PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

You are not a conservative, you are a fascist.

I'm an Authoritarian- the ultimate form of Conservatism. Humanity has shown itself to be unworthy of and incapable of properly utilizing Freedom and Rights. Therefore, to protect Society, only those who have shown themselves worthy of Freedom or Privileges should receive them.

I'll bet Hitler and Putin are your heroes.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?

You are not allowed to target Hispanics and see their papers just because you want to see them. There has to be a reason for stopping them. Their 4th amendment rights were violated..
I believe Arpaio had a reason to stop them in every case. When they couldn't speak English and couldn't produce a license, their immigration status was checked.

They don't have to produce a license. Unless they are committing a crime, he has no right to ask. That is a violation of the 4th Amendment as conservative Justin Amash pointed out.
If they are pulled over for a violation, they have to produce a license. Your belief that the cops were pulling over people at random is totally unsubstantiated at this point.

It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.

You are bullshit. Law enforcement officers have to be held accountable for their actions. When a law enforcement officer violates the constitutional rights of Americans and says he is above the law, that is worse.
It should not shock anyone that Clinton and Obama freed terrorists who killed Americans.

It's who they are.
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.

You are bullshit. Law enforcement officers have to be held accountable for their actions. When a law enforcement officer violates the constitutional rights of Americans and says he is above the law, that is worse.

I haven't seen any evidence that Arpaio violated anyone's constitutional rights.
You are not allowed to target Hispanics and see their papers just because you want to see them. There has to be a reason for stopping them. Their 4th amendment rights were violated..
I believe Arpaio had a reason to stop them in every case. When they couldn't speak English and couldn't produce a license, their immigration status was checked.

They don't have to produce a license. Unless they are committing a crime, he has no right to ask. That is a violation of the 4th Amendment as conservative Justin Amash pointed out.
If they are pulled over for a violation, they have to produce a license. Your belief that the cops were pulling over people at random is totally unsubstantiated at this point.

It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
I believe Arpaio had a reason to stop them in every case. When they couldn't speak English and couldn't produce a license, their immigration status was checked.

They don't have to produce a license. Unless they are committing a crime, he has no right to ask. That is a violation of the 4th Amendment as conservative Justin Amash pointed out.
If they are pulled over for a violation, they have to produce a license. Your belief that the cops were pulling over people at random is totally unsubstantiated at this point.

It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.
Every snowflake thread is bullshit. What else do they have aside from bullshit?

You are bullshit. You are a Trump sycophant. You are one of those people who Trump was talking about when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his supporters would still support him.
I am a constitutional conservative. You are the liberal as you think it is okay to violate people's constitutional rights. The majority know the truth and that is why Trump's approvals are in the 30's which is unprecedented.

I love listening to idiots attack Trump for exercising his Presidential powers.

OBAMA, himself, said it best:

Not necessarily YOU, but most of the idiots who are attacking Trump, using your argument about how those who violate other's Constitutional Rights are deplorable and should be punished - claiming it is Conservatives who do this, are the same bat-shit crazy partisans who defend until they are blue in the face:

- Bill Clinton, the President who was found in Contempt of Court and was Impeached for attempting to strip an American citizen of her Constitutional Right to a fair trial, a guy who criminally sexually assaulted / sexually harassed / raped women and had sex with children.

- Barak Obama, the President who illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / the US Senate / the USSC...the guy who illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against Americans who did not support him or his ideology...the guy who set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...whose administration illegally shared/leaked Protected Personal Classified Information, illegally unmasked Americans, and committed Felony Espionage against the US for political benefit.

Between the 2 - Clinton and Obama - they have set an unattainable record for violating Constitutional Rights Trump will never match.

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They don't have to produce a license. Unless they are committing a crime, he has no right to ask. That is a violation of the 4th Amendment as conservative Justin Amash pointed out.
If they are pulled over for a violation, they have to produce a license. Your belief that the cops were pulling over people at random is totally unsubstantiated at this point.

It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!

There was enough evidence for the Justice Department to charge him and a judge to convict him.
Of course the guy Trump pardoned broke the law. He really wouldn't have NEEDED a pardon if he had not broken the law, now would he?

If they are pulled over for a violation, they have to produce a license. Your belief that the cops were pulling over people at random is totally unsubstantiated at this point.

It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!

There was enough evidence for the Justice Department to charge him and a judge to convict him.

The Obama justice Department and a judge who had an immediate family acting as a lawyer in the proceeding - a blatant conflict of interest. Notice that no jury has convicted him. That's why the DA and the judge arranged things so he wouldn't get a jury trial.
I am a constitutional conservative. You are the liberal as you think it is okay to violate people's constitutional rights. The majority know the truth and that is why Trump's approvals are in the 30's which is unprecedented.

I love listening to idiots attack Trump for exercising his Presidential powers.

OBAMA, himself, said it best:

Not necessarily YOU, but most of the idiots who are attacking Trump, using your argument about how those who violate other's Constitutional Rights are deplorable and should be punished - claiming it is Conservatives who do this, are the same bat-shit crazy partisans who defend until they are blue in the face:

- Bill Clinton, the President who was found in Contempt of Court and was Impeached for attempting to strip an American citizen of her Constitutional Right to a fair trial, a guy who criminally sexually assaulted / sexually harassed / raped women and had sex with children.

- Barak Obama, the President who illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / the US Senate / the USSC...the guy who illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against Americans who did not support him or his ideology...the guy who set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...whose administration illegally shared/leaked Protected Personal Classified Information, illegally unmasked Americans, and committed Felony Espionage against the US for political benefit.

Between the 2 - Clinton and Obama - they have set an unattainable record for violating Constitutional Rights Trump will never match.

Even though a President has certain powers, that does not give him the right to abuse it. The fact is that Trump supporters like you do the same thing that leftists do. They love to criticize Obama and Clinton but defend Trump when he does the same thing.

Trump is being sued for his personal conduct before he became President. He is adopting the same position that Clinton did. That the suit should be delayed because he is President. Yet you get crickets from Trump supporters. Also Trump bragged about sexually harassing women.

There is no evidence that Obama spied on Americans. Americans were not illegally unmasked. There is nothing illegal about unmasking people if you have the proper security clearances. While I had many political disagreements with Obama, I will not criminalize it.
It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!

There was enough evidence for the Justice Department to charge him and a judge to convict him.

The Obama justice Department and a judge who had an immediate family acting as a lawyer in the proceeding - a blatant conflict of interest. Notice that no jury has convicted him. That's why the DA and the judge arranged things so he wouldn't get a jury trial.

Why don't you shut up. No one is allowed to have a different opinion or they have a conflict. When Republican Governors wanted to overturn Obama's EO on illegal immigration, they went to a Republican judge. So we can say they conspired against Obama?
Even though a President has certain powers, that does not give him the right to abuse it.
Tell that to Bill Clinton, who set almost a dozen terrorists who murdered Americans just so their community would vote for Hillary and she could become a Senator.

Tell that to Obama who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and the USSC...who illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon against Americans who did not support his ideology and re-election...who refused to enforce US law and aided those who broke it...who dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists take over their own nations, who set free the mastermind responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, and the Taliban 5 - the leaders of the enemies we are fighting a war against.

Trump pardoned a law enforcer who was found guilty of Contempt of Court, who far less violated Americans Constitutional Rights than Barry ever did, Trump stayed within the confines of his powers as President. he did not abuse his power by pardoning Arpaio, even if it is your biased opinion that he did.

You don't like that he pardoned him? Duly Noted. That doe not make what he did illegal or an abuse of power.

An abuse of power is illegally spying on Americans, the US Senate, and the USSC...illegally using the IRS as a personal political weapon, is illegally sharing classified information and unmasking Americans for Democratic Party political benefit.

Try bitching about something that actually IS an abuse of power rather than something that offends you / your opinion.
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.

You are bullshit. Law enforcement officers have to be held accountable for their actions. When a law enforcement officer violates the constitutional rights of Americans and says he is above the law, that is worse.

then you should have no issues with prosecuting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation for violating federal laws-------------------oh, I forgot, the clintons are above the law
Not possible to tell law enforcement to not enforce laws against lawlessness occurring right in front of you.
How do you break the law by enforcing it?
The idea offered that it was "federal business only" is just so laughably childish and incorrect
It is not unsubstantiated. It was documented that Arpaio stopped American citizens to check their papers.

Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!

There was enough evidence for the Justice Department to charge him and a judge to convict him.

The Obama justice Department and a judge who had an immediate family acting as a lawyer in the proceeding - a blatant conflict of interest. Notice that no jury has convicted him. That's why the DA and the judge arranged things so he wouldn't get a jury trial.
Hey bri how ya doing. FYI the investigation into Sheriff Joe was started in 2008 by the Bush DOJ.
Prove it.

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!

There was enough evidence for the Justice Department to charge him and a judge to convict him.

The Obama justice Department and a judge who had an immediate family acting as a lawyer in the proceeding - a blatant conflict of interest. Notice that no jury has convicted him. That's why the DA and the judge arranged things so he wouldn't get a jury trial.
Hey bri how ya doing. FYI the investigation into Sheriff Joe was started in 2008 by the Bush DOJ.

he was found guilty of a misdemeanor, conviction likely to be overturned on appeal. Trump just saved the taxpayers a step.

BTW, presidents can pardon anyone for any reason. Clinton and Obama pardoned people to shut them up and as payback for bribes.

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