Place your Bet!!! (Before Sunday Noon)


Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, suddenly you care what the Bible says? :lmao:

4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

No I really don't care about the Bible because it was written by men. I do however care about the character of the people I talk to. If you are going to say you are a Christian or whatever, then I'm going to hold you to it. Otherwise, you're a fraud. I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now that's what you are.
Hopefully, he will legalize weed and fire Jeff Sessions. :cool-45:

With you on the weed - Sessions no .. that would mean the end of Mueller.

Sessions will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Inquisition, or Trump will fire him and appoint someone competent.

Either way, your witch hunt is doomed.

Explain this ComradeHate, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada used "lying to the FSB" (Pre-Obama known as the FBI) along with threats against his wife and son to coerce a "confession" from Mike Flynn. (which looks to be thrown out at this point)

So tell us, IF Flynn lying to the FSB is such a heinous crime as you Stalinists claim, why is Andrew McCabe, who is PROVEN by the Inspector General to have lied to the FSB on many occasions no under arrest? The FSB fired McCabe specifically for lying and engaging in perjury. Why is there not one law that covers all in this nation?

One law for the proles, a VERY different law for the elite? Is that it Comrade?
can you spell

I M P E A C H M E N T ?

please, by all means President Trump! do it!

And make my and millions upon millions of others, day!
I have reconsidered my answer. Most likely thing that will totally steal the limelight is that he fires either Sessions or Rosenstein - the first step in getting rid of Mueller.

I had not thought of THAT!!!!!!!:eek:

Neither had I. It's the single thing he could do that'd steal Stormy's thunder.

He's considering it - BELIEVE me

Hmmm, just checked his Twit feed - NOTHING this morning. Probably on the golf course with sycophants.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
Trump fesses up about colluding with Russia and resigns, in a tweet. :)

Wow. So the Bible doesn’t apply anymore, unless you’re using it to denigrate people? So how are Christians different than nonbelievers? They do whatever they want, but they’re going to heaven because Jesus?

Sounds like a pervertion of the Gospel.

What gives you the authority to speak on the Bible, which you so deeply hate and want to utterly destroy, Comrade?

God, apparently.

It's his word, I'm pretty damn thoroughly versed in it. It's people like yourself that are leading to the mass exodus from churches.

I did 30 years in a fundamentalist church, don’t try and tell me you know more about the Bible than I do. How do you think I know that Christians are supposed to be visibly different? That “we will know they are Christians by their love?” What you were talking about is exactly what was preached against in the 70s, the slippery slope of becoming like “them,” and no one would see Christ in us.

I mean seriously, what does “go and sin no more“ mean to you? Christians are meant to be ambassadors of Christ, offering something that man does not have without Christ, that being peace, joy, love, and all the other fruits of the spirit that true believers are blessed with.

If the only reason that you’re a believer is because you believe there’s a hell and you’re trying to avoid it, then I think you’re going to have to try a little harder. Because so far, your witness is for shit.

Of course, you could be one of those that believe once saved, always saved. That would explain a great deal.

Just as I know you're a Stalinist by your hate.

Remember Commie, we are woke. You are not the opposition, you are the enemy. You seek to destroy this nation and everything it stands for.

I gotta admit, you're stellar at the projection. Goebbels would be proud.
" a result... at 11:59 PM, Eastern Time, Saturday, March 24, 2018, I have directed the Secretary of Defense to begin large-scale military operations against..."
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
Trump fesses up about colluding with Russia and resigns, in a tweet. :)

:D Good one, Meathead!!!!

I did 30 years in a fundamentalist church, don’t try and tell me you know more about the Bible than I do. How do you think I know that Christians are supposed to be visibly different? That “we will know they are Christians by their love?” What you were talking about is exactly what was preached against in the 70s, the slippery slope of becoming like “them,” and no one would see Christ in us.

I mean seriously, what does “go and sin no more“ mean to you? Christians are meant to be ambassadors of Christ, offering something that man does not have without Christ, that being peace, joy, love, and all the other fruits of the spirit that true believers are blessed with.

If the only reason that you’re a believer is because you believe there’s a hell and you’re trying to avoid it, then I think you’re going to have to try a little harder. Because so far, your witness is for shit.

Of course, you could be one of those that believe once saved, always saved. That would explain a great deal.

Just as I know you're a Stalinist by your hate.

Remember Commie, we are woke. You are not the opposition, you are the enemy. You seek to destroy this nation and everything it stands for.

I gotta admit, you're stellar at the projection. Goebbels would be proud.

Really commie, because Bush hired a group tied to the Kremlin to cook up fabricated trash against Obama in hopes of rigging the election?

Oh wait, nope that was you fucking traitors. Obama, the Clinton campaign, and the FBI used Fusion GPS as go between with the Kremlin to rig the election against Trump.

THEN you turned around and lied that it was Trump who colluded with Russia, when it was you all along. Now that is a Goebbles trick, isn't it Comrade?

But then Goebbles is not the most disgusting demagogue in history, that would be Pol Pot, patron saint of the democrat. the spirit of using children to push the Communist revolution, just as you scum did today....

I did 30 years in a fundamentalist church, don’t try and tell me you know more about the Bible than I do. How do you think I know that Christians are supposed to be visibly different? That “we will know they are Christians by their love?” What you were talking about is exactly what was preached against in the 70s, the slippery slope of becoming like “them,” and no one would see Christ in us.

I mean seriously, what does “go and sin no more“ mean to you? Christians are meant to be ambassadors of Christ, offering something that man does not have without Christ, that being peace, joy, love, and all the other fruits of the spirit that true believers are blessed with.

If the only reason that you’re a believer is because you believe there’s a hell and you’re trying to avoid it, then I think you’re going to have to try a little harder. Because so far, your witness is for shit.

Of course, you could be one of those that believe once saved, always saved. That would explain a great deal.

Just as I know you're a Stalinist by your hate.

Remember Commie, we are woke. You are not the opposition, you are the enemy. You seek to destroy this nation and everything it stands for.

I gotta admit, you're stellar at the projection. Goebbels would be proud.

Really commie, because Bush hired a group tied to the Kremlin to cook up fabricated trash against Obama in hopes of rigging the election?

Oh wait, nope that was you fucking traitors. Obama, the Clinton campaign, and the FBI used Fusion GPS as go between with the Kremlin to rig the election against Trump.

THEN you turned around and lied that it was Trump who colluded with Russia, when it was you all along. Now that is a Goebbles trick, isn't it Comrade?

But then Goebbles is not the most disgusting demagogue in history, that would be Pol Pot, patron saint of the democrat. the spirit of using children to push the Communist revolution, just as you scum did today....

Nope, not reading. I left the church so I wouldn't have to hear insane people ranting.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
You really sound triggered, care.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
He will fire Kelly.

Didn't you Commies try to destroy Kelly a couple of weeks back and failed?

Why would Trump help you traitors?
1- I'm not a leftie.
2-Trump fires people to put the blame on them.
3- I'm jus here for the circus and the clown.
4- how many got fired or quit so far?
5- I swear to you I won't be surprised if Trump wakes up one day and fires himself thinking he is firing someone else.

I did 30 years in a fundamentalist church, don’t try and tell me you know more about the Bible than I do. How do you think I know that Christians are supposed to be visibly different? That “we will know they are Christians by their love?” What you were talking about is exactly what was preached against in the 70s, the slippery slope of becoming like “them,” and no one would see Christ in us.

I mean seriously, what does “go and sin no more“ mean to you? Christians are meant to be ambassadors of Christ, offering something that man does not have without Christ, that being peace, joy, love, and all the other fruits of the spirit that true believers are blessed with.

If the only reason that you’re a believer is because you believe there’s a hell and you’re trying to avoid it, then I think you’re going to have to try a little harder. Because so far, your witness is for shit.

Of course, you could be one of those that believe once saved, always saved. That would explain a great deal.

Just as I know you're a Stalinist by your hate.

Remember Commie, we are woke. You are not the opposition, you are the enemy. You seek to destroy this nation and everything it stands for.

I gotta admit, you're stellar at the projection. Goebbels would be proud.

Really commie, because Bush hired a group tied to the Kremlin to cook up fabricated trash against Obama in hopes of rigging the election?

Oh wait, nope that was you fucking traitors. Obama, the Clinton campaign, and the FBI used Fusion GPS as go between with the Kremlin to rig the election against Trump.

THEN you turned around and lied that it was Trump who colluded with Russia, when it was you all along. Now that is a Goebbles trick, isn't it Comrade?

But then Goebbles is not the most disgusting demagogue in history, that would be Pol Pot, patron saint of the democrat. the spirit of using children to push the Communist revolution, just as you scum did today....

Nope, not reading. I left the church so I wouldn't have to hear insane people ranting.

You left church and became a Communist to show how sane you are...


Fucking traitors, so stupid.....
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
Yeah... paying off your mistress to keep her quiet and then threaten her if she doesn't stay quiet is no big deal... only to you Trumpanzees.
Now we're finding out some of this happened right before the election which caused Trump to freak and get even more reckless.. once again it's just all " irrelevant," right Sean?

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