Planned Parenthood and donations

I realize that abortion today is American genocide against those of color, that fact should not be lost on those who discuss the topic.

Horseshit. It's white people who are thankfully shrinking as a percentage of the population. And frankly, when your side stops yanking school lunches out of the mouths of poor children of color to give tax breaks to billionaires, I'll take you seriously on your concern for kidney-bean sized fetuses.
Your post sounds like the train came off the rails. What does the white population have to do with your support of black genocide? If the percentage of whites is dropping it is due to birthrates that are responsible, it has nothing to do with abortion. Since you brought up whites, is that your concern and that is why you want the genocide to continue?
With all those wealthy liberals running around telling us how to live, what to believe, why is it that they don't put their money where their mouth is and fund PP privately? Whats up with that? Are they afraid that it will kindle the truth behind the progressive movement and its lofty ties to eugenics?

We'll fund PP Privately the minute you guys fund the Military Industrial Complex privately and start sending your kids off to war for Zionism and the Oil Companies. Sounds reasonable to me.
Your post sounds like the train came off the rails. What does the white population have to do with your support of black genocide? If the percentage of whites is dropping it is due to birthrates that are responsible, it has nothing to do with abortion. Since you brought up whites, is that your concern and that is why you want the genocide to continue?

People practicing control over their bodies isn't genocide.

You see, what you stupid brain-dead fucks don't realize is that abortion laws before 1973 were about as effective as prostitution laws are. Women were always able to get abortions if they wanted them. Women were never arrested for having abortions and doctors who performed them were never arrested for performing them unless they were grossly incompetent and injured the woman, and even then they did minimal jail time.

So the idea that legal abortion is "genocide' is silly. It's something you guys say to make yourselves sound progressive, but it is really kind of insulting to black women who make a decision, "I'm not ready to have a family right now."
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.

No, I don't wonder about those things at all.

Fetuses aren't babies, and most women I've known who had abortions were happy that it was over.

Given that most of them would have been born into horrible circumstances of poverty, it's probably a good thing they weren't born.

Now, here's the thing, that I keep pointing out to you wingnuts. If you guys were truly serious about wanting there to be less abortions, you should support universal health care, head state, school lunches, paid family leave and so on. So that a woman isn't choosing between abortion and poverty, because abortion will always, always win that argument.
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.

No, I don't wonder about those things at all.

Fetuses aren't babies, and most women I've known who had abortions were happy that it was over.

Given that most of them would have been born into horrible circumstances of poverty, it's probably a good thing they weren't born.

Now, here's the thing, that I keep pointing out to you wingnuts. If you guys were truly serious about wanting there to be less abortions, you should support universal health care, head state, school lunches, paid family leave and so on. So that a woman isn't choosing between abortion and poverty, because abortion will always, always win that argument.
Why are you so anti-science? Could you name one scientist that will tell you that the unborn child is anything other then and unborn human? If you do they are liars.

Funny how scientific the left wing pretends to be except when they ain't.
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.
No, I don't wonder about those things at all.

Fetuses aren't babies, and most women I've known who had abortions were happy that it was over.

Given that most of them would have been born into horrible circumstances of poverty, it's probably a good thing they weren't born.
First of all, I am not a wingnut. I am a decent human being that believes every human being deserves a chance. Why is it that you want to kill a baby before if has a chance? You can call the baby anything you want to try to dehumanize it, but that doesn't work for me. It's very telling that you don't wonder about anything, you are just content for a woman, not youween abortion and poverty, because abortion will always, always win that argument.
I am nnot a wingnut first of all
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.

No, I don't wonder about those things at all.

Fetuses aren't babies, and most women I've known who had abortions were happy that it was over.

Given that most of them would have been born into horrible circumstances of poverty, it's probably a good thing they weren't born.

Now, here's the thing, that I keep pointing out to you wingnuts. If you guys were truly serious about wanting there to be less abortions, you should support universal health care, head state, school lunches, paid family leave and so on. So that a woman isn't choosing between abortion and poverty, because abortion will always, always win that argument.
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.

No, I don't wonder about those things at all.

Fetuses aren't babies, and most women I've known who had abortions were happy that it was over.

Given that most of them would have been born into horrible circumstances of poverty, it's probably a good thing they weren't born.

Now, here's the thing, that I keep pointing out to you wingnuts. If you guys were truly serious about wanting there to be less abortions, you should support universal health care, head state, school lunches, paid family leave and so on. So that a woman isn't choosing between abortion and poverty, because abortion will always, always win that argument.
Now here's the thing, I am not a wingnut I'm a decent human being that believes killing an innocent baby is wrong. You can call the baby anything you wish to dehumanize him/her. but he/she is still a human being that has a right to life just like you and me. It's nice that the women you know are so happy about killing their babies, the few I know and have talked to are having a very hard time with their decisions. If you are a man, I guess it's easy for you since you are not the one that has to go through it. You're not wondering about anything tells me what kind of person you are. I adopted a baby, and he is very happy that he was not aborted. He's grown with a family of his own, and doing very well. I do all I can to help the homeless, and to feed children. I don't take expensive vacations, or drive new cars. I don't buy a lot of clothes or shoes. I help feed a neighbor that is disabled and her son that was laid off and still can't find work. Do you sacrifice to help people? Do you do without what's "in" so you can feed someone?.
I'm a woman, and just wonder why so many men love abortion? Do you wish you had been aborted? Never had a chance at life? Ever wonder what some of these aborted human beings could have been or achieved if given a chance at life like you were given? Never had to feel a baby ripped from your body, or feel the remorse, guilt, after it was done? Yeah, it's a choice alright, just not for that poor innocent baby, who had no choice.

No, I don't wonder about those things at all.

Fetuses aren't babies, and most women I've known who had abortions were happy that it was over.

Given that most of them would have been born into horrible circumstances of poverty, it's probably a good thing they weren't born.

Now, here's the thing, that I keep pointing out to you wingnuts. If you guys were truly serious about wanting there to be less abortions, you should support universal health care, head state, school lunches, paid family leave and so on. So that a woman isn't choosing between abortion and poverty, because abortion will always, always win that argument.
You keep pointing out lies that is why you are not believed. I know for a fact that there is lots of public help for people to raise their children. You act and talk as if there isn't. You argue like a petulant child trying to convince us that what is reality really isn't. We are on to you.

The unborn child is never anything other then and unborn child.

There are plenty of public services for children.

The left wing embraces Eugenics.
Why are you so anti-science? Could you name one scientist that will tell you that the unborn child is anything other then and unborn human? If you do they are liars.

actually, most OB/GYN will tell you that they aren't... but never mind.

You keep pointing out lies that is why you are not believed. I know for a fact that there is lots of public help for people to raise their children.

guy, our public benefits are shit. You try feeding a family on $84.00 a month.
Now here's the thing, I am not a wingnut I'm a decent human being that believes killing an innocent baby is wrong. You can call the baby anything you wish to dehumanize him/her. but he/she is still a human being that has a right to life just like you and me.

well, that happens to be your crazy religious opinion, but science and the law say otherwise.

I'm really not keen on granting civil rights to spooge.

It's nice that the women you know are so happy about killing their babies, the few I know and have talked to are having a very hard time with their decisions. If you are a man, I guess it's easy for you since you are not the one that has to go through it.

Well, you see, I know how to mind my own fucking business. You should try it some time. That you've managed to guilt some poor women with religious stupid over a choice they made isn't my problem.

You're not wondering about anything tells me what kind of person you are.

Yes, i'm the kind of person who minds his own business.

Here's the thing. There aren't enough people to adopt all the unwanted babies that would result if you clowns could ever successfully ban abortion. We used to have orphanages in this country before we developed effective contraception and they were miserable places to put children. A lot of them graduated right up to Prison.

You look at our prison population today, most of them were the result of situations where an abortion would have been best for all involved.

Every Child a Wanted Child. That's the way to do it.
Now here's the thing, I am not a wingnut I'm a decent human being that believes killing an innocent baby is wrong. You can call the baby anything you wish to dehumanize him/her. but he/she is still a human being that has a right to life just like you and me.

well, that happens to be your crazy religious opinion, but science and the law say otherwise.

I'm really not keen on granting civil rights to spooge.

It's nice that the women you know are so happy about killing their babies, the few I know and have talked to are having a very hard time with their decisions. If you are a man, I guess it's easy for you since you are not the one that has to go through it.

Well, you see, I know how to mind my own fucking business. You should try it some time. That you've managed to guilt some poor women with religious stupid over a choice they made isn't my problem.

You're not wondering about anything tells me what kind of person you are.

Yes, i'm the kind of person who minds his own business.

Here's the thing. There aren't enough people to adopt all the unwanted babies that would result if you clowns could ever successfully ban abortion. We used to have orphanages in this country before we developed effective contraception and they were miserable places to put children. A lot of them graduated right up to Prison.

You look at our prison population today, most of them were the result of situations where an abortion would have been best for all involved.

Every Child a Wanted Child. That's the way to do it.
You are not minding your own business when you are on here promoting abortion.
"Well, you see, I know how to mind my own fucking business. You should try it some time. That you've managed to guilt some poor women with religious stupid over a choice they made isn't my problem."
What a liar you are, I didn't guilt them, women talk to each other, sometimes they need a shoulder to lean on, asshole. You can use all the excuses you want to make it ok to kill a human baby, but it doesn't change my mind. And, you are the only one that brought religion into it. You reap what you sow.
What a liar you are, I didn't guilt them, women talk to each other, sometimes they need a shoulder to lean on, asshole. You can use all the excuses you want to make it ok to kill a human baby, but it doesn't change my mind. And, you are the only one that brought religion into it. You reap what you sow.

No, you see, you guys are the ones who brought religion into it after the Christian Right lost the argument on Segregation, and then needed something to keep Cleetus and Bubba upset about. then they came up with Abortion in the 1970's, which they had previously seen as "a catholic issue" that they didn't care about.

Fetuses aren't babies. They are the size of kidney bean when most abortions are performed and look like a cocktail shrimp. The problem with you clowns on the Crazy Religious Right is that you want to give the fetus more rights than the woman it is in.

As a practical matter, a woman who is pregnant who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. It's why every country that has tried to ban abortion has failed miserably.
What a liar you are, I didn't guilt them, women talk to each other, sometimes they need a shoulder to lean on, asshole. You can use all the excuses you want to make it ok to kill a human baby, but it doesn't change my mind. And, you are the only one that brought religion into it. You reap what you sow.

No, you see, you guys are the ones who brought religion into it after the Christian Right lost the argument on Segregation, and then needed something to keep Cleetus and Bubba upset about. then they came up with Abortion in the 1970's, which they had previously seen as "a catholic issue" that they didn't care about.

Fetuses aren't babies. They are the size of kidney bean when most abortions are performed and look like a cocktail shrimp. The problem with you clowns on the Crazy Religious Right is that you want to give the fetus more rights than the woman it is in.

As a practical matter, a woman who is pregnant who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. It's why every country that has tried to ban abortion has failed miserably.
You reap what you sow, the end.
Women are free to control their own bodies, no argument here, the issue is why should tax payers through the federal government be forced to fund the organization? The private sector should shoulder the burden, if your so passionate about the issue fund it!
Women are free to control their own bodies, no argument here, the issue is why should tax payers through the federal government be forced to fund the organization? The private sector should shoulder the burden, if your so passionate about the issue fund it!

Why should the taxpayers subsidize poor people eating?

We fund PP because they provide a service the free market isn't willing to provide.

Who's attacking Roe? What does PP have to do with Roe?

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