‘PITCHFORKS’: Trump-Suporting Sherriff Calls For Mob Uprising


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.
But if he was a black democrat you'd be shitting your pants defending him. You rats are transparent in your stupid.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.
And now you want to denigrate Black Lives Matter... There really is no end to your scumbaggery; is there?

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.
And now you want to denigrate Black Lives Matter... There really is no end to your scumbaggery; is there?

I admire your effort, but your logic is on an 8 year old level.
Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.
And now you want to denigrate Black Lives Matter... There really is no end to your scumbaggery; is there?

I admire your effort, but your logic is on an 8 year old level.
And so begin the personal insults... Yeah... That'll make it like your racism never even happened.
He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.
And now you want to denigrate Black Lives Matter... There really is no end to your scumbaggery; is there?

I admire your effort, but your logic is on an 8 year old level.
And so begin the personal insults... Yeah... That'll make it like your racism never even happened.

No insult intended. Just an honest evaluation.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.

You called him a name. According to your side's logic, it's clearly a dog wistle.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.

You called him a name. According to your side's logic, it's clearly a dog wistle.

Perhaps it is , according to what Hannity told you, but not in reality.
These people are sick in the head. They want to destroy our stability and government because they hate civilization so much. They're traitors to our nation!!!!

They'll be put down very fast.
This is truly a new one! Africa, India and most of the third world would kill for our clean food, air, water and government. Yet, these sicko's hate all these things and think they have a right to slaughter people because of it. Mental illness at extreme levels is a sad thing to behold.
Trump supporters are absolutely unhinged.

Maybe we should all buy our own riot gear? You know, just in case these Trump crazies decide to organize nationwide?

You mean Trump supporters are tired of democrat scum like you right? That makes us unhinged. Go change your panties boy, they're wet.

#1. I am not a Democrat, I am a registered Independent.
#2. Just because the Democrats are mopping the floor with your collective unhinged asses, does not give you permission to become violent.
#3. Eat a dick.
Trump supporters are absolutely unhinged.

Maybe we should all buy our own riot gear? You know, just in case these Trump crazies decide to organize nationwide?

You mean Trump supporters are tired of democrat scum like you right? That makes us unhinged. Go change your panties boy, they're wet.

#1. I am not a Democrat, I am a registered Independent.
#2. Just because the Democrats are mopping the floor with your collective unhinged asses, does not give you permission to become violent.
#3. Eat a dick.

Sorry to interrupt, but I hate incomplete lists. You left out.

#4. STFU
#5. Eat another dick.
There, that should do it.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

What an unAmerican douchebag.

This toothless hillbilly calls Occupy and Black Lives Matter 'anarchists', and then says people should rise up and carry pitchforks and torches because of Trump's phoney bullshit whining about 'fixed' elections.

PLEEEEAAASE. All you losers that think like this, DO IT. Don't talk about it, do it. Don't wait, do it now. You have all this energy that has been pumped into your bodies by the lies of Trump, Faux News, and Alex Jones, and you need to release it. GET TO IT. Be sure to bring an extra pair of underwear for the moment you look down the road and the real US military is rolling in on your position. And best to have on your best pair of running shoes because that is all you will be doing.

Nobody gives a shit about your paranoid delusions, and that is what all these things are. DELUSIONS.

You don't like democracy when you don't get your way? TOUGH SHIT.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.
Time and date?

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke suggests that Americans resort to “pitchforks and torches” because he says the government is corrupt.

This is horrifying.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests “anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt.

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches'

Trump and his supporters are totally unhinged. "When" Trump loses the election - will they incite violence? The sheriff proves that insanity is colorblind.

What an unAmerican douchebag.

This toothless hillbilly calls Occupy and Black Lives Matter 'anarchists', and then says people should rise up and carry pitchforks and torches because of Trump's phoney bullshit whining about 'fixed' elections.

PLEEEEAAASE. All you losers that think like this, DO IT. Don't talk about it, do it. Don't wait, do it now. You have all this energy that has been pumped into your bodies by the lies of Trump, Faux News, and Alex Jones, and you need to release it. GET TO IT. Be sure to bring an extra pair of underwear for the moment you look down the road and the real US military is rolling in on your position. And best to have on your best pair of running shoes because that is all you will be doing.

Nobody gives a shit about your paranoid delusions, and that is what all these things are. DELUSIONS.

You don't like democracy when you don't get your way? TOUGH SHIT.

You, douche bag of the century. Clarke is a hero. You are zero. You wear it well commie.
Trump supporters are absolutely unhinged.

Maybe we should all buy our own riot gear? You know, just in case these Trump crazies decide to organize nationwide?

You mean Trump supporters are tired of democrat scum like you right? That makes us unhinged. Go change your panties boy, they're wet.

#1. I am not a Democrat, I am a registered Independent.
#2. Just because the Democrats are mopping the floor with your collective unhinged asses, does not give you permission to become violent.
#3. Eat a dick.

You have a dick? Spit it out.
Trump supporters are absolutely unhinged.

Maybe we should all buy our own riot gear? You know, just in case these Trump crazies decide to organize nationwide?

You mean Trump supporters are tired of democrat scum like you right? That makes us unhinged. Go change your panties boy, they're wet.

#1. I am not a Democrat, I am a registered Independent.
#2. Just because the Democrats are mopping the floor with your collective unhinged asses, does not give you permission to become violent.
#3. Eat a dick.

You have a dick? Spit it out.

Yeah, ask your wife about my dick. She's a fan.
Keep staying silent on BLM calling for Blacks to take to the white suburbs while you unleash on a Black sheriff. You people are OK with those uprisings but when a Black gets in your way, you are bothered.

He's not in anybody's way. He's just another fruit loop supporting Trump.

You called a Black man a name just because of his views and who he supports politically. In most cases, that's considered to be racist. What is so different in this case??

I identified a fruit loop. His color doesn't matter.

You called him a name. According to your side's logic, it's clearly a dog wistle.

Perhaps it is , according to what
told you, but not in reality.

Who's Hannity? Chris Matthews is the one who educated us all about dog whistles
Trump supporters are absolutely unhinged.

Maybe we should all buy our own riot gear? You know, just in case these Trump crazies decide to organize nationwide?

You mean Trump supporters are tired of democrat scum like you right? That makes us unhinged. Go change your panties boy, they're wet.

#1. I am not a Democrat, I am a registered Independent.
#2. Just because the Democrats are mopping the floor with your collective unhinged asses, does not give you permission to become violent.
#3. Eat a dick.

You have a dick? Spit it out.

Yeah, ask your wife about my dick. She's a fan.

I did. She said she saw it, and has never laughed so hard.

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