Placating Transgenders

Yes and it's none of your business.

Oh but yes it certainly IS my business once we start making public policy.
It isn't a public policy but it IS a global conversation. One that is unnecessary and people like you are prolonging it.
So boys using girls bathrooms in public schools isn't public policy?
Forcing the policy by stopping funding if they don't do it. Is public policy.
Do you really think that everyone goes along with public policy?
You are talking about ethics, and you cannot dictate anyone else's ethics. If, as a democratic society where the majority rules, transgenderism is not illegal, you don't get to dictate the right or wrong of it.

This is moronic, of course you do. We do this all the time. Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Bestiality. We have laws against incest and polygamy. Virtually EVERY law is dictating someone else's ethics.

And we are NOT a democratic society where majority rules. We are intentionally a republic where a system of representation is in place to protect individuals from mob rule. If we were a pure democracy we could just decide that trannies should be executed along with other mentally ill and undesirables.

This shouldn't mean that we can abuse our republican representative form of government to elevate a mental illness to a protected class under the auspices of civil liberties, that's insanity. We can twist and morph all kinds of scenarios into an emotive political issue to exploit and take advantage of... We could start a movement to allow severely mentally retarded people to pilot commercial airliners... anyone who wants to stand in their way is a bigot who hates the handicapped. is that a SMART idea?
Oh but yes it certainly IS my business once we start making public policy.
It isn't a public policy but it IS a global conversation. One that is unnecessary and people like you are prolonging it.
So boys using girls bathrooms in public schools isn't public policy?
Forcing the policy by stopping funding if they don't do it. Is public policy.
Do you really think that everyone goes along with public policy?
If public schools don't Obama says you federal school funding could be cut.
Okay, I'll say it... I think it's a gross error in societal judgement to be placating Transgenderism. Oh, I know... I'm some sort of bigoted homophobe for saying this right? I don't think so. I'm fine with L... fine with G... fine with B... it's T that I have a problem with. I have friends who are homosexual and I think that's fine, it's their choice and their lifestyle. I don't begrudge them that... it's not for me but that's okay. I can accept them the way they are. I can even tolerate transsexuals but tolerance doesn't mean acceptance.

People who are genuinely confused about their gender are suffering from a mental illness. They're not practicing a healthy lifestyle any more than someone who thinks they are a cat or dog. It's not the same as someone having a legitimate attraction to same gender. In fact, it's kind of making a mockery of that. It's also making a joke of feminism. For years, feminists have fought for the idea that women don't have to submit to societal stereotypes of what a woman "should" be... putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman. But with the transgender, that's exactly what it means... literally.

Now the PC crowd thinks we should all just accept these people for who they are and it's cruel and intolerant to speak out against their chosen lifestyle. But we don't apply this standard to everyone. Obviously, there are certain behaviors we don't accept as a society. Pedophiles aren't allowed to indulge in who they are. Necrophiliacs aren't allowed to do so. People who like having sex with animals aren't allowed to live how they please. We draw all kinds of arbitrary lines at what is acceptable behavior.

What if there were a group of completely heterosexual males out there dressing as lesbian women because they get their rocks off having sex with lesbians? Should they be given their own letter in the growing acronym of political correctness? I've often joked that I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. But I know that I am a heterosexual male who desires females. What is a transsexual? They don't know if they are heterosexual or homosexual? Does it change daily or by the hour?

The most concerning aspect of this is what we're now doing with our youth. Children as young as 12 and 13 are being pumped full of dangerous hormones and encouraged to embrace their confusion about their gender instead of being legitimately treated for a mental illness. Those who have a problem with this are hooted down as bigoted and backward-thinking mouth-breathers. We can't even engage in a civil dialogue.. the PC crowd will have none of that.
Ignorant, bigoted nonsense.

Acknowledging and respecting the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, including those transgender, is not to "placate."
not your body, not your life, not your struggle

They have live as who they are, not an accident of genitalia at birth, a deformity or birth defect. They literally are living in the wrong body. Head and brain transplants are still experimental though successful, so far, but for those who cannot move their body at all. Some day perhaps transgender can have access to possible transplant, till then............

Transgender have been around throughout history and around the world. They are a fact.

Does not matter what you like or don't like, they are what they are and have a right to live their life in a way that makes them happy, as long as they are not hurting others.

Child predators are a different species and also have always existed.

Leave the transgender alone and don't blame them for what a few criminals will find a way do to anyway. Transgenders are not "things" to fear or hate, they are just people.

And I will contend that transgenders are NO different than pedophiles. We simply have established laws against the actions of pedophiles. You're still free to be a pedophile, you just can't "have the right to live in a way that makes you happy" as you put it.

Whenever you invade someone's privacy, that is a harm you are doing to them. I'm sorry if you don't understand this. When you allow the transgender to use the restroom of their choice, you are invading someone's privacy.

Are we really going to have to make public restrooms a thing of the past now? Because we CAN'T have this... it's never going to work. Maybe some liberal Eurotrash country is okay with men and women sharing public facilities like restrooms, showers and dressing rooms, but Americans aren't.
Okay, I'll say it... I think it's a gross error in societal judgement to be placating Transgenderism. Oh, I know... I'm some sort of bigoted homophobe for saying this right? I don't think so. I'm fine with L... fine with G... fine with B... it's T that I have a problem with. I have friends who are homosexual and I think that's fine, it's their choice and their lifestyle. I don't begrudge them that... it's not for me but that's okay. I can accept them the way they are. I can even tolerate transsexuals but tolerance doesn't mean acceptance.

People who are genuinely confused about their gender are suffering from a mental illness. They're not practicing a healthy lifestyle any more than someone who thinks they are a cat or dog. It's not the same as someone having a legitimate attraction to same gender. In fact, it's kind of making a mockery of that. It's also making a joke of feminism. For years, feminists have fought for the idea that women don't have to submit to societal stereotypes of what a woman "should" be... putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman. But with the transgender, that's exactly what it means... literally.

Now the PC crowd thinks we should all just accept these people for who they are and it's cruel and intolerant to speak out against their chosen lifestyle. But we don't apply this standard to everyone. Obviously, there are certain behaviors we don't accept as a society. Pedophiles aren't allowed to indulge in who they are. Necrophiliacs aren't allowed to do so. People who like having sex with animals aren't allowed to live how they please. We draw all kinds of arbitrary lines at what is acceptable behavior.

What if there were a group of completely heterosexual males out there dressing as lesbian women because they get their rocks off having sex with lesbians? Should they be given their own letter in the growing acronym of political correctness? I've often joked that I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. But I know that I am a heterosexual male who desires females. What is a transsexual? They don't know if they are heterosexual or homosexual? Does it change daily or by the hour?

The most concerning aspect of this is what we're now doing with our youth. Children as young as 12 and 13 are being pumped full of dangerous hormones and encouraged to embrace their confusion about their gender instead of being legitimately treated for a mental illness. Those who have a problem with this are hooted down as bigoted and backward-thinking mouth-breathers. We can't even engage in a civil dialogue.. the PC crowd will have none of that.

No parent has the right to start changing the sex of their children with hormones, etc.

This is a crime against nature, and of course against what God is telling us. It is a sinful, diabolical measure. Society is not free to do as it pleases. There are limits and responsibilities.
Yes and it's none of your business.

Oh but yes it certainly IS my business once we start making public policy.
It isn't a public policy but it IS a global conversation. One that is unnecessary and people like you are prolonging it.

No... it's being made into public policy all across the nation. My problem is there is a LACK of conversation.... we're NOT having one. There's no conversation because the PC Police shut it down and holler BIGOT!
No. The PC police are conducting the discussion to use transgenders as a scapegoat so they can convert you daughter into a lesbian.

There is NO public policy to protect trans people. Sorry. There isn't. They are, however, being severely discriminated against at the moment because of all this negative awareness.

I'm not hearing the outcry from them to stop the discussion.
not your body, not your life, not your struggle

They have live as who they are, not an accident of genitalia at birth, a deformity or birth defect. They literally are living in the wrong body. Head and brain transplants are still experimental though successful, so far, but for those who cannot move their body at all. Some day perhaps transgender can have access to possible transplant, till then............

Transgender have been around throughout history and around the world. They are a fact.

Does not matter what you like or don't like, they are what they are and have a right to live their life in a way that makes them happy, as long as they are not hurting others.

Child predators are a different species and also have always existed.

Leave the transgender alone and don't blame them for what a few criminals will find a way do to anyway. Transgenders are not "things" to fear or hate, they are just people.

And I will contend that transgenders are NO different than pedophiles. We simply have established laws against the actions of pedophiles. You're still free to be a pedophile, you just can't "have the right to live in a way that makes you happy" as you put it.

Whenever you invade someone's privacy, that is a harm you are doing to them. I'm sorry if you don't understand this. When you allow the transgender to use the restroom of their choice, you are invading someone's privacy.

Are we really going to have to make public restrooms a thing of the past now? Because we CAN'T have this... it's never going to work. Maybe some liberal Eurotrash country is okay with men and women sharing public facilities like restrooms, showers and dressing rooms, but Americans aren't.

They have been doing so since bathrooms had gender labels.
Some have gone through castration there did not but transgenders are not by nature pedophiles any more than woman are pedophiles.

What you are doing is like blaming all chiristians for a few people like hitler or stalin.

Transgenders have been coming and going to the bathroom without you knowing for years, but it became an issue when the issue of locker rooms and showers also were opened to kids in schools.

Kids take showers with parents. Kids take showers with siblings. Kids in other countries take baths in the rivers together. Some place nudity is the norm. Why should kids taking showers with other kids be so strangers no matter the gender? Military have some places with coed showers. The human body should not be such a mystery no matter the age. It is just a body.
transgenders are not by nature pedophiles any more than woman are pedophiles.

I didn't say that transgenders were pedophiles, I said they are like pedophiles, they suffer from a mental disorder. It's not "sexuality" it is a fetish. I cannot think of any other area where we indulge people's fetishes in the name of their civil liberties. Some people like to publicly masturbate, the same exact "not harming anyone" argument can be made for them, should they be allowed to whack off in the park unimpeded? This is also something they've been doing as long as there have been parks. So that means it should be legal and their right to live as they please, right?

The human body should not be such a mystery no matter the age. It is just a body.

But you don't get to make that decision for all of society. And society is under no obligation to accept your liberal viewpoint.
You are talking about ethics, and you cannot dictate anyone else's ethics. If, as a democratic society where the majority rules, transgenderism is not illegal, you don't get to dictate the right or wrong of it.
Your talking out of both sides of ur mouth.

I don't have to accept what I don't agree with,
It's their body, their life, they can do whatever they like.
I don't have to agree w someone's lifestyle...
that doesn't mean I love them any less(those close to me)
or feel they don't deserve to be treated like human beings.

I thought this thread subject was about something other then
a "transgender civil rights" movement that a handful of posters
seemed to have twisted it into.

If someone tells me I'm wrong for what I don't find acceptable
then my ethics r not my own but, what someone else says they should be

Get over it
As far as prayer: this is a secular nation. If your kids are in a religious school, they can pray. If they are in a public school, it is an issue of separation of church and state.
Separation of church and state....
government doesn't choose, dictate, establish or mandate,
the religion of the citizens...freedom of religion

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

The First Amendment has only been manipulatively used
to strip me of my religious rights and freedoms
by politicians who gave into, those who are intolerant of my beliefs.

My son went to a public school,
and Muslim students were allowed time every day
to face East and pray at a certain time, in an empty room.

It was a yr or 2 after 9/11 when the school had canceled his Spanish class.
Why....because they brought in a foreign exchange teacher from Egypt,
teaching the kids Arabic and Middle Eastern culture, which, of course, is based on Islam.

The principal, who is Muslim, felt the school was in a better position,
to teach my child to be tolerant of different cultures and religions.

I pulled him from the class...if he can't discuss God or Jesus,
then he won't be discussing Mohammad either.
They can't legally pray in school or school events. Get over it.

Nothing to "get over"....
We pray wherever we like, whenever we want

Get over yourself
WHEN CIVIL RIGHTS for WOMEN have not been affirmed and Women are a LARGE part of any society, it is extremely stupid and offensive for a wide variety of PRETENDERS to be female are claiming such boo hoo victimhood and expect to RUIN all efforts REAL BIOLOGICAL WOMEN and GIRLS have to attain real civil rights and safeties for REAL WOMEN finally!!!!!
not your body, not your life, not your struggle

They have live as who they are, not an accident of genitalia at birth, a deformity or birth defect. They literally are living in the wrong body. Head and brain transplants are still experimental though successful, so far, but for those who cannot move their body at all. Some day perhaps transgender can have access to possible transplant, till then............

Transgender have been around throughout history and around the world. They are a fact.

Does not matter what you like or don't like, they are what they are and have a right to live their life in a way that makes them happy, as long as they are not hurting others.

Child predators are a different species and also have always existed.

Leave the transgender alone and don't blame them for what a few criminals will find a way do to anyway. Transgenders are not "things" to fear or hate, they are just people.

And I will contend that transgenders are NO different than pedophiles. We simply have established laws against the actions of pedophiles. You're still free to be a pedophile, you just can't "have the right to live in a way that makes you happy" as you put it.

Whenever you invade someone's privacy, that is a harm you are doing to them. I'm sorry if you don't understand this. When you allow the transgender to use the restroom of their choice, you are invading someone's privacy.

Are we really going to have to make public restrooms a thing of the past now? Because we CAN'T have this... it's never going to work. Maybe some liberal Eurotrash country is okay with men and women sharing public facilities like restrooms, showers and dressing rooms, but Americans aren't.

They have been doing so since bathrooms had gender labels.
Some have gone through castration there did not but transgenders are not by nature pedophiles any more than woman are pedophiles.

What you are doing is like blaming all chiristians for a few people like hitler or stalin.

Transgenders have been coming and going to the bathroom without you knowing for years, but it became an issue when the issue of locker rooms and showers also were opened to kids in schools.

Kids take showers with parents. Kids take showers with siblings. Kids in other countries take baths in the rivers together. Some place nudity is the norm. Why should kids taking showers with other kids be so strangers no matter the gender? Military have some places with coed showers. The human body should not be such a mystery no matter the age. It is just a body.
Plenty of adults think that children should accept being with naked adult strangers. In fact, they help children get over being uncomfortable by showing children pictures of naked adults and children together.
WHEN CIVIL RIGHTS for WOMEN have not been affirmed and Women are a LARGE part of any society, it is extremely stupid and offensive for a wide variety of PRETENDERS to be female are claiming such boo hoo victimhood and expect to RUIN all efforts REAL BIOLOGICAL WOMEN and GIRLS have to attain real civil rights and safeties for REAL WOMEN finally!!!!!

Join the Target boycott! WHAT HAPPENS AT HOME STAYS AT HOME! If you want to raise a nudist family DO IT at home.
Plenty of adults think that children should accept being with naked adult strangers. In fact, they help children get over being uncomfortable by showing children pictures of naked adults and children together.
WHEN CIVIL RIGHTS for WOMEN have not been affirmed and Women are a LARGE part of any society, it is extremely stupid and offensive for a wide variety of PRETENDERS to be female are claiming such boo hoo victimhood and expect to RUIN all efforts REAL BIOLOGICAL WOMEN and GIRLS have to attain real civil rights and safeties for REAL WOMEN finally!!!!!
~I'd rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not~

If someone is comfortable in their own skin,
then they shouldn't be seeking approval from anyone.

When someone needs the acceptance & validation of others,
that tells me, IMO, they already feel something is wrong or out of whack
The human body should not be such a mystery no matter the age. It is just a body.

But you don't get to make that decision for all of society. And society is under no obligation to accept your liberal viewpoint.

I am a native Californian and have been to several nude beaches and many public beaches. To learn about acceptance and decisions, you do not need to be so difficult about it. Just go to the beach... And learn. :D

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