PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

The facts are out there. The problem is you refuse to accept it. Justin Amash is a conservative Republican and he criticized Arpaio for violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans.
In other words, you have no evidence.


Thanks for playing!

There was enough evidence for the Justice Department to charge him and a judge to convict him.

The Obama justice Department and a judge who had an immediate family acting as a lawyer in the proceeding - a blatant conflict of interest. Notice that no jury has convicted him. That's why the DA and the judge arranged things so he wouldn't get a jury trial.
Hey bri how ya doing. FYI the investigation into Sheriff Joe was started in 2008 by the Bush DOJ.

he was found guilty of a misdemeanor, conviction likely to be overturned on appeal. Trump just saved the taxpayers a step.

BTW, presidents can pardon anyone for any reason. Clinton and Obama pardoned people to shut them up and as payback for bribes.
Most clemencies (but not all) are granted after the sentence has been served to expunge a criminal record. This was mostly the case with Obama and Bush but not Clinton and now in this one case President Trump.
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.

The Bush Family sits near the top of the NWO Globalist hierarchy. They're regarded as 'Royalty' in NWO circles.
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.

The Bush Family sits near the top of the NWO Globalist hierarchy. They're regarded as 'Royalty' in NWO circles.
Ahh. So Bush was in on the conspiracy to frame Sheriff Joe. Got it.
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.

The Bush Family sits near the top of the NWO Globalist hierarchy. They're regarded as 'Royalty' in NWO circles.
Ahh. So Bush was in on the conspiracy to frame Sheriff Joe. Got it.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. The Bush's are on the same page as Soros as far as the Open Borders NWO Globalist agenda goes.
Arpaio is Hispanic. he was a victim of a far left judge. Obama pardoned dozens of murderers and terrorists. There is no comparison. This thread is bullshit.

You are bullshit. Law enforcement officers have to be held accountable for their actions. When a law enforcement officer violates the constitutional rights of Americans and says he is above the law, that is worse.

then you should have no issues with prosecuting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation for violating federal laws-------------------oh, I forgot, the clintons are above the law

The trouble is that there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. You want to use I as a political weapon.
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.

The Bush Family sits near the top of the NWO Globalist hierarchy. They're regarded as 'Royalty' in NWO circles.
Ahh. So Bush was in on the conspiracy to frame Sheriff Joe. Got it.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. The Bush's are on the same page as Soros as far as the Open Borders NWO Globalist agenda goes.

They let you out of the insane asylum. Guess it didn't work. You are still a crazy conspiracy nut. Everybody is conspiring against Trump and Arpaio. Poor, little things.
He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.

The Bush Family sits near the top of the NWO Globalist hierarchy. They're regarded as 'Royalty' in NWO circles.
Ahh. So Bush was in on the conspiracy to frame Sheriff Joe. Got it.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. The Bush's are on the same page as Soros as far as the Open Borders NWO Globalist agenda goes.

They let you out of the insane asylum. Guess it didn't work. You are still a crazy conspiracy nut. Everybody is conspiring against Trump and Arpaio. Poor, little things.

not everybody, just the dems, the media, and the global elites i.e. the enemies of America and freedom.
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?
How about the Constitution? He pardoned a prick who took the law into his own hands and deliberately violated a court order. This pardon is advocating lawlessness. That it doesn't matter what the courts say, it's okay to break the law, if your heart is in the right place.
Trump is president. The constitution gives the president the power to pardon.
It doesn't apply to State charges.
Scumbag sheriff never served time.

Scumbag sheriff never showed remorse.

Dumbass PINO never got recommendation from Pardon attorney or DOJ.

This is a PINO pardon of a lawless man who wore a badge.

Fuck this country and it's goddamn PINO.

We suck.

He was enforcing the laws passed.
This was a 22 year political witch hunt by the Dems.
That's not racism.
You and every wingnut should read this short thread - it's from the Judicial Clerk in Arpaio's case, and includes facts you won't find in FoxNews propaganda.

Andrew Case on Twitter
Oh boy, more Democrat Fake News lunacy. There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the OP's crazed assertion that Arpaio was a member of the 'KKK.' Just another radicalized Democrat who clearly watches way too much Democrat Fake News. Arpaio was a victim of a well-funded/organized, likely by George Soros, political witch hunt. Trump did the right thing pardoning him. Good on em. :thup:
George again?
Boy what a powerful guy.
You watch knees news? The more you watch the more uniformed you get

He was a victim of a well-funded/organized vicious political witch hunt. And Wikileaks showed that Soros does own the US Democratic Party. So it's not a stretch at all to believe he was involved in some way. He's been doing it in Western Europe for many years. Anyone who opposes his Open-Borders NWO Globalist agenda, is immediately subjected to harassment and criminal prosecution.

That tactic has led to most Western European nations surrendering their sovereignty and national identities. He has his NWO in Western Europe. Now he's trying to force Americans to go along too. Arpaio and Trump are true heroes in my opinion.
Would it be impolite to point out that the investigation into Sheriff Joe began in 2008 by Dubya's DOJ? Guess Mr. Soros has extra long tentacles.

The Bush Family sits near the top of the NWO Globalist hierarchy. They're regarded as 'Royalty' in NWO circles.
Ahh. So Bush was in on the conspiracy to frame Sheriff Joe. Got it.

It's Bushs Fault
Libbies have not used that much lately as the new moniker is "Its Russia's Fault". Libbies are world class blame layers, typical of the jealous and angry sort who can't accomplish anything
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

That doesn't make any sense. KKK was started by Obama's people.
Wrong, Historians say the KKK consisted of a group of Southern whites after the Civil War who were Democrats...

I'm not wrong. The SW people voted for Obama because he wouldn't do anything for BP.. It's an oxymorom, but they did. The KKK has nothing to do with Arpaio though, so why are they even being brought up here?
JB, I thought you said obongo started the kkk stuff which I also agree with. The kkk has nothing to with Joe, I also agree. I was being facetious...

What I remember is Obumba wanted to out the KKK, but then he realized he'd be outing people in his own party.

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