Pirates killed, Captain free. Good job.

Pirates are criminals, they serve nor fly any nations flag. And the Navy Seals did exactly the right thing.
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I know what you posted here.

The captain saved his own ass, there was no plan.

Now you want to lie, huh? Go ahead and take the comments out of context, and pretend that they weren't made in an argument over a situation that in fact didn't happen, and YOU didn't know what actually happened anymore than anyone else.

You're just making yourself look stupid, and showing yourself as the dishonest fuck that you are.

That's what you said.

You said the captain saved his own ass.

You said there wasn't any plan.

I would think that they had discussed all kinds of plans.....if he looks threatend....if he jumps....if the lifeboat capsized.....I'm pretty sure they had plans.

Don't you think they had plans?

According to sky news out of England the US Navy did not move in, the US Navy did not move in.

The Captain jumped into the ocean again forcing the US Navy to act.

I am in Spain and Sky news keeps repeating that the pirates at best commited a crime and the boat is a crime scene and law enforcement officials will investigate.

They handling of this as a crime is what we should be screaming about. We treated Osama Bin Laden as a criminal during Bill Clinton's time as president, treating Osama like a criminal led and caused 9/11.

Hillary Clinton called this a crime.

Obama did not interfere in something that was merely a crime.

Sky news is calling this a crime.

The US Navy has no jurisdiction. Its a crime.

Obama is enlarging AmeriCorp to 300,000 troops. Obama says the will be just as powerful as our military and have more funding.

World police, new world order, your fancy car is gone, no more big screen TV's, no fancy computers.
The way the media covers this story world wide, the way Obama was silent shows our president is BOWING to a power who will rule over the president of the USA and all its people. The world will rule us which will make our liberals happy. Look at how they treat us in these threads, they hate us, look at the vile they speak, look how rotten they are if they disagree.

The New World order disagrees and hates the conservative christian americans.

How Obama handled this does not show inexperience. It shows that our presidents can be bought the same as the 100,000,000 payoff to Bill Clinton. Clinton treated Obama as a criminal, Obama is treating terrorists as criminals, it is now up to the New World order to protect our citizens.
What do the stooooooooopid shitheads who take
and twist it into another chance to throw their verbal poop at Obama
hope to accomplish ?
Krotch - You are seriously deranged in your lopsided obsession. It OWNS you.

Obama had little to do with this hostage situation. He did the right thing; left it up to the professionals on scene to handle this standoff.

Big earthquake in Italy, people died. Quick, make up something to say it was OBAMA'S FAULT !!!
A kid dies in a traffic accident in Idaho. .".... OBAMA ...!!!!!"
gee kinda sounds like when Bush was pres......everything was his doing too.....

You miss the true point and I will not take the easy oppurtunity you have provided to make you look the fool, although by pointing this out I did exactly as I said I would not.

Bush, you want me to critic Bush, I can and I willl, Bush is a lousy piece of shit, what did he do for our country. Nothing, he sold us down the river, how, you will never be able to point this out in such as clear and concise terms as I, but I am old enough and intelligent enough to explain in clear terms that bush is exaclty what I hate in politics. Dare I go on. Did Bush have connections to the mob, the mafia, yes, what is the worst thing the bush family did to the usa, banks, saving and loans.

You do not know shit.

My arguemnets against obama do not elevate bush, bush, like his father, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Those who think a post that critics Obama is support of Bush are morons, moron in the historical sense, of less intellgence

Engage me in what is relevant, never accuse me to be a defender of the son who stole over 1,000,000,000,000.00 dollars of my money, never accuse me of not knowing that bush sr. saved niel bush who worked for a bank with tax payer money. Accuse me to defend Bush by showing Obama is no different is to show that nothing more than ignorance will destroy the only hope the world has.
ole dumb ass describes terrorsits as pirate and as criminals, yes no more acts of war, its no different than if I speed, stop me, give me a ticket, and let me go.

old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)

old crock knowingly posted false information in environment under climate change

how can I address old crocks post here, I will have to spend hours looking for the answer like before and than I find out old rock willingly and knowingly posted a false report, not only did old man post the false report but old man had a rebutal ready in case he got found out

this kind of stuff makes me sick, further look at the vile old man says about others, and than we are suppose to take his word and if we dont we get old crokes vile mouth


old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)
What do the stooooooooopid shitheads who take
and twist it into another chance to throw their verbal poop at Obama
hope to accomplish ?
Krotch - You are seriously deranged in your lopsided obsession. It OWNS you.

Obama had little to do with this hostage situation. He did the right thing; left it up to the professionals on scene to handle this standoff.

Big earthquake in Italy, people died. Quick, make up something to say it was OBAMA'S FAULT !!!
A kid dies in a traffic accident in Idaho. .".... OBAMA ...!!!!!"
gee kinda sounds like when Bush was pres......everything was his doing too.....

You miss the true point and I will not take the easy oppurtunity you have provided to make you look the fool, although by pointing this out I did exactly as I said I would not.

Bush, you want me to critic Bush, I can and I willl, Bush is a lousy piece of shit, what did he do for our country. Nothing, he sold us down the river, how, you will never be able to point this out in such as clear and concise terms as I, but I am old enough and intelligent enough to explain in clear terms that bush is exaclty what I hate in politics. Dare I go on. Did Bush have connections to the mob, the mafia, yes, what is the worst thing the bush family did to the usa, banks, saving and loans.

You do not know shit.

My arguemnets against obama do not elevate bush, bush, like his father, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Those who think a post that critics Obama is support of Bush are morons, moron in the historical sense, of less intellgence

Engage me in what is relevant, never accuse me to be a defender of the son who stole over 1,000,000,000,000.00 dollars of my money, never accuse me of not knowing that bush sr. saved niel bush who worked for a bank with tax payer money. Accuse me to defend Bush by showing Obama is no different is to show that nothing more than ignorance will destroy the only hope the world has.

1,000,000,000,000.00 your money stolen I'd be pissed to
ole dumb ass describes terrorsits as pirate and as criminals, yes no more acts of war, its no different than if I speed, stop me, give me a ticket, and let me go.

old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)

old crock knowingly posted false information in environment under climate change

how can I address old crocks post here, I will have to spend hours looking for the answer like before and than I find out old rock willingly and knowingly posted a false report, not only did old man post the false report but old man had a rebutal ready in case he got found out

this kind of stuff makes me sick, further look at the vile old man says about others, and than we are suppose to take his word and if we dont we get old crokes vile mouth


old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)

And you are a fucking idiot. That's not a flame either, that's a diagnosis.
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What a heartbreak this must be for you lefties! The Navy rescued the captain AND sent three of your pirate compadres to the promised land forthwith. I suppose Obama will order a court martial against the Navy Commander for violating the pirate's civil rights - naturally, you will be in mourning for 13 days over this.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha:lol:

well chosen screen name, apparently.

Oh, it is! And as much for the fact that he's in love with Dbrod -- you know, the one who had her first jillion "Introduce Yourself" posts moved?!
ole dumb ass describes terrorsits as pirate and as criminals, yes no more acts of war, its no different than if I speed, stop me, give me a ticket, and let me go.

old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)

old crock knowingly posted false information in environment under climate change

how can I address old crocks post here, I will have to spend hours looking for the answer like before and than I find out old rock willingly and knowingly posted a false report, not only did old man post the false report but old man had a rebutal ready in case he got found out

this kind of stuff makes me sick, further look at the vile old man says about others, and than we are suppose to take his word and if we dont we get old crokes vile mouth


old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)

And you are a fucking idiot. That's not a flame either, that's a diagnosis.

ROFLMNAO... Oh the IRONY IS THICK in this one...
Engage me in what is relevant, never accuse me to be a defender of the son who stole over 1,000,000,000,000.00 dollars of my money, never accuse me of not knowing that bush sr. saved niel bush who worked for a bank with tax payer money. Accuse me to defend Bush by showing Obama is no different is to show that nothing more than ignorance will destroy the only hope the world has.

The son who stole $1 trillion?

You want to elaborate on that?
Great News! :thup: Thank you US Navy! :clap2:

Further update: Admiral Gortney, speaking from Bahrain to reporters at the Pentagon, just stated that there were standing orders allowing the Captain of the Bainbridge to take action if he saw that Captain Phillips' life was in imminent danger. When one or more AK 47s were pointed at Capt. Phillips, the Bainbridge acted. The Admiral stated that the sharpshooters were on board the Bainbridge when they fired. The Bainbridge was 25-35 meters away from the lifeboat at the time. The Admiral just confirmed that Capt. Phillips was tied up at the time.

It seems clear that the Obama administration deserves some credit for allowing the Bainbridge captain to take action if Capt. Phillips' life was in danger. It would have been hard to justify a ban on such action.

It also seems clear that the personnel on the spot, especially the sharpshooters on the fantail of the Bainbridge and her captain too, deserve our deep gratitude. American Special Forces are simply superb human beings, superbly trained. American military doctrine generally allows the commander on the spot considerable discretion, and it is clear that in this case, the wisdom of that approach was confirmed.

American Thinker Blog: Captain reportedly freed, 3 pirates dead and one captured (updated)
Great News! :thup: Thank you US Navy! :clap2:

Further update: Admiral Gortney, speaking from Bahrain to reporters at the Pentagon, just stated that there were standing orders allowing the Captain of the Bainbridge to take action if he saw that Captain Phillips' life was in imminent danger. When one or more AK 47s were pointed at Capt. Phillips, the Bainbridge acted. The Admiral stated that the sharpshooters were on board the Bainbridge when they fired. The Bainbridge was 25-35 meters away from the lifeboat at the time. The Admiral just confirmed that Capt. Phillips was tied up at the time.

It seems clear that the Obama administration deserves some credit for allowing the Bainbridge captain to take action if Capt. Phillips' life was in danger. It would have been hard to justify a ban on such action.

It also seems clear that the personnel on the spot, especially the sharpshooters on the fantail of the Bainbridge and her captain too, deserve our deep gratitude. American Special Forces are simply superb human beings, superbly trained. American military doctrine generally allows the commander on the spot considerable discretion, and it is clear that in this case, the wisdom of that approach was confirmed.
American Thinker Blog: Captain reportedly freed, 3 pirates dead and one captured (updated)
Whoa, that's pretty cool...sounds like a good movie plot.
Pure idiots, you know why, cuz I see I was quoted and yet I do not see something I can respond to.

Dont take no genius and I do not need to be at the site of the event to know that the captain is greatful to god that the US Navy was on hand to save his ass.

You think if the Navy was not there the captain would of jumped in the sea and tried to swim to hawaii.

They aint pirates either, stop calling them that just because the news told you so.

Diuretic, A diuretic is any drug that elevates the rate of urination and thus provides a means of forced diuresis. There are several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water from bodies, although each class does so in a distinct way

Diuretic, you are fucking funny. Serously, I wish I could buy you a beer. Unfortunately you are not in Madird Spain as I am.

Everyone else, great arguement, I am so convinced and I am sure others will read your posts and agree. Do you people share those posts with family cuz you shoud. I am sure that the gene pool in which you are spawned will be more than impressed.

In the meantime, as you scratch your head and ass, if would be nice to exchange bits of wisdom instead of seeing who can flame who the best.
Pure idiots, you know why, cuz I see I was quoted and yet I do not see something I can respond to.

Dont take no genius and I do not need to be at the site of the event to know that the captain is greatful to god that the US Navy was on hand to save his ass.

You think if the Navy was not there the captain would of jumped in the sea and tried to swim to hawaii.

They aint pirates either, stop calling them that just because the news told you so.

Diuretic, A diuretic is any drug that elevates the rate of urination and thus provides a means of forced diuresis. There are several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water from bodies, although each class does so in a distinct way

Diuretic, you are fucking funny. Serously, I wish I could buy you a beer. Unfortunately you are not in Madird Spain as I am.

Everyone else, great arguement, I am so convinced and I am sure others will read your posts and agree. Do you people share those posts with family cuz you shoud. I am sure that the gene pool in which you are spawned will be more than impressed.

In the meantime, as you scratch your head and ass, if would be nice to exchange bits of wisdom instead of seeing who can flame who the best.
Someone needs his binky.
Ravi, dont you mean bienky, at least you could do while flaming me is spell the damned thing correctly, idiots.
Somewhere Spindleman and Jumpin Joe are smiling....former AOL buds who are blessed with the "sheepdog" gene....oooooorah!!!
While I'm no fan of President Obama, the right thing to do is to give him the credit for making the right decision to allow the professionals do their work. I still have my doubts that he would make a similar decision if put in another similar situation, but I hope I'm wrong.

As for the SEALS, I'm not surprised. They are highly trained and very disciplined professionals.

Now the issue is follow-through. Economic pressure needs to be put on the nations that either allow pirates to live on their land or fail to take effective measures to capture these criminals. For countries like Somalia, nations have to hunt them down and bring them to justice.
Ravi, dont you mean bienky, at least you could do while flaming me is spell the damned thing correctly, idiots.

Somewhere Spindleman and Jumpin Joe are smiling....former AOL buds who are blessed with the "sheepdog" gene....oooooorah!!!

Gee, you really know how to hurt a girl, don't you, Gezz. You don't think I'm smiling, too?

BTW, where is Spin? He registered. I thought he'd post.

And did you invite Jumpin'?

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