Placating Transgenders

So we're now trying to do this with regard to gender and there is a real problem it creates in public accommodation. We have to objectively determine there are male and female genders or there are no genders. We can't have laws based on subjectivity.

The correct word is “sex”, not “gender”.

Sex refers to the biological trait of being male or female; and is based on objective,biological criteria. Gender relates to social conventions associated with the sexes, and to characteristics of some languages (much less so with English than with many other languages) that assign masculine or feminine associations to inanimate objects.

The LGBpbiWTF bunch has hijacked the word “gender” as a means of undermining social and legal recognition of the essential differences between the sexes.
It is now the law, here in California, that if boy who's a public school student claims to “identify as female”, he has to be allowed unfettered access to the girls' locker room, showers, restrooms, and such, while actual girls are using these facilities. Girls are now given no right to object to this insane and indefensible violation of their safety and modesty. Public policy is being used to take the side of sick perverts, against the young women that they victimize.
Do you have proof of that?

It's a matter of public record. It was a bill passed by the perverted degenerates that infest this state's legislature, and signed into law by Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown. It took effect on 01 January of this year.

Frequently Asked Questions - Equal Opportunity & Access (CA Dept of Education)
It is now the law, here in California, that if boy who's a public school student claims to “identify as female”, he has to be allowed unfettered access to the girls' locker room, showers, restrooms, and such, while actual girls are using these facilities. Girls are now given no right to object to this insane and indefensible violation of their safety and modesty. Public policy is being used to take the side of sick perverts, against the young women that they victimize.

Well I don't make any claims to know who is or isn't a "pervert" but the fact remains it's not possible for us to make public policy based on subjectivity. For laws to work they have to be objective. People are born with male or female genitalia. There is no uncertainty or subjectivity. So our laws and public policies need to be based on that fact and not some subjective nonsense.

Is is possible to do so, and I am sure that this is far from the first time that California has done so. It is a very, very, very bad idea,but that doesn't mean it's not possible, and in as screwed up a state as this one, it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.
It is now the law, here in California, that if boy who's a public school student claims to “identify as female”, he has to be allowed unfettered access to the girls' locker room, showers, restrooms, and such, while actual girls are using these facilities. Girls are now given no right to object to this insane and indefensible violation of their safety and modesty. Public policy is being used to take the side of sick perverts, against the young women that they victimize.

Well I don't make any claims to know who is or isn't a "pervert" but the fact remains it's not possible for us to make public policy based on subjectivity. For laws to work they have to be objective. People are born with male or female genitalia. There is no uncertainty or subjectivity. So our laws and public policies need to be based on that fact and not some subjective nonsense.

Is is possible to do so, and I am sure that this is far from the first time that California has done so. It is a very, very, very bad idea,but that doesn't mean it's not possible, and in as screwed up a state as this one, it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.
It's feminists and gays making this a cause you moron.

Well no, it's actually NOT. Moron.

Lierre Keith is an outspoken lesbian feminist and ardent critic of the transgender movement.

The Dispute Between Radical Feminism and Transgenderism
uh huh.

No kidding moron.

You idiots are a waste of time. In five years you'll be siding with trannies against the latest hype the left dreams up for you get on to.

Enjoy your transman sons in law, you idiots.
As far as prayer: this is a secular nation. If your kids are in a religious school, they can pray. If they are in a public school, it is an issue of separation of church and state.
Separation of church and state....
government doesn't choose, dictate, establish or mandate,
the religion of the citizens...freedom of religion

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

The First Amendment has only been manipulatively used
to strip me of my religious rights and freedoms
by politicians who gave into, those who are intolerant of my beliefs.

My son went to a public school,
and Muslim students were allowed time every day
to face East and pray at a certain time, in an empty room.

It was a yr or 2 after 9/11 when the school had canceled his Spanish class.
Why....because they brought in a foreign exchange teacher from Egypt,
teaching the kids Arabic and Middle Eastern culture, which, of course, is based on Islam.

The principal, who is Muslim, felt the school was in a better position,
to teach my child to be tolerant of different cultures and religions.

I pulled him from the class...if he can't discuss God or Jesus,
then he won't be discussing Mohammad either.
Clear off, asshole.
You have a third account now, dickless?
YOU are a man with a pussy, you asshole.
There is NOTHING conservative about your lifestyle.
Seriously, what is your problem?

This is my first and only account here,
So, I am not the troll you think I may be.

I fail to see why you attacked me,
Simply because of what i posted.
Furthermore, why you have continued your assault.

Welcome to USMB.

You survived your baptism by fire. Keep up the good fight. and always remember: If you haven't pissed someone off, you're not trying hard enough.
Well he's not trying hard enough.

I am not a he...
Pedophiles and those engaging in incest are breaking the law. Transgenders are not breaking any laws.

Circular argument.

If pedophilia and incest were legal, then those who practice it would not be breaking the law. Would that make it right? Would that make it acceptable?
You are talking about ethics, and you cannot dictate anyone else's ethics. If, as a democratic society where the majority rules, transgenderism is not illegal, you don't get to dictate the right or wrong of it.
As far as prayer: this is a secular nation. If your kids are in a religious school, they can pray. If they are in a public school, it is an issue of separation of church and state.
Separation of church and state....
government doesn't choose, dictate, establish or mandate,
the religion of the citizens...freedom of religion

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

The First Amendment has only been manipulatively used
to strip me of my religious rights and freedoms
by politicians who gave into, those who are intolerant of my beliefs.

My son went to a public school,
and Muslim students were allowed time every day
to face East and pray at a certain time, in an empty room.

It was a yr or 2 after 9/11 when the school had canceled his Spanish class.
Why....because they brought in a foreign exchange teacher from Egypt,
teaching the kids Arabic and Middle Eastern culture, which, of course, is based on Islam.

The principal, who is Muslim, felt the school was in a better position,
to teach my child to be tolerant of different cultures and religions.

I pulled him from the class...if he can't discuss God or Jesus,
then he won't be discussing Mohammad either.
They can't legally pray in school or school events. Get over it.
Pedophiles and those engaging in incest are breaking the law. Transgenders are not breaking any laws.
As far as prayer: this is a secular nation. If your kids are in a religious school, they can pray. If they are in a public school, it is an issue of separation of church and state. Duh, and duh again. You should know this stuff.

But clearly you are now drawing lines in the sand of "equal rights for all!" So, obviously, that's NOT what you believe in. You want to wave around the Constitution and demand "equal rights for all" when it's convenient for you and deny "equal rights for all" when it's not. That makes you a two-faced hypocrite with no moral foundation.
Who or what is keeping you from your equal right to hate others? No one. You just can't make laws or take actions that deny them their equal rights. Duh.
Our society has to placate Christians and other assholes every day.

You just contradicted your your own statement and you're too stupid to see it. LOLOL

...and the 2 morons who rated it a winner. Hilarious.
Our society has to placate Christians and other assholes every day.

Most Christians believe in and support infrastructure (a Christian Republican - Eisenhower - envisioned Interstate Highway System) the research and development, science and education.

The REAL assholes are those like you who doubt this.
not your body, not your life, not your struggle

They have live as who they are, not an accident of genitalia at birth, a deformity or birth defect. They literally are living in the wrong body. Head and brain transplants are still experimental though successful, so far, but for those who cannot move their body at all. Some day perhaps transgender can have access to possible transplant, till then............

Transgender have been around throughout history and around the world. They are a fact.

Does not matter what you like or don't like, they are what they are and have a right to live their life in a way that makes them happy, as long as they are not hurting others.

Child predators are a different species and also have always existed.

Leave the transgender alone and don't blame them for what a few criminals will find a way do to anyway. Transgenders are not "things" to fear or hate, they are just people.
Yes and it's none of your business.

Oh but yes it certainly IS my business once we start making public policy.
It isn't a public policy but it IS a global conversation. One that is unnecessary and people like you are prolonging it.
So boys using girls bathrooms in public schools isn't public policy?
Forcing the policy by stopping funding if they don't do it. Is public policy.

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