Place your Bet!!! (Before Sunday Noon)

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:
“From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.”
The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.
You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.

Wow. So the Bible doesn’t apply anymore, unless you’re using it to denigrate people? So how are Christians different than nonbelievers? They do whatever they want, but they’re going to heaven because Jesus?

Sounds like a pervertion of the Gospel.
Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.

Wow. So the Bible doesn’t apply anymore, unless you’re using it to denigrate people? So how are Christians different than nonbelievers? They do whatever they want, but they’re going to heaven because Jesus?

Sounds like a pervertion of the Gospel.

Your post shows you know jack shit about the New Testament.

Trumps a sinner. I was too. I could put Trump to shame in my rock'n roll days. And you bettcha I had fun :) I was a wild child for many a year.

Then I was born again. 3:16 Sparky.
You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.
It's not me, that needs to "get up to speed" Tiny....

there seems to be a huge difference between modern day free for all, so called Christians, and those who try to follow Christ, and His teachings....

I choose to follow Christ, with every thought...

heart, mind, and soul....

And YES, I most definitely stumble, but I get up, and try again....
Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.

Wow. So the Bible doesn’t apply anymore, unless you’re using it to denigrate people? So how are Christians different than nonbelievers? They do whatever they want, but they’re going to heaven because Jesus?

Sounds like a pervertion of the Gospel.

Your post shows you know jack shit about the New Testament.

Trumps a sinner. I was too. I could put Trump to shame in my rock'n roll days. And you bettcha I had fun :) I was a wild child for many a year.

Then I was born again. 3:16 Sparky.

I did 30 years in a fundamentalist church, don’t try and tell me you know more about the Bible than I do. How do you think I know that Christians are supposed to be visibly different? That “we will know they are Christians by their love?” What you were talking about is exactly what was preached against in the 70s, the slippery slope of becoming like “them,” and no one would see Christ in us.

I mean seriously, what does “go and sin no more“ mean to you? Christians are meant to be ambassadors of Christ, offering something that man does not have without Christ, that being peace, joy, love, and all the other fruits of the spirit that true believers are blessed with.

If the only reason that you’re a believer is because you believe there’s a hell and you’re trying to avoid it, then I think you’re going to have to try a little harder. Because so far, your witness is for shit.

Of course, you could be one of those that believe once saved, always saved. That would explain a great deal.
He’s walking through a mine field, and he knows it. Many of the options will bring everything down on his head, so ..... my guess is he will fire Kelly.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:
“From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.

Wow. So the Bible doesn’t apply anymore, unless you’re using it to denigrate people? So how are Christians different than nonbelievers? They do whatever they want, but they’re going to heaven because Jesus?

Sounds like a pervertion of the Gospel.

Shouldn't you be out marching right now? Or getting ready to go? I doubt you can march more than half a block. Better bring your Walmart scooter.
Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.
It's not me, that needs to "get up to speed" Tiny....

there seems to be a huge difference between modern day free for all, so called Christians, and those who try to follow Christ, and His teachings....

I choose to follow Christ, with every thought...

heart, mind, and soul....

And YES, I most definitely stumble, but I get up, and try again....

Then don't judge the man based on faith. If that was the standard Washington, DC would become a wasteland. There was nothing ever about Trump and his playboy lifestyle that is shocking to me.

Like I said in another post, I could put that man to shame. But then 3:16. Still sin like having a potty mouth but I've cleaned myself up a lot.


So far so good. And still working on it.
you have to be reminded that you're stupid?

i guess that makes sense

Smart enough to get a loss for Hillary.

stupid enough to think i care

Smart enough to know I'm talking to pillars.

If that's pillars, her del impersonation is damn good!

I don't recall her ever making some half-assed insult, thereby leaving it wide-open for someone to slam it back on her.
:lol: agree!

Del is definitely Del! Not a sock!
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
She's a 38 year old porn star with two holstein cow milk udders hanging down to her knees.
The 'interview won't reveal fuck all. She'll never say who "threatened" her. Someone on Facebook probably did though.
The DVD contents will NEVER be released b/c there's nothing damaging to Trump on it.
Her grease-ball 'lawyer' is 'milking' Stormy for all he can to promote himself. He claims to be working for nothing. Ya right! He's working at getting more clients who might actually have cash to pay him instead of blow-jobs.
When the 'interview' ends up being a 'dry-hole' Stormy isn't going to get a book deal or a movie deal. She'll fade back into oblivian and the lawyer will not return her phone calls. She'll end up doing animal sex videos for a company in Mexico.
Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.
It's not me, that needs to "get up to speed" Tiny....

there seems to be a huge difference between modern day free for all, so called Christians, and those who try to follow Christ, and His teachings....

I choose to follow Christ, with every thought...

heart, mind, and soul....

And YES, I most definitely stumble, but I get up, and try again....

Then don't judge the man based on faith. If that was the standard Washington, DC would become a wasteland. There was nothing ever about Trump and his playboy lifestyle that is shocking to me.

Like I said in another post, I could put that man to shame. But then 3:16. Still sin like having a potty mouth but I've cleaned myself up a lot.


So far so good. And still working on it.

Only someone with an IQ under 100 would mistake Trump for a man of faith.
Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.
It's not me, that needs to "get up to speed" Tiny....

there seems to be a huge difference between modern day free for all, so called Christians, and those who try to follow Christ, and His teachings....

I choose to follow Christ, with every thought...

heart, mind, and soul....

And YES, I most definitely stumble, but I get up, and try again....

Then don't judge the man based on faith. If that was the standard Washington, DC would become a wasteland. There was nothing ever about Trump and his playboy lifestyle that is shocking to me.

Like I said in another post, I could put that man to shame. But then 3:16. Still sin like having a potty mouth but I've cleaned myself up a lot.


So far so good. And still working on it.

Only someone with an IQ under 100 would mistake Trump for a man of faith.

What's up, Weebil? Thought you were marching in DC today?
Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

Pffffft. What do you want a current day Christian to be? Wandering around wearing a nun's habit? Carrying a cross? Looking like Sally Fields flying around?


You need to get up to speed.
It's not me, that needs to "get up to speed" Tiny....

there seems to be a huge difference between modern day free for all, so called Christians, and those who try to follow Christ, and His teachings....

I choose to follow Christ, with every thought...

heart, mind, and soul....

And YES, I most definitely stumble, but I get up, and try again....

Then don't judge the man based on faith. If that was the standard Washington, DC would become a wasteland. There was nothing ever about Trump and his playboy lifestyle that is shocking to me.

Like I said in another post, I could put that man to shame. But then 3:16. Still sin like having a potty mouth but I've cleaned myself up a lot.


So far so good. And still working on it.

I agree with you Tiny! There is nothing shocking about Trump and all of his affairs....I would not be surprised if he and Melania have a so called "open marriage" only just one sided, (if that makes sense).

The prostitute affinity is a little surprising, because I thought he could probably get any girl he wanted, without having to literally "pay" for them....he tried to pay McDoogle and stormy was concerned that he was going to try to pay her...because he had already tried to pay one of her girlfriends or two.....

But even that does not matter to most Americans...we have seen enough titillating scandals over the years that has desensitized it.

People who do not trust or like Trump are watching to find out if he and his lawyer did anything illegal....campaign finance law-wise...
with his or his lawyer's non disclosure agreement payoffs one month before the election...and not declaring the "donation"....

and if Stormy Daniels was really physically threatened to sign it, as Stormy's lawyer alleges....?

And if this affinity for prostitutes, has gotten him in to some kind of Kompromat situation....?
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
She's a 38 year old porn star with two holstein cow milk udders hanging down to her knees.
The 'interview won't reveal fuck all. She'll never say who "threatened" her. Someone on Facebook probably did though.
The DVD contents will NEVER be released b/c there's nothing damaging to Trump on it.
Her grease-ball 'lawyer' is 'milking' Stormy for all he can to promote himself. He claims to be working for nothing. Ya right! He's working at getting more clients who might actually have cash to pay him instead of blow-jobs.
When the 'interview' ends up being a 'dry-hole' Stormy isn't going to get a book deal or a movie deal. She'll fade back into oblivian and the lawyer will not return her phone calls. She'll end up doing animal sex videos for a company in Mexico.

Wolf Blitzer last night did an interview with her lawyer and tricked him into saying Cohen threatened her... and that Trump's bodyguard Keith Shiller was also involved.
Its funny how the libs and the media devote hours to this 10 year old story and they said virtually nothing about the women who accused Clinton of rape and sexual assault while he was president.

The hypocrisy of the left is unbounded.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

You know, I was just sitting here thinking ;you know what would be great? What if one of these Stalinists virtue signaled what it is to be a Christian? These vermin who work to eradicate any and every hist of Christian culture or ethics in America really are the best choice to define what Christian values are. :thup:

Is just like Hitler defining what it means to be a good Jew...
You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:
“From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

You're not clever Comrade.

What if the Communists created a scandal and no one cared?

Now you know. Soros wasted his money buying Daniels.

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