Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel

Public employees have no business being unionized period.

All they do is beg/bribe their Democrat/Govt benefactors for more, more, more.....

F--k them.

Public employees have less rights than private employees?

When they live off the public tit, you bet your stupid ass.....

They don't live off the public tit, they do a job for a salary. What they do with their money is non of anybodies business.

AGAIN; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute deductions for an employee?
Public employees have no business being unionized period.

All they do is beg/bribe their Democrat/Govt benefactors for more, more, more.....

F--k them.

Public employees have less rights than private employees?

When they live off the public tit, you bet your stupid ass.....

They don't live off the public tit, they do a job for a salary. What they do with their money is non of anybodies business.

AGAIN; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute deductions for an employee?

Yep, the jobs they do are for a salary and benefits paid for with taxpayer funds. With unions buying the influence of dem politicians who reward them with increased salaries and benefits. Its called corruption.
The fact is Republicans state that it costs the State money to deduct and distribute for an employee. The fact also remains that nobody has stated the cost. So it's a lie.

Ridiculous reasoning. For instance, I haven't said you are an asshole but my failure to do so doesn't mean it's a lie. See how that works, Asshole?
They don't live off the public tit, they do a job for a salary. What they do with their money is non of anybodies business. AGAIN; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute deductions for an employee?

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? The point is our gov't has NO BUSINESS requiring employers to collect union dues. If the union and its members want that arrangement, let 'em negotiate with the company for it. You seem to be afraid that loyal union members won't pay their dues unless it is deducted from their wages.
According to Republicans, it's NOT OK for an auto deduction which costs nothing, but IT IS OK to use your cell phone to pay, and PAY A FEE.

I LOVE IT.....screw workers and suck your contributors all at once! YOU GO REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel News The Advocate Baton Rouge Louisiana


You should be amply rewarded for a sterling example of misrepresenting the facts!!!


The fact is Republicans state that it costs the State money to deduct and distribute for an employee. The fact also remains that nobody has stated the cost. So it's a lie.

Are you REALLY this incredibly stupid? Are you suggesting that there is NO cost to establishing the automatic deduction?

Let's see ---

1) HR person gets trained on how to brief the new worker about the auto deduction of union fees.
2) HR person orders/managers/maintains the authorization forms BEFORE being completed.
3) HR person briefs new employee about the program, and sits while the individual fills out the form.
4) HR person checks forms, makes corrections, or directs new worker to make corrections.
5) HR person send form to Finance to have auto deduction initiated.
6) Mailroom carries form down to Finance (or somebody maintains the computer system that allows the email to be sent).
7) Finance person reviews form, schedules it for input into the system.
8) Finance/data entry makes entry into computer.
9) Original form is annotated, and sent back to HR.
10) HR files form in new worker's personnel folder.

Yep - no cost -all free.

Give me a freakin' break!

Dude, everyone knows it costs nothing to run a business ... especially the guy who says he owns a few.
I read somewhere that the cost of government activity, on any program, is 38%

But, I can definitively tell you this - when bidding for government contracts, we used to figure out what it cost to build the item/service, and then add 46% 'wrap rate' to cover the additional costs of managing and responding to government oversight.

In short, we raised the cost of production 46% because it was a government contract. And, before you ask, our average profit margin (which is predefined in the contract) was 7%.

Let me clarify this .... if an item costs $1 to build (including profit), we would have to charge the government $1.46 because of the effort necessary to handle their oversight. In addition, the taxpayer would pay an extra 38% labor for the government's effort - raising the total item cost to $1.93. Now you know why we have $600 toilet seats and $300 hammers.

I love it when a poster prefesses her/his post with 'I read somewhere.'

Since I'm a GSA contractor let me help you out.

One of the companies I own designs, engineers, builds, maintains, and leases space on telecommunications towers. If you take a close look at cell towers, you'll see 24" x 24" boxes with antennas protruding from either the top or bottom on the inside of the triangle. Those are radio repeaters mostly for public agencies such as CLEMARS in California and Desert Sky in Nevada as well as private radio systems. Government agencies pay no more and no less than private companies for the same product or service. Only when the government tries to reinvent the hammer, or an unscrupulous contractor tries to gouge taxpayers does the government pay more, which brings up the question; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute deductions for an employee?

Interesting - we seem to be in the same business - kinda. Except, that you are selling pre-built items to the government. You are not selling them engineering labor, design and manufacturing, research and development, and intellectual property. I build satellites, ground stations, and sensors.

In short, we build one-of-a-kind items. I would hope you don't overcharge the government. But, then, I also know that the government doesn't oversee your manufacturing and design processes, doesn't inject requirements creep.

You sell toilet seats - I sell expertise.

(Frankly, given economy of scale, I'm more than a little surprised that you don't give a government discount - maybe I'll look at expanding into microwave and radio links.)
Are you REALLY this incredibly stupid? Are you suggesting that there is NO cost to establishing the automatic deduction?

Let's see ---

1) HR person gets trained on how to brief the new worker about the auto deduction of union fees.
2) HR person orders/managers/maintains the authorization forms BEFORE being completed.
3) HR person briefs new employee about the program, and sits while the individual fills out the form.
4) HR person checks forms, makes corrections, or directs new worker to make corrections.
5) HR person send form to Finance to have auto deduction initiated.
6) Mailroom carries form down to Finance (or somebody maintains the computer system that allows the email to be sent).
7) Finance person reviews form, schedules it for input into the system.
8) Finance/data entry makes entry into computer.
9) Original form is annotated, and sent back to HR.
10) HR files form in new worker's personnel folder.

Yep - no cost -all free.

Give me a freakin' break!

You still haven't listed the cost of deducting and distributing deductions requested by an employee.

The rest of your list from 1995 is all done electronically in 2015. HR Departments exist today to correct errors made by employees, however, most errors are noted when the employee enters information and is corrected at that time.

Sorry, my friend --- you've convinced me. I don't believe a single word about your business expertise. Taking a nonsensical position like this tells me you don't have a clue about running a company, much less owning one.

Your credibility is shot all to hell. You probably want to move quietly away.
You still haven't listed the cost of deducting and distributing deductions requested by an employee.
The rest of your list from 1995 is all done electronically in 2015. HR Departments exist today to correct errors made by employees, however, most errors are noted when the employee enters information and is corrected at that time.
Sorry, my friend --- you've convinced me. I don't believe a single word about your business expertise. Taking a nonsensical position like this tells me you don't have a clue about running a company, much less owning one.
Your credibility is shot all to hell. You probably want to move quietly away.
Please don't scare our 1%er away ... he's 1% of-a-kind. :beer:
Are you REALLY this incredibly stupid? Are you suggesting that there is NO cost to establishing the automatic deduction?

Let's see ---

1) HR person gets trained on how to brief the new worker about the auto deduction of union fees.
2) HR person orders/managers/maintains the authorization forms BEFORE being completed.
3) HR person briefs new employee about the program, and sits while the individual fills out the form.
4) HR person checks forms, makes corrections, or directs new worker to make corrections.
5) HR person send form to Finance to have auto deduction initiated.
6) Mailroom carries form down to Finance (or somebody maintains the computer system that allows the email to be sent).
7) Finance person reviews form, schedules it for input into the system.
8) Finance/data entry makes entry into computer.
9) Original form is annotated, and sent back to HR.
10) HR files form in new worker's personnel folder.

Yep - no cost -all free.

Give me a freakin' break!

You still haven't listed the cost of deducting and distributing deductions requested by an employee.

The rest of your list from 1995 is all done electronically in 2015. HR Departments exist today to correct errors made by employees, however, most errors are noted when the employee enters information and is corrected at that time.

Computer systems, huh?

1) How much do those computers cost?
2) How many more did you have to add to your inventory to handle the increased workload?
3) How many computer techs do you need to keep those computers operating?
4) How much does the software cost?
5) How much does computer security cost?

The point is simple -- NOTHING is free. You pay for everything. The fact that you don't acknowledge this is amazing. Business managers/owners live this stuff - it's in their blood. By the way, if I were tasked to do this, I could tell you down to the penny EXACTLY what it costs. If I can't, I ought to be fired.

The fact that you don't manage like this certainly contributes to my previous comment about you being a bald faced liar. You own no businesses -
Because unions suck and we don't like them.
How's that for a cause? Kill the unions! Today!

Spoken like a old white guy sociopath who has his and fuck everyone else. YOU are what's wrong with America.

Rule No. 4 When lacking an intelligent and cogent response, attack the poster.

I'm calling a pig, a pig. Are you too an old white guy sociopath who has his and fuck everyone else?

No .... what you're actually doing is trying to cover up your innate ignorance by deflecting the conversation into something you feel safe with - flaming others. And, frankly, you're not doing a very good job of it. Your ignorance is still showing.

As for me .... you have no clue.

I see I've made my point.

So tell us; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute an employees deduction?

Only YOU would consider being called an ignorant liar as proof that you made your point.

Sad ... so very sad.
Public employees have no business being unionized period.

All they do is beg/bribe their Democrat/Govt benefactors for more, more, more.....

F--k them.

Public employees have less rights than private employees?

When they live off the public tit, you bet your stupid ass.....

They don't live off the public tit, they do a job for a salary. What they do with their money is non of anybodies business.

AGAIN; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute deductions for an employee?

Ok, you win --- tomorrow morning, I will ask my Chief of Administration how much this will cost. You will have your answer by noon.
Are you REALLY this incredibly stupid? Are you suggesting that there is NO cost to establishing the automatic deduction?

Let's see ---

1) HR person gets trained on how to brief the new worker about the auto deduction of union fees.
2) HR person orders/managers/maintains the authorization forms BEFORE being completed.
3) HR person briefs new employee about the program, and sits while the individual fills out the form.
4) HR person checks forms, makes corrections, or directs new worker to make corrections.
5) HR person send form to Finance to have auto deduction initiated.
6) Mailroom carries form down to Finance (or somebody maintains the computer system that allows the email to be sent).
7) Finance person reviews form, schedules it for input into the system.
8) Finance/data entry makes entry into computer.
9) Original form is annotated, and sent back to HR.
10) HR files form in new worker's personnel folder.

Yep - no cost -all free.

Give me a freakin' break!

You still haven't listed the cost of deducting and distributing deductions requested by an employee.

The rest of your list from 1995 is all done electronically in 2015. HR Departments exist today to correct errors made by employees, however, most errors are noted when the employee enters information and is corrected at that time.

Computer systems, huh?

1) How much do those computers cost?
2) How many more did you have to add to your inventory to handle the increased workload?
3) How many computer techs do you need to keep those computers operating?
4) How much does the software cost?
5) How much does computer security cost?

Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that stuff is all free to businesses.
Are you REALLY this incredibly stupid? Are you suggesting that there is NO cost to establishing the automatic deduction?

Let's see ---

1) HR person gets trained on how to brief the new worker about the auto deduction of union fees.
2) HR person orders/managers/maintains the authorization forms BEFORE being completed.
3) HR person briefs new employee about the program, and sits while the individual fills out the form.
4) HR person checks forms, makes corrections, or directs new worker to make corrections.
5) HR person send form to Finance to have auto deduction initiated.
6) Mailroom carries form down to Finance (or somebody maintains the computer system that allows the email to be sent).
7) Finance person reviews form, schedules it for input into the system.
8) Finance/data entry makes entry into computer.
9) Original form is annotated, and sent back to HR.
10) HR files form in new worker's personnel folder.

Yep - no cost -all free.

Give me a freakin' break!

You still haven't listed the cost of deducting and distributing deductions requested by an employee.

The rest of your list from 1995 is all done electronically in 2015. HR Departments exist today to correct errors made by employees, however, most errors are noted when the employee enters information and is corrected at that time.

Computer systems, huh?

1) How much do those computers cost?
2) How many more did you have to add to your inventory to handle the increased workload?
3) How many computer techs do you need to keep those computers operating?
4) How much does the software cost?
5) How much does computer security cost?

Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that stuff is all free to businesses.

Oh? Then what are all those checks I sign every Monday? LOL
So you pay ZERO bank fee's? If you say 'NO', then post your bank so we can show you you do.
are you baked?

The fact remains that you pay for all bank services (unless your rich) whether you use them or not.

Not true, of course.
If he couldn't lie, he would be lost.

Take a long look at your bank statements over the last 20 years and get back with me.

If you pay bank fees, you need a better bank. Yes, it really IS that simple!
are you baked?

The fact remains that you pay for all bank services (unless your rich) whether you use them or not.

Not true, of course.
If he couldn't lie, he would be lost.

Take a long look at your bank statements over the last 20 years and get back with me.

If you pay bank fees, you need a better bank. Yes, it really IS that simple!

I'm guessing you don't know how banks (and their fees) are structured, huh?
Because unions suck and we don't like them.
How's that for a cause? Kill the unions! Today!

Spoken like a old white guy sociopath who has his and fuck everyone else. YOU are what's wrong with America.

Rule No. 4 When lacking an intelligent and cogent response, attack the poster.

I'm calling a pig, a pig. Are you too an old white guy sociopath who has his and fuck everyone else?

No .... what you're actually doing is trying to cover up your innate ignorance by deflecting the conversation into something you feel safe with - flaming others. And, frankly, you're not doing a very good job of it. Your ignorance is still showing.

As for me .... you have no clue.

I see I've made my point.

So tell us; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute an employees deduction?

If it is 1 cent, that is too much.
No, that is a LIE! Online payments cost me (and most people) NOTHING. You need a better bank.

So you pay ZERO bank fee's? If you say 'NO', then post your bank so we can show you you do.
are you baked?

The fact remains that you pay for all bank services (unless your rich) whether you use them or not.

Not true, of course.

Maybe in Canada, but in the US bank fees have increased over the past 20 years because they are offering more services like on-line bill pay, which you are paying for even if you don't use it.

Even if that is true, it doesn't equate to your claim that "you pay for ALL bank services, whether you use them or not."
Public employees have no business being unionized period.

All they do is beg/bribe their Democrat/Govt benefactors for more, more, more.....

F--k them.

Public employees have less rights than private employees?

When they live off the public tit, you bet your stupid ass.....

They don't live off the public tit, they do a job for a salary. What they do with their money is non of anybodies business.

AGAIN; How much does it cost the State to deduct and distribute deductions for an employee?

Yep, the jobs they do are for a salary and benefits paid for with taxpayer funds. With unions buying the influence of dem politicians who reward them with increased salaries and benefits. Its called corruption.

Wouldn't that include any employee of any business that derives any revenue directly or indirectly from taxpayer funds?

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