Placating Transgenders

On the subject of artificial vaginas and whatnot... if a man goes to the extreme of having a sex change operation and becomes a woman, they can have their birth certificate changed and use the women's room. As long as they have a penis between their legs, they need to stay the hell out and use the men's room.

How would you tell an implanted male from a hermaphrodite? Again, study your OWN thread.
You haven't studied your OWN thread. We have already dealt with "acceptance." And it has been dismissed.

You're not a king or dictator so you don't get to decide what is or isn't accepted by the rest of us. Sorry.

Tolerance is one of the most vital concepts in our society.

Again... Tolerance doesn't mean acceptance.

Do you want to criminalize sleezy dresses in public. Nobody will ever set a fad again. We will all look like the clones of Dr. Frankenstein in a few years.

Strawman. We're talking about transgenders, not dresses.
How would you tell an implanted male from a hermaphrodite? Again, study your OWN thread.

I don't have to. Crimes are only actionable when they are reported. I can walk into any women's dressing room and if no one complains or objects, there is no action taken. Here's how this works... you have a penis and you're in a women's room and a woman sees your penis, they report you to the authorities and have you arrested for indecent exposure. You could also be charged for trespassing after a warning. The sign on the door said "women" and you're not permitted there.

There is no need to have someone sitting at the door checking your genitalia before entering any more than we have a police officer sitting in the parking lot of your local bar checking everyone's intoxication before driving their cars. You might get away with it... no one may notice... you may be a tranny who can pull off looking like a woman.... I may be a drunk who can pull of driving like I'm sober.
Tolerance is one of the most vital concepts in our society.

When a LIbEral speaks of “tolerance”, what he usually means by that is that we are obligated to tolerate all manner of madness, perversion, and evil, and that if we don't agree, we're to be condemned as “hateful” and “bigoted”. No genuine tolerance for those of us who hold to basic standards of decency, ethics, and morality, and who object to having LIbEral filth forced on us and being told we have to play along with it.

LIbEral “tolerance” means “tolerance” for madness, evil, and perversion, and no tolerance for reason, good, or decency.

This kind of “tolerance” is no virtue, and has no place in a sustainable society.
On the subject of artificial vaginas and whatnot... if a man goes to the extreme of having a sex change operation and becomes a woman FROM A REAL WOMAN: I WAS BORN A WOMAN. get it! NOT "became an experiment that pretends to be a woman".
Because the genes expressed from the inactive X are also expressed from a woman's active X, women get a higher dose of these genes than men. So these genes may underlie traits that differ between the sexes.
cultural sensitivity. The use of participatory methods for information gathering, programme design, monitoring and evaluation - can illuminate menís and womenís different needs and experiences as well as building on womenís capacities, increasing their decision-making power and aiding group cohesion. Gender-awareness is required in the use of these methods. There is now international consensus on the commitment to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. This is a serious challenge in emergency situations and especially in the context of conflict. Women are particularly vulnerable to attack, abuse and domestic and sexual violence. Measures are required to protect women, including consultation in camp planning and design, increased camp security, professional counselling and support for victims of violence, awareness raising about their rights and increased representation of female staff. Registration of women separately from men is required to ease problems they may face in seeking asylum. Measures to protect women returnees are also required. There is a strong case for building a gender dimension into emergency response at the levels of early warning, preparedness and capacity building. Local-level early warning systems particularly could incorporate gender-specific indicators and capacity building should give attention to strengthening womenís organisations.
In the 1970s and now, gender-reassignment surgery is routinely performed when requested. Transgender people are the one population allowed to diagnose themselves with gender dysphoria solely on the basis of their desire for sex-reassignment surgery, and not because the medical community has found objective proof that such surgery is medically required.
One of the most exciting things about having a child is learning the gender of the baby. Many people choose to find out as soon as possible, while others decide to keep it a surprise. Although you may not see sex organs on a sonogram for weeks, a baby's sex is determined long before it arrives in the world.

Gender Assigned
Gender is determined immediately upon fertilization. The 23rd pair of chromosomes establishes the sex of the baby. The mother's egg contains an X chromosome, while the father's sperm carries either another X or a Y chromosome. An XX combination means your baby is female and an XY combination means your baby is male. This means that the baby's gender is determined before it is even considered a fetus.

Though during the first few weeks of fetal development your baby's internal and external genital structures are the same, the organs will eventually change. Your baby's gonads will either become ovaries or testicles. The phallus will become either a clitoris or a penis, and the genital folds will become either labia or scrotum. This all depends whether or not testosterone is present. Testosterone will be present in embryos with a Y chromosome, and male sex organs will begin to form. If testosterone is not present, female organs will develop, making female the "default sex" for human beings.
I don't have to. Crimes are only actionable when they are reported. I can walk into any women's dressing room and if no one complains or objects, there is no action taken. Here's how this works... you have a penis and you're in a women's room and a woman sees your penis, they report you to the authorities and have you arrested for indecent exposure. You could also be charged for trespassing after a warning. The sign on the door said "women" and you're not permitted there.

What if a hermaphrodite were heavily on her period and needed to change tampons. As you say, he or she has a penis and should only go into the men's room. Now, would you want a hermaphrodite, who has a heavy period, changing tampons in a men's room stall?
How would you tell an implanted male from a hermaphrodite? Again, study your OWN thread.

I don't have to. Crimes are only actionable when they are reported. I can walk into any women's dressing room and if no one complains or objects, there is no action taken. Here's how this works... you have a penis and you're in a women's room and a woman sees your penis, they report you to the authorities and have you arrested for indecent exposure. You could also be charged for trespassing after a warning. The sign on the door said "women" and you're not permitted there.

There is no need to have someone sitting at the door checking your genitalia before entering any more than we have a police officer sitting in the parking lot of your local bar checking everyone's intoxication before driving their cars. You might get away with it... no one may notice... you may be a tranny who can pull off looking like a woman.... I may be a drunk who can pull of driving like I'm sober.

That's a red herring.
Tolerance is one of the most vital concepts in our society.

When a LIbEral speaks of “tolerance”, what he usually means by that is that we are obligated to tolerate all manner of madness, perversion, and evil, and that if we don't agree, we're to be condemned as “hateful” and “bigoted”. No genuine tolerance for those of us who hold to basic standards of decency, ethics, and morality, and who object to having LIbEral filth forced on us and being told we have to play along with it.

LIbEral “tolerance” means “tolerance” for madness, evil, and perversion, and no tolerance for reason, good, or decency.

This kind of “tolerance” is no virtue, and has no place in a sustainable society.

Tolerance is only a first step.
You haven't studied your OWN thread. We have already dealt with "acceptance." And it has been dismissed.

You're not a king or dictator so you don't get to decide what is or isn't accepted by the rest of us. Sorry.

I said that it had been dismissed rather handily. I never said it had been dismissed by "the rest of us." Again, the lack of reading comprehension bites another one in the ass. :laugh:
Do you want to criminalize sleezy dresses in public. Nobody will ever set a fad again. We will all look like the clones of Dr. Frankenstein in a few years.

Strawman. We're talking about transgenders, not dresses.

Not a strawmen, my lofty friend. It was simply an example and part of the point I was trying to make. It must have sailed miles over your head. :laugh:
LIbEral “tolerance” means “tolerance” for madness, evil, and perversion, and no tolerance for reason, good, or decency.

This kind of “tolerance” is no virtue, and has no place in a sustainable society.

Tolerance is only a first step.

Yes, a later step was abusing the force of law to punish decent small business owners for refusing to participate in immoral homosexual mockeries of weddings. After that, you're now taking the step of forcing schoolgirls to share locker rooms and showers of creepy male perverts.

How many more steps before you start simply criminalizing any expression of any belief or opinion deemed to be “intolerant”, and sending people to prison for their beliefs?

How many more steps before churches are raided by government thugs, shut down,and their ministers imprisoned, for teaching God's word instead of government's word?

How many steps before agencies like the IRS are used to illegally target conservative organizations. (That's already happened.)

As I said, your version of “tolerance” is not a virtue, and has no place in a free or viable society.
As I said, your version of “tolerance” is not a virtue, and has no place in a free or viable society.

Tolerance is ALWAYS one of the greatest virtues, if seen properly. I agree, liberals misuse it to the nth degree. Nonetheless, used properly, it is one of the cornerstones of a good character and a good attitude.
As I said, your version of “tolerance” is not a virtue, and has no place in a free or viable society.

Tolerance is ALWAYS one of the greatest virtues, if seen properly. I agree, liberals misuse it to the nth degree. Nonetheless, used properly, it is one of the cornerstones of a good character and a good attitude.
Except when Bozo the Clown shows up and asks you to take him dead serious. At a certain point the common sense center of the brain needs to light up.
As I said, your version of “tolerance” is not a virtue, and has no place in a free or viable society.

Tolerance is ALWAYS one of the greatest virtues, if seen properly. I agree, liberals misuse it to the nth degree. Nonetheless, used properly, it is one of the cornerstones of a good character and a good attitude.
Except when Bozo the Clown shows up and asks you to take him dead serious. At a certain point the common sense center of the brain needs to light up.

Like clowns have something to do with anything. :slap:
As I said, your version of “tolerance” is not a virtue, and has no place in a free or viable society.

Tolerance is ALWAYS one of the greatest virtues, if seen properly. I agree, liberals misuse it to the nth degree. Nonetheless, used properly, it is one of the cornerstones of a good character and a good attitude.

Tolerance of evil is not a virtue.

Tolerance of perversion is not a virtue.

Tolerance of madness is not a virtue.

And when you wrong-wing LIbErals speak of tolerance, that's what you mean by it. When it comes to that which is most worthy and deserving of genuine tolerance, you and your kind of the most intolerant of all.

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