Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque

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this was also from the article at this site

wake up people and also no more PROGRESSIVE/Demcorats they have been FULLY infiltrated by Muslims and is now taking their sides over the rest of us in this country

all of it here;
CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem... It's America's Fault (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
Nope, it's considered "unclean." So again, you are wrong, as usual.
Nope. It's food, but you'd have to know Islam to know what is necessary for survival is allowed.

It is PROHIBITED to eat pork according to the Muslim religion. Am I going to have to fetch a link to prove you wrong once more?
Please do, and you will discover that while unclean if it's that or survival, poke that piggy.

"What if a person is stranded in a desert or an isolated and there is no halal food to eat?
There are incidences were you will not find any halal food at all. Not even an apple. You may only find a wild pig. If you do not kill and eat that wild pig then you will die of starvation. In such a case it is allowed for a person to eat a small amount of that pig. Just enough to survive until he can find halal food.

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Forbidden to you (for food) are: Al‑Maitah (the dead animals — cattle — beast not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering (that which has been slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah, or has been slaughtered for idols) and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns — and that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal — unless you are able to slaughter it (before its death) ‑ and that which is sacrificed (slaughtered) on An‑Nusub (stone‑altars). (Forbidden) also is to use arrows seeking luck or decision; (all) that is Fisqun (disobedience of Allaah and sin). This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But as for him who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin (such can eat these above mentioned meats), then surely, Allaah is Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful
Muslim Foood halal and haram food

Learn fucking Islam, people...

From your link . . .

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Forbidden for you (for food) are: al-maytatah (dead animals – cattle-beast not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine, and the meat of that which has been slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah, or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns – and that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal – unless you are able to slaughter it (before its death)…” [al-Maa’idah 5:3].

1 A Muslim can not eat nor drink anything that causes intoxication in any amounts. What intoxicates in large amounts is unlawful in small amounts. In fact a Muslim is not even allowed to sit in a table were alcohol is being served (Detailed article on Alcohol)

a. So Alcohol and products containing or made from Alcohol are Haram (even if all the alcohol has evaporated).

Thus Spirit Vinegar is Haram ( but if Vinegar was produced without using Alcohol then it is lawful)

Vanilla Extract is made by macerating and percolating vanilla beans in a solution of ethyl alcohol and water and therefore it and products containing it would not be lawful.

b. Narcotics, Heroin, cocaine, marijuana and any other substances which causes intoxication are also forbidden

c. Nutmeg also causes intoxication is also Haram

2 Pig and any products containing pig is Haram

3 All carnivores which have fangs such as lions, tigers, wolves , dogs, cats etc are Haram

4 All birds which have talons such as hawks, falcons, vultures, eagles etc are haram

It was narrated from Ibn Abbaas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade all carnivorous animals which have fangs and all birds which have talons.
I don't often agree with PMH, but what he's telling you is things that are haram normally, are not haram under exceptional and life threatening circumstances. It's not that difficult to grasp, yet here you are again being either genuinely dense over a simple issue, or pretending to be so for reasons known only to yourself. Give it up.
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.

So then I was right earlier about wearing a pig's head. They FEAR pig heads is what you are telling us.
CAIR with the help of the left in this country is doing a fine job of shutting off our Freedoms of speech and Freedom from harassment by YOU GOVERNMENT

They know what they are doing with this pigs head, which they probably put there themselves.

people better wake up in this country and FAST

yes----of course------in my town would demand----did you see it? then "oh yeah----you videoed it"" ? "you expect to be believed"???
CAIR with the help of the left in this country is doing a fine job of shutting off our Freedoms of speech and Freedom from harassment by YOU GOVERNMENT

They know what they are doing with this pigs head, which they probably put there themselves.

people better wake up in this country and FAST
Your total paranoia is always entertaining...
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.

So then I was right earlier about wearing a pig's head. They FEAR pig heads is what you are telling us.
No, they don't fear them, they don't eat them, unless necessary to survive. The reason these little morons used a pig's head is the same as your childish posts about pigs and Muslims.
I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
"Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On its second pass, someone tosses something from the vehicle and what appears to be the pig's head rolls near the mosque's door."
Pig's head left at Philadelphia mosque - CNNPolitics.com

that's it? someone threw a bag of groceries from the butcher shop on the side walk near the door of a mosque? You are aware of the fact that roasted pig head-------is food for some people. -------I think mosly it is simmered in water
Pig's heads must be on short supply around those parts then. Too popular, thrown from moving vehicles as a gesture of love...

I do not see it as a gesture of love------nor is burning a flag a gesture of love----it is
consider "free speech"
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?

was "private property" defaced in the pig in a pouch incident? There is graffiti all over my town------anyone silly enough to go to the cops about it gets told----
"yeah---ok have a seat-----we will take a report after the next two ice ages end"
What a great little town you live in? I'll remember never to visit, which I'm sure will make both of us very happy.
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
"Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On its second pass, someone tosses something from the vehicle and what appears to be the pig's head rolls near the mosque's door."
Pig's head left at Philadelphia mosque - CNNPolitics.com

that's it? someone threw a bag of groceries from the butcher shop on the side walk near the door of a mosque? You are aware of the fact that roasted pig head-------is food for some people. -------I think mosly it is simmered in water
Throwing a pig's head is Free Speech? The other two examples I posted must also be Free Speech then?

"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
"Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On its second pass, someone tosses something from the vehicle and what appears to be the pig's head rolls near the mosque's door."
Pig's head left at Philadelphia mosque - CNNPolitics.com

that's it? someone threw a bag of groceries from the butcher shop on the side walk near the door of a mosque? You are aware of the fact that roasted pig head-------is food for some people. -------I think mosly it is simmered in water
Someone threw a forbidden (usually) food at a Mosque as a display of their hatred of Muslims.
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.

So then I was right earlier about wearing a pig's head. They FEAR pig heads is what you are telling us.
No, they don't fear them, they don't eat them, unless necessary to survive. The reason these little morons used a pig's head is the same as your childish posts about pigs and Muslims.

what do you call a childish post about pigs and muslims? In order to learn a bit
of Arabic------put on a large cross-----necklace ----and walk around a muslim neighborhood.--------you are likely to hear the Arabic words for "pig" and "dog"----
I think if you know how the pigs are grown and become a bit informed on them you would most likely avoid eating them.
I love pork ribs, pork steaks, pork chops, ham, bacon, shit bacon has a skit about it thanks Jim Gaffigan. Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha, do you eat chickens? Ever see how they live? you all crack me up, but I thank you daily for the chuckle and the occasional roll on the floor with your libturd dumb fkness.
"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
"Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On its second pass, someone tosses something from the vehicle and what appears to be the pig's head rolls near the mosque's door."
Pig's head left at Philadelphia mosque - CNNPolitics.com

that's it? someone threw a bag of groceries from the butcher shop on the side walk near the door of a mosque? You are aware of the fact that roasted pig head-------is food for some people. -------I think mosly it is simmered in water
Someone threw a forbidden (usually) food at a Mosque as a display of their hatred of Muslims.
No doubt authorities will overreact and call for a public lynching.

Reuters) - U.S authorities are investigating an incident in which a pig's head was thrown at a mosque in Philadelphia early on Monday morning, as worries grew over a rise in Islamophobia after a Muslim couple killed 14 people at a holiday party in California.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is examining the incident, spokeswoman Carrie Adamowski said on Tuesday.

Philadelphia Mayor-elect Jim Kenney decried what he called an act of bigotry. "We cannot allow hate to divide us now, in the face of unprecedented difficulties," he said in a statement.

Surveillance video showed a red truck driving past the Al-Aqsa mosque in North Philadelphia on Sunday night and someone throwing an object from the window, police said. A caretaker discovered the pig's head early on Monday, they said.

American Muslims have expressed concern about an increase in Islamophobia since authorities said a young Muslim couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, stormed a party attended by San Bernardino County employees on December 2, leaving 14 people dead and 21 wounded.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump called on Monday for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, drawing fierce criticism from both the White House and rivals candidates in his own party.

Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque, mayor decries bigotry

When you consider how many weapons the French are finding in Muslim mosques in their country you can bet there are weapons in the mosques in this country. The Muslims are lucky it was just a pigs head. People do watch the news.

The mayor is a moron.
There are more war weapons hidden in hundreds of homes and mosques in Dearborn alone than in the Swiss army. There are enough high explosives hidden in Dearborn to flatten a hundred city blocks.
This movie is coming to the US and Obama is sitting back hoping it will happen so he can declare martial law, postpone the election and declare himself interim President for another four years at least.
You read it here.
I think if you know how the pigs are grown and become a bit informed on them you would most likely avoid eating them.
I love pork ribs, pork steaks, pork chops, ham, bacon, shit bacon has a skit about it thanks Jim Gaffigan. Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha, do you eat chickens? Ever see how they live? you all crack me up, but I thank you daily for the chuckle and the occasional roll on the floor with your libturd dumb fkness.
Actually I don't eat much in the way of store bought chicken. I like homegrown best when it comes to chickens and eggs.
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.
Actually, hate is an emotion, so
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.
the criminal act should be all the legal system is concerned with. Hate is an emotion.
"the other two examples"???? can you be more specific? A pig head----in a package-----thrown on the sidewalk in front of a mosque. Is that the issue?
You want to call it a "crime"?
It is a crime, like the other pictures I posted. The defacement of Private Property. You do respect private property, right?
so exactly what happened, was the property defaced or was it only placed on premise. What is it?
"Surveillance video shows a red truck driving by the mosque. On its second pass, someone tosses something from the vehicle and what appears to be the pig's head rolls near the mosque's door."
Pig's head left at Philadelphia mosque - CNNPolitics.com

that's it? someone threw a bag of groceries from the butcher shop on the side walk near the door of a mosque? You are aware of the fact that roasted pig head-------is food for some people. -------I think mosly it is simmered in water
Someone threw a forbidden (usually) food at a Mosque as a display of their hatred of Muslims.

This is getting OUT of control. Was any damage done? Was anyone harmed? Can you PROVE that it wasn't just some silly teenagers thinking they are funny?
How is a pig's head a threat to the Muslim community? Was there any death threat? Did anyone get hurt? A hate crime is supposed to be something that "strikes fear into the community." I don't think any of these examples should qualify as a "hate crime."
A hate crime is a crime committed out of hatred. It's not really a tricky concept.

So then I was right earlier about wearing a pig's head. They FEAR pig heads is what you are telling us.
No, they don't fear them, they don't eat them, unless necessary to survive. The reason these little morons used a pig's head is the same as your childish posts about pigs and Muslims.

what do you call a childish post about pigs and muslims? In order to learn a bit
of Arabic------put on a large cross-----necklace ----and walk around a muslim neighborhood.--------you are likely to hear the Arabic words for "pig" and "dog"----
The Catholics called the Jews they forced to convert pigs: Marrano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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