Pirates killed, Captain free. Good job.

Just breaking, the ship captain held hostage by Somalia pirates has been freed. Reporting that 3 of 4 pirates have been killed.

Good job.

Now please, tell us how Obama gets credit or how he fucked up, depending on which way your retarded slant is.
it's not that Obama was trying to take credit. Obama was laying low on the incident as he should have. What the farce is and was are all the right wing talk radio crazies who were passionately attacking Obama for being weak and appeasing 'terrorists'. They weren't pirates anymore to right wing radio goons like Inannity and Limpballs. It may have taking the Seals this long to get the 'clean' triple or quadruple shot off.... It's right wingers who are the goofballs on this incident as they are on every incident since the invasion of Iraq six years ago.

If we are the goof balls why did you resort to name calling and not analyze what we posted and comment on the merits or demerits.
A job well done. Now how do we stop this from happening in the future?

We cannot help but know who are the people bankrolling and arming these people. There should be some nice quiet terminating operations.

And, since this is not the only place in the world where we have seen this type of criminality, we should have some of our Special Forces and Weopon Engineers get together and rebuild a nice little tramp frieghter. Something that when attacked would leave no survivors, so there would be no warning to other criminals of this type.
According to FoxNews, the US Navy moved in and killed the pirates. The captain has been freed.

Congratulations to the Navy of the United States of America! Now launch some F-15E's and bomb the fuck out of Somalia!

Dumb. There is no central government in Somalia. And the people that control these operations will not be where the ships come in. Rather than bomb a bunch of people to get the few that are doing these crimes, go after the bosses. A nice quiet termination program targeting the people arming them and the people that are making the primary money off of them.

Add a nice little tramp freighter given some mods by Special Forces and weopon engineers.
A job well done. Now how do we stop this from happening in the future?

We cannot help but know who are the people bankrolling and arming these people. There should be some nice quiet terminating operations.

And, since this is not the only place in the world where we have seen this type of criminality, we should have some of our Special Forces and Weopon Engineers get together and rebuild a nice little tramp frieghter. Something that when attacked would leave no survivors, so there would be no warning to other criminals of this type.[/QUOTE

You are a complete idiot, what the hell is a "Weopon Engineers", even if I ignore your spelling I am still astonished at your lack of understaning which considering what I will post as follows I am really not surprised. I hope you had fun biting me in the ass five times. We have been friends for so long I feel really betrayed.

old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)

old crock knowingly posted false information in environment under climate change

how can I address old crocks post here, I will have to spend hours looking for the answer like before and than I find out old rock willingly and knowingly posted a false report, not only did old man post the false report but old man had a rebutal ready in case he got found out

this kind of stuff makes me sick, further look at the vile old man says about others, and than we are suppose to take his word and if we dont we get old crokes vile mouth


old rock is a scurrilous lying crock of shit (this is not a flame, its old rocks words with old rocks name placed in front)
Sadly the vermin liberals in our nation would likely cry bloody murder at some selective terminations of certain Somali warlords.

I do believe though that through our successful program of global warming, we will make Somalia very uncomfortable in the next 30-300 years.

Oh yes, we will have the last laugh.

That is, unless they get wise to our plan and invest in air conditioning.

Sinatra, they are already wise, they thought the ship was carrying ice cubes.

Thank god we have a president that sees this as it is, a simple crime, much beneath the level of a president. After all, imagine how bad Obama would look if he did anything to stop a poor soul from stealing iced tea, especially a poor soul from Africa, they have no iced tea in Africa.
Sinatra, they are already wise, they thought the ship was carrying ice cubes.

Thank god we have a president that sees this as it is, a simple crime, much beneath the level of a president. After all, imagine how bad Obama would look if he did anything to stop a poor soul from stealing iced tea, especially a poor soul from Africa, they have no iced tea in Africa.

are you this stupid in real life?
Somewhere Spindleman and Jumpin Joe are smiling....former AOL buds who are blessed with the "sheepdog" gene....oooooorah!!!

Gee, you really know how to hurt a girl, don't you, Gezz. You don't think I'm smiling, too?

BTW, where is Spin? He registered. I thought he'd post.

And did you invite Jumpin'?

Sorry Annie...must have had a mental block what with that discussion of "kiiling is murder" back in 04:razz:

I'll have to drop Spin a line ,,,and JJ also....thanks for jogging my mind...
Somewhere Spindleman and Jumpin Joe are smiling....former AOL buds who are blessed with the "sheepdog" gene....oooooorah!!!

Gee, you really know how to hurt a girl, don't you, Gezz. You don't think I'm smiling, too?

BTW, where is Spin? He registered. I thought he'd post.

And did you invite Jumpin'?

Sorry Annie...must have had a mental block what with that discussion of "kiiling is murder" back in 04:razz:

I'll have to drop Spin a line ,,,and JJ also....thanks for jogging my mind...

Gezzes have loooong memories, don't they?! Now that you mention it, that was Easter weekend, too -- I remember that RckyMtnMary was baking for the next day's dinner.

And ya gotta watch the "Annie" on this board -- there's already a real Annie here.

She's the most prolific poster on this board. And who was the most prolific on ours?! I tole y'all "Ann" doesn't mean "full of grace." It means "blabbermouth"! (J/K She's been here a long time.)
Sinatra, they are already wise, they thought the ship was carrying ice cubes.

Thank god we have a president that sees this as it is, a simple crime, much beneath the level of a president. After all, imagine how bad Obama would look if he did anything to stop a poor soul from stealing iced tea, especially a poor soul from Africa, they have no iced tea in Africa.

are you this stupid in real life?

I am not sure, what do you mean by stupid (who is really stupid, stupid, or one who chooses to engage with stupid, one has no choice the other chooses, take a big guess, I can speel et sloer if in ya lik).
Gee, you really know how to hurt a girl, don't you, Gezz. You don't think I'm smiling, too?

BTW, where is Spin? He registered. I thought he'd post.

And did you invite Jumpin'?

Sorry Annie...must have had a mental block what with that discussion of "kiiling is murder" back in 04:razz:

I'll have to drop Spin a line ,,,and JJ also....thanks for jogging my mind...

Gezzes have loooong memories, don't they?! Now that you mention it, that was Easter weekend, too -- I remember that RckyMtnMary was baking for the next day's dinner.

And ya gotta watch the "Annie" on this board -- there's already a real Annie here.

She's the most prolific poster on this board. And who was the most prolific on ours?! I tole y'all "Ann" doesn't mean "full of grace." It means "blabbermouth"! (J/K She's been here a long time.)

What happened to "your board" you kill it with lameness? :lol:
I think you all are giving Obama too much credit, he simply did what he was supposed to do. I can understand it though, after all the nasty comments about him before the situation was resolved.

It kind of sounds like, "oh, look, the retard done good."


Kind of funny you should mention that since I don't recall all those "nasty" comments. Just leftwingers continually trying to politicize the event.

In this situation I think Obama acted appropriately and did his part. The Captain did his. The SEALS did theirs. This is the way it's supposed to happen.
I think you all are giving Obama too much credit, he simply did what he was supposed to do. I can understand it though, after all the nasty comments about him before the situation was resolved.

It kind of sounds like, "oh, look, the retard done good."


At least he didn't have them 'stand down', whether or not he actually 'authorized it', that remains to be seen. Regarding military qualifications, he does appear a bit off tone. His refusal to say one word about this until after the rescue was weird.

Everything I've read says he authorized the use of force if Phillips was in immediate danger. The Bainbridge's captain judged he was in immediate danger and gave the shooters the green light.

I'm not sure on his saying something though. I guess weird covers it nicely. This was a challenge to HIM. That's just my opinion, but those pirates were mighty selective in NOT taking US flagged ships while we had a redneck in office.

I don't know that it's as much he should have as I would have expected him to.
I think you all are giving Obama too much credit, he simply did what he was supposed to do. I can understand it though, after all the nasty comments about him before the situation was resolved.

It kind of sounds like, "oh, look, the retard done good."


It has been a long time since we had a president who did what he was supposed to do.

Do you want me to start moving your stupid, partisan, add nothing to the conversations posts again? You're pushing your luck with your stupid trolling.
I think you all are giving Obama too much credit, he simply did what he was supposed to do. I can understand it though, after all the nasty comments about him before the situation was resolved.

It kind of sounds like, "oh, look, the retard done good."


Which is more than you DUmmies ever did for President Bush! But then we Republicans are way better folks that way!

Oh, yes, you are just great.

You almost destroyed the country, you idiot!

People like you ARE destroying it so STFU.
Obama did nothing, he allowed the secretary of state hillary clinton call this a crime. Obama treated this like any other crime, you would not expect the president to comment on every bank robbery or stolen car. So Obama has set the tone on how he deals with terrorists.

Obama will treat all terrorists acts like a crime, Obama will send in the FBI, the FBI wil be the force in charge, the Navy will be subseviant to the FBI.

These are acts of war. Piracy, bullshit, its an act of war, send in the ships, demand change, Somalia has long since failed as a nation.

Was he weak, was he strong, did he know what to do, Obama did exactly what one would expcet of traitor the USA, he bowed to the king, denigrated the USA, and than did nothing when our ship was attacked.

Did Obama give the order for the Captain to jump, did he. No.

The Nave may of acted and it may of been good, either way if the captain did not jump on his own accord he would be a hostage in the worst hell hole on earth

Obama did nothing, if anyone contends he gave an order to shoot than our soldeirs are completly hindered from doing thier job.

So to get this straight, the guy jumps, swims and the navy calls obamy to decide what to do.
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Sorry Annie...must have had a mental block what with that discussion of "kiiling is murder" back in 04:razz:

I'll have to drop Spin a line ,,,and JJ also....thanks for jogging my mind...

Gezzes have loooong memories, don't they?! Now that you mention it, that was Easter weekend, too -- I remember that RckyMtnMary was baking for the next day's dinner.

And ya gotta watch the "Annie" on this board -- there's already a real Annie here.

She's the most prolific poster on this board. And who was the most prolific on ours?! I tole y'all "Ann" doesn't mean "full of grace." It means "blabbermouth"! (J/K She's been here a long time.)

What happened to "your board" you kill it with lameness? :lol:

"Our" board, along with all the other political discussion boards (and others), were summarily dismissed by AOL, hence the influx of "immigrants" here.
Gezzes have loooong memories, don't they?! Now that you mention it, that was Easter weekend, too -- I remember that RckyMtnMary was baking for the next day's dinner.

And ya gotta watch the "Annie" on this board -- there's already a real Annie here.

She's the most prolific poster on this board. And who was the most prolific on ours?! I tole y'all "Ann" doesn't mean "full of grace." It means "blabbermouth"! (J/K She's been here a long time.)

What happened to "your board" you kill it with lameness? :lol:

"Our" board, along with all the other political discussion boards (and others), were summarily dismissed by AOL, hence the influx of "immigrants" here.

Yea, and Obama bowed to the king of slaves, the king who allows a 13 year old girl to be stoned to death, but we stand corrected huh, he only showed respect.

The Navy did not call Obama, Obama called the Navy and ordered them to stand down, period, Obama ordered the Navy to stand down.

Obama sent in the FBI, Obama treated this like a crime, that is how he is treating the war on terror. I cannot even call it a war on terror because Obama says its not.

Obama just about got the captain killed, he did nothing, he would of had his head chopped off and his body parts drug throught the streets had he not jumped.

Obama ordered the navy to not do a thing, they disobeyed orders by killing the "progressive merchant marines" or as the idiots call them pirates.

They are nothing more than terrorists hijacking ships and killing fathers who are away from thier children for months on end.

I would send in our military and olbiterate the whole lousy place, I would tell the saudi king his rule will be over in less than three seconds if he dont become the 51st state of america ritght now.

You lousy pricks, its time for war, moslems are holding the fathers hostage, even if we pay them some will still die and we do nothing.

Are people nothing but cowards.

Those who do nothing in the face of tyranny stand beside the tyrant

Those who bow before the tyrant are on the side of the tyrant.

I see the ignorant fools on these boards, blame Israel, blame the US, leave Israel alone, the only good guys in the dirty locust infested place, if the arabs had any common sense they would of left before they found the oil.

The USA is the problem, because we do not kick the shit out of the lousy king, because we turn the other cheek instead of doing the dirty buisness of cleaning up a shit hole.

yea I said that and i am proud of my words

anyone who disagrees is a snot nosed wimp.

there, I educated you, feel smarter, you should

be men, act like men, demand that obama be a leader or step down.

Obama as the leader of the USA has failed

Obama as an apeaser of tryants he is a success.

Obama ordered the navy to stand down and the captain saved his own life, thats the fact, thats what happened

now all of you can thank me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End Times Reductionism of operational "successes" and last one maximally reduced
"Navy SEALs safely free Captain from his captors aboard a drifting lifeboat and kill the pirates who seized his cargo ship "Maersk-Alabama" off the coast of Somalia."
"Rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips" maximally reduced: "rescue of Ingrid Betancourt II".
Another operational "success" of the only kind that still works in the "War on Terror": pay the ransom and stage it as heroic liberation.

Ingrid Bettencourt v Capt. Richard Phillips
But there is one fundamental difference between the rescued:
- Ingrid Betancourt was proven to be a vicious person, as others who shared her "captivity" by the Colombian FARC reported.
So for her, playing the role of "hero rescued by heroes" was not only not a problem, but actually a role designed for her character.

- Capt. Richard Phillips is an example of courage, a specimen thought to be extinct in Illuminatziland, someone who was ready to pay with his life the price for the freedom of his crew.
So in this case it is not obvious that such a man is ready to begin playing the "rescued by heroes" role immediately.
The footage of the first images after the "rescue operation" maximally reduced his situation: the hand of one of those escorting him kept pushing him forward, before he had the time to say anything, while he kept smiling and trying to talk, while turning back.

One of the worst dilemmas for a good man
One of the worst dilemmas for a man of truth is: "We saved your life. Now play the role you were assigned to".
That is the dilemma Capt. Richard Phillips is now facing, before he is allowed to answer any "questions": "We paid the ransom. Price of your life: repeat our rescue story."
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