Plan to Convert Roads to Gravel Begins Despite Pushback

It would make every bit of difference as the Obama/Hillary-touted and heralded Alberta Clipper pipeline. Exact same function and purpose.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

Only here we are four years later and all of a sudden, the very same scenario is playing out but to a different tune. Damned idiot Dumocraps.
How much will Keystone reduce the cost of gasoline in America?



Did you read my link re: the Alberta Clipper Pipeline?
Not yet. Why?

But how much will Keystone lower a gallon of gas in the US?

Why waste money repairing a road that is only going to get torn up again in a month or two.

Liberals...we in the sane states call this P-R-A-C-T-I-C-A-L-I-T-Y...look it up.
But if those roads service residents, who were there before the heavy trucks, who should be responsible for maintaining the road for them?

Why should their property values be lowered, due to heavy industry encroaching on their area?

Why waste money repairing a road that is only going to get torn up again in a month or two.

Liberals...we in the sane states call this P-R-A-C-T-I-C-A-L-I-T-Y...look it up.

Republican politicians want us to pay higher taxes. What should they be spending our money on?

Yeah, all those tax and spend Republicans...:cuckoo:

P.S.- Texas has NO income tax to

Why waste money repairing a road that is only going to get torn up again in a month or two.

Liberals...we in the sane states call this P-R-A-C-T-I-C-A-L-I-T-Y...look it up.
But if those roads service residents, who were there before the heavy trucks, who should be responsible for maintaining the road for them?

Why should their property values be lowered, due to heavy industry encroaching on their area?

Why should they be lowered by a wind farm, or an electric transmission line or a landfill or a prison or a six lane superhighway or a sewer reclamation station?

Whatever the reason one supplies for those...that's the reason.
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How much will Keystone reduce the cost of gasoline in America?



Did you read my link re: the Alberta Clipper Pipeline?
Not yet. Why?

But how much will Keystone lower a gallon of gas in the US?

Why the fixation on gasoline prices?

Why am I paying record prices for groceries while the agriculture industry exports tens of millions of tons of grains, year in and year out?

Did the Alberta Clipper pipeline LOWER gasoline prices? That was 2009. Read the link, and tell ME why Obama and Hillary bragged upon their accomplishment of approving the project. The project that is identical in size, scope, and purpose as the Keystone XL.

Why waste money repairing a road that is only going to get torn up again in a month or two.

Liberals...we in the sane states call this P-R-A-C-T-I-C-A-L-I-T-Y...look it up.
But if those roads service residents, who were there before the heavy trucks, who should be responsible for maintaining the road for them?

Why should their property values be lowered, due to heavy industry encroaching on their area?

Do you have any clue as to the taxes paid by "heavy industry"?
Or the thousands that they employ?

Or the economic benefits they bring?

If a municipality can't maintain a simple road after collecting windfall benefits from commerce, then it's their own fucking fault.

Bravo business, fuck local ineptitude.


Did you read my link re: the Alberta Clipper Pipeline?
Not yet. Why?

But how much will Keystone lower a gallon of gas in the US?

Why the fixation on gasoline prices?

Why am I paying record prices for groceries while the agriculture industry exports tens of millions of tons of grains, year in and year out?

Did the Alberta Clipper pipeline LOWER gasoline prices? That was 2009. Read the link, and tell ME why Obama and Hillary bragged upon their accomplishment of approving the project. The project that is identical in size, scope, and purpose as the Keystone XL.
I'm just not seeing any upside to Keystone for the U.S.

I see plenty of downside, though.

Why waste money repairing a road that is only going to get torn up again in a month or two.

Liberals...we in the sane states call this P-R-A-C-T-I-C-A-L-I-T-Y...look it up.
But if those roads service residents, who were there before the heavy trucks, who should be responsible for maintaining the road for them?

Why should their property values be lowered, due to heavy industry encroaching on their area?

Do you have any clue as to the taxes paid by "heavy industry"?
Or the thousands that they employ?

Or the economic benefits they bring?

If a municipality can't maintain a simple road after collecting windfall benefits from commerce, then it's their own fucking fault.

Bravo business, fuck local ineptitude.
Well, in this case, it's Texas ineptitude.

Republicans are lousy at governing. Because they are against governing in the first place. So they do it badly, then turn around and say "See? Government doesn't work - turn it over to the private sector".
Privatizing the roads would be a grand idea for Texas. Let capital work and the services will become exponentially better. If Texas privatizes its roads, Im moving there tomorrow.

Sure, that's a great idea. And then only people that can afford to drive privatized roads will drive on them. What could go wrong?


And lets not forget the Toll Booths that will appear every five or ten miles to access those roads. Those privately owned asphalt roads will have to be paid for somehow!
And in other news, Texas demands the USA declare the Earth is flat and the Universe revolves around Texas
Privatizing the roads would be a grand idea for Texas. Let capital work and the services will become exponentially better. If Texas privatizes its roads, Im moving there tomorrow.

Sure, that's a great idea. And then only people that can afford to drive privatized roads will drive on them. What could go wrong?


And lets not forget the Toll Booths that will appear every five or ten miles to access those roads. Those privately owned asphalt roads will have to be paid for somehow!
And who will decide how much each toll is? Can they jack it up a dollar whenever they want? How about 2 dollars? How about 5 dollars?
This is the kind of decrease in the standard of living you get with Republican governance.

Heckuva job, Rick Perry!

You must be equally enraged by the standards NY state has kept our roads and bridges,they suck like never before,more closed brides ,yet the highest taxes in the nation,but not one word from a simpleton like yourself.Drive 20 miles south and PA is getting their roads rebuilt by the gas and pipeline companies ,plus reaping the economic befits,standard of living is way up.Yet the brain trust run by, not republicans, sit on their thumbs spend money yet get little done,you must be really pissed about that also,right?
Sure, that's a great idea. And then only people that can afford to drive privatized roads will drive on them. What could go wrong?


And lets not forget the Toll Booths that will appear every five or ten miles to access those roads. Those privately owned asphalt roads will have to be paid for somehow!
And who will decide how much each toll is? Can they jack it up a dollar whenever they want? How about 2 dollars? How about 5 dollars?

Competition will decide. See, contrary to common LOLberal belief, service and good providers shoot to give consumers the lowest price possible for the best product/service. Why would they do such a thing? I dont know. I think it has soemthing to do with competition and economics. You should read about economics sometime. Very interesting stuff.
This is the kind of decrease in the standard of living you get with Republican governance.

Heckuva job, Rick Perry!

You must be equally enraged by the standards NY state has kept our roads and bridges,they suck like never before,more closed brides ,yet the highest taxes in the nation,but not one word from a simpleton like yourself.Drive 20 miles south and PA is getting their roads rebuilt by the gas and pipeline companies ,plus reaping the economic befits,standard of living is way up.Yet the brain trust run by, not republicans, sit on their thumbs spend money yet get little done,you must be really pissed about that also,right?

As a resident of NYC, the roads here are in excellent shape! Except, well, all of them. Taxes are low compared to much more socialist naitons! If only we could raise more taxes in NY we could neglect the roads less! And PA is a disaster. They are causing goebbel's wamring at an alaming rate with their oil and gas!

They are destroying the planet. Government is the only one capable of neglecting the roads.
I don't know, so i'm asking . Would the keystone pipeline make difference?

It would make every bit of difference as the Obama/Hillary-touted and heralded Alberta Clipper pipeline. Exact same function and purpose.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

Only here we are four years later and all of a sudden, the very same scenario is playing out but to a different tune. Damned idiot Dumocraps.
How much will Keystone reduce the cost of gasoline in America?

Completion of the Keystone pipeline could actually increase the price of refined gasoline in the United States. The purpose of the pipeline is to gain access to deepwater Gulf ports for Canadian crude. Once they have access, this oil will likely be sold into international markets; right now, it is shipped to the Midwestern U.S. and refined/distributed, thereby increasing domestic supplies. When this stuff is sold elsewhere, our domestic supplies will actually fall.
Privatizing the roads would be a grand idea for Texas. Let capital work and the services will become exponentially better. If Texas privatizes its roads, Im moving there tomorrow.

Sure, that's a great idea. And then only people that can afford to drive privatized roads will drive on them. What could go wrong?


And lets not forget the Toll Booths that will appear every five or ten miles to access those roads. Those privately owned asphalt roads will have to be paid for somehow!

Been to Houston lately? Every time I visit my nephew I get to pay $3 to get from Houston to Spring.
And lets not forget the Toll Booths that will appear every five or ten miles to access those roads. Those privately owned asphalt roads will have to be paid for somehow!
And who will decide how much each toll is? Can they jack it up a dollar whenever they want? How about 2 dollars? How about 5 dollars?

Competition will decide. See, contrary to common LOLberal belief, service and good providers shoot to give consumers the lowest price possible for the best product/service. Why would they do such a thing? I dont know. I think it has soemthing to do with competition and economics. You should read about economics sometime. Very interesting stuff.

Competition? What, there will be another road built alongside the toll road, for people to use?

Damn, you're retarded.

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