Pity the South

Any southerners or rw's willing to address the valid points made in the OP?

Start with the hungry and homeless elderly and children and move on to the southern governors fighting against jobs and Medicaid expansion for the people who need them the most.

Don't worry your pretty little fem face Nutlly.

You're going to see the south be the destination of more and more companies who will be getting the fuck out of the north to avoid exorbitant regulations and taxes.
The auto industry in the south is slowly but surely growing, and will become the North American mecca as Detroit continues it's mammoth decline.

More and more wealthy Americans are also moving south, because they're sick to death of paying the freight for liberal social programs that you nanny=staters can't get enough of.

Just stay where you are, the south won't be needing, or wanting your kind.
Any southerners or rw's willing to address the valid points made in the OP?

It's easily addressed. Where do all the minorities live? The majority of blacks and Hispanics in this country live in the south. The illegitimate birth rate among blacks is approximately 75% and nearing 50% with Hispanics. That is the number one reason by leaps and bounds as to why someone ends up living in poverty and inhibiting their economic mobility and addresses just about every point made in the OP's article.

We all know, of course, that the entire point of the article was to bash the Republican Party, while the author hypocritically ignores the wasteland of ghettos created by the political left in urban areas throughout the country they've had their tentacles in for 50 years, which again, are home to a majority of minorities.

You can go back and play in your sandbox with the other 6 year olds now that you've been schooled, Dudley.
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:beer:Soon as I retire I'll be heading south !!

The saying nowadays is, make your fortune in the north, then retire in the south.

Incredibly low real estate prices (you should see the freaking mansion my brother bought in Texas last year for $279K !!!! Absolutely beyond belief !!

Great weather ! Low taxes ! Great food !

Absolutely cannot wait to say goodbye to the liberal snobs and shithole weather, taxes, prices !!!

Yeah baby !!! :dance::dance:

Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Sure, but what do I care ? I'm just happy that we have diversity. We have places where libs can go to fulfill many of their nanny-state dreams (although they would be even happier if they kept going north to Canada) and we have places where the rest of us can go to be as little effected by government regulations and taxes as possible. :eusa_clap:

The Conservative mantra.
This southern man says we tried to ditch you yankee morons, but you wouldn't allow it so now your stuck with it. Now drop dead please with acid on top.
Any southerners or rw's willing to address the valid points made in the OP?

Start with the hungry and homeless elderly and children and move on to the southern governors fighting against jobs and Medicaid expansion for the people who need them the most.

I can address some of it. I saw the maps, but didn't see the relevant data used to create them. (I had to leave to get to an outdoor music show in Atlanta - sure hate the weather here, lol)

For the poverty levels, where did they get the threshold number? Was the same number used across the nation? If so, the lower cost of living makes up the difference down here.
Typical leftist bigoted, vomitous clap-trap.

When things are looking bad for one of Obama's numerous failed initiatives, the leftists always play the "hillbilly card" or the "redneck card" or the "crazed gun owner card" or the "evangelical card", etc.

The northeast elitists and the California fruits and nuts do more DAMAGE to this country than any other geographical area.
Feel free to pity the south if you want. I love living here.

While there may be more poverty, the lower cost of living means it is an easier place to be poor. I have access to some top quality health care, and my insurance dollars go farther. I make a nationally competitive salary in my field, and with the lower cost of living I can enjoy it and still save for retirement. Smoking is a choice people make, it is not my problem.

But it is not just those things, but the genuine friendliness I enjoy down here. I have travelled and worked all over the US. And there are friendly people everywhere. But no where has the volume of smiling friendly people you find in the south. People wave as you drive by. They chat in the checkout lines at the grocery store. When I was coming back down from working up north I could always tell when I was "Home" again. If I stopped for gas and a cold drink and the clerk just said, "$32.00 please", I wasn't close. When they said, "Hi, how ya doin? Sure is a pretty day (or cold day or whatever) That'll be $32.00. Drive safe now", I knew I was closer to home.

Pity us if you want. I'll take little old ladies saying "Bless her heart", tall glasses of sweet tea, the smell of magnolia blossoms, college football tailgating, and miles of dirt roads over a slightly higher standard of living for everyone else.

My wife and I are retired. We could live anywhere in the world and we prefer to stay right here in Lake City, Florida. Poverty? I haven't seen any signs of it.
You got to be freakin' kidding me.. BOOMING auto biz, high tech centers in N.C. Alabama, Texas and Florida.. LOCAL govts running SURPLUSES.. Whoops..

No No No.. like WilliePete said --- Don't come down here y'hear me boy ? We don't cater to your kind.
Guess what? Ole FlaCalTenn has lived a LOT of places, and I could have taken my little turtle shell biz ANY DAMN place in the country that I wanted. My daughters welfare in our Local Tenn schools was 4 times better than what she would have gotten in Cali.

Our CULTURE is RISING.. More shows about Nashville than Hollywood lately. YOURS is failing. Good luck with all that...
I've lived in the South.

One thing I learned is that even the meanest son of a bitch would at least look me square in the eye.

Not like the Liberal North.

Where do people look at you in the North? Do you have breasts?
Feel free to pity the south if you want. I love living here.

While there may be more poverty, the lower cost of living means it is an easier place to be poor. I have access to some top quality health care, and my insurance dollars go farther. I make a nationally competitive salary in my field, and with the lower cost of living I can enjoy it and still save for retirement. Smoking is a choice people make, it is not my problem.

But it is not just those things, but the genuine friendliness I enjoy down here. I have travelled and worked all over the US. And there are friendly people everywhere. But no where has the volume of smiling friendly people you find in the south. People wave as you drive by. They chat in the checkout lines at the grocery store. When I was coming back down from working up north I could always tell when I was "Home" again. If I stopped for gas and a cold drink and the clerk just said, "$32.00 please", I wasn't close. When they said, "Hi, how ya doin? Sure is a pretty day (or cold day or whatever) That'll be $32.00. Drive safe now", I knew I was closer to home.

Pity us if you want. I'll take little old ladies saying "Bless her heart", tall glasses of sweet tea, the smell of magnolia blossoms, college football tailgating, and miles of dirt roads over a slightly higher standard of living for everyone else.

No one will/can dispute your personal story and that-----and that is why it's meaningless on an
anonymous message board but-----but thanks for sharing - I'm sure your life is as wonderful as you say it is, however-----however how do you with your wonderful Southern life explain why "the South is the least happy geographical area of the country?

Pity you if I want? I don't pity you, I pity the third world lifestyle that Southerners allow themselves to be subjected to. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said “Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and being stumbled over.” but-----but Southerners don't. The South has a lot to offer, so why-----why in the world would Southerners allow themselves to be poor, fat, uneducated and unhealthy? It doesn't have to be that way.

Perhaps all this is why some Southern states are among the
least happy states in the country.

Source: Gallup
That's according to Gallup's recent "State of American Well-Being" report, which surveyed thousands of Americans and ranked states based on an average of six measures: "life evaluation," emotional health, physical health, healthy behaviors, work environment and basic access to things like food, water and shelter.​

Emily Cohn: "Look, there are lots of things to love about the South. It's clean and quiet. There's delicious food, good people and often amazing weather. But that's exactly why it makes us so sad to think about all the ways in which the region is struggling today."
This thread is a farce.

Basing our supposed failures on the fact the WE didn't expand Medicaid and accept the Obamacare suppository up the backside is ludicrous.

Even Obama seems to be losing faith in Obamacare | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

Moreover, how can people in the South get "affordable healthcare" when Obamacare does nothing but strip them of the healthcare they have and make them pay higher premiums?

Have you lost your mind? Wait no, don't answer that.
Any southerners or rw's willing to address the valid points made in the OP?
Doncha just love the sound of southern crickets?

So you make a post at 4:56, and think nobody responding by 5:01 means you've achieved some tremendous victory by creating an argument nobody can respond to?

Do you seriously think everyone else sits here on one thread pressing the F-5 key to refresh as fast as they can so they can respond to other posts in real time?

Pity you if I want? I don't pity you, I pity the third world lifestyle that Southerners allow themselves to be subjected to. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said “Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and being stumbled over.” but-----but Southerners don't. The South has a lot to offer, so why-----why in the world would Southerners allow themselves to be poor, fat, uneducated and unhealthy? It doesn't have to be that way.
Anything would be better than becoming a smug, arrogant liberal. It sucks here due to the high percentage of them. I am planning an escape plan to down yonder. I lived in the south and every once and a while meet a southerner and it makes me want to move.

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