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Lying about who paid for the dossier.

Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon › uncategorized › fusion...

Oct 27, 2017 · All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Quit lying. Oh, that’s right, that’s all you’ve got. People with a lick of sense don’t fall for them anymore.
If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

And Lewdog would Democrats be paying accusers to
go after Trump, or paying to settle and shut them down?

If Trump was a Democrat President like Bill Clinton???
Isn't it mutual?

How do you know it is the Democrats paying them? Republicans were originally the ones who paid for the Steele dossier. I hate to tell you this, but with only a 30% something approval rating, there are a lot of Republicans that dislike Trump too.

Lying about what? Are you saying there aren't Republicans that don't like Trump? :abgg2q.jpg: what ever happened to all those other women that came out during the election?????
My best guess is that he won't have to do anything. By that time, the stock market will have collapsed, and we will have other things to worry about.
Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.

WTF are you talking about? So your beliefs all of a sudden change based on other people? You do realize that isn't how faith is supposed to work right?

Dear Lewdog
1. Whether it was "literally" Democrats or liberals,
the point is when Clinton was President the supporters denied or suppressed or settled charges
while opponents pushed to impeach him for perjuring himself regarding sexual relations while in Office.
now when you ask what if Trump were a Democrat President in office
wouldn't the tables be turned the other way?
And I'm saying yes, then the Supporters of Trump would be liberals/Democrats
and the Opponents would be the Republicans and Conservatives

2. As for adultery and the Bible,
Yes this is equally a violation for Trump to commit it as Clinton.
But since adultery is not illegal by secular laws,
then the cases are different because
a. Trump did this outside Govt Office and not on Govt property or with Govt staff
b. Trump has not perjured himself under oath, and if he's smart
and listens to his lawyers and watches his mouth he can AVOID the mistake Clinton made by going that far

Also by the Bible
the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
which I understand to mean the sin of unforgiveness.
We have to forgive in order to receive forgiveness
or we block the process from happening.

So it is up to Trump to forgive in order to go through
the steps to correct the wrongs he did. If anyone
fails to forgive Trump, that unforgiveness is on THAT person and so on.

the way "faith works" is by Forgiveness.
this is what heals and allows corrections
to restore just and peaceful relations between neighbors in Christ.

And lastly if someone trespasses and needs rebuke and correction
the Bible instructs believers in Matthew 18:15-20 to address
the person directly one on one and try to resolve it between them.
if that fails to establish truth, then other witnesses come in
to resolve the issue. The point is to RESTORE good faith relations
in Christ. And only if that fails, you tell it unto the church. And if
that doesn't resolve the grievance, you leave that person as
a nonbeliever a heathen and hypocrite.

So if you want to follow the Bible, then use that path.

If you are going to follow the secular ways then we
are supposed to respect due process.

Neither law calls to denounce someone in public
without first addressing them, naming the accusations
and bringing witnesses against them, and giving them
equal rights of defense.

So this business of judging and punishing people publicly,
denouncing and rejecting them without due process
goes against both Biblical and Constitutional principles and process.

Sorry I didn't read all that... But Clinton was impeached. Did you read that? Clinton... was... impeached.
Lying about who paid for the dossier.

Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon › uncategorized › fusion...

Oct 27, 2017 · All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Quit lying. Oh, that’s right, that’s all you’ve got. People with a lick of sense don’t fall for them anymore.
If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

And Lewdog would Democrats be paying accusers to
go after Trump, or paying to settle and shut them down?

If Trump was a Democrat President like Bill Clinton???
Isn't it mutual?

How do you know it is the Democrats paying them? Republicans were originally the ones who paid for the Steele dossier. I hate to tell you this, but with only a 30% something approval rating, there are a lot of Republicans that dislike Trump too.

Lying about what? Are you saying there aren't Republicans that don't like Trump? :abgg2q.jpg:

I didn't lie. A CONSERVATIVE source ORIGINALLY funded the Steele dossier. Now try again. what ever happened to all those other women that came out during the election?????
One of them just got permission a couple of days ago from the appeal's court I believe? to be able to sue Trump for slander, even while he sits as President....!!!

I didn't lie. A CONSERVATIVE source ORIGINALLY funded the Steele dossier. Now try again.

You do lie, the Washington Free Beacon had nothing to do with Steele or the Colllusion of the Clinton campaign with the Kremlin.

Because I have absolutely and irrefutably proven this to you before, you are a fucking liar. You post what you know to be false, because you are a Marxist and you have utterly no integrity.
not my turn to mind her

did you check up your ass?

there's room for the 10th mountain division

10th Mountain Division? That where you got the pearl necklace, delbert? I mean butt-plugs and sure know the lingo...maybe you and lewdog should meet up and trash some sheets at a Motel 6.
10th Mountain Division? That where you got the pearl necklace, delbert? I mean butt-plugs and sure know the lingo...maybe you and lewdog should meet up and trash some sheets at a Motel 6.

Oh, you'll not hear from dull again tonight. He gets his moronic ass kicked, then crawls off muttering "eye iz 2 smart..."

But fear not, he'll ooze back in here once he sobers up..,

I didn't lie. A CONSERVATIVE source ORIGINALLY funded the Steele dossier. Now try again.

You do lie, the Washington Free Beacon had nothing to do with Steele or the Colllusion of the Clinton campaign with the Kremlin.

Because I have absolutely and irrefutably proven this to you before, you are a fucking liar. You post what you know to be false, because you are a Marxist and you have utterly no integrity.

You are such a big liar and so far partisan, you couldn't pvoe water is wet if your life depended on it.
you have to be reminded that you're stupid?

i guess that makes sense

Smart enough to get a loss for Hillary.

stupid enough to think i care

Why don't you STFU and go pop balloons with your head, thereby making yourself useful?

Are you calling Del a pinhead??? :lmao:

Why yes, yes I am. Care to prove me wrong? :funnyface:

you do just fine all by yourself, fitnah

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