Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque

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Translation of your response:

Let me double down on stupidity and just write some asinine comment! LOL


It would also be a insult to do it toward someone from the Jewish Faith too, and Jesus was Jewish and not Christian, so I wonder would it be a insult to throw a pigs head at a statue of Jesus?

The fact is you are wishing that the Federal Government will overreact to the incident and then scream as loud as you can about how your religious rights are being denied while Muslims are being protected.

In the end what happen at the Mosque is a hate crime, and should be dealt as such, and if something like that were done against a Christian Church I would also call it a hate crime and not shrug it off.

Now double down with another stupid comment and please remember I like the dumbest one you can write!
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!
Why are people acting like getting your hands on a pig's head is like getting plutonium in this country? You can walk to almost any butcher or grocer and pick up a pig's head. This isn't some uncommon item.
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!
As you wish.
pig cheeks is a gourmet delight for many people -----another famously delightful snack is "HEAD CHEESE" pig head simmered for a long time----the mean crimbled off and the broth well -----gelatinized by the skull bones and connective tissues-----all combined with whatever herbs and aromatics----CHILLED to a gelatin-------some people LOVE IT-----lucky muzzies

That sounds disgusting. Lol. I like bacon. Pork roast is good.

I did not recommend it------in fact I never tasted it------I, simply, watch cooking shows on TV------"PIGS CHEEKS" is an item......some of the contestants seem delighted
Translation of your response:

Let me double down on stupidity and just write some asinine comment! LOL


It would also be a insult to do it toward someone from the Jewish Faith too, and Jesus was Jewish and not Christian, so I wonder would it be a insult to throw a pigs head at a statue of Jesus?

The fact is you are wishing that the Federal Government will overreact to the incident and then scream as loud as you can about how your religious rights are being denied while Muslims are being protected.

In the end what happen at the Mosque is a hate crime, and should be dealt as such, and if something like that were done against a Christian Church I would also call it a hate crime and not shrug it off.

Now double down with another stupid comment and please remember I like the dumbest one you can write!
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!

Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.

They wouldn't want attention diverted. The Hitler-lite deserves it all...
when one is afraid, it is exactly the tactic and the libturds use it all the time.
Your kind are the ones who are afraid. Sand ******-phobia...
I'm afraid of nothing. It is your kind throwing pig heads around.
Nope. My kind respects Freedom of Religion, we invented it.
you hate christians we know it you even threaten their churches. you are who we know you are.
And now the DHS/NSC/CIA/FBI and his local law enforcement also know who he is and what he's been calling for on this forum.
I hope he enjoys cat food sandwiches.
Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!
As you wish.

Bey you would call the police on me if i did!
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!
As I told you before, be my guest. God won't mind, s/he's bigger than that, I'm sure.
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.
Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!

Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.


That from someone that believe the Governor of Texas should put the National Guard at the border of his state while Syrian Refugee's are flown into Dallas for relocation.

Yeah, I am the dumb ass while you're the ignorant fool. Also writing about humping something I bet the last time you were offer a hump was back when Nixon was President and the fool was on Acid!
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Bruce, you are embarrassing yourself. Go get that cuppa, and do some deep breathing. God bless.
Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!
As I told you before, be my guest. God won't mind, s/he's bigger than that, I'm sure.

God won't but those that attend the Church will, and will you tell them to chill or will you support there right to have me arrested for desecrating their church?

The pig's head was and is a hate crime, but I bet if some Lily white christian boy that flips off drivers lynched a muslim it would not be consider a hate crime either and just a happy day in America.
pig cheeks is a gourmet delight for many people -----another famously delightful snack is "HEAD CHEESE" pig head simmered for a long time----the mean crimbled off and the broth well -----gelatinized by the skull bones and connective tissues-----all combined with whatever herbs and aromatics----CHILLED to a gelatin-------some people LOVE IT-----lucky muzzies

That sounds disgusting. Lol. I like bacon. Pork roast is good.

arabs----and probably muzzies in general----do roasted SHEEP HEAD-----
and----some serve it whole. Sheeps' eyes are a favored delicacy in
muzzie lands-----at least -----amongst lots of arabs. Long ago----
I read a statistic in which a neurological illness was associated with
the LIBYAN love of sheep's eyes--------the study was silly IMHO
Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Bruce, you are embarrassing yourself. Go get that cuppa, and do some deep breathing. God bless.

Go fuck yourself!

Writing that I am embarrassing myself while you defend the actions of thugs is pathetic!
Oh my goodness "a hate crime". That sounds pretty desperate to me. Kind of like a young man I met years ago when my ten year old flipped him off. The young adult chased my ten year old with his car full of his buddies into the vacant lot next to our place. I ran over there and got the kid in the car to stop and asked him "What the hell do you think your doing?" He promptly told me how son had flipped him off. Damn, he was chasing a ten year old with a motor vehicle through a vacant lot with all sorts of shit protruding out of the ground, pipes, old metal you name it. I asked the young man in the car, "Did that really hurt you?" This whole hate crime bullshit for a dead pig's head is just as ridiculous. Insults are not hate crimes dumb ass.

Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
And What a wonderful example you'd be to 10 year olds everywhere.
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!

Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.


That from someone that believe the Governor of Texas should put the National Guard at the border of his state while Syrian Refugee's are flown into Dallas for relocation.

Yeah, I am the dumb ass while you're the ignorant fool. Also writing about humping something I bet the last time you were offer a hump was back when Nixon was President and the fool was on Acid!

No State should be forced to take in refugees if they don't want them.

Yeah and your dumb and ignorant enough to think that they should.

LMAO unlike you my humping is my business and I don't hump and tell.

Your clueless and a moron.
Really, so I can throw a pigs head at you, and nothing should be done, and the fact that a Pig Head being tossed at a Mosque is a insult and eating the swine is against their religion and you can not see the hate crime in it?

Of course not, and next you will tell me about how your son being a ignorant little bastard was correct in flipping someone off was so wonderful to you, right?

Yes the man had a right to be pissed off at the fact a mother like you never taught your ignorant child the right way to act in public!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
And you again prove you are a dumb ass. Nineteen year old's terrorizing ten year old with a motor vehicle is assault. Throwing a pig's head at an inanimate object is not throwing something at a human. Again, DUMB ASS!

You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!

Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.


That from someone that believe the Governor of Texas should put the National Guard at the border of his state while Syrian Refugee's are flown into Dallas for relocation.

Yeah, I am the dumb ass while you're the ignorant fool. Also writing about humping something I bet the last time you were offer a hump was back when Nixon was President and the fool was on Acid!
Stop getting the hump :)
The pig head was tossed --"at" a mosque? does that mean it landed on the side-walk? I consider that action -----mild mischief ------kinda like toilet
papering shrubbery in front of a private home on Halloween night. Not polite---
clearly an expression of disdain------but not quite a HATE CRIME
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