't like him kind of thing ~shrug~
i talked to a couple pilots in line at the store who are stationed at Nellis out here....they had no problems with trump and said the base seems to look at him favorably....
Yes, I'm sure a grieving mother is accommodating for a photo opt, especially sine SHE instigated that hug.....another lib crybaby!

I sure hope he told her how he thinks laziness is "a trait in blacks".
No that's how you liberals think. you are the ones that started the Klan, you are the ones that keep them down.
Nah, I have posted it before over the months. You guys can look it up.
Majority of the military, officers and NCOs and enlisted, do not like the President.
When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military policies, about 55 percent of all troops surveyed rated Trump’s policies as favorable, versus 26 percent unfavorable.
To put that much faith in any politician is the sign of weirdness.... never ever have I or would I do something strange like that. Too smart for that.
Majority of the military, officers and NCOs and enlisted, do not like the President.
I find that hard to believe. The military is SO conservative.

Ditto, I know a lot of military folks and every one of them are hup hup for Trump.

Maybe it's regional, like California military don't like him kind of thing ~shrug~
i talked to a couple pilots in line at the store who are stationed at Nellis out here....they had no problems with trump and said the base seems to look at him favorably....

I wouldn't be much surprised if the lefty types actually only talked to those folks who agreed with them, (seems to be a trend with them) thus they could easily just not realize that there were military folks around who supported Trump - and lets not forget it was basically proven that many people refused to "own up" to their Trump support to pollsters (out of fear for their own safety I have no doubt - the lefties have lost their fucking minds.)
Donald Trump, God Emperor of Mankind


Emperor Trump to conquer the galaxy
Majority of the military, officers and NCOs and enlisted, do not like the President.
I find that hard to believe. The military is SO conservative.

Ditto, I know a lot of military folks and every one of them are hup hup for Trump.

Maybe it's regional, like California military don't like him kind of thing ~shrug~
i talked to a couple pilots in line at the store who are stationed at Nellis out here....they had no problems with trump and said the base seems to look at him favorably....

I wouldn't be much surprised if the lefty types actually only talked to those folks who agreed with them, (seems to be a trend with them) thus they could easily just not realize that there were military folks around who supported Trump - and lets not forget it was basically proven that many people refused to "own up" to their Trump support to pollsters (out of fear for their own safety I have no doubt - the lefties have lost their fucking minds.)

Yeah them thar lefties mighta "beat the crap out of 'em" because "there used to be consequences" and "they'd be carried out on a stretcher" but "we've become weak".

Poster please.
The Don's approval rating among black Americans is at 36%.

I'm sure in these tight races Dems can afford to lose close to 40% of the black vote.

Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
So what? I approve of the job he's doing so far but that doesn't mean I'm voting Republican in the upcoming election.
As I explained earlier in this thread, the Dem position to abolish ICE/illegal immigration issue is a dead loser for blacks.

You might call it the Hillary of '18.

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