PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

That doesn't make any sense. KKK was started by Obama's people.

I didn't know the Kenyans started the KKK?:ahole-1:

Jeez, you are an ignorant and useless pinny. Kenyans started Al-Shabaab.

The new KKK, got it.

No, these guys are black. KKK are white. Do we have to review Obumba history again?

Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

That doesn't make any sense. KKK was started by Obama's people.

I didn't know the Kenyans started the KKK?:ahole-1:

Jeez, you are an ignorant and useless pinny. Kenyans started Al-Shabaab.

The new KKK, got it.

No, these guys are black. KKK are white. Do we have to review Obumba history again?


Please enlightened us.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

That doesn't make any sense. KKK was started by Obama's people.
Wrong, Historians say the KKK consisted of a group of Southern whites after the Civil War who were Democrats...

I'm not wrong. The SW people voted for Obama because he wouldn't do anything for BP.. It's an oxymorom, but they did. The KKK has nothing to do with Arpaio though, so why are they even being brought up here?
JB, I thought you said obongo started the kkk stuff which I also agree with. The kkk has nothing to with Joe, I also agree. I was being facetious...

What I remember is Obumba wanted to out the KKK, but then he realized he'd be outing people in his own party.

You actually make an interesting point. The KKK was founded by Democrats. The GOP was actually fighting for civil rights when the Democratic Party was still hanging African Americans from trees. That's real history. But sadly, our Public School System doesn't teach real history. It's why Snowflakes appear to be so damn dumb. Most are Public School 'Victims.'

And other times they're butchered beyond recognition by liberals trying to make a feeble point and failing miserably.

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Oh and when would that be?

Whenever liberals try to make a feeble point and fail miserably. I thought I made that clear.

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And other times they're butchered beyond recognition by liberals trying to make a feeble point and failing miserably.

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Oh and when would that be?

Whenever liberals try to make a feeble point and fail miserably. I thought I made that clear.

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How can it be clear if you cannot provide one significant example?
Scumbag sheriff never served time.

Scumbag sheriff never showed remorse.

Dumbass PINO never got recommendation from Pardon attorney or DOJ.

This is a PINO pardon of a lawless man who wore a badge.

Fuck this country and it's goddamn PINO.

We suck.

He was enforcing the laws passed.
This was a 22 year political witch hunt by the Dems.
That's not racism.
You and every wingnut should read this short thread - it's from the Judicial Clerk in Arpaio's case, and includes facts you won't find in FoxNews propaganda.

Andrew Case on Twitter
*bump* for peach174

Did you read it?

And other times they're butchered beyond recognition by liberals trying to make a feeble point and failing miserably.

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Oh and when would that be?

Whenever liberals try to make a feeble point and fail miserably. I thought I made that clear.

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How can it be clear if you cannot provide one significant example?

Have you read any deanrd posts?

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That doesn't make any sense. KKK was started by Obama's people.
Wrong, Historians say the KKK consisted of a group of Southern whites after the Civil War who were Democrats...

I'm not wrong. The SW people voted for Obama because he wouldn't do anything for BP.. It's an oxymorom, but they did. The KKK has nothing to do with Arpaio though, so why are they even being brought up here?
JB, I thought you said obongo started the kkk stuff which I also agree with. The kkk has nothing to with Joe, I also agree. I was being facetious...

What I remember is Obumba wanted to out the KKK, but then he realized he'd be outing people in his own party.

You actually make an interesting point. The KKK was founded by Democrats. The GOP was actually fighting for civil rights when the Democratic Party was still hanging African Americans from trees. That's real history. But sadly, our Public School System doesn't teach real history. It's why Snowflakes appear to be so damn dumb. Most are Public School 'Victims.'

You're on the right track now. Now, we know that the real racists were and still in the Democratic Party. We also know they're Southern whites right?

Here's a group of them and what they have done now.

These and Al Gore's family are the racists.

Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
Left-wing nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to top management
Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities

Racist Gore's Secret History As a Tennessee FBI Hit-Man

Al Gore’s Dad Was a Racist? Who Knew?
So what's all this have to do with KKK, Charlottesville and Obama? Obama, Obama's people, George Soros and AntiFa are 3-of-a-kind. They're progressive socialists leading us to Communism. This is why the liberal media don't want to talk about AntiFa, but make them look like they're the alt-left soldiers. Nothing of the kind.

Variations of False Utopia...

The very bad, and demonstrably failed, idea of Socialist Utopia (collectivism) has been like cultural herpes.
- Socialism may 'seem' to go away after flare-ups, but it has so far seemed to be least since 1917.
Over one hundred years of Socialism under different names, have ALL been 'authoritarian' with (often fatal) 'drawbacks' for human life and liberty:
- National Socialism [Hitler]
- Marxist Socialism [Stalin-Mao-Pol Pot-Castro-Che]
- Democratic Socialism [Zimbabwe-Venezuela-DPRK]
- Progressive Socialism [Obama, Soros, AntiFa]
The latest manifestation, AntiFa, has plans for the rest of you and they are the same authoritarian 'bad news' plans with the same 'drawbacks' as they have been since Marx-Hegel and Lenin.
- Think "Commies are Cool?" Read on.....

No. He pardoned someone charged with contempt
You can't go back and change what has already happened. Arpaio unlawfully detained people of color without probable cause. That is a violation of their Constitutional rights. And the fact that you look the other way on this, says a lot about how fucked you are as an American citizen.
No. He pardoned someone charged with contempt
You can't go back and change what has already happened. Arpaio unlawfully detained people of color without probable cause. That is a violation of their Constitutional rights. And the fact that you look the other way on this, says a lot about how fucked you are as an American citizen.

I haven't changed anything. He was convicted of contempt. He was pardoned for the contempt.

That's the simple truth.

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