Place your Bet!!! (Before Sunday Noon)

What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
Yes it does.
Naw. Not even a little.

You're trying to denigrate her by slapping a title on that doesn't apply. Pretty obvious.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
People who work in the White House have said Trump is manic right now with 3 of his mistresses embarrassing the hell out of him, 3 more lawsuits to deal with and Bob Mueller breathing down his neck.
To say the WH is in chaos is the understatement of the year.
It's beenDonald Trump's history for the past 10 or more years to act impulsively and irrationally whenever he's boxed into a corner.
This lunatic is capable of doing anything especially now that most of the moderating voices are gone from the WH.
He will fire Kelly.

Didn't you Commies try to destroy Kelly a couple of weeks back and failed?

Why would Trump help you traitors?
1- I'm not a leftie.
2-Trump fires people to put the blame on them.
3- I'm jus here for the circus and the clown.
4- how many got fired or quit so far?
5- I swear to you I won't be surprised if Trump wakes up one day and fires himself thinking he is firing someone else.

Again,. the Stalinists went after Kelly two weeks back. Trump doesn't want him gone - the Marxists do.

Here's the thing, the Alensky rules that the Maoist democrats are using just aren't working. The treason monkeys have told us all we are really outraged of the Stormy Daniels thing, but no one gives a fuck. So no the treason monkeys have gotten really shrill, and still no one gives a fuck. The washed up porn whore will go on the hate show tomorrow and spew what she was paid to spew, and no one will give a fuck.

The Maoists will get more shrill, demanding that the right whom they hate is required to be outraged, while we yawn and ignore them.
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
Yeah... paying off your mistress to keep her quiet and then threaten her if she doesn't stay quiet is no big deal... only to you Trumpanzees.
Now we're finding out some of this happened right before the election which caused Trump to freak and get even more reckless.. once again it's just all " irrelevant," right Sean?

Maybe if you hold your breath until you turn blue, someone will give a fuck about this. :thup:
whats on that DVD that Stormy's lawyer teased us with yesterday?
Could it be evidence that trump made her get an abortion after he knocked her up?
That's been one rumor
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.
My threads, when I start one, never go anywhere, Pale....they are always a dud, and fizzle out early on....

Sooooooooooooo, I thought I'd try something different this time!!! :D

And it WORKED! Almost 200 posts!!! An all time high, that quadrupled all others of mine!

I'm really not triggered....
He will fire Kelly.

Didn't you Commies try to destroy Kelly a couple of weeks back and failed?

Why would Trump help you traitors?
1- I'm not a leftie.
2-Trump fires people to put the blame on them.
3- I'm jus here for the circus and the clown.
4- how many got fired or quit so far?
5- I swear to you I won't be surprised if Trump wakes up one day and fires himself thinking he is firing someone else.

Again,. the Stalinists went after Kelly two weeks back. Trump doesn't want him gone - the Marxists do.

Here's the thing, the Alensky rules that the Maoist democrats are using just aren't working. The treason monkeys have told us all we are really outraged of the Stormy Daniels thing, but no one gives a fuck. So no the treason monkeys have gotten really shrill, and still no one gives a fuck. The washed up porn whore will go on the hate show tomorrow and spew what she was paid to spew, and no one will give a fuck.

The Maoists will get more shrill, demanding that the right whom they hate is required to be outraged, while we yawn and ignore them.
Yeah just like Trump and Sanders said McMaster's job is safe... what??? 4 days ago?
Defending this pathological liar gets tougher by the day doesn't it.
Trump says it never happened, shes lying - bla bla bla, yada yada yada, second verse same as the first.

His collective of mindless drones join hands, kiss his butt, and believe him just exactly like they always do.
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
Yeah... paying off your mistress to keep her quiet and then threaten her if she doesn't stay quiet is no big deal... only to you Trumpanzees.
Now we're finding out some of this happened right before the election which caused Trump to freak and get even more reckless.. once again it's just all " irrelevant," right Sean?

Maybe if you hold your breath until you turn blue, someone will give a fuck about this. :thup:
You know who " gives a fuck about this? "
Your fuhrer Trump.
He asked his advisers if he should fight back against all three women.
Imagine him telling the world he didn't have affairs with all 3.
Makes me laugh that you probably believe him.
Trump says it never happened, shes lying - bla bla bla, yada yada yada, second verse same as the first.

His collective of mindless drones join hands, kiss his butt, and believe him just exactly like they always do.

America would take either one over Hillary - any day of the week, traitor.
In a recent poll a generic democrat would beat trump ina national election if it were held today.
Facts are not your friend.
Naw. Not even a little.

You're trying to denigrate her by slapping a title on that doesn't apply. Pretty obvious.
No, it means exactly what everyone knows it means.

You're trying to play dumbass snowflake word games.

Sorry, I don't play do that.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.
My threads, when I start one, never go anywhere, Pale....they are always a dud, and fizzle out early on....

Sooooooooooooo, I thought I'd try something different this time!!! :D

And it WORKED! Almost 200 posts!!! An all time high, that quadrupled all others of mine!

I'm really not triggered....
You're TRIGGERED HAPPY then... :lol:

Remember when we used to get along? Remember some of the cool conversations we'd have?

What happened?
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.
My threads, when I start one, never go anywhere, Pale....they are always a dud, and fizzle out early on....

Sooooooooooooo, I thought I'd try something different this time!!! :D

And it WORKED! Almost 200 posts!!! An all time high, that quadrupled all others of mine!

I'm really not triggered....
You're TRIGGERED HAPPY then... :lol:

Remember when we used to get along? Remember some of the cool conversations we'd have?

What happened?
I do!!! I do!!!

sigh.... I don't know my friend? We let politics get in the way!!! :(

It'll be hard, but let's try to change that...!!!!
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.
My threads, when I start one, never go anywhere, Pale....they are always a dud, and fizzle out early on....

Sooooooooooooo, I thought I'd try something different this time!!! :D

And it WORKED! Almost 200 posts!!! An all time high, that quadrupled all others of mine!

I'm really not triggered....
You're TRIGGERED HAPPY then... :lol:

Remember when we used to get along? Remember some of the cool conversations we'd have?

What happened?
I do!!! I do!!!

sigh.... I don't know my friend? We let politics get in the way!!! :(

It'll be hard, but let's try to change that...!!!!
I can get along with anyone that's willing to get along with me.

I have no animosity towards you, Care. I still remember the cool person that lived in Maine and posted cool pictures of what not and had cool stories.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
Did you defend bill for ALL of those women who claimed bill sexually assaulted them?

Stormy Daniels is not claiming any of that. Exact opposite actually.

Just curious. Are you saying there is no difference?

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