Placating Transgenders

Okay, I'll say it... I think it's a gross error in societal judgement to be placating Transgenderism. Oh, I know... I'm some sort of bigoted homophobe for saying this right? I don't think so. I'm fine with L... fine with G... fine with B... it's T that I have a problem with. I have friends who are homosexual and I think that's fine, it's their choice and their lifestyle. I don't begrudge them that... it's not for me but that's okay. I can accept them the way they are. I can even tolerate transsexuals but tolerance doesn't mean acceptance.

People who are genuinely confused about their gender are suffering from a mental illness. They're not practicing a healthy lifestyle any more than someone who thinks they are a cat or dog. It's not the same as someone having a legitimate attraction to same gender. In fact, it's kind of making a mockery of that. It's also making a joke of feminism. For years, feminists have fought for the idea that women don't have to submit to societal stereotypes of what a woman "should" be... putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman. But with the transgender, that's exactly what it means... literally.

Now the PC crowd thinks we should all just accept these people for who they are and it's cruel and intolerant to speak out against their chosen lifestyle. But we don't apply this standard to everyone. Obviously, there are certain behaviors we don't accept as a society. Pedophiles aren't allowed to indulge in who they are. Necrophiliacs aren't allowed to do so. People who like having sex with animals aren't allowed to live how they please. We draw all kinds of arbitrary lines at what is acceptable behavior.

What if there were a group of completely heterosexual males out there dressing as lesbian women because they get their rocks off having sex with lesbians? Should they be given their own letter in the growing acronym of political correctness? I've often joked that I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. But I know that I am a heterosexual male who desires females. What is a transsexual? They don't know if they are heterosexual or homosexual? Does it change daily or by the hour?

The most concerning aspect of this is what we're now doing with our youth. Children as young as 12 and 13 are being pumped full of dangerous hormones and encouraged to embrace their confusion about their gender instead of being legitimately treated for a mental illness. Those who have a problem with this are hooted down as bigoted and backward-thinking mouth-breathers. We can't even engage in a civil dialogue.. the PC crowd will have none of that.

No parent has the right to start changing the sex of their children with hormones, etc.

This is a crime against nature, and of course against what God is telling us. It is a sinful, diabolical measure. Society is not free to do as it pleases. There are limits and responsibilities.

I totally agree. It is like society is warring against someone that was lucky enough to have more than them. Hermaphrodites need far more acceptance than do trangenders.
Look... I have no problem if someone gets turned on by dressing up like a woman, that's their business. But when they demand that I play along with their fantasy, that's a bridge too far in my opinion. Hey... let's pass a law that all women have to wear short skirts and white ankle socks because that's what turns me on? And if you don't want to play along with my fantasy, you're just an intolerant bigot! See how that doesn't work?

You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. Men are going to want to be transgenders no matter what you say or do. IMHO It is because they are growing REAL vaginas in the laboratory that can possibly within a decade be implanted and maybe be as good as the real thing.

Lab-Grown Vaginas Implanted Successfully in 4 Teenagers

All of the patients in the study underwent surgery five to eight years ago because they were born with a rare genetic condition in which the vagina and uterus are underdeveloped or absent.

Scientists grew each vagina from the patient's own cells, and then implanted it in her body. So far in the follow-up, the treatment has been successful, and the patients who are now sexually active have reported normal function, according to the study, published today (April 10) in the journal Lancet. [7 Facts Women (And Men) Should Know About the Vagina]
>>Yet more recent evidence has challenged this assumption. An 18 year study followed children from birth until adolescence and tracked rates of exposure to parental nudity. Abramson, who co-authored an analysis of the data, concluded there was no evidence of harm associated with the exposure.

Instead, Abramson’s and other studies have generally found nudity to be associated with beneficial outcomes, including increased self-esteem, sexual knowledge, and comfort with physical contact and affection. Exposure to nudity in the home was also associated with lower rates of theft and drug use in adolescence as well as improved relations with adults outside of the family.

Yet despite these findings, Abramson thinks public nudity should still be regulated.

“I would use zoning to make it [nudity] legal in certain more secluded areas. But you would have to signal it very clearly, just like they do with strip clubs, so you don’t get the ‘inadvertent viewer’ problem. And I would also leave the option open for nudity as a conduit for certain critical free speech issues.”

Why the need for restrictions? Within one’s home, the people and settings are familiar. In public, Abramson says, “it becomes difficult to separate the nudists from the exhibitionists.”

Of course, no one expects the results of scientific studies to translate directly into law; our moral, legal, and cultural beliefs will always play an important role in shaping public policy. But what science can do is help guide our beliefs away from “exaggerated horrors” and towards evidence-based decision making. While science will rarely resolve our arguments, it can serve to inform them; and for that reason it deserves to be included in the debate.<<

In a girls bathroom there are stalls not urinals. You don't see women/girls nude, though you might see some fixing their clothing after they come out of the stalls.

How many cases inside a bathroom of sexual abuse apposed to outside? How many were actually transgender? A rare handful perhaps? More danger outside the bathrooms and for years transgenders have been using the bathroom of their identity without an issue.

Now that it is actually made public and legal people go nuts over this. Making a tempest in a tea pot.

What of men in the men's bathrooms prying on young boys? most assults are in the men's room not the female's room

Stats show assaults don't happen in bathrooms |
Apr 8, 2016 - A child advocacy center shared statistics with NBC Charlotte about assaults in ... and the number of transgender bathroom assaults was zero. ... No, they usually take place at Catholic churches and dirty old men's homes.
Debunking Bathroom Myths | Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Nov 28, 2015 - When sexual predators do commit sexual assault in bathrooms, they don't ... not result in an increase in the number of reported rapes or sexual assaults in their jurisdictions. ... a facility when you (or your child) has to go NOW can be very difficult. ... Transgender Men Have Been Left out of the Conversation.
Stats show assaults don't happen in bathrooms |
Apr 8, 2016 - But professionals who work with child sex abuse victims say if history is any guide, ... and the number of transgender bathroom assaults was zero. ... No, they usually take place at Catholic churches and dirty old men's homes.
The imaginary predator in America's transgender bathroom war
USA Today
Apr 29, 2016 - "The anxiety isn't men in women's bathrooms, it's about masculinity in the ... verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. Original Post: If this was YOUR daughter, would you be comfortable sending her into a men's ... for the people who, for any number of reasons, including young people ...
Womens bathrooms have been the way they have been for a long time, just for women (and girls). if you are not a biological female by birth you are an experiment, not a female. Experiments can lobby for thier own bathrooms. Women feel safe and female mothers feel safe with bathrooms just the way they are. Needs no changing. Not the domain of men, would be imposter females and the confused. Sorry. Roe vs. Wade not only gives biological females the right to privacy of thier own bodies, but also to thier own bodies in private in thier own bathrooms.
Our society has to placate Christians and other assholes every day.
That's because Christians have enumerated protections in the US Constitution. Trannys don't. And it takes an Act of Congress to change that. Don't hold your breath.
Women have been fighting for real womens civil rights a long time. Roevs. Wade protects women and thier own bodies. A woman is a women at birth. trannies are an experiment and still male.
I never hold my breath in stress because I know the difference between a truth and a lie. A trans person is a lie.
If there ever was a foul attack on womens rights its the fake "trans" movement. This is a misogynist attack on all women and girls and needs to be understood for its obvious hatred and oppression of women. No men should ever pretent to be a woman or women pretend to be a man in an effort to take away the rights of biological women. Trans is a mental state but illness or wellness is subjective. Biological anatomy by birth is science.
Honestly I don't get why a person's sex life etc has to be a constant topic to start with. We are all about more than sexual orientations. That is a portion of us as a human being.
And honestly, we mostly end up discussing homosexuality, or transgenders...etc.
I second this. It seems like most people these days don't think that any other subject is even worth the acknowledgement anymore.

God bless you always!!!

You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. Men are going to want to be transgenders no matter what you say or do. IMHO It is because they are growing REAL vaginas in the laboratory that can possibly within a decade be implanted and maybe be as good as the real thing.

Well no, the genie isn't out of the bottle. This is not about men wanting to be transgender, as I said in the OP, I can tolerate men wanting to be transgender. I don't have to accept it. Tolerance doesn't mean acceptance. If they want to be trannies, that's fine... they can be trannies... but our public policies and laws don't have to accommodate their fantasy and that is certainly not a violation of their rights. No one has the right to have their fetish accommodated.

On the subject of artificial vaginas and whatnot... if a man goes to the extreme of having a sex change operation and becomes a woman, they can have their birth certificate changed and use the women's room. As long as they have a penis between their legs, they need to stay the hell out and use the men's room.
Well no, the genie isn't out of the bottle. This is not about men wanting to be transgender, as I said in the OP, I can tolerate men wanting to be transgender. I don't have to accept it.

You haven't studied your OWN thread. We have already dealt with "acceptance." And it has been dismissed.
If they want to be trannies, that's fine... they can be trannies... but our public policies and laws don't have to accommodate their fantasy and that is certainly not a violation of their rights. No one has the right to have their fetish accommodated.

Do you want to criminalize sleezy dresses in public. Nobody will ever set a fad again. We will all look like the clones of Dr. Frankenstein in a few years. :eek:

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