Pizza Hut launches a cookie pizza

There is a difference between a cookie pizza and a pizza cookie. We make a special pizza cookie at Christmas. A four inch diameter peanut butter with chocolate chips cookie topped with pepperoni slices.
I recall Papa John's pizza did the same last year. Nonetheless, 10% of Pizza Hut's cookie sales will be given to the World Food Program.... :thup:

To highlight the cookie's launch, Pizza Hut's 6,300 U.S. restaurants on July 16 will host a "bake sale" selling the cookies, with 10 percent of each cookie sale going to the World Food Programme, a humanitarian agency that fights hunger.
Two things:

1.) "The Hut" is a bit late to the party, as Pizza Inn started making cookie pizzas over 20 years ago; and

2.) I guess it's a good thing that the Hut's decided to do this, because they sure as shinola can't make good pizzas anymore.​
I guess that validates my desire for chocolate after eating pizza.....I tried to hide it for years and now I've told the whole world.
I saw a commercial and thought it was a joke.
The ads on TV for huge servings of fast food and the increasing size of Americans are definitely related.
"Cookie Pizza". Because Americans just aren't fat enough.

Exactly. I read that pizza is the most unhealthful fast food. So, you eat that and then top it off with a huge portion of chocolate chip cookie. This is how people develop heart disease and/or diabetes and start their personal path to stroke. Yummy. Something to celebrate.

An early pioneer of death metal.

"Cookie" by Cookie Monster
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