Place your Bet!!! (Before Sunday Noon)


I didn't lie. A CONSERVATIVE source ORIGINALLY funded the Steele dossier. Now try again.

You do lie, the Washington Free Beacon had nothing to do with Steele or the Colllusion of the Clinton campaign with the Kremlin.

Because I have absolutely and irrefutably proven this to you before, you are a fucking liar. You post what you know to be false, because you are a Marxist and you have utterly no integrity.

You are such a big liar and so far partisan, you couldn't pvoe water is wet if your life depended on it.


{The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.}

Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon - Washington Free Beacon

You're not just a fucking liar Lewd, you're dumb as a dog turd.

I've nailed you before on this same lie, but you're too fucking stupid to learn from your prior smack downs.,,,

And you're full of shit and I'll believe the intelligence agencies over you every day of the week and twice on the 8th day of the week.

You wouldn't know the truth if it had three naked tatas and was slapping you in the face.

Okay fucktard, what exactly do the "intelligence agencies" have to say about the Washington Free Beacon?

ThinkProgress isn't an "intelligence agency," you drooling fucking dolt.

Face it, you are a barely sentient hack spewing shit you have no real grasp of because you think it will get you praise from your fellow Marxists.

Hey dipshit, show me where I used ThinkProgress as a reference? Who's the lying sack of shit? :abgg2q.jpg:

You just keep doing that thing that you do. I like laughing at you and how you try your damnedest to call out others while looking like a complete douchebag. If you ever told the truth you'd catch on fire like a vampire walking in sunlight.
can't fool you for long, huh?

Takes you awhile to figure things out huh?
not really

i knew you were a fuckwit the moment i laid eyes on you

Have you EVER, even once, posted anything with actual content? You know, on topic?

That would be a big, FUCK NO...

Why you are allowed to troll content free is a complete mystery.

Even Shitting Bull posts stuff that while stupid and partisan, at least addresses the topic in an ancillary way. You though, you're a fucking waste of bandwidth who literally NEVER posts anything worthwhile.


C'mon, del routinely sets himself up to be skewered if you know what you're doing. I enjoy that. Please don't deprive me?

know what you're doing


Or halfway at least. :funnyface:
My God del

get a life

breathe some fresh air

Uh, that will be a bit difficult for del...

HeadupAss.jpg what ever happened to all those other women that came out during the election?????
One of them just got permission a couple of days ago from the appeal's court I believe? to be able to sue Trump for slander, even while he sits as President....!!!

:sleeping-smiley-015: :gives:

you cared!

YOU brought it up... and asked a question, of which I answered!


so much for sarcasm...
So, the president may have been cavorting with Playboy playmates and porn stars a decade or so ago and…and what? Oh, right, we’re supposed to care.

To me, it's not about him being a whore, or cheating on his wife early in their marriage, or how his son is having to deal with this kind of stuff so openly, or the President of the USA having his past continually trying to catch up with him with one scandal after another....or KARMA, for that matter..... Though 'all of the above' may be the case with some people....
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

Trump puts on a mankini and does a little dance on the White House lawn.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

Trump puts on a mankini and does a little dance on the White House lawn.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

Trump puts on a mankini and does a little dance on the White House lawn.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

You mean he might pull a Clinton?

What do I mean?

On the eve of the Impeachment against Clinton, Bill Clinton bombed Iraq, so do you believe Trump will do what his buddy did?
and you all claimed it was "Wag the Dog", yeah, I remember it all! However, I believe history has shown, he was not wagging the matter what you all thought at the time....

but let's say he was... by moving it up a day or two,

What do you think this Chaos President will do?

Ummm, it was Wag the Dog with Clinton because there was no need to attack Iraq then nor was there a need to invade Iraq when Bush was President, so let not pretend Clinton did for any other reason except to divert attention from his impeachment in the House.

As for Trump I say the banning of bump stocks?


Well if nothing more than that then I say he will just tweet threats about lawsuits and most likely threaten to shut CBS down but in the end fail.

As for the story about his affair, well is that really news?

Go back over my threads during the 2016 election and I promise you will find where I discussed about his divorces and him being the male slut he is, so is this really anything new?

Maybe breaking the law part if that can be proven about the payment but hell it will be until 2020 before anything and by then does it really matter?

So my answer is angry tweets with threats of lawsuits and threat against CBS but nothing more...
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.

{adds “a Bible you fucking hate” to list of words I never thought I’d see in the same sentence}
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
There’s no telling what Trump is capable of doing.

He’s unreliable, unstable, reckless, and irresponsible.
He’s walking through a mine field, and he knows it. Many of the options will bring everything down on his head, so ..... my guess is he will fire Kelly.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
ssooo, YOU and that mouth, are a Christian?

Yeah, sure you are..... :rolleyes:

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