Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque

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The pig head was tossed --"at" a mosque? does that mean it landed on the side-walk? I consider that action -----mild mischief ------kinda like toilet
papering shrubbery in front of a private home on Halloween night. Not polite---
clearly an expression of disdain------but not quite a HATE CRIME
TPing is done because you hate Muslims? That's a new one.


This must have been done all in good fun then...

TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------not is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?
The pig head was tossed --"at" a mosque? does that mean it landed on the side-walk? I consider that action -----mild mischief ------kinda like toilet
papering shrubbery in front of a private home on Halloween night. Not polite---
clearly an expression of disdain------but not quite a HATE CRIME
TPing is done because you hate Muslims? That's a new one.


This must have been done all in good fun then...

TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------not is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?
If it requires a little cleanup they can take it to small claims court.
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
The pig head was tossed --"at" a mosque? does that mean it landed on the side-walk? I consider that action -----mild mischief ------kinda like toilet
papering shrubbery in front of a private home on Halloween night. Not polite---
clearly an expression of disdain------but not quite a HATE CRIME
TPing is done because you hate Muslims? That's a new one.


This must have been done all in good fun then...

TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
TPing is done because you hate Muslims? That's a new one.


This must have been done all in good fun then...

TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------not is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?
If it requires a little cleanup they can take it to small claims court.
Take who to court? Oh right, the guys the police track down...
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Bruce, you are embarrassing yourself. Go get that cuppa, and do some deep breathing. God bless.

Go fuck yourself!

Writing that I am embarrassing myself while you defend the actions of thugs is pathetic!
Well, you do seem to be getting a little over excited, imho.
In my view, too many people are way too easily offended, and now, not only do said people want others criminalised for it, they give it a silly name too. Having ones feelings hurt should not be a crime. Offending anyone's beliefs in whatever sky fairy they've opted for SHOULD NOT BE CLASSIFIED A CRIME, in my ever so humble opinion. Sticks and stones may hurt my bones and all that. Seeing adults behaving so childishly is deeply offensive to me, who can I have prosecuted for that. Lol :)

Bull fucking shit!

Desecrating a religious site is a crime and what was used ( Pig's head ) was a hate crime.

Funny part is those like you have no problem with it until someone does it to something you care about, and then poof you want justice!

Maybe if society did not teach their ten year old bastards that flipping an adult off was perfectly fine we would not have these problems, but alas the fact is society enjoys flipping someone off and pretending it is not a big deal when it was insult to cause rage!
Like I said, nothing to see here, no crime whatsoever, just people who enjoy being offended and want others criminalised for their own inability to act like grown ups.
This is the definitive thread to separate the rational from the clueless. Only the PC whores cant laugh their asses off about this!!! Of course, these same PC whores talk blissfully when a statue of Christ gets pooped on and is displayed as art. Double standards are ghey.

Whoever did the pig toss.....give them a cigar.:2up:
We'll remind you of that the next time a christian church gets burned down...
is that a threat? I think that was a threat.
What a moron.
and yet there you are. funny little libturd can't get his way so crying for his mommy.
TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------not is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?
If it requires a little cleanup they can take it to small claims court.
Take who to court? Oh right, the guys the police track down...
yeah the libturds.
TPing is done because you hate Muslims? That's a new one.


This must have been done all in good fun then...

TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.
TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------not is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?
If it requires a little cleanup they can take it to small claims court.
Take who to court? Oh right, the guys the police track down...
Sure I can picture it. "Your honor we had pig blood and brains all over. It was such a mess we had to get out a shovel and a mop. Oh' and I had to get down on my knees to scrub it off of the tile floor". Judge, "Did this cost you anything", Mosque, "Yes, my goodness it was a PIG'S head!" Judge, "Case dismissed, next".
TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
TP ing in my town was done by kids who did not like this or that neighbor. In the town in which I live now----the graffiti noted above------is also----NOT A CRIME.
The cops would not write it up as a report.
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?

was "private property" defaced in the pig in a pouch incident? There is graffiti all over my town------anyone silly enough to go to the cops about it gets told----
"yeah---ok have a seat-----we will take a report after the next two ice ages end"
And the muslims threw it back with a bomb attached.
Hard to blame them if they had...
You belong on a watch list.
He is soon going to be. I have reported him to DHS.
Hope he likes eating cat food sandwiches in a Federal prison.
Gee, I sure hope that doesn't affect the espionage agreement I have with the Feds, the one for life I signed decades ago so their secrets die with me.
CAIR with the help of the left in this country is doing a fine job of shutting off our Freedoms of speech and Freedom from harassment by YOU GOVERNMENT

They know what they are doing with this pigs head, which they probably put there themselves.

people better wake up in this country and FAST
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
"Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On its second pass, someone tosses something from the vehicle and what appears to be the pig's head rolls near the mosque's door."
Pig's head left at Philadelphia mosque - CNNPolitics.com
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.

What was the reason behind hate crime legislation?


Why have hate crimes laws? Whenever a bias-motivated crime is committed, the victim’s entire community is left feeling victimized, vulnerable, fearful, isolated, and unprotected by the law. Such crimes can also lead to reprisals and a dangerous spiral of escalating inter-group tension and violence. Thus, the impact of the crime is far greater than the already terrible impact on the individual.
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