PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Most presidents don't have job approvals in the 30's in their first 6 months. In fact, since they've been keeping score, none have. Trump is the first to have so much disapproval this soon..
Wrong. Reagan did.

Were you born this stupid?

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years
the commander in chief has the dubious honor of having the worst six-month approval rating for any president over the past 70 years. A mere 36 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance

BTRW Reagan had 62% Job approval at 6 months.

Reagan had 35% approval rating in his first term. It wasn't in the first six months, but so what? No president has ever been subjected to a hostile media jihad like Trump has had to endure.
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.

The biggest Republican weasels in the Senate are Republicans who claim to be conservatives then support Trump. McCain won his Senate race easily while Trump narrowly won.
Incumbent Senators almost always win their seats easily, dumbass. The advantages of incumbency are just too great. That's why Americans want to put term limits on them.

Probably at least half the votes McCain gets are from Democrats. That's why he's such a douche bag.

You are the douche bag. I have had differences with McCain but I am glad he is putting people over party as he did in the healthcare debate. Thank you John McCain for not selling your soul to the devil.
McCain is a back stabbing douche bag. Let him not sell his soul in the Democrat party. He doesn't belong in the Republican party.

It's academic at this point because he will probably be dead in 18 months. I hope he becomes mentally incapacitated in the next 6 months. Then we can get Obamacare repealed.

You are a monstrous pig. neither you nor Trump nor his supporters belong in the Republican Party. You belong in the Nazi Party.

You douche bag. I hope you are dead in six months so you can go to the devil which is where you belong.
The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?

You are not allowed to target Hispanics and see their papers just because you want to see them. There has to be a reason for stopping them. Their 4th amendment rights were violated..
Most presidents don't have job approvals in the 30's in their first 6 months. In fact, since they've been keeping score, none have. Trump is the first to have so much disapproval this soon..

Wrong. Reagan did.

Were you born this stupid?
BTW Reagan had 62% Job approval at 6 months.

Reagan had 35% approval rating in his first term. It wasn't in the first six months, but so what? No president has ever been subjected to a hostile media jihad like Trump has had to endure.

Then why did you lie that Reagan had 30's job approval in his first six months?
Most presidents don't have job approvals in the 30's in their first 6 months. In fact, since they've been keeping score, none have. Trump is the first to have so much disapproval this soon..
Wrong. Reagan did.

Were you born this stupid?

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years
the commander in chief has the dubious honor of having the worst six-month approval rating for any president over the past 70 years. A mere 36 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance

BTRW Reagan had 62% Job approval at 6 months.

Reagan had 35% approval rating in his first term. It wasn't in the first six months, but so what? No president has ever been subjected to a hostile media jihad like Trump has had to endure.

Reagan was hated by the media. Also Reagan was seen as honest and trustworthy unlike Trump who is seen as dishonest and untrustworthy. The fact is that Trump's problems are all of his doing.
The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.

No dumbass, he did not. That was made up entirely by his accusors. There is absolutely zero evidence he did anything like that at all.

There is plenty of evidence. You Nazis just don't want to see it. Arpaio even bragged about it and said he was above the law.
No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?

You are not allowed to target Hispanics and see their papers just because you want to see them. There has to be a reason for stopping them. Their 4th amendment rights were violated..
I believe Arpaio had a reason to stop them in every case. When they couldn't speak English and couldn't produce a license, their immigration status was checked.
View attachment 146305

This was a good pardon hands down. We have seen some shady pardons from Clinton, Obama and even Bush done at night at the end of their administration like the cowards they all are.
Trump did it in broad daylight like a bold leader would. Three cheers for Trump!

He did it just before a hurricane was due to hit Texas. That is not in broad daylight. Clearly he was hoping no one would notice it.
Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?

You are not allowed to target Hispanics and see their papers just because you want to see them. There has to be a reason for stopping them. Their 4th amendment rights were violated..
I believe Arpaio had a reason to stop them in every case. When they couldn't speak English and couldn't produce a license, their immigration status was checked.

They don't have to produce a license. Unless they are committing a crime, he has no right to ask. That is a violation of the 4th Amendment as conservative Justin Amash pointed out.
You are using a moral equivalence argument. Trump did something wrong.
You are completely wrong.

Trump has the power to pardon, just as every President has had, and he exercised that right. That is not up for debate - it is fact.

You and the hypocrite libs are not pissed Trump used the power to pardon. You are pissed at WHO he pardoned - Arpaio, the man who opposed Obama's will, agenda, and pro-illegal actions.

You are pissed with Trump for pardoning a law enforcer for violating others' rights...

...while you simultaneously support, defend, and justify the actions of the President who:

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC...

- Illegally used the IRS as a weapon against US Citizens he called his 'political ENEMIES'

- Illegally collected, shared, and leaked Protected Personal Classified Information on American Citizens, Illegally unmasked Americans, and committed Felony Treason against Americans for political benefit.

'The means justifies the ends' is NOT a legally, morally, or ethically liberal-only justification for Obama and / or any other Democrat to violate the Constitution / Rule of Law, to engage in violence, to illegally spy, to do whatever they want to progress their ideology while destroying / silencing all other opinions / views...

....but don't let that stop you from continuing to try to do so / from continuing to stand with those who do believe it is.

I am pissed because Arpaio abused his authority and violated the constitutional rights of Americans. Trump abused the power to pardon.

I never voted for Obama. The argument is over what Trump and Arpaio did not Obama. Obama has nothing to do with this. Yet you wave his name as a excuse for what Trump did.
But Trump just blurts things out, or issues pardons, without thinking.
If you didn't notice, Trump isn't 'most Presidents'...

Most presidents don't have job approvals in the 30's in their first 6 months. In fact, since they've been keeping score, none have. Trump is the first to have so much disapproval this soon..
Wrong. Reagan did.

Reagan's approval ratings from Gallup showed he did not hit 35% until the beginning of 1983 and it was due entirely to a economy that was still recovering from the Carter years. Reagan's approval after 1 year was 49%.

Ronald Reagan From the People’s Perspective: A Gallup Poll Review
How you can direct law enforcement to not enforce lawlessness occurring right in front of them is something only libbies can explain
This goes for Joe and Charlottesville
You are not a conservative. Conservatives believe in the Constitution and the rights of individuals. You do not. You are the liberal.

No. Real Conservatives believe in Traditions, Honoring the Values, Customs and Society that were in place for centuries and worked perfectly well. Conservatives believe in Right and Wrong as the only true barometer in kife. No grey areas.

The Founders had great intentions but they were naive fools who trusted thst people would do Right, even when Wrong was easier. They failed.
What the heck is PINO? An acronym?
President in name only....I know it's silly.

Thank you. Silly, but it fits. Trump is not a leader, unless one believes the first lemming jumping off the cliff into the sea is a leader.

During my career I worked for several chiefs, and I learned about leadership but not from them. Each in their own way blamed others for problems, and when faced with making a decision they uniformly asked "how will this effect me".

Real leaders listen to others and take the heat for a FU, and give credit to those when the change is successful. Which does not describe Trump, he is an empty suit.
I am pissed because Arpaio abused his authority and violated the constitutional rights of Americans. Trump abused the power to pardon.
Then you should be pissed Obama was never Impeached / indicted...

Do you think Arpaio deserved to die for his crime?

If not, then Trump did the right thing. As mentioned, the Cartels have a bounty on Arpaio's head. He would not have survived 1 day in general population.

Why couldn't they just stripped Arpaio of his right to serve in his profession again, as was done to Clinton after he was found Guilty of Contempt?

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