Pit Bull Attack.

Much better response this time Duped. Yes, they have a bad rep and it is undeserved and yes it it shameful they are used as fighting dogs and yes the war on drugs is dumb and yes race is involved when it comes to fighting dogs.
Much better response this time Duped. Yes, they have a bad rep and it is undeserved and yes it it shameful they are used as fighting dogs and yes the war on drugs is dumb and yes race is involved when it comes to fighting dogs.
I only reiterated what I said the first time :confused: They weren't used to fight - fighting produced them - they were bred for gameness.
Pit bulls are simply much. much stronger, especially in the jaws, than most other dogs.

Pekes are probably the NASTIEST, most territorial dogs around. But it hard for one of them to rip your face off. They aren't very big.

Smaller dog, smaller damage.

Plus, pitties have a rep. Maybe deserved, maybe not. Dalmatians are one of the hardest breeds to train and control. Every time Disney releases a movie about them, little kids want one for a pet, but when they actually GET one, and find out what a handful they are ...................... but they are viewed as cuddly and cute.
Don't you realize that liberals want to take everything that's formidable you can own. They start with pit bulls - then it's all big dogs etc. The good news is pit bulls are rising in popularity with white dog owners who are for the most part responsible. Pit bulls are a true American breed - if you don't like them, you are unamerican, and you can eat shit and die!

Any excuse for a political tirade. Wow.

Why do you feel the need to own something formidable? Compensating, are we?
Pit bulls are simply much. much stronger, especially in the jaws, than most other dogs.

Pekes are probably the NASTIEST, most territorial dogs around. But it hard for one of them to rip your face off. They aren't very big.

Smaller dog, smaller damage.

Plus, pitties have a rep. Maybe deserved, maybe not. Dalmatians are one of the hardest breeds to train and control. Every time Disney releases a movie about them, little kids want one for a pet, but when they actually GET one, and find out what a handful they are ...................... but they are viewed as cuddly and cute.
Don't you realize that liberals want to take everything that's formidable you can own. They start with pit bulls - then it's all big dogs etc. The good news is pit bulls are rising in popularity with white dog owners who are for the most part responsible. Pit bulls are a true American breed - if you don't like them, you are unamerican, and you can eat shit and die!

Any excuse for a political tirade. Wow.

Why do you feel the need to own something formidable? Compensating, are we?
A car is formidable retard - it is not a matter of need necessarily, but want. It's my freedom - you don't like freedom. You are going to question my free choice, and make silly inuendo - fuck you - typical worthless liberal who wants to control others.
Pit bulls are simply much. much stronger, especially in the jaws, than most other dogs.
Pekes are probably the NASTIEST, most territorial dogs around. But it hard for one of them to rip your face off. They aren't very big.

Smaller dog, smaller damage.

Plus, pitties have a rep. Maybe deserved, maybe not. Dalmatians are one of the hardest breeds to train and control. Every time Disney releases a movie about them, little kids want one for a pet, but when they actually GET one, and find out what a handful they are ...................... but they are viewed as cuddly and cute.

No they are not.

There are much stronger breeds. Rotties, Mastiffs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks and German Shepards to name a few.

But I think most of those breeds wouldn't put of with the same crap that pits put up with to get them to fight other dogs.
Thanks for confirming my thesis. By the way, I don't advocate banning them, just holding their owners responsible.

Owners are always held responible.

No they aren't. Ever hear of the "one bite" rule? Dog owners are not held responsible for their dogs until after they bite someone or exhibit some other dangerous propensity.
For all you morons that don't know shit about The American Pit Bull Terrier:
They are the only breed on earth that was bred to show no aggression to human beings!
80% of all so called Pit Bull attacks are mixed bred dogs - mutts!
They don't make the top ten list on police dog bite reports even though many are misidenified mutts!
They were called the childrens nursemaids during WWII !
There was never a problem with the breed until they became popular with the blacks, and of course they
ruined the dogs reputation with the ignorant - like they ruin everything else, society itself! You libs are the most cowardly bunch of morons on the plannet - your scared of guns, dogs - anything that is formidable except blacks - the scurge of society. You wan't to take all power from the citizens, because your sheep.
Dogs are man's best friend - they want to please their owners! A dogs action is the result of their owners action / inaction. The breed is not dangerous - the owners are dangerous. You liberals are the most dangerous - you will ruin this country!

I am a liberal and I love Pit Bulls. Where do you get off insulting all liberals?
For all you morons that don't know shit about The American Pit Bull Terrier:
They are the only breed on earth that was bred to show no aggression to human beings!
80% of all so called Pit Bull attacks are mixed bred dogs - mutts!
They don't make the top ten list on police dog bite reports even though many are misidenified mutts!
They were called the childrens nursemaids during WWII !
There was never a problem with the breed until they became popular with the blacks, and of course they
ruined the dogs reputation with the ignorant - like they ruin everything else, society itself! You libs are the most cowardly bunch of morons on the plannet - your scared of guns, dogs - anything that is formidable except blacks - the scurge of society. You wan't to take all power from the citizens, because your sheep.
Dogs are man's best friend - they want to please their owners! A dogs action is the result of their owners action / inaction. The breed is not dangerous - the owners are dangerous. You liberals are the most dangerous - you will ruin this country!

I am a liberal and I love Pit Bulls. Where do you get off insulting all liberals?
I'm glad to hear it - that you love Pit Bulls, but you have to know that your people are the ones that want to supress are freedoms. They want to declare the breed to be dangerous - just like their ridiculous anti gun mentality. It is the liberal movement that I detest - not the liberal themselves in most cases. Anyone who wants to take my rights away, or curtail my freedoms is my enemy, and an enemy to our nation. Why do you think this thread was started? Lets declare black males between 16, and 45, a danger - that actually makes more since to me than picking on man best friend.
I am glad to see all the pit love but I feel I must post my reservation. (OK, I just want to.)

Just spent a week with a pit. I would post a picture of her but she was sitting in somewhat of an unflattering position. We got along swimmingly. Her owner did admit that she got a little skittish at parties with many people. I would not be surprised it the dog bit someone under such conditions. I love pits, the most beautiful breed, still don't trust them.
There are some breeds who can quickly kill if they snap. One minute they are fine, then inexpicably the next the bite. For these breeds owners must be super careful.
There are some breeds who can quickly kill if they snap. One minute they are fine, then inexpicably the next the bite. For these breeds owners must be super careful.

Dogs "snap" for various reasons.

But it's very rare it's for nothing at all.
There are some breeds who can quickly kill if they snap. One minute they are fine, then inexpicably the next the bite. For these breeds owners must be super careful.
Dogs don't just snap; if a dog has a problem - he, or she will always forcast it! There is a reason why Pitt Bulls were called " The Childrens Nursemaids" during WWII. Also, handlers had no fear of being bitten when seperating Pitt Bulls during fights
because they ( Pitts ) do not missplace their aggression! If you have any reservations about dogs, they should be placed with those breeds that were bred to be human aggressive! The Pitt Bull is the only breed that was bred to be non aggressive to humans - they were put down; not bred! No other breed was destroyed for this reason routinely. Mixed Pitt bred type dogs are dangerous - they often have human aggressive tendecies coupled with unyielding tenacity. These mutts are misidentified as Pitt Bulls 80% of the time, and thus inculpate the
Pitt Bull.


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You let your dog eat on peppermints? Is that good for them?

PROTIP: It's not peppermint..but rawhide clevered fashioned to look like a candy cane.

Actually, the rawhide is more dangerous than the peppermint.

Rawhide toys can splinter and perforate stomach/intestines.

Much worse are the Kong toys. Dogs have actually gotten their tongues stuck inside and eventually had to be put down.

Love the photos. I took videos of our dog opening his gifts. If people get gifts for xmas /birthday bur there's nothing for him, he is just SO sad and hurt. So, we're careful to have a couple of new toys for him.
For all you morons that don't know shit about The American Pit Bull Terrier:
They are the only breed on earth that was bred to show no aggression to human beings!
80% of all so called Pit Bull attacks are mixed bred dogs - mutts!
They don't make the top ten list on police dog bite reports even though many are misidenified mutts!
They were called the childrens nursemaids during WWII !
There was never a problem with the breed until they became popular with the blacks, and of course they
ruined the dogs reputation with the ignorant - like they ruin everything else, society itself! You libs are the most cowardly bunch of morons on the plannet - your scared of guns, dogs - anything that is formidable except blacks - the scurge of society. You wan't to take all power from the citizens, because your sheep.
Dogs are man's best friend - they want to please their owners! A dogs action is the result of their owners action / inaction. The breed is not dangerous - the owners are dangerous. You liberals are the most dangerous - you will ruin this country!

I am a liberal and I love Pit Bulls. Where do you get off insulting all liberals?
I'm glad to hear it - that you love Pit Bulls, but you have to know that your people are the ones that want to supress are freedoms. They want to declare the breed to be dangerous - just like their ridiculous anti gun mentality. It is the liberal movement that I detest - not the liberal themselves in most cases. Anyone who wants to take my rights away, or curtail my freedoms is my enemy, and an enemy to our nation. Why do you think this thread was started? Lets declare black males between 16, and 45, a danger - that actually makes more since to me than picking on man best friend.

Why politicize EVERYTHING?

When you make blanket statements like this, it makes everything else you say suspect and obviously not worth reading.

Take your rabid and unreasoning hate for what YOU call "the liberal movement" to the politics forum.
I am a liberal and I love Pit Bulls. Where do you get off insulting all liberals?
I'm glad to hear it - that you love Pit Bulls, but you have to know that your people are the ones that want to supress are freedoms. They want to declare the breed to be dangerous - just like their ridiculous anti gun mentality. It is the liberal movement that I detest - not the liberal themselves in most cases. Anyone who wants to take my rights away, or curtail my freedoms is my enemy, and an enemy to our nation. Why do you think this thread was started? Lets declare black males between 16, and 45, a danger - that actually makes more since to me than picking on man best friend.

Why politicize EVERYTHING?

When you make blanket statements like this, it makes everything else you say suspect and obviously not worth reading.

Take your rabid and unreasoning hate for what YOU call "the liberal movement" to the politics forum.
This thread was initiated here; where it needs to be addressed! It's impetus is to demonize the breed - I am only defeating that unwarranted thrust which is political in my view.
I'm glad you like the pictures - he is an awesome friend!
I'm glad to hear it - that you love Pit Bulls, but you have to know that your people are the ones that want to supress are freedoms. They want to declare the breed to be dangerous - just like their ridiculous anti gun mentality. It is the liberal movement that I detest - not the liberal themselves in most cases. Anyone who wants to take my rights away, or curtail my freedoms is my enemy, and an enemy to our nation. Why do you think this thread was started? Lets declare black males between 16, and 45, a danger - that actually makes more since to me than picking on man best friend.

Why politicize EVERYTHING?

When you make blanket statements like this, it makes everything else you say suspect and obviously not worth reading.

Take your rabid and unreasoning hate for what YOU call "the liberal movement" to the politics forum.
This thread was initiated here; where it needs to be addressed! It's impetus is to demonize the breed - I am only defeating that unwarranted thrust which is political in my view.
I'm glad you like the pictures - he is an awesome friend!

I didn't comment on the photos.

You just want to pick a fight. Such a silly thing to say, that libs want to take your car because its "formidable"???

Not worth my time.
Why politicize EVERYTHING?

When you make blanket statements like this, it makes everything else you say suspect and obviously not worth reading.

Take your rabid and unreasoning hate for what YOU call "the liberal movement" to the politics forum.
This thread was initiated here; where it needs to be addressed! It's impetus is to demonize the breed - I am only defeating that unwarranted thrust which is political in my view.
I'm glad you like the pictures - he is an awesome friend!

I didn't comment on the photos.

You just want to pick a fight. Such a silly thing to say, that libs want to take your car because its "formidable"???

Not worth my time.
I said no such thing you nut - it is a waste of time to try, and
debate with your type. You ignore any credible point that doesn't fit in with your deseased thinking, and invent stuff to deflect on a whim. You go to the ignore list!
I am glad to see all the pit love but I feel I must post my reservation. (OK, I just want to.)

Just spent a week with a pit. I would post a picture of her but she was sitting in somewhat of an unflattering position. We got along swimmingly. Her owner did admit that she got a little skittish at parties with many people. I would not be surprised it the dog bit someone under such conditions. I love pits, the most beautiful breed, still don't trust them.

It is no fault of the dogs themselves, but there is NO legitimate reason for having a dog that another breed is not more a better choice than a pit.

Insecure weakilings like Huggy use/abuse the dogs to try and make themselves look 'tough.'

Childish idiots like Duped simply insist on 'I wanna, I wanna!' regardless of the inevitable consequences.

It is usually everyone but the idiots that deserve to suffer who actually do (including, of course, the dogs).
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I am glad to see all the pit love but I feel I must post my reservation. (OK, I just want to.)

Just spent a week with a pit. I would post a picture of her but she was sitting in somewhat of an unflattering position. We got along swimmingly. Her owner did admit that she got a little skittish at parties with many people. I would not be surprised it the dog bit someone under such conditions. I love pits, the most beautiful breed, still don't trust them.

It is no fault of the dogs themselves, but there is NO legitimate reason for having a dog that another breed is not more a better choice than a pit.

Insecure weakilings like Huggy use/abuse the dogs to try and make themselves look 'tough.'

Childish idiots like Duped simply insist on 'I wanna, I wanna!' regardless of the inevitable consequences.

It is usually everyone but the idiots that deserve to suffer who actually do (including, of course, the dogs).
Hey, look at this, we agree on something.

I think put bulls need to be made illegal. Let all living ones be grand fathered in, but make breeding new ones illegal. We should also step up and protect all domestic pets, making crimes against them to have the same sentence you would get for doing it to a human. If you're fighting dogs, treat it as if they were humans held against their will and forced to fight to the death. I imagine a situation like that would consist of multiple felonies, likely resulting in a life sentence without parole.
I am glad to see all the pit love but I feel I must post my reservation. (OK, I just want to.)

Just spent a week with a pit. I would post a picture of her but she was sitting in somewhat of an unflattering position. We got along swimmingly. Her owner did admit that she got a little skittish at parties with many people. I would not be surprised it the dog bit someone under such conditions. I love pits, the most beautiful breed, still don't trust them.

It is no fault of the dogs themselves, but there is NO legitimate reason for having a dog that another breed is not more a better choice than a pit.

Insecure weakilings like Huggy use/abuse the dogs to try and make themselves look 'tough.'

Childish idiots like Duped simply insist on 'I wanna, I wanna!' regardless of the inevitable consequences.

It is usually everyone but the idiots that deserve to suffer who actually do (including, of course, the dogs).

Just so you are aware of what a loon I am I don't believe in house pets in general. Fish would be the exception. I have just seen too many pets who are acquired and then left to their own. I know someone who lived in Arizona just had to have a blue eyes Alaskan sled dog, which of course he kept in the back yard. Too many cats roam at night killing of the native species for sport. And on topic pits who never get walked or played with, let alone trained. I believe we should live in harmony with our natural world, give them as much space as we can, and in saving them we save ourselves. Told you I was a loon.

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