PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

What the heck is PINO? An acronym?
President in name only....I know it's silly.

Thank you. Silly, but it fits. Trump is not a leader, unless one believes the first lemming jumping off the cliff into the sea is a leader.

During my career I worked for several chiefs, and I learned about leadership but not from them. Each in their own way blamed others for problems, and when faced with making a decision they uniformly asked "how will this effect me".

Real leaders listen to others and take the heat for a FU, and give credit to those when the change is successful. Which does not describe Trump, he is an empty suit.
If you served then you would understand that you are required to respect the position / rank, not the man. You demonstrate you learned disloyalty and sedition is ok if you do not like the man or his leadership style ... or if he does not agree with you.

The level of disrespect and sedition being shown the President is unacceptable / despicable.

RESPECT is earned. I did serve, and experienced the good, the bad and the ugly. Some people do not lead, some know not how, some are naturals. Trump, being a clinical narcissist with megalomania is the worst of the ugly.

How much respect did you have for President Obama or President Clinton?
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.
As was quoted, a person has to ascend to a pardon. To use it to declare themselves free of the consequences of their crime. If they want to declare their innocence, they have to reject the pardon, which is a declaratory statement they committed a crime, but are being absolved of it's consequences.
Wrong, moron. That isn't what the ruling says.

It is admitted, that he may avail himself of it, at any time, by plea, before or after verdict or confession. But is insisted, that unless he pleads it, or in some way claims its benefit, thereby denoting his acceptance of the proffered grace, the court cannot notice it, nor allow it to prevent them from passing sentence.

Stick to carpentry, you stink at law. Or understanding english.
In other words, the court can declare him guilty even though he accepts the pardon.
You are truly fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo: No court can declare anyone guilty of a crime for which they've been pardoned.

I interpreted your post, cockroach. That isn't my opinion.

LOL you sure are stupid. What is it if not your opinion? An Aardvark?
RESPECT is earned. I did serve, and experienced the good, the bad and the ugly. Some people do not lead, some know not how, some are naturals. Trump, being a clinical narcissist with megalomania is the worst of the ugly.

How much respect did you have for President Obama or President Clinton?
If you served then you know respect must be shown for the rank of the person. Did you not salute officers you did not know? Respect once came with the position but there are so many people that do not respect themselves enough to respect others.
Wrong, moron. That isn't what the ruling says.

It is admitted, that he may avail himself of it, at any time, by plea, before or after verdict or confession. But is insisted, that unless he pleads it, or in some way claims its benefit, thereby denoting his acceptance of the proffered grace, the court cannot notice it, nor allow it to prevent them from passing sentence.

Stick to carpentry, you stink at law. Or understanding english.
In other words, the court can declare him guilty even though he accepts the pardon.
You are truly fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo: No court can declare anyone guilty of a crime for which they've been pardoned.

I interpreted your post, cockroach. That isn't my opinion.

LOL you sure are stupid. What is it if not your opinion? An Aardvark?

presidents can pardon guilty people. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers, drug dealers, and terrorists and you said nothing about it. Trump pardons a Hispanic sheriff of a misdemeanor and you lefties go ape shit. disingenuous lying bastards.
RESPECT is earned. I did serve, and experienced the good, the bad and the ugly. Some people do not lead, some know not how, some are naturals. Trump, being a clinical narcissist with megalomania is the worst of the ugly.

How much respect did you have for President Obama or President Clinton?
Again, IF you served you would have known - or should have known - that the POSITION is always respected. just because you did not like your leader's leadership[ style did not give you the right to ignore his orders. THAT would / could have ended up with your courts martial.

Thank you for your expert medical / clinical diagnosis or Trump's mental status, you quack snowflake. :p
- I love how snowflakes just blurt out their personal opinions as if they were fact. Bwuhahaha....

I had every bit of respect for the Office of the President when Barak Obama and Bill Clinton were President, far more than THEY had themselves.

I did not call for Barry's assassination or any military coups, even when Obama was aiding, abetting, financing, supplying, training, arming, protecting, and defending terrorists - to include Al Qaeda, the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...

I did not call for Barry's assassination or for military coups when he TREASONOUSLY set the Taliban 5 - leaders of the enemy forces with who we were at war with - free in order to keep a campaign promise of closing Gtimo - setting enemy fighters free to rejoin the fight on the battlefield.

I did not support HATE towards Barry when he was ILLEGALLY abusing the Constitutional rights of Americans by illegally spying on citizens, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC...when he illegally used the IRS to target/punish Americans who did not support him...when he illegally shared/leaked classified information on US citizens, when he illegally unmasked Americans....

Trump has done far, far less than Obama has done, yet the violent leftists have not only called for assassinations buy have attempted to carry them out while using violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights in order to silence anyone who opposes their ideology.

Great. You served...but for WHO?
RESPECT is earned. I did serve, and experienced the good, the bad and the ugly. Some people do not lead, some know not how, some are naturals. Trump, being a clinical narcissist with megalomania is the worst of the ugly.

How much respect did you have for President Obama or President Clinton?
If you served then you know respect must be shown for the rank of the person. Did you not salute officers you did not know? Respect once came with the position but there are so many people that do not respect themselves enough to respect others.

"By your leave Sir"; "Aye-aye Sir"; "Aye, Sir, coming to one-four-zero, sir"

Yep. respect for the authority, I knew it well and most of the officers I worked for both deserved it and earned it.

Trump neither deserves it, nor has he earned it.
"By your leave Sir"; "Aye-aye Sir"; "Aye, Sir, coming to one-four-zero, sir"

Yep. respect for the authority, I knew it well and most of the officers I worked for both deserved it and earned it.
So you alone are the judge of each officer? You are the one that decides if respect is deserved? I think not. The title earned, the office of is what deserves respect and yet you give none to the president of the united states. All because your side lost. Now that is definitely not respectful.
Wrong, moron. That isn't what the ruling says.

It is admitted, that he may avail himself of it, at any time, by plea, before or after verdict or confession. But is insisted, that unless he pleads it, or in some way claims its benefit, thereby denoting his acceptance of the proffered grace, the court cannot notice it, nor allow it to prevent them from passing sentence.

Stick to carpentry, you stink at law. Or understanding english.
In other words, the court can declare him guilty even though he accepts the pardon.
You are truly fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo: No court can declare anyone guilty of a crime for which they've been pardoned.

I interpreted your post, cockroach. That isn't my opinion.

LOL you sure are stupid. What is it if not your opinion? An Aardvark?
It's my understanding of what you posted, cockroach.
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.
Every snowflake thread is bullshit. What else do they have aside from bullshit?
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.
Every snowflake thread is bullshit. What else do they have aside from bullshit?
Spits the rightard who started a bullshit thread about a photo of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC which wasn't actually from the 1924 DNC.

Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.
Every snowflake thread is bullshit. What else do they have aside from bullshit?
Spits the rightard who started a bullshit thread about a photo of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC which wasn't actually from the 1924 DNC.

Keep flogging your dead horse, cockroach.
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.
Every snowflake thread is bullshit. What else do they have aside from bullshit?
Spits the rightard who started a bullshit thread about a photo of the KKK marching at the 1924 DNC which wasn't actually from the 1924 DNC.

Keep flogging your dead horse, cockroach.
Pointing out how you do what you accuse others of doing is beating a dead horse?

"Sheriff Joe is a patriot, Sheriff Joe loves our country. Sheriff Joe protected our borders. Sheriff Joe is an American hero. next question!" - Trump
So these liberals have SUCH an issue with Trump pardoning Sheriff Arpaio who they say broke the law but want to help illegals break the law!

Please explain to me how Sherrif Joe is a racist when 33% of his deputies are Hispanic & his own grandchildren are Hispanic.
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Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?

You are not allowed to target Hispanics and see their papers just because you want to see them. There has to be a reason for stopping them. Their 4th amendment rights were violated..
I believe Arpaio had a reason to stop them in every case. When they couldn't speak English and couldn't produce a license, their immigration status was checked.

They don't have to produce a license. Unless they are committing a crime, he has no right to ask. That is a violation of the 4th Amendment as conservative Justin Amash pointed out.
If they are pulled over for a violation, they have to produce a license. Your belief that the cops were pulling over people at random is totally unsubstantiated at this point.

It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.
Trump pardoned Arpaio because he didn't want the sheriff's investigation into Obama's birth certificate to be interrupted.

Any day now, folks. Any day.

"I have people that have been studying Obama's birth certificate and they cannot believe what they're finding."
Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.

No dumbass, he did not. That was made up entirely by his accusors. There is absolutely zero evidence he did anything like that at all.

There is plenty of evidence. You Nazis just don't want to see it. Arpaio even bragged about it and said he was above the law.

You just continue to make shit up. Doesn't matter really. The majority of Americans know the truth and you left wing nutters are a vast minority.

I am a constitutional conservative. You are the liberal as you think it is okay to violate people's constitutional rights. The majority know the truth and that is why Trump's approvals are in the 30's which is unprecedented.

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